I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 158: You want me to be pornographic

In the process of dealing with political affairs, time flies fast.

When the first day of May arrives.

Li De received a system prompt.

Ding~ The blood ancestor talent is triggered, each blood descendant can provide you with 1 character experience per month. After the statistics of the blood tribe, the blood tribe currently has a total of 408 blood descendants, and the ancestor talent provides you with 408 character experience points

I'm getting paid~

The first day of every month is undoubtedly the happiest day.

You don't need him to do any action, you can automatically harvest experience.

After all, the innate specialty of the ancestor of the blood family has provided him with a lot of experience.

At the beginning of October, November, December, and January, he could provide him with more than 200 points per month, which adds up to more than 800 points.

The three months of 2, 3, and 4 add up to 1200 points each month.

May experience won't be available until June.

In the past six months, Li De has gained a total of 2,000 experience points, which is a free income, pure and pure.

Very cool.

And this is still the beginning. As long as the blood clan develops better, he will have more benefits, which is why he is eager to expand the blood clan.

This is equivalent to increasing your own basic salary, which is not too cool.


The exhilarating feeling of being able to gain experience while sitting at home cannot be described in ordinary words.

And during this time, the Scarlet Mage Tower and the blood family are growing together, and his level is about to be upgraded.

Reid Kachar

Race: Blood Race (ancestor)

Fame: 5 (+1) Famous and famous, and the underworld is 6.

Level: Mage lv12 (6833/7000), Warrior lv5

Mana: 775/775

Talents:  …

Racial Expertise:  …

Spells: .....

It has been a few months since the last level upgrade. The last time was because of the establishment of the Dawnbreaker Sect, which allowed him to get a huge amount of experience and rose to level 12.

The recruitment of apprentices from the Scarlet Mage Tower and the increase in the number of blood clans are all giving him more experience. Because the system prompts are too frequent, and the additions are not too much each time, Li De has already blocked the system prompts.

After a few months of accumulation, he was only short of two or three hundred experience to enter the 13th level, and at the 13th level, he was close to the 15th level...

The master of the Scarlet Mage Tower - Archmage Li De Kachar, tsk tsk tsk, expressed his satisfaction with this title Li De.

Of course, the growth of experience is second, and what excites Li De the most is.

After nearly half a year of preaching, the Dawnbreak Sect has finally undergone tremendous changes.

Dawnbreaker Sect: God of Daybreak - Reid Kachar (false god)

Magic: 0

Occupation: vampire, blood

Doctrine: self-improvement, tenacious struggle, unity, courage and fearlessness, love of home and country.

Number of temples owned: 1

Number of believers: 1 fanatic, 138 devout believers, 589 believers, 3567 general believers

Power of Faith: 630 points

The current occupation that can be transferred - Dawn Priest (requires 200 points of Faith)

Dawn Temple Clergy: Bishop Priest - Amy Kachar

The two new attributes of priesthood and doctrine appearing on the panel are unlocked after the number of believers reaches 100.

There is no doubt that the results of Amy's hard work in the past few months have been remarkable, and the number of believers of the Dawnbreaker Sect has soared countless times.

The number of believers of more than 3,000 may seem small compared to the number of residents of more than 9,000, but it cannot be counted in this way.

Almost most civilians in the Glory World will have their own belief in gods, and many people have a low level of belief.

Therefore, the mission of the Dawning Sect is to compete with other gods for believers. Most of the believers of the Dawning Sect are converted from other gods.

So this data is already pretty good.

That is, in the City of Dawn, which is isolated from the world, otherwise such a large-scale robbing of believers will immediately arouse the vigilance of other sects.

But it doesn't matter in Dawn City, Li De has the final say.

Moreover, the fat water does not flow into the fields of outsiders. These believers believe in other gods, and they believe in the Dawnbreak Sect, and their teachings are full of positive energy and positive.

Much better than those illusory sectarian teachings.

What excites Li De the most about the expansion of the Dawnbreaker Sect is not anything else, but the fact that he has finally accumulated a certain amount of faith power for so long.

He has never forgotten that the power of faith can make commoners change jobs to become priests of the Dawnbreaker Sect.

Pastor, this is the exclusive use of the temple, and now he is about to have this occupation system, which means too much.

Maybe it's not obvious now, but Li De has a hunch that the priests of the Dawnbreak Sect will definitely occupy an important position in Dawnbreak City in the future.

But at present, only 600 Faith Power can only transform 3 priests, this data is still a little pitiful.

Not to mention the formation of a priest army, even a team of 10 people cannot be formed.

But anyway, it was the first step.

The dawning sect was full of coincidences from its birth to its growth. Even Li De didn't expect that he would have a sect belonging to him inexplicably, and he was also the deity believed by thousands of people.

Life is really amazing.

Li De shook his head and walked out of the office to the Church of Dawn.

After leaving the city hall, he immediately followed the four blood race guards behind him.

Although there is no need to worry about safety issues in Dawn City, the guard is a symbol of identity. As the ancestor of the blood family, the Lord of Dawn, the God of Dawn, such a noble person, it is not too shameful to have no one to protect.

This was arranged by Harrison, and Li De shied away, but he could only shrug and agree.

Walking out of the City Hall, the lively streets outside came into view.

The ground paved with bluestone is very clean, and the mud in the stone crevices has been cleaned up by people from the logistics department.

The crowds coming and going were all Central European faces, with high nose bridges and blue eyes.

The crowd was mostly dressed in white and grey, but most were made of linen.

Only a few could afford better cotton clothes.

A distinctly exotic flavor.

Li De turned his head slightly, a few children were playing on the street, and the smiles on their faces made it easy to forget the sorrow.

A middle-aged man covered in sweat came over with anger on his face, grabbed one of the naughty ones and beat him up, obviously the boy had done something wrong.

The crowd walking and chatting and laughing were all relaxed, and the light in their eyes was not found in Green City, a big city with a population of over one million.

When passing residents saw Li De, their eyes were filled with respect and gratitude.

Many believers of the Dawnbreak Sect quickly took a step back and bowed deeply to him, as if the most devout believers had seen the gods.

Li De nodded to the crowd with a faint smile on his mouth.

The City Hall was only two or three hundred blades away from the Dawning Church, and it took a few minutes to reach it.

Although Li De travels every day, he attracts the attention of countless people every time.

There is no way, in this city, he is the only master and a god walking in the world, no one will be curious about him.

It's an honor to even take a look at it.

Going forward along the avenue that can accommodate seven carriages running side by side, Li Demai came to the Dawning Church with a relaxed pace.

The Dawn Church at this time is completely different from when it was just established.

In front of the huge church, a huge stone sculpture with hands on its back was erected. The sculpture with a total of twelve blades is the most magnificent building in the City of Dawn.

Ordinary people stand in front of the stone statue like dwarfs, even if the Cyclops look up.

The stone statues are lifelike, and their expressions are full of benevolence, like a noble god watching the world lovingly.

But the imposing manner revealed by the stone statue is inexplicably exciting. It seems that as long as they follow each other, they can be redeemed and get everything they want.

Li De raised his head slightly, and when he looked closely, he could instantly recognize the face of the stone statue—it was himself.

The corner of Li De's mouth twitched slightly, and it was difficult to describe the image of seeing his statue erected at the entrance of such a crowded building for the residents to admire.

With a light cough, he turned his eyes away and looked around the church.

Outside the church is a courtyard wall made of long bluestones, up to 5 blades, and there are several people in priest's robes who are standing on wooden ladders and carving something.

These boulders were mined in the nearby mountains by the Cyclops who stayed in the City of Dawn, and only those with ancient giant blood have such great power.

The believers who came to the church to pray immediately saw Li De who was standing by, and his face was instantly filled with excitement.

My lord is above, the Son of Dawn praises your glory...

My God, your brilliance is guiding our direction...

Your Majesty Kachar, your heroic face is like a scorching sun, shining brightly...

Li De looked at the excited crowd and nodded slightly in response, while a strange emotion rose in his heart.

For a modern educated soul, seeing one's own followers is indeed a bit odd.

But he has always been a pragmatist, and will not give up preaching because of a little discomfort in his heart. What he wants is not these believers, but the power of faith that believers can bring.

The power of faith that the gods are fighting for will be of great use, and it is impossible to give up.

What's more, the teachings of the Dawning Sect, except for his twenty-character policy, are all about guiding people to be good and teaching people to learn well.

What about working hard, loving family, loving the city at dawn, being modest and prudent, being brave and tenacious, obeying the law and so on.

The entire sect is very positive, and it is not comparable to the sects of honoring those evil gods who kill and slaughter cities at every turn.

And it's not necessarily a bad thing to have faith in this world. This is a world where there are real gods. Faith can actually bring benefits to believers.

Many civilians initially believed in gods for these benefits, not so irrationally to believe.

In the end, the pros outweigh the cons.

Li Demai entered the Dawning Church with graceful steps under the adoring gazes of the crowd in the church.

After several months of construction, this church, which was originally an abandoned manor, has become the most exquisite building in the City of Dawn.

All kinds of religious patterns praising the blood clan and Li De have been completed, from the establishment of the City of Dawn to the first batch of human settlements, to the development of the city, and then to conquer the Cyclops, build the Mage Tower and so on.

All kinds of Li De's achievements were clearly recorded on the wall.

Each relief is full of shocking stalwart light.

Li De blushed a little when he saw it, but I didn't expect that I would become a god of saviour if I didn't pay attention. I'm really ashamed.

Politics teacher, I'm sorry for you, I used to be a firm believer in Marx, but the enemy is too cunning. If I don't give up my mind, I will become the boss of the enemy...

Hearing the news of Li De's arrival, Amy hurriedly greeted him.

The current Amy has been officially named the Bishop of the Dawnbreaker Sect by Li De, and is in charge of the management and mission of the Dawnbreaker Sect in his absence.

Of course, he has no interest or time to manage this new sect right now.

Professional things still have to be taught to professional people.

Good day, Your Majesty the First Ancestor

Good day, Amy, have you found the devout believer I asked you to pay attention to, who is suitable for transferring to become a spellcaster?

Hearing this, Amy nodded. Li De had specially instructed him two months ago, and he naturally dared not forget Li De's words.

Your Majesty, I have selected 10 believers from thousands of believers who are most suitable to become priests and have the talent of casting spells. Do you need me to call them?

Of course, I can now turn three commoners into Dawn priests and grant them spellcaster abilities.

Amy looked at Li De in disbelief.

Have you accumulated enough faith and can mobilize them??

Li De didn't tell Amy about this in detail, so Amy didn't know that he had already activated the attribute panel of the power of belief.

Of course, I already have the key, go and call them over.

Li De smiled slightly.

Among the blood races, Amy is undoubtedly the second-generation blood descendant with the most extensive knowledge and ability.

That's why he would rest assured to let him manage the Dawnbreak Sect and the Mage Tower, two departments that were destined to be extremely huge in the future.

As you wish, the servants have already gone to inform them, you come with me...

Li De nodded, followed Amy's footsteps into the back hall, and then went up to the second floor of the church.

Your Majesty, this is an office specially reserved for you, but you haven't come...

Amy pushed aside the best and largest room in the center.

Li De stepped into the house, the interior decoration was very elegant, and the various arrangements revealed a strong religious charm.

There are small statues carved with the salvation of the blood race, colorful relief patterns on the walls, and religious prayers placed on oak shelves around the walls, so everything has a unique religious flavor.

This oncoming religious smell made Li De slightly uncomfortable, but he didn't say much.

Amy is a pastor who has been in the Temple of Knights for decades. Naturally, his understanding of the church is not comparable to him, not to mention that he does not come often, so he can do whatever he likes.

After the two chatted for a while, footsteps sounded outside the door.

His Majesty Kachar, Lord Bishop, brought it here.

Hearing the sound of the report at the door, Li De, who was sitting behind the white desk, nodded. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Let them in

As you wish, Your Majesty.

Amy stood beside Reed and watched the door of the room with him.


Footsteps sounded.

One, two, three, ten Miaoman figures entered the room.

The fragrance of orchids, the smell of lavender, and various other lady-specific fragrances that Li De could not smell filled the room.

Of the ten figures who entered the office, there was not a single man, all of them were young and beautiful girls, and the oldest might not be over twenty years old.

The girls wore long white priest's robes, and their concave and convex figures stretched the mage's robes tight.

The most rare thing is that every girl is tall, and their temperament is not bad. It seems that after a period of aristocratic training, even if they stand in the same place without the slightest movement, they still have a sense of elegance.

Li De even dared to guarantee that each of these girls on the earth could reach 90 points or more, and the suitors could have at least one group.

Turning to look at Amy, where did this bastard find so many good-looking girls? ?

Good day, Your Majesty Kachar.

The ten beautiful young girls gave Li De a noble salute in unison, and their voices were like the chirping of larks on the treetops in spring.

Branches tremble.

Rao is Li De's big heart and could not help but take a deep breath when he saw this scene.

He looked at Amy with doubts in his eyes, Amy, why are the pastor candidates of the Breaking Dawn Church all such beautiful girls?

A little smile rose in Amy's eyes, she leaned down slightly, and spoke meaningfully in his ear.

Your Majesty, they are your most loyal subjects and are willing to give everything for you

Including, themselves

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