I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 184 Betty's Wonderful Journey in the City of Dawn

Early the next morning, the sky was just a little light, and Betty, who was sleeping on the big bed covered with a gray and white fluffy blanket, suddenly opened her eyes.

Something was wrong, this was not a place she was familiar with.

Those dark eyes were as sharp as falcons. After seeing the unfamiliar environment, he turned over and lifted the giant sword beside the bed.

His body was slightly bent, and he looked around with vigilance like a cheetah.

But then he seemed to remember something, his face suddenly relaxed, he threw down the giant sword and lay on the bed again.

The long legs under the leather shorts looked especially attractive under the off-white blanket.

But the only regret is that the undisturbed flat ground under the upper body leather armor has greatly reduced this temptation.

Sister Betty, what's wrong?

Hearing the sound, Betty turned her head and looked at Isa, who was curled up on the other side of the big bed and looked at her sleepily, her face slightly embarrassed.

Isha, I'm fine, go to sleep, I'll get up and walk

Oh~ Isa pouted and fell asleep again in a daze.

Betty breathed a sigh of relief.

It's really embarrassing, but fortunately no outsiders saw it.

Standing up, tidying up the clothes on his body, and preparing to go out, he stopped at the moment he stepped out of the door.

He turned his head and looked at the weapons lying diagonally on the luxurious carpet.

After thinking about it, he turned his head back and lifted the giant sword on the ground.

As a northern warrior, having no weapons in her hands made her feel even more insecure than not wearing clothes.

tata tao~

Betty stepped out of the house with some vigilance, and stepped on the wooden floor and made a special crisp sound.

The two vampires guarding in the corridor showed respectful expressions on their faces after seeing Betty, and bowed their chests.

Good day, Dear Lady Betty, do you need us to take you to see His Majesty the First Ancestor?

These two are blood races who participated in the battle last night,

Witnessed the scene of Betty killing the lava demon in seconds and slaying the coercion of the gods.

For the strong, even the proud blood clan must still maintain enough respect.

Betty waved her hand casually.

No, I want to take a look

I have a neutral perception of Vampire Betty, neither hate nor love.

Living in such a bitter and cold environment on the Northland Plateau, the question of how to survive has consumed most of the Northlanders' energy.

As for the rest, the people of the North were simply not in the mood to care.

And because the northern plateau is barren and bitter, the living environment is extremely harsh, and the northern soldiers are extremely powerful.

Therefore, there has never been a trace of the blood race in the Northland Plateau. In this context, it is natural that there is not much impression on the demons in the mouth of humans.

For the Northlanders, being able to survive is the only thing, and the rest is not important.

As you wish, we need to follow...

Before the words were finished, Betty waved her hand.

No need, you protect Isa here.

Yes, Ms Betty

Betty nodded, turned and left with confidence.

She was so relieved about the vampires because she and Isa got to know each other's memories when they formed a bond.

Isa's tragic life experience made Betty seem to see her once young self, which made her feel pity, and what Li De did to Isa made Betty feel unprecedented warmth.

That's why she so simply agreed to Isa's request to sign a soul contract with Li De.

Nothing happens for no reason, and everything that looks good is just a seed sown before.

If Li De was purely taking advantage of the mentality of Isa, a little loli with golden blood, perhaps it would not be Betty's oath that greeted him, but the sharp blade of the Valkyrie of the North.

Betty knew that the ancestor of the blood race had a crush on Isa. In the other party's territory, Isa would not be hurt if she had an accident, so Betty went out with peace of mind.

He was wearing a small wallet, a short leather skirt, and leather boots on his feet.

She is tall and sexy, her dark eyes are full of wildness, and the long hair that is slightly tied behind her head makes her sexy and wildness slightly combined.

But this scent is even more eye-catching.

Betty walked down the stairs, amazed by everything in Reed Manor.

Exquisite vampire statues, hollowed-out dragon reliefs on the walls, colorful oil paintings, stained glass windows at the corners of the corridors, semi-circular white arches...

Various designs full of aesthetics made Betty, who was used to the rough buildings in the north, feel a different atmosphere.

But she doesn't hate being delicate, she likes it very much.

Stepping on the ground made of bluestone square bricks, Betty walked out of this luxurious manor for her.

After the two blood race guards said hello, they pushed open the door of the manor.

Outside the gate is a wide and clean street.

Last night was the City of Dawn that arrived late at night, and most of the residents of the City of Dawn had already fallen asleep.

At this time, it was different. It was already dawn, and the residents began to get up one after another to start their day's work.

Betty saw the scene on the street the moment the gate opened.

Li De's manor is in the most central area, so this is the commercial center and the most lively and prosperous place.

Early risers greeted each other in twos and threes, with hot bread or wheat porridge in their hands.

Everyone had a smile on their face and looked relaxed.

The clothes on his body are clean and tidy, his face is spirited, and there is not even a single ragged resident among the people who come and go.

What surprised Betty most was that the streets were swept very cleanly, and there were no foul-smelling beggars on both sides of the road.

The scene surprised her.

In an instant, Betty was deeply interested in this vampire-run city.

According to legend, shouldn't the vampire's castle be a spooky place full of dead bones?

How come there are not only human beings here, but everyone is so free.

Betty couldn't see fear or fear in the eyes of the crowd, and even she could clearly feel that the spirit of these people was completely different from what she had seen in the human city in the Northland.

If I had to describe it in one word, it would be vitality.

Yes, she can see vitality in the eyes of these people, but in other human cities, even the eyes of the well-dressed civilians are cautiously heavy, and there is no such relaxed feeling at all.

Curiosity aroused in his heart, and Li De's handsome face appeared inexplicably in his mind.

It seems that this vampire still has some skills.

Go down the street.

Because it was still early, most of the shops on both sides of the street were not open, and only a small number of two shops selling breakfast had been opened.

The street is paved with bluestone, and the buildings on both sides are mostly three-storey buildings, with various reliefs praising the gods carved outside the walls.

In Betty's eyes, it seemed that she couldn't use it. She was looking around with the giant sword, and her expression was very excited.

The residents were a little curious when they saw Betty wandering around the street with a giant sword in their hands early in the morning, and even a few aunties took the initiative to greet her.

I'm Aunt Marley from the bakery, girl, are you going out to hunt with a weapon so early? Aunt Marley from the bakery looked a little emotional. Such a young girl must have been up for a long time to hunt. be bitter.

Her niece doesn't want to get up until twelve o'clock every day.

After speaking, she looked at Betty's slender waist and felt even more pity. Dou E was so thin, she was really a poor girl.

Wanna go to my bakery and try two hot honey loaves fresh from the oven?

Betty's expression was very strange when she heard Aunt Mary's words.

She is the Valkyrie of the North. Even if these commoners don't know her true identity, she still has a giant sword in her hand.

Are these ordinary civilians not afraid?

Glory is not a world where everyone is equal. Ordinary commoners and powerful professionals are not the same social class at all.

No, I, I don't need, thank you, Betty suddenly found that she didn't know how to speak.

Hahaha, why are you shy? Aunt Marley's honey bread is the best in Dawn City. Don't worry, I won't accept your copper poke today.

If you want, I can introduce you to a good job so you don't have to get up so early every day to go out hunting...

As she said that, Aunt Marley stepped forward with a thick smile, took Betty's hand and walked forward.

Betty, who is not afraid of fighting dragons, is a little overwhelmed by the enthusiastic Aunt Marley at this time.

But in his heart, he miraculously did not resent Aunt Marley, but rather enjoyed the feeling of being warmly treated by others.

At this moment, a team of patrols in armor and red armbands on their shoulders approached.

But to Betty's surprise, the leader was a vampire with bat wings showing bat wings on his back and fangs in his mouth.

This, does it mean that this vampire is not hiding it? ?

What shocked her even more was that after seeing the vampires on the patrol, the residents next to them greeted them with a smile instead of being afraid.

And the vampire didn't feel offended by the civilians at all, nodding from time to time in response, and even the children didn't cry when they saw this scene.

This unexpected scene just shattered her three views.

First, civilians dared to ignore the identity of professionals. Now, vampires, who are more terrifying than demons in human mouths, can live in harmony with humans...

Is this city really a vampire-run city?

Betty was a little confused.

Ma'am, please show your ID

Just as the security team passed by, one of the sharp eyes saw Betty, who was obviously different from the surrounding residents, and immediately stepped forward to inspect.

Proof of identification? What is that? I don't have any

Betty shrugged, and the giant sword she was carrying was gently inserted into the ground, and the sound of clang~metal hitting the ground sounded.

The threat of this scene is self-evident.

Aunt Ma Li hurriedly stepped forward to make peace.

Jieke, this is my guest, the little girl is so young and has to go out to hunt so early every morning, don't make it difficult for her...

The young man named Jake looked a little stunned.

Go out hunting??

Betty looked at Aunt Marley standing in front of her, her eyes were a little complicated. As the Valkyrie of the North, it was the first time in her life that she was protected by a civilian.

Are you Ms. Betty?? The vampire who didn't care about this place was attracted by the conversation between the two. After seeing Betty, he immediately stepped forward to say hello with surprise.

Good day, Dear Ms. Betty, thank you for your contribution to the City of Dawn, and the City of Dawn welcomes you!

After finishing speaking, the leader of the blood clan turned his head and said loudly to the patrol members behind him and the surrounding crowd,

This lady is the hero of Dawn City. Last night, City Lord Kachar personally led the Holy Light Blood Clan to fight a just war for Dawn City.

This Lady Betty has defeated a formidable enemy for the Sanguinary! ! Her bravery was praised by the city lord of Kachar!

The city lord of Kachar specially ordered the security team, and any place in Dawn City is open to Ms. Betty.

After the elegant blood descendant finished speaking, he held his chest and bowed to Betty again.

Welcome to Dawn City, Dear Lady Betty

After seeing this scene, the surrounding crowd suddenly applauded and applauded.

Aunt Marley looked at Betty with a face full of surprise.

So you helped us win the war!!

How wonderful, Miss Betty, from now on you won't have to pay a copper poke for bread at Aunt Marley's bakery! I got all the money out!

Betty's face flushed with praise.

In the past two days, the Propaganda Department let all the residents know about the news that the great Kachar City Lord had dispatched the adults of the Holy Light Blood Race to go out to fight.

In the propaganda of the propaganda department, there are powerful enemies who want to destroy the forces established by Dawn City in the outer world of humans.

In order to protect the interests of Dawn City and the future interests of all residents, the great city lord of Kachar decided to take the initiative.

This is a war for the future of Dawn City.

Therefore, after the residents heard the words of the leader of the blood descendants, UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly had enough goodwill towards the lady with the great sword.

Ms Betty, thank you


You are such a great man to be respected...

It's amazing that you have won the praise of His Majesty Kachar...

Betty, who originally thought that a conflict was destined to happen, suddenly felt a little shy when she saw the cheers and praises from the hearts of the people around her.

Although as a Valkyrie of the North, she has heard countless praises, but this is the first time she has heard such simple and enthusiastic praise without other interests.

A thick smile appeared on his face.

She suddenly found that she liked the city a little bit.

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