I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 238: Sao Idea, Players Who Are Overwhelmed with Luck (Big Chapter)

After Li De's order to rebuild the lion tribe was passed on, Harrison immediately arranged for the city hall to deal with it.

The City Hall has now formed an efficient administrative mechanism. As long as it is an order issued by him, it must be dealt with first and foremost.

The absolute control of Dawn City has made Li De's will best practiced. As a big dictatorial boss, the development direction of Dawn City has always been firmly in his hands.

Moreover, the advantage of Li De's establishment of this system is that he does not need to deal with these trivial matters in person at all times, but only needs to check the progress at regular intervals.

That's the advantage of being a boss.

After Craig was preparing to go to the barren wasteland to rebuild the lion tribe, Li De remembered another thing that had always been on his mind.

Tap water.

Harrison, how much iron ore reserves do we currently have?

The tap water that Li De has been obsessed with has never been able to build the City of Dawn, except for the farm.

As soon as Li De asked the question, Harrison knew what he was thinking and shook his head.

Patriarch, although a large number of orcs have been added to mine ores in the Valley of the Giants, our consumption is also very large, and half of the previous inventory was used to forge the armor of the patrol.

Especially since you have formed the King's Blade, we have more armor and weapons in stock.

And the dwarves have recently made new improvements to our farm tools, and are currently forging new farm tools in large quantities...

Also, you just ordered 2000 armors and weapons to be forged for the rebuilt Lion tribe...

Yes, Li De suddenly had a headache when he heard this.

If you are not a home, you don't know how difficult it is to be at home.

Although the human-based army of King's Blade has just been formed, the foundation is also the foundation of the patrol team.

But since he has become an army, he will naturally not stay empty all the time, and he will have to expand sooner or later, so it is normal to prepare some armor and weapons in advance.

Needless to say, farming tools are the key productive forces, the more advanced the better, plus the order he just gave...

The Valley of the Giants now produces a lot of iron ore, but obviously consumes more, so the current inventory has not increased, but there is not much left.

After Harrison finished talking about a long list of places where steel was needed, Li De couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

There is no doubt about the importance of running water to a city. It is not just a matter of convenience in life, it can provide great convenience in all aspects.

Not only can it greatly save time and improve labor utilization, but it is also essential for industry.

Patriarch, didn't you say that we would wait until after the winter months to plunder more people before we start building tap water? Harrison asked in confusion.

Li De shook his head dumbfoundedly, who let him live on Earth for ten days.

The life of having hot water as soon as the tap is turned on at night is 10,000 times more convenient than having to ask the servants to fetch water when he takes a bath.

Getting used to the convenience of living in the pristine environment of Dawn City feels twisted, not to mention the benefits of running water to the entire city.

Naturally, the earlier this kind of infrastructure is built, the better.

Tap water is too convenient. It is better to build late than early. I believe you will like the life of running water every day.

Harrison shook his head, Patriarch, I can use water magic...

Li De's face stiffened, but he forgot that although Harrison didn't like offensive magic, his learning progress in auxiliary magic was much better than his.

Forget it, the iron ore can't be moved. I'll try to figure it out.

He didn't believe it anymore, butcher Zhang could still eat pork with hair.

Made an excuse to kick Harrison out of the office,

Li De returned to Earth.

Then he directly called the data analysis department of Crimson Moon and explained the difficulties encountered so far.

Of course he didn't reveal any information about Dawn City, just asking them to think of a way to build running water in a city that lacks steel in Glory.

I have to say that Li De's hundreds of millions of funds were not spent in vain.

In just ten minutes, the data analysis department gave several reliable solutions based on the information he gave.

First, find the right plant, such as bamboo, and use magic to make the plant tougher and function as a water pipe.

Second, find suitable animal intestines, which are also treated with magic, to replace water pipes.

Third, directly use magic to melt the rock, replace the steel with the rock, and act as the water pipe.

Li De was immediately attracted by the third article.

Yes, he can use magic to melt the rock and dig a cistern in the middle of the mountain, why can't he melt the rock and turn it into a water pipe? ?

Steel was chosen for water pipes on Earth because it is durable, easy to manufacture and cheap.

But Glory is different. Glory's steel is a strategic resource for forging weapons. In the event of a shortage of resources, you can find a substitute.

Melting rock to forge water pipes, which is crap on Earth, is completely feasible here.

And it doesn't need all of them, just replace the water pipes buried in the ground with rock ones, and then replace them with steel ones when China Unicom has entered the home, so that there is no need to worry about the problems of easy damage and too heavy rocks.

This operation can save at least 90% of the steel consumption.

The most important thing is that rocks are everywhere, and even if they are damaged, replacements can be easily found.

Even the blacksmith was omitted in this link, and a mold was directly made and poured with magma. After cooling, it was spliced ​​together, and then the two ends were joined together by magic melting.

This is 10,000 times stronger than any welding.

And how durable is the rock, and the steel will rust, but the stone will not change much for a thousand years.

This coquettish idea made Li De feel that the money was well spent.

Back at Dawn City, I couldn't wait to call Harrison back with a bit of excitement.

Harrison entered the room and looked at the smiling face, and Li De felt a little strange. Why did the patriarch, who was a little unhappy just now, suddenly become so happy?

Patriarch, have you succeeded in improving magic again??

Li De waved his hand, No, I think we can build running water now...

With a smile, he said the idea of ​​making water pipes out of rocks.

Harrison was stunned.

Apparently, he was stunned by the idea.

Rocks make water pipes? ? What is this weird idea? And the feasibility is so high.

A thick smile appeared on his face.

Patriarch, your idea is great. If so, not only the City of Dawn, but even our farming area can use tap water!!

As long as the Dawn Mage Tower sends people, we can completely create the automated farmland you mentioned earlier, and you will no longer have to worry about drought.

We are efficient enough to produce food by three layers! ! We are even able to fertilize the fields with tap water. …”

Harrison's thoughts took off instantly.

Li De was happy.

He was so happy just thinking of this. Since he can forge the water pipes of Dawn City with rock, why can't he forge the farmland area?

Due to cost issues on Earth, unless it is a large plantation, it is impossible for ordinary people to access automated facilities.

But now he uses a tap water operation to directly make the prototype of semi-automation appear on his land, which is a big improvement.

Food cultivation, water source is often the most important part of it. There are ways to solve the problem of wheat disease and insects, but only long-term drought and flooding can not solve it.

This is also the reason why farming depends on the sky.

Large planting industries can avoid these two points by relying on automated facilities.

Now as long as he finds enough water, his plan can be realized.

The scene of watering the farmland with a twist of the tap is about to appear in the magical world of glory.

Think about it seems very emotional.

Yes, tap water can now be on the agenda.

Harrison, you notified the construction department to inform them of the news that we are going to build the running water, and also asked Amy to let him come over and lie down. This time, the spellcaster who built the running water race is the main force.

Yes, patriarch.

Harrison is very excited. For so long, he has been managing the City of Dawn, and naturally he knows how much it will promote the City of Dawn if it really achieves the level they negotiated.

Now the first problem has been solved, and now the second problem needs to be solved. Li De looked at Harrison after a little pondering.

The water problem.

Water source? Harrison was stunned for a moment, then fell into contemplation.

Making tap water is not a difficult task, just take a look and you can get a good idea of ​​the general principle.

However, it is not easy to find a suitable water source, especially to supply tens of thousands of people with domestic water.

Rongguang has no electricity, and it is impossible to pump water from the ground to a water tower dozens of meters high like the earth, and then use the water tower to press down the tap water.

They can only think of other ways.

There are currently tens of thousands of people living in the City of Dawn, and it will even expand to hundreds of thousands in the future. It is obviously not feasible to rely on the small streams on the surrounding mountains.

There are also farmland irrigation schemes.

This requires a larger source of water.

The City of Dawn is not short of water, but it is all spring water on the ground, and there is no way to send it to the high water tower.

If you use magic, the energy and cost will be too high.

So the question immediately stuck Harrison.

Patriarch, we use magic to solve it?? Harrison said tentatively.

Li De smiled, No, no need, the cost of using magic is too high, not worth it.

We have a great project called the South-to-North Water Transfer Project.

Harrison is blank, great project? ?

Li De stretched his finger to the mountains on the horizon outside the window.

Isn't there a river on this continuous mountain?

If there is not enough water, can we bring ten or a hundred streams to Dawn City? ?

I want to borrow the water from the sky for my use!

Harrison was very excited when he heard Li De's words.

The terrain around Dawn City is a gourd terrain surrounded by mountains.

Around them were mountains that stretched for hundreds of miles, all of which were thousands of knives high.

The City of Dawn is equivalent to digging a hole in a cake, and the surrounding of the cake is all connected.

Not two lonely mountains.

Therefore, Li De's plan was also very simple. He flew directly over the 3,000-blade peak, went to the top of the snow-capped peak to look for a creek or river, directly encountered the mountain and opened the mountain, and used magic to drain the water.

If one is not enough, ten or one hundred.

With such a vast mountain around him, Li De couldn't believe that he couldn't find enough water.

Although the plan is simple, there is indeed a spirit of changing the world, which shocked Harrison.

Too domineering.

It just doesn't make sense.

Your Majesty, this, this is probably an incomparably huge project

Li De laughed.

A project that can supply hundreds of thousands of people with daily water is naturally not small.

However, this is only a preliminary idea. You can teach the construction department to measure according to the actual situation, and then see if it is feasible.

Feasibility is certainly there, but how much resources are required for this is another matter.

And there is no rush to build such a huge water supply system right now. The most important thing at present is to install the tap water in Dawn City first.

It's not too late to wait until after the Winter Moon to do the rest.

For now, the springs in the mountains around us are enough for the current City of Dawn.

You can't eat a fat man in one breath. Although this plan is very exciting, there are countless difficulties in implementing it. Now, let's solve the problem of Dawn City first.

Let the construction department go around to confirm the water source, and after confirmation, let them give a plan, and the Dawn Master Tower will be built with them unconditionally.

I need to see results by mid-October.

Li De gave the order unceremoniously.

This is a magical world. Although there is no modern machinery, the production efficiency of magic is not low at all.

It's just that Master Mage was high above, and no one thought about using magic to produce, but when he came, he naturally wanted to make good use of these powerful productive forces.

Li De could even let the noble blood clan go to raise pigs, and there was nothing he dared to do.

Yes, Patriarch, Harrison ordered immediately.

Li De's will is the direction of the entire Dawn City, not to mention the construction of running water, and no one dares to object to building a ship in Dawn City.

With the addition of dwarves, the construction department is now a strong force, so it is not worrying that they can't give a plan.

Before the construction of Dawn City was very lacking in talent, Li De even considered going directly to Earth to find a professional design institute to help him complete a few drawings.

But later gave up this idea, the design ability of the earth has nothing to say, the things that can be designed may not be in line with this world.

For example, large creatures, e.g. magic, e.g. material difference...etc,

These are all things that Earth's Design Institute can't consider. Even if Li De proposes them, they don't have detailed data as a design basis, and it will almost have a huge impact.

Therefore, he gave up the mature design institute of the earth, and chose to build the construction department bit by bit by himself.

Although this is very slow, at least all the buildings designed by the Ministry of Architecture conform to the law of glory, at least they will not count the building materials such as cement.

Now that the dwarves came, the construction department that used to have two or three big cats and small fish instantly grew stronger.

Dwarves like to forge weapons and dig ores. Year after year, they are not low on construction, because if they can't build a mine, they will be the first to die.

Dwarves are not as powerful as Cyclops.




The knight with the broken sword looked at the cross sword that was deeply inserted into the ground in front of him with a serious expression.

Especially after seeing the above attributes, the heartbeat accelerated sharply.

mmp, this motherfucker is an artifact! !

Holy Sword of Light

Quality: Legendary★★★

characteristic:? ? ?

Introduction: This is a legendary holy sword forged to seal the undead monarch who once ravaged the main plane of glory. It is full of divine brilliance.

As a high-end player, the knight of Broken Sword likes to study and master various games.

Glory turned out to be a treasure for him.

This game is so real that the knight who is so real that the broken sword even thinks that he has crossed into another world countless times, and even comes up with a lot of materials to prove it.

Later, he found that his posts would disappear miraculously after they were posted on the forum. With his IQ, he immediately noticed the difference. Searching the Internet, he did not find any similar guesses.

This is simply illogical. A few years ago, a virtual game that claimed to be 70% real had already been slapped by countless players, thinking it was an alien world.

How can this game, which is countless times more real than the previous game, 70% real, no one talks about it?

The knight of Broken Sword noticed the difference, and later continued to publish several similar posts. After a while, he knew that he should have touched some secrets.

But because of this, he was more interested in this so-called game.

Anyway, his time is running out, why not play for a few more days before the cancer cells spread?

The knight of the broken sword was not posting any posts, and headed into the game.

High play is high play, and its game ability is not comparable to ordinary players.

The knight of the Broken Sword became popular in the capital of the Radiant Empire with his powerful ability to crack quests, and in a short period of time, he accumulated a lot of reputation, and even many mercenary teams took the initiative to throw an olive branch to him.

However, the knight of the broken sword had no interest in these low-level mercenary groups, and continued to do some interesting tasks.

In this way, the knight of Broken Sword thought that he couldn't get in touch with too high-end tasks at this stage, but he accidentally found a white bone in the sewers while doing a task.

Originally, he didn't care, dead corpses were all too common in this city.

But just when he was about to leave, he found that the white bone actually spoke and stopped him.

The knight of the broken sword suddenly realized that this should be the legendary life of the undead. He was very interested in it and began to talk to the skeleton.

And this skeleton seemed to be quite close to him and issued him a very simple task: find a dead body to divert the fire of his soul.

As a high-ranking player, the knight of the broken sword was keenly aware that what was hidden inside was not simple, and immediately completed the task perfectly according to the requirements of the undead.

Then he gained the trust of the undead, and the other party began to issue him more tasks.

In this way, for a month, the knight of the broken sword completed hundreds of tasks in the hands of this undead, and finally learned that this undead turned out to be an undead that escaped from the plane of the undead.

The other party's purpose was to lift the seal on the undead monarch who had been sealed for 100,000 years, so that the kingdom of death would once again come to the main plane of glory.

The reason the other party chose him was because he also had a strong aura of death on him.

The knight of the broken sword was deeply shocked by this, because the cancer on his body was indeed at an advanced stage, and it could be said that he was only one step away from death now.

Once again, he felt that the game was not easy, so he couldn't wait to join the mission to rescue the undead monarch.

He even felt that the cancer on his body might be able to find a cure in this game. Although the idea was ridiculous, he just had this feeling.

This hope made him go all out at all costs.

The knight of the broken sword, with his super-high intelligence and keen insight, continued to complete various extremely difficult tasks, and finally rescued the twelve high-level undead who had followed the undead monarch.

With the assistance of the twelve high-level undead, they opened the tomb that sealed the undead monarch.

Since half a month after the internal test, the knight of the broken sword has been attacking this astonishingly difficult task, and finally reached the last link today.

As long as he pulls out the holy sword of light that sealed the undead monarch in front of him, the undead monarch who once rolled up the world-destroying natural disaster on the Glory Lord plane will come to the world again.

The knight of the broken sword can find the monarch. Your credit is indelible. Believe me, you will get rich rewards that you can't imagine!!

In the twelve white bone racks, the faint fire of the soul is flashing, and one of the skeleton warriors in heavy armor stares at the knight with the broken sword with empty eyes.

This holy sword of light can only be drawn by humans, and it must have both the breath of life and death, otherwise, even if you pull the holy sword of light, your soul will be devoured by the aura of death of the Grand Duke, causing the seal to be frozen.

So, we have only one chance! !

The past history has been forgotten by mankind in the war, but if we touch the seal, it will definitely attract the attention of the strong human beings.

Now we can't deal with those existences that can tear apart the space. Only when the monarch returns can we find the sealed power.

The knight of the broken sword, the hope of the dead, is pinned on you...

Everything, for the undead!

With the low voice of the undead in heavy armor, the scene was unusually solemn.

The knight of the broken sword felt that an epic scene was about to happen in his hands at this time, and all the variables were in his choice at this time.

Turning his head, he saw a dead place, the end of his vision was blocked by a thick gray fog, and the ground was a dry gray-black and lifeless land of the dead.

A half-person-height cemetery was tightly wrapped by withered vines, and the cross inserted obliquely in front of the cemetery looked very dilapidated, and there was not much special place in the scene.

The only difference is the cross light holy sword that is inserted in front of the cross and seems to have holy light flashing incompatible with the surrounding environment. The existence of this legendary holy sword makes this scene a little more holy.

As you wish, the future of the undead will be opened by me...

The knight with the broken sword took a deep breath, eager to try.

Although he may have opened a prison full of death, his cancer cells may spread that day. What is there to fear in a game, although this game may have a question mark.

Taking two steps forward, under the gaze of the twelve undead, clasped his hands together, tightly grasped the hilt of the sword engraved with the holy icon of an angel, and violently pulled up the holy sword of light that was ploughing deep into the ground.

The space holy light masterpiece below the sword body seems to have a light source blocked by the sword body, and when the sword body leaves at this time, the light source will no longer be covered and begin to bloom unscrupulously.

The dark space that was covered by the thick gray fog instantly brightened up, and it seemed that an angel was singing a hymn in his ears, holy and bright.

However, the good times did not last long. After the holy light flickered for a moment, a strong aura of death rose into the sky at the tip of the sword.

In the pure white holy light, the gray breath of death is mixed.

After waiting for 100,000 years, I have finally returned...

On that day, the sky of the Radiance Empire was dark.


The capital of the Nolan Empire.

Angel Wing stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, looking at the handsome figure in luxurious aristocratic costumes in the mirror, with a standard aristocratic smile on the corner of his mouth.

Master, the Grand Duke is already waiting for you in the hall

Angel Wing turned around, looked at the little maid in a black and white maid outfit, and nodded slightly.

Take me there.

Yes, sir.

The two turned around and went out. The huge manor was like a king's palace. After turning around, they came to an extremely luxurious hall.

Resplendent, carved beams and painted buildings, colorful oil paintings hang on the surrounding walls, crystal chandeliers are arranged at every corner, and elegant and well-dressed nobles chat with each other gracefully.

Ladies wear white hollow gloves, and precious jewels dazzle on their bodies. Men wear the family crest on their chests and the medal of honor bestowed by the king. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is proud and gentleman.

This is the highest banquet in the capital of Nolan, and each of them will be no less than an earl.


The door of the banquet hall was pushed open, and in an instant, the crowd who heard the movement quieted down and shifted their gazes in unison.

Angel Wings, who was wearing a black noble dress, stepped into the hall.

At this moment, a powerful middle-aged man with vicissitudes in his eyes emerged from the crowd.

He was wearing gray warrior armor that was incompatible with his surroundings, and he was holding a silver-white cross sword with a cold glow in his hand.

Under everyone's attention, the middle-aged man stepped in front of Angel Wing, took his hand and raised it above his head.

Then announced to everyone.

Nolan nobles testify that this lost child, Angel Wing, will become my disciple from today, and I will give him the surname of the Wind Clan.

Cheers resounded throughout the hall, and all the nobles present erupted into heated discussions.

The fact that the Duke of Gale, who had touched the legendary rank, accepted his disciples again after ten years, spread throughout the capital in just half a day.

In the sea of ​​​​storms, a player touched the dragon's lair, and it happened that the dragon was out hunting...  

In the ancient deep forest, a player abducted a gifted elf from the deep forest with his natural charm and ability to pick up girls...

In a certain temple, a player has won the attention of the gods with his firm belief...

Although most players have a hard life, the world is never short of lucky people.

The chain reaction caused by the player's entry into glory begins to burst out slowly at this time.

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