I Became a Progenitor Vampire

Chapter 369 The Treasure That Makes People Heartbroken

January 10th, at night.

This year's winter months are colder than in previous years. Li De walked slowly on the streets covered by ice and snow of the Iron Hoof Tribe. There were no people outside the streets, only a few centaurs patrolling.

The heavy snow seemed to freeze not only the ground, but also slowed everyone's movements.

Since he discovered the Eye of Chaos and Death, the city of Rysir seemed to have touched some taboos, and more orc armies went out on guard.

Wargs whizzed across the snow, and Wyverns searched the sky for any suspicious individuals, a place that had truly become a no-go.

Li De was more and more aware that a tense aura spread over the city of Lisl, which seemed to be like the heavy snow of the winter moon, accumulating layer by layer, until the snow layer below could no longer bear it, it would begin to collapse.

The information about the relics of the gods has been repeatedly publicized by the players, and more and more aboriginal people have begun to doubt this matter, and the number of spies in the vicinity has gradually increased.

The city of Lysle has also become a powder keg, a powder keg that explodes at one point.

However, Li De didn't put all his attention on Lisl City. He could feel that the explosion point of Lisl City might not come so soon.

Because the undead god was far from being unsealed, although the eyes that could only freeze his soul made him feel great terror, the trapped breath of the other party could not be concealed.

In contrast, Li De spent more than a week in the Iron Hoof Tribe adjusting and understanding this rapidly expanding force.

A tribe with an army of 70,000 is stronger than the current Dawn City.

There was a creaking sound when his feet stepped on the ice slag, and Li De suddenly froze and turned to look at the level 16 centaur chief Sam and the level 15 second-generation blood descendant Frey who were following him.

Frey, what's the state of the free market right now?

The original intention of the design of the free market is the window for Dawn City to dump goods on the low hills and hills, which are used to earn monster skins and various ores.

But with the rapid growth of the Ironshoe tribe, the responsibility that the free market now needs to bear is even greater.

Your Majesty, the free market is currently developing rapidly, we have established more than 800 berths, and the number of centaurs from other tribes who stay here to trade is more than 7,000 people, and the number of floating people per month exceeds 500,000 times. .....

We can get a lot of monster skins and ores every day, and the free market is also a way for us to communicate with other tribes...

Hearing this dry report, Li De shook his head, Frey, the free market is not just a simple transaction...

Your Majesty, what do you mean?

Frey was obviously a little puzzled, and Sam on the side also showed a puzzled look.

The free market includes the transaction of goods, but the transaction of goods is not all, and we can also use the free market to transmit the information we want to transmit to the outside world...

For example, Guydo, as the son of destiny appointed by the gods to rebuild the Centaur Empire, hasn't the Iron Hoof Tribe heard of it?? Why is no one talking about the news here?

This made both Frey and Sam look stunned.

Li De did not stop, his eyes showed some deep meaning, and continued, And not only that, we can even split the centaur inside...

Sam couldn't help it at this time, Your Majesty, how did the centaur split?

Looking at the worried centaur chief, Li De smiled, No need to worry, this split is good for the Ironshoe tribe and even the entire low hills.

For a long time, the centaurs in the low mountains and hills have been clinging to the incompleteness and are unwilling to change. Even just because they are afraid of humans hunting you, they hid themselves in the turtle shells of the low mountains and hills, and you seem to have survived.

But in my opinion it's just lingering.

And if the centaur wants to develop, it must change everything now.

The inherent order seems to be protecting you, but it is actually imprisoning the possibility of development. Now that the adventurer has arrived, the centaur does not change, and sooner or later will become a stepping stone for other forces.

The merciless words silenced Sam and wanted to refute, but couldn't find any reason to refute.

Your Majesty, what are you going to do?

How to do it? Li De stretched out his hand slightly, received the snowflakes falling in front of him, watched the snowflakes slowly melt in the palm of his hand, and then said.

There is a powerful country in the adventurer's world, they are called the Federal Empire, this powerful country likes to pick things up the most, and they have a strategy that is very interesting - peaceful evolution, color revolution.

Using advanced propaganda methods, he slammed the political system of hostile countries, divided the relationship between the governments and people of other countries, beautified himself without restrictions, and advertised himself as a country of human rights and freedom, and even a savior.

Then control the elites or discourse channels who control the right to speak to brainwash the people of the enemy country. The brainwashed civilians yearn to be woven out, and only exist in the imagination of freedom, equality and democracy, and finally overthrow the country that has been protecting them and let themselves The country fell apart.

In the end, the federal empire did not move a single soldier, allowing a country to collapse directly and complete the harvest. This is the so-called peaceful evolution.

After the voice fell, Li De looked at the two with deep eyes.

Although the actions and methods of the country that lost the plane are disgusting, this method is undoubtedly very instructive.

We need an unstable low mountain and hills, and we need some people to yearn for Guydo, the god-given son, because he is destined to rebuild the centaur empire and build a free and equal centaur world...

Guido's boastful propaganda will undoubtedly weaken the influence of this God-given son a lot, we can change the way, such as multi-faceted blooming.

When sending people to various tribes to negotiate transactions, by the way, they will publicize the greatness of Guydo, and even buy a few prestigious tribes, give them certain trade benefits, and make them our mouthpieces.

The more specific word system is based on the fact that Guydo is the son of destiny. For example, the current inherent system is the oppression of all centaurs. Centaurs should have a better life, and only Guydo, the god-given son, can. Bring this freedom, equality and democracy to life.

Guydo stands with centaur civilians and small tribes. Centaurs can only have a future if they join the centaur king appointed by the gods...

The core is to use the shortcomings of the current centaur system to provoke centaurs who are dissatisfied with the status quo, split the ideology of the low mountains and hills, and make everyone rebel.

Later, I will ask people to create a set of words to promote it specifically for low mountains and hills.

If time is fast, maybe two months, at most three months, there will be a large number of centaurs on Guido's side...

Li De's eyes are sharp, and the Federal Empire is worthy of being the most powerful country on earth. Their system is still very powerful. For decades, countries that have regarded them as a threat have used this system. This is how the Soviet Union collapsed.

Huaxia used to be the core of the implementation of the other party's system, that is, the Chinese culture has a long history and is very inclusive. In addition, the wisdom of the people has been opened, and young people don't believe in this system, otherwise it may be true.

This... Frey and Sam looked at each other, and immediately noticed the greatness of this plan, but obviously there were many flaws.

Your Majesty, there must be many people who don't believe the information we promote. Will these people ruin our business?

No, Frey, Li De shook his head, people are always willing to believe what they believe, and the more outsiders deny what they believe, the greater the backlash it will cause.

The result is to compile countless reasons to refute the other party, and at the same time make up the loopholes in this matter, they will convince themselves to believe it.

There is never a shortage of smart people in this world, but once you are overwhelmed by emotions, reason will fade away.

And I'm not trying to destroy the low hills, and I can't do it right now.

What I need is to create a chaotic situation, so that the Ironshoe tribe can win more development time and space.

His thoughts have always been clear, and now the low mountains and hills have been regarded by him as the next area to be conquered.

And a new round of layout is about to begin now.

There are extraordinary existences in the City of Wind, and he will not do anything to this city in the short term.

But the layout was never about waiting until the eggs were cooked before thinking about hatching the chicks.

The current layout, just like the Ironshoe Tribe at this time, will bear fruit after a period of brewing.

This plan is very important as it relates to the direction of the low mountains and hills in the next three years.

The people from the Propaganda Department will be here tomorrow, Frey, Sam, this plan is the beginning of the Ironshoe tribe's conquest of the low hills, I hope you don't let me down...

Public opinion is a high ground that any force must control, and modern countries are no exception. Once public opinion is controlled by others, the will of the other party is the truth, and they can convey whatever information they want to the public. The inherent system in such a situation No wonder it crashes.

How to resist the erosion of this propaganda?

Counter-propaganda works in the same way, but apparently, the Centaurs of the Low Hills don't have the ability to counter the Dawn City propaganda.

Even the other party didn't even realize that what happened next was all planned by a behind-the-scenes trader, and the extraordinaryness of the City of Wind was just a white stone on Li De's chessboard.

Take control.

Yes, Your Majesty...

Frey's face didn't have any superfluous expressions except admiration. Li De's words seemed to have opened up a new world, which made him feel relieved.

It turns out that in addition to war, you can also play like this.

Just when Li De was about to continue speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

Then, under Frey and Sam's astonished gaze, he unfolded his bat wings, left a sentence and disappeared into the street.

I'm going back to the house in a hurry, and the surrounding area will be under martial law immediately, and no one will be disturbed!!

Before the two could relax, Li De's figure had already disappeared in the air.

Your Majesty Frey, this is this? Sam was still a little stunned.

Sam, immediately notify the army to be alert. You only need to carry out your majesty's affairs, and you don't need to listen too much.

Frey waved his hand with a serious expression and didn't say anything to Samdo.

It was also the first time he saw Li De in such a hurry, and he couldn't help but raise a little worry in his heart.


Li De, who flapped his bat wings, pulled out afterimages in the sky, and quickly returned to the bedroom after a few breaths.

Just now, he sensed the call of Amy, the 15th-level shadow high priest who had disappeared for nearly two years.

If it was before, his mood swings would not have been so great, but after spying on some secrets of Lisl City, his mentality has changed a lot.

Everything in Lysle is too mysterious.

Through the power of blood, he immediately responded to the call.


After a while, a familiar voice sounded intermittently in his spiritual sea.

Your Majesty... I'm Amy...


Li De breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of joy on his face, and finally got in touch with the other party.

Amy, how are you in Lisl City now?

Your Majesty, I've been caught by these damn orcs...

But Amy's words made him feel cold, grabbed it?

During the last retreat, Craig and I were too late to leave and were stranded in Lisl City.

Craig was drafted into the army by the orcs, and I went into hiding. They were so heavily guarded that there was no way out.

At first, I still had the blood of magic power to maintain, but after two months, the blood of magic power was exhausted, and I had to go out to find human prisoners to eat, but when I entered the orc prison, I was discovered by the orcs.

Among them were extremely powerful 19th-level shamans, and under the siege of several top combat powers, I couldn't escape...

Li De frowned after hearing Amy's words.

You may be disconnected from me at any time. I need to know more important information. Can you escape now? Do you need my rescue? And do you know the situation of the relic of the gods?  … .

But Amy's words surprised him.

Your Majesty. You don't need to worry, I have mastered some of the power of the gods and can keep in touch with you...

You have mastered the power of the gods??

Yes, this is the case...

Under Amy's narration, Li De also had an understanding of the experience of the 15th-level shadow high priest during this period, and he had to sigh with emotion, this guy is just like the son of destiny, and his luck is against the sky.

After Amy was caught by the orcs, the orcs originally planned to kill him, but then Amy heard the word relic of the gods keenly under the suggestion of Craig around him.

And Amy, who had the legendary experience of entering the kingdom of the god of knights, and who also bears the title of blasphemous, was successfully spotted by the orcs with his good eloquence, and was responsible for exploring the ruins of the gods.

Then, although this guy was being watched closely, he was still alive and well.

However, a few days ago, the excavation of the relic of the gods reached a new depth, and the orcs excavated to the altar.

Because Amy was a blasphemer, the orcs sent him into the ruins to investigate the altar. By accident, he actually got a part of the power of the gods.

Although that part of the power is pitiful, it is enough to contact Li De.

Li De was a little dumbfounded by this nonsense-sounding experience, and this guy seemed to be lucky from the beginning.

Immediately, his eyes lit up. Now that he plans to plan the ruins of the gods, the appearance of Amy is definitely a godsend.

His greatest helplessness to Lisl City was that the information was inaccurate, which made him unable to make an accurate judgment on the use of troops. Now that he had Amy's inner strength, the situation had undergone a shocking turnaround.

Your Majesty, although I have obtained a part of the power of the gods, this power is too weak, I can't escape the guard of the orcs, but you don't need rescue, I have a way to protect myself...

Amy's tone was not so nervous. This old man who had been in the Temple of Knights for decades as a shadow priest was obviously very stable in dealing with this situation.

However, if it is possible, I still hope that you can snatch some of the treasures of the relics of the gods. The wealth here is too heaven-defying and amazing...

Li De's pupils shrank, the wealth contained in it? ?

What's in the relic of the gods??

Your Majesty, this divine relic is the kingdom of an ancient evil god, and I don't know his name.

But in this kingdom of gods, all the treasures of that god are buried, and the stars and magic spar and various precious ores are piled up into mountains.

There are also three artifacts that I have perceived so far, and even the corpse of the god is among them. I saw the head that fell from the god, which contains an indescribably rich divine substance...

And most importantly, after I obtained some of his power, although it was weak, I also sensed that there was an intact godhead in the other's body...

Hearing this, Li De couldn't sit still, divine weapon, divine substance, divine personality... What kind of treasure are these? ?

This guy Amy is going to go against the sky.

At this stage, these things are completely fatal temptations for him.

Artifact, Li De, who does not have any legendary equipment, if he has this ultimate weapon, it will be an unimaginable improvement to his strength.

Needless to say, divine substance, when he transformed at level 15, it was the divine substance obtained from the remains of the gods that made him so powerful.

And the divine nature is absolutely invincible whether it is used on oneself or the gods.

As for the godhead, this thing is the nuclear weapon of the weapons world, and it is already the ultimate power in this world.

All adjectives fail to describe its value.

If the information of the existence of the godhead is passed out, then the entire power above the extraordinary level of glory is afraid that it will come desperately.

At that time, it is possible that hundreds of kilometers around the city of Lisl will be broken by magic.

Those extraordinary and legends hidden in the dark will definitely become the most terrifying killing machines, annihilating all the existences that prevent them from robbing Godhead.

Your Majesty, I can communicate with some of the power of the kingdom of God and hide the head of the gods, but there is nothing I can do about those artifacts and the body that contains the godhead...

Li De's thoughts were spinning wildly. If he had been hesitant before, whether it was worthwhile to attack Lisl City, but the information revealed by Amy had already made him make up his mind.

Not to mention other things, just get a part of the body of the god, maybe his bloodline that has evolved to 70% will be transformed immediately, and his strength will be further improved.

Even extracting divinity and giving these divinities to the god Asrega, this 19th-level god who relies on divinity to survive is very likely to break through the extraordinary.

Once you have extraordinary combat power, and you are still at the level of the gods, everything will be different.

The temptation is too great.

An extraordinary, whose value cannot be described by ordinary words at all, that is enough to ensure that the City of Dawn can survive in the face of crisis.

Not to mention artifacts and godheads. As long as you get the same thing, you can get rich at a glance. If it is godhead, even if it is a centaur on the entire low hills and hills, it is worth it.

Because of the value of the godhead, the entire low mountains and hills can't compare, this is the most precious thing in this world, there is no one.

Godhead represents the ultimate power in this world, and also represents the ticket to the road to the gods.

Kindness does not lead the army, righteousness does not manage money.

As the master of a force, the most taboo is nothing but kindness and weakness. Only iron and blood can survive and grow in this world, especially as a blood race that is naturally hostile to all the bright camps, he must be tough.

There is no retreat behind him, only the abyss. If he does not fight for resources to develop and strengthen himself, sooner or later, he will be slaughtered by outsiders.

After listening to Amy's response, Li De pondered for a long time and did not respond directly. Although he had made up his mind to participate in this vote, the difficulties he faced were as huge as the benefits contained in it.

In Amy's words, it seemed that the god had already died, but the Chaos and the Eye of Death that Li De saw could not be faked.

The breath that made his heart tremble was absolutely impossible for a dead god to possess...

Thinking of this, Li De found that the residents who had just become clear because of Amy's appearance were in chaos again at this moment.

What the hell is going on with that ancient evil god...

Amy, can you see the Eye of Chaos and Death in the sky of Lisl City?

Eye of Chaos and Death? Your Majesty, there has never been any other aura in the sky of Lisl City...

Is that really the case?

Li De's excitement just now all turned into solemnity.

Amy, maybe the god isn't dead...

What?? Your Majesty, this...

Amy was startled by Li De's words.

But after Li De told about his experience in Lisl City, Amy could only take a deep breath and said with fear.

Your Majesty, if I hadn't contacted you earlier, I would have been deceived...

In this way, the orc shaman is not simple. He not only wants to obtain the treasure of the gods, but also wants to release the gods...

The orc shaman and the orc prince do not seem to be on the same path at present.

Hearing this, Li De nodded, and Amy got the news that the orc prince wanted to occupy the relics of the gods and plunder the treasures, but the combination of the two information showed that the orc shaman was quietly unblocking the orc prince. that god.

Thinking of this, his thoughts flowed rapidly, and he uneasy confirmed one sentence.

Amy, can you hide the head of the god? The other party is still alive...

Yes, Your Majesty, although the power I got is very weak, it just happens to be able to mobilize a part of the power of space in the kingdom of God,

Even if the god is still alive, his power will inevitably decline. There is no problem in hiding the head for a short period of time, and it can even be hidden until the part of the god's power I got is completely exhausted.

Very good, can you estimate when all the relics of the gods will be unsealed?

Your Majesty, in about three months, when the season of sowing arrives.

Three months? That means we still have three months to prepare...

How is Craig doing now? Can he cooperate with you?

Craig has now become a member of the Orc regular army with his good fighting power.

Unfortunately, the number of times we can communicate with each other is very small, and it is difficult to communicate.

And because I got a part of the power of the gods, I was strictly guarded, and there was no way to escape the monitoring of the orcs in a short time...

Okay, I have received all your information. If there is anything during this period, report it to me immediately. I will notify you of further arrangements. Take care to protect your own safety. Your safety is related to the overall situation.

As you wish, Your Majesty...

After Amy's voice fell, the power of the bloodline slowly returned to calm.

After Li De cut off the contact with Amy, his expression became a little complicated, not only the heartbeat of the treasure of the relics of the gods, but also the troublesome situation.

Sure enough, if you want to eat the sweet pulp, you have to face the hard shell and spikes.

Only relying on the power of Dawn City, is it difficult to eat this big cake with iron nails, or it is necessary to use external forces to break the defense of Lisl City.

Chaos, only chaos is more suitable for the city of dawn to fish in troubled waters.

But I also have to have enough chips, otherwise, I can't swallow the meat that is brought to my mouth...

In the final analysis, in the end, you still have to fight hard.

A bit of light flashed in Li De's eyes, the bayonet saw red, and it was only after the head-to-head confrontation that he knew who was bigger.

Fortunately, there are still three months to prepare, and he can make some additional layouts.

War is coming.

This time, it will be the biggest war facing the City of Dawn, and to a certain extent, this will determine the fate of the City of Dawn in the next few years.

However, the rich benefits here are also completely worth overweight.

The timid knight will never enjoy the glory of the dragon slayer.

Now that he has decided to participate in this war, Li De no longer hesitates, he needs to be fully prepared.

Throughout the history of the growth of the City of Dawn, it is actually a history of war.

Then to destroy the lion tribe, forcibly conquer the dwarves and occupy the mithril vein,

Then he went to enter the city of Rysir, and cleverly planned to grab the goblin family, so that the city of dawn had an alchemy bomb.

Afterwards, they attacked the low hills and stunned the centaur tribe. Not only did they get a large number of the elite population of Lisl City, but they also turned the low hills into a commodity export destination for Dawn City, making Dawn City a huge wealth.

Then there is the trade with the murloc tribe, but this trade was also beaten down by Li De himself.

Exploring the cemetery of death, he witnessed the arrival of the God of Bones and was strongly repelled by the twelve-winged seraph, and obtained the burial ground and the sealed twelve-winged seraph.

Enter the underground world, wage war with cave spiders, and snatch the magic crystal ore to win the future of Dawn City.

In the end, what just happened, conquering the Cyclops and the two-headed ogre tribes, teaming up with the halflings, and preparing to preach the underworld.

The experience of this scene is essentially the war that Li De fought to develop the City of Dawn. Every success, without exception, was fought with his fists.

If Li De hadn't seized resources, perhaps today's City of Dawn would not have appeared, and it would still be the Kachar Castle with 200 blood clans, which was inconspicuous.

Maybe the moment the castle is discovered, it will be destroyed, instead of becoming a huge force with a population of 150,000 and nearly 3,000 blood tribes, facing tens of thousands of troops.

After a little thought, Li De went out and called Sam and Frey who were on guard outside.

Sam, Frey, there will be a change in the city of Risir in three months, and we will wage war on the orcs...

Li De's first sentence made the two of them shudder, Frey's face became solemn, Sam's expression quickly became excited, and the two had different reactions.

The city of Risir has hundreds of thousands of orc armies, and their combat effectiveness is no trivial matter.

Warwolves, Wyverns, and even Behemoths are the killers of orcs, and their strength is very strong.

But this time, the fight is a must.

Because there are divine relics in the city of Lisl... and Amy has confirmed to me that he has accurate information on the relics of the gods. There are three artifacts in the ruins, as well as the body of the gods containing the divine nature, and one A complete godhead...


The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

One, a complete godhead? ? ?

They looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

What the Godhead stands for is all too clear to the native Glory Aboriginal people.

That is something necessary for conferred gods. In countless myths and legends, the birth of new gods is to rob other gods of the godhead and conferred gods.

But now, in the city of Lisle, hundreds of kilometers away from them, there is a godhead that only exists in myths and legends.

Sam was instantly excited, and the eyes of the tall halfling chieftain were full of enthusiasm, Your Majesty, you are the real chosen son, and the God of Creation is blessing you.

You can hear this kind of top-secret news, the God of Creation is above, and the Iron Hoof Tribe will do whatever it takes to snatch the divine status for you! !

Frey, who has always been cold and arrogant, is also extremely emotional at this time, Your Majesty, no matter what the price is, we will definitely get the godhead from the orcs!!

This represents the future, with Godhead, the Holy Light Blood Race will truly rise, and no one dares to ignore the existence of our Holy Light Blood Race! !

Seeing the excited and even crazy expressions of the two, Li De was slightly taken aback.

He was also going to tell the two of them that they must pay attention to it. Now that he looks like this, even if he puts himself in, he will have to go to the ruins of the gods.

Don't be excited, there are still three months before the relics of the gods are unsealed. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

During this period of time, the entire army will be on alert, and I will ask the weapon factory to update the equipment of the Iron Hoof Tribe's 70,000 troops to improve your combat effectiveness to the extreme.

Within three months, Dawn City will no longer sell equipment to the outside world, and all applications will be prepared for the next war.

Li De said firmly, This time, the city of Lisle will definitely be an explosion point, and if you want to get a piece of the pie, you can only use all your strength.

And in the battle, the blood race may not be able to participate in it directly, the centaur will be the absolute main force...

Three months, fortunately, gave him enough room to turn around. If it starts tomorrow, then most of this chance to strike first will be lost.

I'll go back to Dawn City right now, Sam, you're in charge of the military, immediately notify the army of the Ironshoe Tribe and get ready.

In the past three months, I need you to train the army with high intensity, and at the same time expand the manpower. Be sure to make all preparations.

Yes, Your Majesty!

The shaman beat his chest with his right hand, his expression extremely serious.

Frey, you're in charge of the economy, everything is prioritized on the military, but also on trade.

And it also has to cooperate with the propaganda of the propaganda department, so that the name of Guydo becomes a legend in the low mountains and hills.

In the process of preparing for the war, the development of the Ironshoe Tribe must not be put down because of this.

We start wars to obtain more resources for development, and the most fundamental reason is to allow us to grow, so we cannot put the cart before the horse.

Yes, Your Majesty! Frey's eyes were solemn and his tone was low, Your will is our direction.

Li De took a deep look at the two of them.

This battle may be unprecedentedly tragic, but if it is successful, whether it is to obtain a divine weapon, a divine body, or a divine personality.

All are enough to change the future of Dawn City.

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