I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 309: Picking up someone for no reason

In less than half a minute, the few gangsters who were arrogant and domineering just now all knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. Lin Feng showed no mercy at all. He greeted one by one and kicked them one after another, especially Brother Tiger. He ignored Lin Yun's main target of greeting, and only after Lin Feng kicked his own legs until they were a little sore, did he take back his feet.

Lin Feng walked to Brother Hu who was dying and had all his bones broken. He took a selfie very coolly and sent it to Long Aotian.

After checking around and making sure that they could never do evil again in their next life, Lin Feng slowly hummed a ditty and called Director Li and asked him to take someone to deal with it. Then he slowly walked out of the alley while humming a ditty.

Because it was too late and the parking place was relatively remote, Lin Feng wandered around for a long time without finding a taxi, so he had to go to a more prosperous area of ​​the city. Taxis in that area usually got off work late.

"It's over, it's over, what should I do tonight? Shen Qingxue will probably have to eat me when I get home."

Lin Feng raised his head, his eyes full of bitterness. How could he explain to his wife that he couldn't go home now?

"I c, what is this."

Lin Feng, who had been walking with his head raised, suddenly stumbled for no apparent reason. He lowered his head curiously to check. He jumped up and woke up instantly, and his mind was no longer confused.

What tripped him was nothing else. It was a leg, a slender woman's leg. Countless images suddenly emerged in Lin Feng's mind. They were nothing more than murderous corpses in previous horror movies, or horror scenes. The plot of the novel is to kill someone and then leave them in the bushes.

Although Lin Fengtian was fearless, being tripped by a corpse in the middle of the night was not a good sign.

Lin Feng walked over cautiously, and when he was thinking about how to deal with it, his foot suddenly moved. Lin Feng turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone, dug through the grass, and shined it.

"I've read too many fucking horror novels."

Lin Feng was very angry with himself. Because the lights were dim and the atmosphere was such a contrast at night, Lin Feng thought he had encountered a body dumping incident.

Lin Feng thought for a moment that he should stop meddling in other people's business. He couldn't bear to take a few steps. After all, it was a little unsafe for a girl to lie here. After pondering for a moment, he returned.

Although the light was dim, it was possible to vaguely tell that the girl lying down was still very beautiful, but the alcohol was too strong, there was a sour smell in the air, and vomit was everywhere.

Lin Feng suppressed his nausea, knelt down and picked him up. Just when he was thinking about how to deal with it, someone suddenly tapped his shoulder, and a breathy voice sounded in his ears: "Brother, this is my girlfriend. Ah, sorry."

Lin Feng turned around and saw a young man with a pockmarked face and yellow hair grinning at him, which shocked him.

Lin Feng looked at the girl in his arms, and then at the yellow-haired boy with a lewd smile on his face. He couldn't figure out where he lost. Just as he was about to hand the girl over to him, the girl's eyes narrowed and she looked weak. Said: "I don't have a boyfriend."

"How many dishes are there? It's hard to speak when you drink like a grandma."

Lin Feng was a little ashamed. There was really no one else who could drink like this.

The yellow haired man was still reluctant and said: "Brother, she drank too much and talked nonsense. Don't listen to the nonsense. I am really her boyfriend."

The yellow-haired boy was so anxious that he went up to rob someone.

"You don't pee and show yourself, don't you know what you're going to look like? Get out of here or I'll call the police!"

The yellow-haired boy immediately became angry when he heard this. He rolled up his sleeves and exposed his little arms for Lin Feng to try. He bared his teeth and claws and rushed towards Lin Feng. As a result, he was kicked by Lin Feng before he could touch him. Go out seven or eight meters away.

"Still your girlfriend?"

Lin Feng took out his auxiliary police card from his pocket and sneered.

"No, no, I don't know her."

The yellow-haired boy panicked again and begged for mercy. "Pah!" He greeted him with a big mouth. Lin Yun said: "Damn it, I almost let you lie to me." Then he slapped the yellow-haired boy with a few big mouths. "roll!"

After the yellow-haired boy rolled away and ran away, Lin Feng was really worried. How should he deal with this woman?

Lin Feng slapped his head, "Yeah, I'm such a pig, I'll take him to the police station." Just as he was about to take out his cell phone to make a call, he saw the girl holding a bunny pendant tightly in her hand, with a car key lurking underneath. After pressing the button to unlock the door, a pink BMW not far away flashed, which was particularly dazzling in the night.

"Forget it, let's put you in the car and call the police."

Then he opened the car door and put the girl down, took out his cell phone, and after pressing it for a long time, he found that his phone was dead. It was really unlucky to have his teeth choked up even when he drank water.

Just when Lin Feng was thinking that it would be more comfortable to lie on a park bench, the girl pulled his arm, picked up the mobile phone in the car, and just after unlocking the door, he tilted his head and passed out again.

Lin Feng was even more confused, and finally thought about it for a long time, and decided that the park bench was not suitable for him. He might as well send her home first, charge her phone for a while, and then leave.

I turned on my phone and looked for the delivery address of the girl's usual shopping before setting off. After taking a look at the girl lying on the seat, I always felt an unknown agitation in my heart.

The girl was wearing a goose-yellow dress with an open collar. Under her slender jade neck, her breasts were restrained by a black bust, half-covered. The skirt was rolled up to her thighs. She had a pair of beautiful long white legs, like a sheep. Carved from fat jade, it sounds silently enchanting. The small mouth is slightly open, trying to attract people to kiss it.

"Who can handle this? I'm sorry. No, no, no. I have a wife."

Lin Feng felt restless all over, shook his head, took a deep breath, and kept telling himself to calm down.

I couldn't bear it for a moment or three, and my eyes kept glancing there, muttering: "Damn! It feels so uncomfortable."

Lin Feng finally controlled his gaze. The girl didn't know what evil was possessed, so she reached out and started touching Lin Feng's body.

"Girl, respect yourself, respect yourself."


Lin Feng's Adam's apple was rising and falling. He swallowed and raised his hand to touch his face. It was very hot, probably due to the effects of the alcohol. He quickly turned his head to the side, not daring to look.

After the car stopped, Lin Feng picked her up and ran around for a while. He found the girl's home according to the address and rummaged through her bag for the keys.


He kicked the door open, threw the girl on the bed, turned around and left.

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