150 – Infiltration

Max saw Ed and the others standing in front of him.

They look down at me with disdain as if they were looking at an insect.

And among them was Enya Cruel.

Her perfect ideal type and object of admiration, Edgar Fix, whom she hates more than anyone else, is standing next to her and glaring at her.

The corners of Max’s mouth turned up slyly.

“Yes, that’s right. “Is this your world now?”

Max, who had everything taken from him by Edgar Fix, from the woman he loved to his best friend.

However, Max did not run wild or pour out his anger like before.

Rather, with a leisurely smile, he approached Ed and said, adjusting his collar.

“But Lord Fix. How long do you think this glory will last? Huh? “Nothing is immortal.”

Max adjusts Ed’s collar with a wry smile and a hint of hostility.

Soon, he lowered his hand and said.

“Enjoy this moment as much as possible. You don’t know, right? “Everything you have built will collapse in an instant due to some disaster.”

After saying those words, Max glanced at Enya.

It was a fishy yet bright smile that Enya couldn’t help but feel dirty about.

A smile that makes you feel dirty, as if to say, ‘You will be mine someday.’

I felt like an asshole.

“Then, eat some food and go. “Now I’m ‘Count Sigmund’ too, so there’s no need to worry.”

Just like that, Max disappeared after making a subtle appeal that he was now a count.

It was the worst boast he could make before his father’s funeral.

Enya said with her sigh.

“Ah… I think I’ve become a more annoying person than before. “I hate it even more because it shows me showing off.”

Max mocked everyone in a triumphant manner as if something had happened and then disappeared.

Ed answered with a grin.

“Okay. “It looks like there’s something to believe in.”


“100% Devil religion.”

A corner of Sigmund Fortress with few people.

Ed said this and glanced at Eve, who also nodded her head.

Then, Max Sigmund began to logically explain why he was a member of the Satanic Cult.

“I think so too. Max Sigmund’s eye blinks and heart rate earlier. And I analyzed his behavior pattern, and it’s not a trait that appears when he’s bragging. I mean, it’s all true. “They are convinced that some kind of disaster will come.”


Unlike Ed, who figured it out through ‘insight,’ Eve figured it out through objective biometric data.

Ed said, narrowing his eyes at her.

“Hey, Eve. “Then is it possible to detect lies in that way?”

“Of course. There are characteristics that appear when you lie. Eye blinking, gaze processing, mannerisms, manner of behavior, pitch of voice. All of this data converges to a ‘specific number.’ “If the value is close to that number, you can probabilistically judge whether it is a lie or the truth.”

Ed opened his mouth blankly as he looked at Eve, a high-performance android assistant that could detect even the presence of lies.

He then asked me to analyze his data and guess what he was thinking.


“You sure you won’t get this right?”


I guessed it right without making a single mistake.

Then Eve said, raising the corner of her mouth with a grin.

“Now… ‘This is ridiculous! ‘This much?'”


“I took a picture and it turned out right. “If we indirectly tell the correct answer through changes in heart rate and facial muscles, the data becomes more accurate.”

Ed laughed helplessly at Eve’s next words.

The cutie Pix has now evolved to the point where he can even read his own thoughts.

I was a little dazed and scared.

“···Fear data detected?”

At that time, Eve opened her eyes and looked at Ed.

Ed said with a puzzled face, ‘Fear data? It can’t be like that…’ And blurted out her words.

Soon, Eve smiled bitterly and said.

“·····I understand. The fear my brother feels. It is a fear that comes from the sense of disconnection that humans often feel. “She feels such fear when she recognizes facts that are asymmetrical to her existing perceptions, such as her wife turning out to be a murderer, or her husband being involved in a cult.”


“A little dizzy, right? I, who used to be like a cute toy that listened to my brother’s words, was now analyzing him as a woman. “It would feel awkward for me, who was just a robot arm, to act like a human woman.”

Eve said that and looked at Ed.

Ed watched Eve clearly pointing out her own uncomfortable feelings, and quietly nodded her head.

It was true that her current Eve was awkward because ‘Fix’ had been like her own cute toy.

“But… I also have a name now. At that moment, I was recognized as a person by my brother. So, I also want to become human.”


Eve says she wants to become human.

Ed looked blankly at Eve, who was revealing her desire for the first time.

She continued her next words with an earnest expression.

“And honestly… I don’t think humans and robots are that different. If you think about it, right? In the end, humans are just highly programmed organisms. “The strong purpose of ‘survival’ and ‘reproduction’ is programmed, and personality and behavior patterns are determined to achieve that purpose.”

As Eve said this, she began to add reasons why humans and robots are not that different.

In other words, the argument was that all human actions and ways of thinking are derived from the strong purpose of ‘survival’ and ‘reproduction.’

That is true of all human pleasures and pains. And emotions are connected to ‘survival’ and ‘reproduction’.

“And now I too have been programmed to have ‘survival’ and ‘reproduction’ as my main goals. Of course, reproduction is still difficult… But there are human women who are infertile, right? Well, someday we will make it possible to reproduce!”

Eve powerfully appeals with many arguments as to why she is human.

However, rather than all the claims, Ed was looking at her expression and the sincerity that radiated from it.

Before she knew it, Fix had become her own precious family member. No, Eve… Truly wants to be human.

“Okay. “If you are, then so be it.”

Ed grinned and patted Eve’s head.

Eve smiled brightly with a blushing face and muttered, ‘I feel warm emotional data from her brother.’

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Ed stopped and said.

“No, if you just change the way you speak, I think you’ll sound more human.”


“If you put it that way, it sounds more like an android. Beep beep. Edgar Fix Happiness Data Detection. Eve Fix endorphin release. Generating happiness signals. “It’s nothing like this.”

Ed even imitates typical robot vocal cords and points out Eve’s problems.

At this, Eve nodded her head with a blank expression on her face, as if she had come to great understanding.

Ed said with a small laugh.

“That looks a bit like a human. “That stupid expression.”

“·····So the more goofy facial expressions you make, the more human you are?”

“To be human, you have to show your flaws sometimes and have that kind of taste. But don’t make mistakes when you ‘work’ with me like today.”

“···Of course! Before I was Eve, I was your servant. “Don’t do anything to interfere with your work.”

Ed smiled at Eve’s firm answer.

He then said that it was now time to get to work and let us implement what we had prepared.

Now it is night.


So Eve handed the equipment she had brought to Ed.

It was an eye visor and earphones for performing undercover missions.

Soon, an ultra-light suit for hiding and an eye visor. And Ed, wearing earphones, conducted a test.

This was a task to check whether communication with Eve was properly connected.

The test results showed no abnormalities.

“Then let’s start analyzing the space.”

After checking all the communication equipment, Eve removed the parts attached to her back and pressed a certain button.

Then, the shell-shaped parts began to deform and transformed into a perfect drone.

It was ‘Reconnaissance Drone’, one of Eve’s personal skills.


Soon, the reconnaissance drone flew into the sky and hovered at the center of the Sigmund star.

Then, invisible mana and electromagnetic waves were fired to analyze the inside of the assemblage.

The analysis data was transmitted to Eve in real time, and the 3D model structure of the adult body was uploaded to her memory.

“I found it. “Hidden space.”

Eve, who downloaded all the internal structures of the Eucharist, told Ed that there was a secret space hidden in her corner.

Eventually, Ed, who figured out the characteristics of the space, said that it must be related to the devil cult and told Eve to set that place as her final destination.

“·····Optimal route creation has been completed. “The operation is sufficiently feasible at this point.”

Eve created the optimal route according to Ed’s command and displayed the route on Ed’s visor.

So Ed started moving along the route, referring to the mini-map displayed in augmented reality.

Infiltrate the security area of the fortress while wearing an undercover suit.

[Two guards are coming 500m ahead. Exit into the room on the right and wait.]

However, the time limit was short to use ‘stealth’, so I had to penetrate her with her body exposed until I delved into the center.

So, Ed had to follow Eve’s guidance and approach her destination.

[The guard has passed. After 6 seconds, open the door and move again.]

In that way, Ed was freely roaming around the secret space of the Sigmund family.

It is a clever way to avoid all surveillance systems.

[It’s near the destination. Start hiding.]

As Ed neared his destination, Eve ordered him to hide.

This is because security is much tighter near the destination, so you cannot just pass through.

So Ed turned on the suit’s stealth function and used the ‘mute’ technique.

It was a technique to remove the sounds of footsteps and breathing, created with Elena’s help.

[Just follow the stairs and go down.]

So Ed broke through dozens of scouting guards and arrived at the stairs leading down to the basement. Following Eve’s instructions, Ed went straight down to the bottom of the stairs.

At the end of the stairs, there was a small empty space and an iron gate visible to the left as soon as you stepped on the ground.

In front of the iron gate, there were two guards guarding the entrance.

[····Let’s handle it quietly with rapid anesthesia.]

A guard firmly guarding the iron gate.

To get through the iron gate blocking his destination, he had no choice but to deal with the guards.

So Ed sneaked up to the guards while hiding and stuck an anesthetic needle into the back of their neck.

In an instant, their eyes opened and their bodies fell forward.

[About 15 minutes until the next shift. You have to go through the iron door inside.]

However, 15 minutes was too short to break through the iron gate with strong security and reinforcement spells.

At least in order to pass through this iron gate, you must completely analyze the ‘guard spell’ and ‘strengthening spell’ applied to this spell and use a reverse spell, because that takes a long time.

-Passsutsut… Passsssutsut…

So Ed decided to dig into the loopholes in this security system.

This is a ‘corrosion spell’.

Not on the iron gate, but on the wall near the iron gate.

It doesn’t matter whether you go through an iron door or a wall, as long as you can get inside.

‘Phew… I did a good job asking Elena.’

Ed penetrated the wall near the iron gate with the scroll he received from Elena and entered the interior.

As expected, all kinds of items and books symbolizing the devil religion. And it was full of torture devices and s*xual devices.

From anyone’s perspective, it was a space where a ceremony was held.

[Oppa, there are 10 minutes left.]

But the impressions end here.

Ed began installing ‘surveillance cameras’ he had taken from his inventory everywhere.

The camera was meticulously hidden in a space that was as inconspicuous as possible, with only the lens visible.

[5 Minutes left. The shift team is going near the basement stairs.]

But there are only 5 minutes left.

Ed nodded and threw all the bricks and powder that had fallen off due to corrosion into his inventory.

After that, he crossed over to the hole on the other side and started filling in the space he had made with a 3D pen.

This time, using the ‘remote control’ acquired as ‘hand skill’ evolves to level 4, you can float a holographic hand inside the room and lift it with a 3D pen.

-Skip, quick, quick, quick.

The hole inside the room began to fill at an incredibly fast rate.

Because it was filled with the same material and color as the bricks, it looked very impressive.

So, Ed used remote control to fill up all the holes inside and outside the room and then checked to see if there were any problems.

It was a perfectly smooth wall.

[Oppa, the shift is coming down. Hurry.]

At that time, I began to hear heavy footsteps coming down here.

The shift is coming.


Ed took out the device from his pocket.

Then, he raised the two fallen guards and pinned them down, then inserted and activated the device at the same time.



The guard who had passed out woke up.

At the same time as the sleep component in the body is purified, the mana flows back instantly and consciousness is awakened.

“Ugh, you bastards. “Are you sleepy?”

And at the same time, the shift worker arrived and spoke sarcastically.

The guard who had fainted responded angrily.

“Joe, you’re sleepy! “I was just tired and stumbled for a moment!”


The next day.

A full-scale funeral was held.

Yesterday was the day of worship, and today is the day of the memorial service.

Many nobles mourned the death of Count Sigmund while listening to the memorial speech.

Although the Count of Cairo was only blinded by the glory of his family and had little personal relationship with him, he was undoubtedly a war hero who devoted himself to the empire, so many people formally honored his death.

After the eulogy, the count’s coffin was buried in the ground.

The final funeral ceremony, the coronation ceremony, has all been completed.

“Let’s go”

After completing all formalities, Ed immediately left Sigmund’s estate.

This was enough to console the soul of the Count of Cairo, who had been killed by his son.

All that was left was to thoroughly uncover the son’s sins and punish him justly.

Ed, who returned to his territory, began to watch the camera installed in the ‘ritual room’.

The big catch was caught a week after the camera was installed.

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