161 – Orserk

Imperial Palace.

The imperial palace itself symbolizes the authority of the Orserk royal family.

Putting aside the area and scale that is equivalent to the size of a city, just coming here is enough to overwhelm you with its ‘technical beauty.’

‘It’s amazing no matter when I come.’

Orserk’s palace where all weather and seasons exist in one space.

Currently, I am walking through a snow-covered space.

Every time I move my feet, the sound of stepping on snow stimulates my hearing, but ironically, the wind that blows is the first warm breeze of summer.

Your feet are cool, but the air you breathe is warm. Such contradictions happen here without any problem.

‘I understand now.’

And as I experience this contradiction, I am reminded of a place.

A wall of the sea.

The attraction of the moon and the attraction of the sun. And a mysterious space where a sea wall was built hundreds of meters above the sky, ignoring wind and currents.

The paradoxical properties of space were also applied here.

The cognitive dissonance of the mixed nature of the seasons is felt in all spaces.

“Lord Fix, you are truly calm.”

At that time, the imperial secretary looked back at me with a smile.

He made eye contact with me for a moment, then turned his head forward again and continued.

“The reason the Lord can remain calm is because His Majesty is considerate. “If your Majesty wants to, this beautiful place can turn into hell at any time.”

The secretary said that while walking through the space where cherry blossoms were growing.

Exactly as he said, the space where I walked was full of beautiful things that aroused admiration.

Countless cherry blossoms are rising and fluttering into the sky from the cherry blossom trees lining both sides of the snow field.

“I guess that’s how much His Majesty cares for you. “As a subject, I really envy you for monopolizing His Majesty’s love.”

The secretary bursts out laughing with a wrinkled face, saying he is jealous of me.

However, he looks like an ordinary old man on the outside, but he may be one of the few talented people in this world.

I am walking casually through this space where an ‘ancient magic technique’ is most likely manifesting itself.

“However, this old man is a little grumpy because he seems to care more about you than me, who has served His Majesty for over several decades. “Please consider this level of cuteness.”

The scribe said this and lightly snapped his fingers.

Then, as if a strong earthquake had occurred, the space itself began to shake, and suddenly the straight road collapsed and turned into a distant cliff.

However, the secretary casually moved his feet into the air.

He is walking in the air with his back to him.

“This is the place you pass when your loyalty is tested.”

The secretary looked back at me while standing in the air and said.

His curved eyes seemed full of mischief.

“If your loyalty to the Emperor is as sincere as mine, you will be able to pass through this place thanks to his grace. Please note that all mana is blocked when passing through this place, so you must cross this place with only loyalty. “If His Majesty cares for you, shouldn’t you also truly obey Him?”

A scribe trying to test my loyalty to the imperial family with a smiling face.

But the test will fail.

My relationship with the imperial family is closer to a business partner than a lord and subject.

“I see.”

But instead, I walked forward confidently.

I stretched out my feet into the desolate, windy space where the black floor was wide open.


And at that moment I was taken down.

I felt with my whole body that the enormous force of gravity was pushing me headlong to the ground.


But that dizzying feeling is only temporary.

Soon something soft supported my body.

Literally, a puffy cloud supported me.

The secretary said with a laugh as if it were absurd.

“Cluck, click, click… Was this a loss-making business? “I never thought he would bestow grace on you, a person whose loyalty is as small as a fingernail.”

The secretary confirmed my loyalty to the imperial family by seeing me plummet faster than anyone else.

But as he said, even if I am not loyal, I receive the favor of the imperial family.

This is because I know very well that the Orserk family needs me, as they are the ‘descendants of the first possessor.’


No, how much is the tax I pay?

How much are the benefits the Empire has gained from me, if converted into money?

Rather, they should at least bow down to me for giving them such money without any loyalty.

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If you spend just 100,000 won on a mobile game, all kinds of effects will appear and say, ‘Customer! “Thank you so much!” He said loudly, but I handed over tens of billions of Orden to the imperial family.

Shouldn’t the emperor feel love for me like that?

– Fluffy!

At that time, the clouds began to pick me up and move.

It floated next to the scribe as if it had an ego like Geunduun.

“Hmm. He wasn’t a customer of a level I could dare think of. Please forgive me.”

Then the secretary said that with a slightly embarrassed expression and began to take the lead again.

I wondered if there was something special about these clouds, but there was no way for me to find out.

So I followed the scribe riding on a cloud.

Soon, I passed through several more spaces, and all of the sights were spectacular.

It feels as if I am traveling the world with my own hands.

“This is the place. “It’s the scenery your Majesty likes best.”

How much space did we pass through like that?

Soon, I arrived at a space filled with aurora.

It was a mysterious space filled with sulfur and purple aurora.

“Let’s go in.”

At that time, the secretary stretched his hand into the air and made a hand gesture to grab something.

And when I pulled my arm in that state, the space itself tore open and a passage appeared.

I followed the secretary into the passage.

-Jeobeok… Jeobeok… Jeobeok…

The sound of footsteps echoing low.

An unfamiliar space where Eastern and Western architectural styles come together.

Soon, as I exited the passage, a small room came into view.

In the small room, I saw a spacious bed and a man lying on it.

The man was looking at the glass ceiling while supporting his head with his hands.

You are looking at a night sky full of aurora.

“Your Majesty, Count Edgar Fix has come here to have an audience with you.”

At that time, the secretary bowed his head and announced my arrival.

Then the man, looking up at the night sky with his fingers crossed, said in an indifferent tone.

“Oh, go.”


Then the scribe begins to take a step back.

Soon, only the Emperor of Orserk and I were left in this mysterious space.

However, when Emperor Orserk lifted the blanket and stood up, I couldn’t help but be surprised.

I was wearing trunks and boxers while running in the warm weather.

“Why? Are you awake?”

Then the middle-aged emperor with a bushy beard said that with a grin.

I bowed low and answered no, and the emperor replied that there was no need to be formal and that I should take it easy.

“That’s enough, that’s enough. We have some role play to do between us. Beer?”

Then the Emperor took out a beer can from the refrigerator and shook it lightly.

When I nodded, the emperor threw a beer can towards me, saying I should take it.

“Nice catch.”

When I took the beer, the emperor opened his own beer and started gulping it down.

However, when the beer flowed out and wet his beard, he frowned and put down the beer and said,

“Ah, I wasn’t doing it because I was too lazy, but I guess I need to shave. “Just wait a moment.”

After saying those words, the emperor entered what appeared to be a bathroom.

Then, a sound like shaving cream being sprayed was heard, and then a sound like an electric razor in operation began to be heard.


And I looked at the scene with a somewhat dumbfounded expression.

Because it is so different from what I thought the emperor would look like.

“Whoa! How is it? “Is it a little neat?”

Finally, the emperor came out of the bathroom, touched his chin, and asked that question.

When I told him that his appearance had become much brighter, he smiled brightly and drank beer again.

“Ugh. “I never get tired of drinking this.”


The emperor looks like a modern office worker in his 40s.

At that time, the emperor snapped his fingers.

Then the bed disappeared and a table and chairs appeared.

The emperor said as he sat down on a chair in front of the table.

“Let’s sit down. You and me too. “There’s a lot to talk about.”


I nodded and sat down in front of the emperor.

I still don’t know what he’s thinking, but I feel like his friendly attitude towards me is sincere, so I opened a beer and started drinking it.

– Perfect!

Then the emperor snapped his fingers.

Peanuts and dried squid appeared on an empty table.

“You should have something to chew on. Or snacks?”

“No. Peanuts are enough.”

“Okay. You are a peanut But beer is chicken.”

The emperor said this and snapped his fingers once again.

A half-seasoned, half-fried chicken appeared on the table.

The emperor said with a grin.

“You only eat peanuts. “I want to eat chicken.”

The emperor immediately picks up the leg and eats the crispy chicken.

However, I did not understand his playful attitude.

What are you asking me to do by calling me here?

“What, are you angry? Just kidding. Just kidding. “You take one too.”

Soon, the emperor, reading my expression, picked up the seasoned leg and handed it to me.

However, I still stared at him with an expressionless face and answered.

“I don’t know your majesty’s intentions. “I don’t think you called me here to eat chicken with me.”


Then the emperor stiffened, holding out his seasoned leg to me.

Eventually, the emperor put his leg down again and sucked the seasoning off his fingers.

I answered while scratching the back of my head.

“You’re mad because I didn’t give you fried food.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Okay! Okay! Ugh, it’s hard to look straight at someone who was just joking around.”

The emperor said this and tore off the seasoned leg.

He spread his arms wide and spoke with a smile on his face.

“More than that, what do you think when you come here? “It’s quite acceptable, right?”

“·····Yes. “It was a spectacular view.”

“Kkkkkkkk. Okay. “I organized my inventory a little tight.”



Did you say this is inventory?

“Yes! That inventory. You can use it too. “This is in my inventory.”


It was a surprising fact.

The space I’ve been through so far wasn’t in the inventory.

“From where to where is the inventory?”

However, I was completely unaware that this was inside the inventory.

In other words, I did not notice where it started.

The emperor smiled and answered.

“Where did you start from? It starts from the entrance. The entire area of the imperial palace is in my inventory. “It sucks, right?”


“In short, it feels like Noah’s Ark. A refuge in case humanity eventually becomes extinct? What does it feel like? ‘Wall of the Sea’ plays a somewhat similar role. “You know, right?”

·····I nodded.

As the emperor said, the ‘wall of the sea’ is a secret space for me and at the same time a place for future memories.

“But the purpose here and the streets are a little different. The Egerton guys hid in the middle of the sea for you to return someday, but Orserk stayed behind to control the kingdom of the four directions that runs wild.”

I nodded.

According to the Emperor’s words, the Egerton family built the ‘Sea Wall’ because they were tired of the four-way kingdom that only waged wars of conquest while completely forgetting my existence, and Orserk came here to end the wars of conquest and bring stability to the continent. He remained and built an empire.

In other words, the Egerton family built the sea wall to hand over artifacts and ‘power’ to me, and the Orserk family stayed here to hand over ‘unified humanity.’

“····Well, it seems you understand. Anyway, the great war seven years ago was fought to unite all mankind… Ha, the resistance was quite strong. “At that time, there was no trick to subdue Klendor.”

The emperor took a sip of his beer with an indignant expression.

He continued his next words while scratching the back of his head.

“Anyway… I did enough. We expanded our territory, established the Imperial Academy, and planned to conquer the entire land. “There are many.”

The emperor talked about his past projects with a look of annoyance.

Then he took another sip of beer and said.

“It was annoying. I really didn’t want to do anything, but whatever, I did it all. “Because it has to be done.”

The emperor put down the empty beer can on the table.

I nodded and leaned back in the chair.

He looked up at the night sky and said.

“But you know what? Our Orserk family is a human-only munchkin. “Because I have to lead the empire with great power.”


“So… You get bored of everything easily? I’m just sick of people themselves. You can see everything, right? A person’s thoughts or behavior patterns. “What kind of person will I become in the future?”


“You learn quickly. Because we can understand the essence of the world. If you have learned anything, you can easily master it. Ah─. “It was really boring.”

The imperial family’s ability to easily take on anything.

Because of this, the emperor seemed to have an incurable disease called boredom spreading throughout his body.

Not feeling the motivation to live.

“Hey~. But something fun happened to me too. My daughter My daughter Sephilia. He can’t see anything. How lovely it was. After inheriting all my memories and abilities, I was bored with everything, but I was okay with Sephilia. So she decided to live by Sephilia.”

The emperor said and snapped his fingers.

Another beer appeared on the table.

He said as he opened a can of beer.

“Wow… But since he’s over 5 years old… Ha, he’s starting to show? Everything that makes up him. From then on, I got sick of Sephilia too. “What made her heart beat like it used to and what made her happy every time she saw him disappeared.”

The emperor took a sip of beer.

He smiled bitterly and continued his next words.

“But when I thought about it, I was like that too. Didn’t Abama really like me until I was 5 years old? But when he turned 6, he started bothering me. So I looked back at all the memories from the invitation to me, and it was always like that. “All my past lives were all the same.”


“From then on, I started going crazy. What am I? The memories that have been passed down to me since the first emperor were so vivid that I was going crazy. Even my memories before entering ‘this world’ are vivid. “I’m an ordinary person who goes to work at a game company.”


“That’s when I realized. I did something stupid in the past. “The kings of the four directions who forgot their memories of the past and waged wars of conquest are not dead bodies, but I, who came this far with all my memories preserved, am the dead body.”

The emperor told his story as if he was complaining.

He looked back at me and said with a self-mocking smile.

“When you thought, what am I? Abamama, who once loved me dearly, but eventually abandoned me, is me, and that Abamama’s Abamama is also me, and that Abamama’s Abamama is also me. What’s this?”


“···Kkkkk. You don’t know either. Well, so I gave up thinking too. What’s important is the purpose I followed. “In the end, the only thing that is meaningful is my purpose.”

Purpose of the Orserk Imperial Family.

Unifying humanity in preparation for the evil that will one day invade the world and destroy it.

Maybe that’s why the emperor’s eyes were sparkling with anger.

“But… Why did you cause confusion in this world? A world where the ruling class and the ruled are clearly divided. It’s the most suitable system for controlling humanity. “Why are you trying to ruin my achievements?”

···As the emperor said, the existing paradigm is a suitable system for managing humanity.

If religious authority is granted to the ruling class, the ruled class will naturally follow.

“For new flesh to grow, the rotten part must be cut out. “It is inevitable that ooze and bleeding will occur during the process.”

But I know very well that this human system cannot stop the devils.

And he also knows how to suture the wound with minimal bleeding.

So I spoke to the Emperor to explain the plan I was drawing—

“That’s enough. “You don’t have to talk behind my back.”

-I tried to, but the emperor waved his hands and leaned back in his chair.

He continued his next words with an expression of annoyance about everything.

“You must have prepared it carefully. Try that.”

“······Are you not going to ask any more questions?”

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“You’ve proven your abilities so far. And what…”

The emperor glanced at me for a moment with his magical eyes.

I said, leaning back on the chair and looking up at the sky.

“I think that’s roughly the answer. That thought in your head.”


“I’ll have the kids help me, so try it. Anyway, are you going to roll and am I going to roll? Do it yourself.”

After saying that, the emperor waved his hand.

It means get out now.

“Regain your memories later. You’re not having fun right now. “I can see what you’re thinking.”


The emperor is looking up at the night sky with a sad expression.

I got up and bowed my head.

At that time, I was about to back away and leave.

“Oh, and.”

The emperor summoned me.

He sat down properly in the chair and spoke to me.

“Just make one promise. If I complete all of this correctly, you will lose all my abilities and memories. “I’m sick of ‘me’ now.”

“·····Yes. “I promise.”

“···And Sephilia her. He broke down a little early. Of all the Orserks, he was the most capable. I looked into too many memories at an early age. “If I hadn’t had Elena, I probably would have gone crazy a long time ago.”


“In order for Sephilia not to become me, you have to do it. That’s the way for me and Sephilia to be happy. “If I have any happy memories, it’s the five years I loved Sephilia.”

The emperor blurted out his words.

Then again, Hoo-i Hoo-i gave a command to congratulate the guests with a hand gesture that seemed to be driving out a ghost.

I nodded and left the emperor’s space.

Now is the time to move in earnest.

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