What else can't this director take advantage of?

Following the release of Wei Lan's Weibo post, the discussion erupted into a small peak.

The marketing account retweeted it enthusiastically again. After all, this movie was mentioned before, and they immediately followed up with a big move. It’s strange that they couldn’t hold back.

The melon-eaters noticed the poster of "Country Teacher" which seems to have nothing to do with science fiction.

The overall picture is rather empty. The background is a stooped back of a man, but the back is filled with the bright starry sky at night.

On the grassy slope under the starry sky, there was a figure standing. It seemed to be a woman, but her face could not be seen clearly.

All you could see was that she put the two fingers of her left hand together and placed them between her eyebrows. There was a bright spot there, emitting a bluish color like the stars in the sky.

In addition to the four characters "Rural Teacher" on the top of the poster, there is only "Wei Lan's Work" on the bottom, and even the cast has not been announced.

There are comments below, and most of them are dissatisfied:

‘It’s getting so popular, why don’t you just announce the actors’ information? ’

‘I can’t imagine what kind of science fiction movie this time will be based on the name. ’

‘Country teacher? Sci-fi? I really don’t think it’s necessary to do this just to take advantage of Teacher’s Day. When the teacher profession came to check the name, I found that the product was wrong, and it wasn’t the director who was criticized? ’

‘The director wants to make a quick buck and leave, right? It is recommended not to go see it. ’

Wei Lan didn't care much about these sluts on the Internet. Now that this was happening, she used a combination of negative marketing and hunger marketing.

Secretary Wang from the Public Relations Department called with a surprised voice: "Director Wei, after all calculations, the popularity of the movie has now reached T3 level. This is almost the result of my millions of promotional expenses. I have already contacted some small theaters. I'm sorry, the reviews on the Internet are not very good..."

"It's okay, the heat is enough." Wei Lan nodded and hung up the phone with satisfaction.

The reason for daring to engage in negative marketing is that Wei Lan has enough confidence in the movie. Psychologically speaking, if you turn a negative impression into a positive one, people will be much more tolerant.

If a bad person does a good thing, people will think that this person has a clear conscience; if a good person does a bad thing, people will think that this person is a hypocrite and a fake good person.

Preconceived negative marketing will cause the audience to have a negative impression of the movie, but when they actually go see the movie and are satisfied with the quality of the movie, this negative impression will be reversed in an instant, and it will be more deeply rooted in people's hearts than positive marketing.

The so-called 'human beings cannot escape the law of true fragrance' is nothing more than this.

The next day when Wei Lan started to edit the trailer, she received a call from Su Yining.

"Don't we need to promote our movie? Let's go on a variety show!"

Wei Lan thought she was worried that her name had not been published, so she reassured him: "I have contacted the public relations department and will find a suitable interview or variety show for you, and then announce the news that you are acting."

To engage in negative marketing, Su Yining is indispensable.

But it can't be released too early. Wei Lan is planning to release the news around the same time as the trailer.

The trailer holds up, so the audience won't hear that Su Yining is a woman, and the movie is taken in a strange direction...

Su Yining over there didn't care: "I'm here to tell you, I asked my agent to receive a variety show announcement for me, you come with me."

"Should I go?" Wei Lan frowned when he heard it, looked down at his body, and refused directly: "I don't want to go on variety shows."

"Listen to me first." Su Yining over there also knew that Wei Lan never showed up. Every time he asked Wei Lan, he would give the same answer - I have social anxiety.

Su Yining said proudly: "This variety show doesn't require you to show up for the whole show."

"Oh? What's going on?" Wei Lan became interested.

Su Yining: "Have you heard of the holographic variety show "Actors Go Forward"? It was released a month ago... forget it, you must have never heard of it."

Wei Lan: "..." She really hasn't had the time or interest to watch variety shows recently.

"If there is an acting competition for actors, a short film will be produced during live performances, and finally it will be scored by the audience's attention. I am right. Li Tongtong has been participating in this variety show. Now it is the elimination round. He invited me to the last episode. I was a dark horse on the spot. After this The second knockout competition is with an off-site director, and we need to find a director to be our partner.”

Wei Lan understood it as soon as he heard it. The program team probably wanted to stir up trouble and stir up popularity.

On the surface, Su Yining is Li Tongtong's close rival, but because she won a Golden Raspberry Award for her last movie, her acting skills are well-received. Inviting her to the show can gain popularity without really crowding out other actors, so why not for?

"Since everyone has been invited, if I don't go, won't it seem like I'm afraid of Li Tongtong?" Su Yining was afraid that Wei Lan wouldn't go, so he continued to encourage: "You can use the director's machine to remotely connect to Wei's studio. No need. At the scene, besides, I also have to do a movie promotion? I don’t need public relations fees to make an announcement. Isn’t this just an opportunity?”

Wei Lan asked: "When will you be on the show?"

Su Yining: "The day after tomorrow..."

Wei Lan: "Why didn't you tell me the news until now?"

"You agreed?"

"Yeah." How could Wei Lan not agree to the free publicity opportunity?

Hearing this, Su Yining suddenly said in a flattering tone: "By the way, I forgot to tell you something..."


"I got news that the director partner Li Tongtong invited this time is Chen Yuanhang." Su Yining was a little embarrassed when he said this. After all, if you think about it from his perspective, facing a top-level director like Chen Yuanhang, any director would know how to do it. A lot of pressure.

Wei Lan: "...Did you not log on Weibo today?"

"Yeah, I just came back from playing on the island yesterday, what happened?" Su Yining was confused.

"Nothing, please send me the variety show script as soon as possible." After saying that, he hung up the phone.

If Su Yining was in front of her, Wei Lan would probably want to hug her and kiss her hard.

This is the lucky star koi!

If he could see Chen Yuanhang now, Wei Lan just wanted to say to him: Director Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take advantage of this heat, it was really you who sent it to my face...

Variety shows in this world are divided into ordinary variety shows broadcast on TV and holographic variety shows watched with a hologram.

Most of the variety shows on the market are still ordinary variety shows.

On the one hand, there is the problem of production costs. Holographic variety shows are very expensive. On the other hand, most variety shows are more or less competitive in nature. There are too many things that directors can do in the holographic environment, and it is impossible to see the true level of individual stars. For example, "Walking with Dreams 3" in which Wei Sijia participated was not shot in a real location and has no credibility at all.

In addition, there had been a holographic variety show fraud incident, and all the producers had lost their minds on this aspect.

The holographic variety shows on the market today generally have sufficient investment and are quite special in nature, making them suitable for the holographic model.

For example, the "Actors Go Forward" that Wei Lan is going to participate in is the first acting competition model. Due to the particularity of the format, if it is shot in reality, it will cost more in set resources. It is better to just do a holographic variety show.

The script Wei Lan received was very simple. It only told the basic mode, and other contents were freely used.

You need to shoot a short video on the spot in holographic mode.

One is a minute-long character appearance, and the other is an eight-minute short plot.

The script is currently prepared by the director and actors, but the filming must be completed during the variety show. The shooting time for the first short film is only ten minutes, and the second eight-minute short film is forty minutes.

In this mode, it is a challenge for both actors and directors.

But generally speaking, when it comes to testing an actor's acting skills, due to time constraints, the actor is basically forced to take one scene to the end. If the actor is not good enough, then the director and screenwriter have to make more to make up for it. Under normal circumstances, this is obviously more difficult. Consumed.

Other participating stars had at least five or six days to prepare for script finalization and rehearsals, but Su Yining and Wei Lanman only had one day of preparation time.

Wei Lan wrote the script that night and caught Su Yining into the studio to rehearse early the next morning.

The next day, at 1:00 pm on Sunday, the holographic variety show "Actors Go Forward" was broadcast live as scheduled.

Audiences who have already subscribed to the show and die-hard fans of the stars were the first to enter the hologram.

The stage scene of the program was made to look like a theater, with the hostess standing in front of a standing microphone on the stage in the center of the theater:

"Hello, welcome to the latest issue of "Actors Go Forward". I am Lu Man."

The host smiled and began to introduce today's guests: "The one on the left is my judging seat."

The high platform on the left side of the theater was illuminated by a spotlight. There were four people on the jury, three men and one woman.

"Actor Cui Qi, well-known screenwriter Fu Yaxin, famous director Tang Gaoping, Guangying.com special film critic Yu Le... are all big friends." The host introduced the judges as usual, and every time he mentioned one, there would be a burst of emotion. Cheers and applause.

The holographic variety show also needs to be filmed in the actor cabin, so there is no live audience. However, in order to increase interaction, the audience who are watching through the hologram can perform simple interactions such as 'cheering' and 'applauding', and then the sound is changed and reflected to the scene.

Lu Man smiled and raised his hand to the high platform on the right: "On the right is the director who will be my partner with the actors in today's competition."

The audience’s barrage has already been filled with comments:

‘I’m really curious about which directors this program will invite. ’

‘It is said that this time we hired famous directors, not ordinary performance directors like the previous episodes. I’m really looking forward to it! ’

"Ta!" The spotlight came down.

The director's chair on the high platform on the right is clearly visible to the audience watching the live broadcast.

All the faces that appear are well-known directors familiar to the audience:

Well-known TV series director Kang Yu, actor-turned-director Lin Jiayue, film director Chen Yuanhang...and, a black and white panda cub.

The audience barrage even went blank for a short time, and then filled up instantly:

‘? ? ? ’

‘Is there something strange mixed up in the director’s chair? ? ’

'security guard? Where's the security guard? ’

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