The thirty-second trailer of "Country Teacher" is shorter and simpler than the two-minute long trailer of "Star Wars: Part 2".

The trailer for Star Wars flashes all kinds of grand scenes, with close-ups of the best actors and actresses, and at least one first- and second-tier star making an appearance. The plot doesn't reveal anything, but it attracts a lot of attention.

Wei Lan's trailer revealed a certain amount of information.

However, it seems that the movie title "Country Teacher" has nothing to do with it. The identity of the female character has been confirmed, but unfortunately the male character is still mysterious.

People who have been paying attention to Wei Lan saw the trailer for the first time, and marketing accounts also smelled it and flocked to it.

‘Hahahaha, stars also care about their faces! It made me laugh so hard, I announced that Yangou is everywhere in the universe! ’

‘I originally thought it was definitely not very good, but now it looks... pretty good? ’

'I've been speculating whether Su Yining will play a rural teacher as the movie title says, but the director hasn't done it yet. Su Yining is so beautiful that she can rely on her face to earn a living and become a teacher (I'm not saying this is a bad profession) ) is too unconvincing. It turns out that he is an actor, which is a bit off. ’

‘You feel professional and reasonable? Whether it’s the star beings who were discovered by the people on earth when they appeared on the scene, or the analysis of the connotation of civilized society during that time, it’s different from the star movies we saw, but if the star people really appeared in reality, this would be a normal reaction, right? It would be foolish to rush to attack and capture the stars when you don’t know what they are like. ’

'That's right, in previous Star movies, Star people appeared mysteriously, and then came to the Earth and everything became confusing and caused a lot of troubles. Sometimes they even killed people on Earth in order to hide their identities. This is the first time we've seen this kind of thing. The great light appears. ’

At the beginning of the holographic film era, due to the limitations of technology and special effects conditions, there have been very few science fiction-themed works, and related cultural trends also sprouted very late. Even if there are no literary works full of fantasy, in the end it is also because of the immature technical conditions. And it was not put on the screen.

Later, the holographic film era came, and now it has just passed the stage of technological exploration and entered a period of vigorous development. With the influx of large amounts of capital, it has gradually achieved the current large investment and creative space.

Fantasy themes, whether science fiction or transcendental fantasy, are behemoths that eat investment. Without successful market cases, no investor would dare to easily try investing in such a gold-eating monster.

Therefore, "Star Wars" is the first science fiction-themed holographic film with a large investment. Its success is a shot in the arm for the industry, and the benefits it brings to investor Chengguang are extremely huge. It is so huge that Chen Yuanhang even received A chance to truly step outside the board and become a chess player.

Of course, in fact, it was "Starship Troopers" invested by Wei that originally tried this. Because of Chen Yuanhang's betrayal, this peach that was about to be formed was plucked by Chengguang.

Because there are few science fiction genres on the market and the level of innovation is low, the content revealed in the trailer of "Country Teacher" is completely different from the routines of previous science fiction films for audiences in this world. It is very novel and has never been experienced before. Brand new version.

After watching the trailer, marketing accounts have also started to repost and spread the popularity. After all, it is a melon dug out by one's own hands. Even if you don't receive money, you have to follow it. This is a kind of daily traffic accumulation.

'The trailer of "Country Teacher" was released. Is this movie what you imagined? ’

'Continuing the funny style of "Sword and Sword IV", martial arts is funny, science fiction is also funny! ’

‘Stars also look at faces! Yan Gou said: I’m busy with business, so don’t cue. ’

Many film critics and film media who paid attention to the film on Weibo also expressed a certain interest in the film after watching it, but the box office reviews were not optimistic:

"Comedy is a way to win with a small budget. With the reputation of "Sword 4", if the director maintains the standard, I think this movie will be good." ’

"Although the popularity of "Star Wars" can save publicity costs, I still think that if the quality of the movie is good, we can completely avoid this schedule and don't have to do such a mayfly to shake the tree. ’

The Chengguang Publicity Department has a team of more than ten people responsible for the promotion of "Star Wars" alone.

"Brother Liu, among the movies released in the same period, the one with the highest attention is the low-cost science fiction "Country Teacher". It is now very popular. After a comprehensive evaluation, it has reached 8.4% of our expectations." The person responsible for observing the expectations of the movies during the same period. Assistant Zhang Jing said.

"So high?" The man called Brother Liu was the leader of the team. After hearing this, he raised his eyebrows slightly, thought for a moment and said, "I'll report this data later when I do today's daily report."

Yes, even though Wei Lan has made a big splash in the popularity of "Star Wars" with "Actor Xiang Chong", in fact, the publicity invested by the two is not at the same level. The cost of publicity for Star Wars alone is tens of millions. calculated.

The promotional resources invested in Star Wars are not only online, but also spread through various offline channels. From bus stop signs to Coke drink covers, peripheral promotion of "Star Wars" can be seen everywhere. This cannot be compared with a single line on the Internet. .

And even among online groups, not everyone is interested in new movie trends, and not everyone who loves watching variety shows has watched "Actor".

The popularity of the movie has reached 8.4%, which is enough to attract the attention of the head of the publicity team. There are also three other types of movies that were released during the same period, and the attention is only a pitiful few percent, or even It's a few tenths of a percent.

"Yes." Zhang Jing agreed upon hearing this, and in the afternoon, the daily report was delivered to Chen Yuanhang.

Chen Yuanhang and producer Ding Yangrong read the daily newspaper together.

Ding Yangrong is the head of Chengguang's production department. He has handled successful projects worth more than 5 billion yuan. He is one of the industry's gold medal producers with extensive connections.

"I heard that the investment and production cost of this movie is only 8 million..." When he said this, he also looked disdainful. The myth of low box office miracles is equivalent to winning the lottery in the industry. It is completely related to luck. If you stand at the outlet of the wind, even a pig can fly.

If you really want to make money in the investment field, you still have to rely on your strength and comprehensive factors. Steady victory is the long-term way.

Ding Yangrong continued: "The male lead is unknown and has no fame. The female lead Su Yining just won the Golden Raspberry Award. There is nothing to worry about. The only thing worth noting is that this movie found Nie Chengan to do the soundtrack."

"Nie Chengan..." Chen Yuanhang frowned, feeling a little unhappy about being humiliated: "When we came to him, he directly rejected me. Now he is going to compose the soundtrack for this movie... Does this old guy remember Wei Yingbo's friendship so much?"

"Forget it, after jumping up and down for so long, he only got 8.4% of our attention. Let her take advantage of it." Chen Yuanhang put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and the action of crushing the cigarette butt was like crushing an ant: "When the real movie is released, she will know what the gap is."


Time passed in a flash, and another week passed.

March 10, Saturday, is the release date of "Star Wars (China)". Although there are movies that are released at the same time, this time is either advanced by one week or postponed by one week. The only movie that dares to be released on the same day as Star Wars is Wei Lan's "Rural Teacher".

You should know that the release cycle of movies in theaters is usually one month. If the box office performance of a movie is too poor and the attendance rate is miserable in this regular month, the theater will reduce the number of screenings.

Movies are different from other entertainment works. They have the same period exclusion effect.

For the relationship of money, people usually only choose one movie to watch at a time when they go to the cinema. Few people will watch one movie and then spend two hours to watch another one.

Every year, there are many low-cost movies with no background and strength that have a one-week tour or even a three-day tour in the theater.

Therefore, many people in the industry say that although Wei Lan has taken advantage of the popularity, if he really enters the market competition stage and directly hits the schedule, it is a real fight. Compared with the magnitude of the two parties, it is not an exaggeration to say that Wei Lan is a gnat trying to shake a tree.

With the distribution channels provided by Wei, "Rural Teacher" still won a full-day broadcast schedule in a theater of major theaters with public relations, which is very critical.

Even for the audience who intends to watch "Rural Teachers", if they go to the cinema to watch a movie, but find that the local cinema has no show for this movie, it is very helpless.

This is the same as "Sword IV". If there is no recommendation from the Morning Star and no exposure, the wine will not be popular even if it is not well known.

Wei Mingjie knows this very well, which is why he has already invested in Wei Lan's film privately, but still proposed to use Wei's distribution channel at the meeting.

Saturday is the most relaxing day for people. After a week of study or work, there is still a Sunday between Monday and Monday, which is suitable for some leisure activities. This day is usually the day when the cinemas in major shopping malls have the most traffic.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the ticket window of Juxing Cinema was crowded with students, white-collar workers, and many elderly people and children. "Star Wars (Part 1)" is the first science fiction work with a large investment, and it has a very high national popularity. For many families, they don't even care much about the reputation of the movie. Just to experience the big scenes in the holographic environment is worth the ticket price.

This type of audience is the most solid box office force of "Star Wars". If they are not specially recommended, they will never spend money to watch other movies that do not hit their purchase pain points.

The "Star Wars" publicity team is well aware of this. The largest posters in the theater are also theirs. In the center of the theater, a simulated spaceship model sculpture is placed generously, which is the vehicle of the Star Wars character.

After lunch, it is the peak time for everyone to watch movies, and there is a long queue in the ticket office.

"One ticket for "Star Wars."

"I want three tickets for "Star Wars."

"Two tickets for "Star Wars."

"I want the latest "Rural Teacher."

Hearing a different voice, the ticket seller looked up and saw a tall and thin young man wearing a black sweater.

The young man's appearance is not very handsome, but his temperament is warm. He has a Bluetooth headset hanging around his neck. He looks fashionable and literary, and he is also a type that attracts girls.

The female ticket seller was slightly stunned, and then said: "Yes, please choose your seat."

The large tablet on her desk shows the seating situation in the theater.

In the entire theater, only seven or eight seats are red, indicating that they have been sold out, and the remaining eighty seats are all blank dotted lines.

In fact, in the holographic movie mode, it makes no difference where the seat is, but the theater chain was rebuilt from the former screen theater, so the previous seat selection method is still used.

"Here." The young man casually clicked on an edge seat where there was no one else.

", please pay here." The ticket seller quickly operated the seat selection, waited for the young man to pay, and handed him the printed movie ticket.

It was almost time for the movie, the young man took the movie ticket and walked to the side. He took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the movie ticket stub, then opened Weibo and clicked to post a new Weibo.

Canghaixiaov: ‘I got up late. It’s too hard to buy tickets for Star Wars today. Let’s watch Rural Teachers first.’

A reply popped up soon:


The young man frowned and typed: ‘It’s my choice which movie to watch.’

Soon his fans who supported him also responded: ‘You are so good at arguing. The construction site needs you. Canghaizhi has already praised this director in the video of Sword and Sword IV. It’s not common to watch her movies now, right? Are you busy?’

The tall and thin young man is the film and television media blogger ‘Canghaixiao’. He didn’t expect to be arguing. He shook his head helplessly, but he was more determined to watch this movie. After swiping through other comments twice, he put away his phone and walked through the ticket gate.

The same movie theater in another city.

A sweet-looking girl walked to the ticket machine with a cup of milk tea, scanned the code, and printed out a ticket for Rural Teachers.

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Jing Xiaoxuan is a fan of Su Yining, and she was also one of the onlookers who watched the online controversy of Wei Lan's popularity. For this reason, she planned to watch these two movies, but she forgot to buy tickets yesterday, and the tickets for "Star Wars" in her nearest cinema were all sold out. Seeing that there were still seats available for "Rural Teachers", she chose to watch this one first.

Jing Xiaoxuan encountered the same situation as Guo Qian in another cinema.

"Handsome guy, I'm sorry, the 9 o'clock show of Star Wars is sold out today. You can buy the show after 9 o'clock in the evening."

"Ah? 9 o'clock..." The 9 o'clock show will end at 11 o'clock, and the school is half an hour away by car. At 11 o'clock, the door of their dormitory will be closed. Although he is already a senior and has basically no classes, the dormitory door will be closed regardless of your grade.

"Star Wars" is definitely not available, but... he is here.

Guo Qian asked: "Are there other movies that are nearby?"

"Yes." The ticket seller said: "There is also a "Rural Teacher", the 2:30 show, which will start soon."

"I haven't heard of it..." Guo Qian has been busy with his thesis recently and has not paid much attention to entertainment news. Looking at the movie poster that can't tell the content, he hesitated.

The ticket seller saw his expression and added: "This movie has a Teacher's Day event. If you show your teacher's qualification certificate, you can get a 35% discount on the ticket."

One of the current situations of contemporary college students is to take exams. Ticket sellers have to do a lot of it. Many people who look like college students took out their teacher's qualification certificates.

Unexpectedly, Guo Qian was one of them. After hearing this, his eyes lit up and he took out his newly obtained teacher qualification certificate from his backpack and put it on the counter.

"Then give me one."


The holographic equipment in the cinema is different from the home holographic instrument. On the soft and comfortable chair, there is a helmet similar to a cantilever bracket.

Canghai Xiao is a frequent visitor to the cinema. After sitting on the chair, he skillfully adjusted a comfortable posture, moved the cantilever helmet to the side of his head, took off two consciousness link patches from it, wiped it with alcohol cotton, and then pasted it on his temple.

Although he used his own holographic instrument to export the film and television commentary video, movies and TV series are different. Only online movies will be directly launched on the platform. Audiences can buy and watch them at home with home holographic instruments, while the movies on the shelves still need to go to the cinema. There is a one-month protection period. During this period, you can only go to the cinema to watch movies. After a month, the source of the film will be compressed and converted, and placed on various online platforms at a lower price than the movie ticket.

After the promotional advertisement, at 14:30, the audience in the cinema had a black eye, and then a bright eye.

As the distributor, Wei's logo, which has been used for many years, came into the audience's eyes.

In the quiet solar system, a deep blue planet appeared in the eyes of all the audience.

Next to this planet, there is a smaller gray-white planet.

That is the moon that Earthlings are very familiar with, and they see it when they look up most nights.

"Ding, Ding, Ding... The landing device is activated, and there are still ten seconds before the parking device touches the ground, ten, nine... three, two, one!"

With the female voice coming from the communication device, the director's perspective has switched to a desolate moon.

Subtitles that do not affect the viewing appear in the audience's perspective.

Director/Screenwriter: Wei Lan

Leading Actors: Su Yining, Yang Xingyuan.

Here, a white manned spacecraft has just landed, and the parking device like spider tentacles hits the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust. Through the way the dust floats up, it can be seen that there is a transparent impact force, like ripples spreading in the vacuum.

But there was no sound.

Canghai Xiao, who was watching the movie, was a little surprised and for a moment wondered if there was something wrong with the equipment.

But soon, the female voice with a little electric sound continued to ring in my ears: "The landing is successful. When the gravity and estimated deviation value is less than 0.05, the air pressure is stable, the temperature is normal, and the nearest storm area is 60 kilometers away... the astronauts are ready and will leave the cabin after a 30-second retest without abnormalities."

Canghai Xiao immediately reacted. The reason why there was no sound was that there was no air on the moon, which was similar to a vacuum environment. There would be vibrations here, but sound waves could not propagate.

Gravity, vacuum environment... Compared with the planetary environment in "Star Wars" that is basically the same as the earth, Canghai Xiao suddenly felt that although the investment of this movie was small, the background setting was still exquisite. At least the director did not live up to the name of science fiction.

"I have left the cabin and feel good."

The spacecraft opened, and the astronaut in a thick space suit walked out of the cabin.

He stepped out and stepped on the ground, leaving the first human footprint on the surface of the moon.

As the astronaut's footsteps caused a weak vibration on the surface of the moon, the director's perspective suddenly switched rapidly.

It was as if the slight vibration caused by stepping on the moon was transmitted rapidly to the other side of the moon that was not illuminated by the sun.

In the darkness, a red light suddenly lit up.

Countless radio-wave-like information strips suddenly appeared in the perspectives of all the audience, like a waterfall composed of numbers, with strings of unrecognizable words on it, and finally merged into a thin and mysterious signal representing information, which was purposefully thrown to the other side of the space.

The hearts of the audience watching the movie tightened. This thing was obviously not a product of the earth, but should be related to aliens.

The director's perspective turned again. The door of the manned spacecraft had been closed and was ready to return to the earth. The perspective focused on the footprint left by the astronauts and captured it into a fixed picture.

This picture was finally played on the big screen of the Earth Command Center, which was full of scientists, senior officials and various studios.

"Woo!" "Great!"

Accompanied by cheers and applause, people hugged each other excitedly.

The scene turned again, and a dignified female news anchor stood on the broadcasting platform, announcing the first successful moon landing by humans with moist eyes:

"... We have finally waited for this day. Human footprints have traveled to the sky. This is a big step for mankind and a big step for history!"

The original scene of the broadcast gradually became unclear, and the signal was snowy.

The perspective went back, and an old-fashioned TV was broadcasting the news.

A man's rough, chalk-dusted hands patted the TV twice, making the stuck picture clear again.

Accompanied by the female anchor's voice.

A crisp child's voice asked in Mandarin with a dialect: "Teacher, are there aliens on the moon?"

In the dilapidated classroom with a mud structure, seven dirty and ragged children looked over with curious eyes.

The teacher they asked appeared in front of the audience.

He was wearing a jacket that was neither gray nor black. His face was not good-looking. There were a lot of white hair mixed with black hair, and there was some chalk dust on his head, which made him look even younger.

Hearing the child's question, the teacher smiled. He didn't look at the child, but his smile had a strange intimacy with the child. He answered: "The moon is a vacuum, there is no air, under normal circumstances, there should be no aliens."

"What about the moon? Are there aliens on the sun?"

The teacher shook his head: "There are no aliens on the sun either. It's too hot. The surface alone is thousands of degrees high. Boiling water is only 100 degrees and it will burn us to pieces. There are no living things at thousands of degrees."

At this time, a man's head popped out of the low classroom door frame. The man glanced at the people in the room and said in a disapproving tone: "Teacher Li, is the TV finished? Everyone in the village is waiting, waiting to watch the big show on TV."

"Hey! It's finished, how about I move it over for you?" Teacher Li, played by Yang Xingyuan, quickly agreed politely.

"No need." The man came directly, ignoring the children's reluctant eyes, unplugged the old TV, and walked away holding it, muttering while walking: "It's five o'clock, the show will start in three minutes, and there is only one TV in the village. If you hadn't found the village chief, you wouldn't have to delay everyone's visit..."

Teacher Li listened to the scolding and just smiled without refutation.

The TV was moved away, but the children's enthusiasm was still not fading. They asked in a chattering voice: "Are there any aliens in the world?"

Teacher Li thought for a while and replied: "Maybe, but it's very far away from us..."

As he looked, the scene changed and came to the deep and boundless space.

Canghai Xiao couldn't help but curl his lips when he saw this, and his interest had been raised.

He couldn't help but say in his heart: Of course, it's still a familiar taste.

The director used these transitions very beautifully and cleverly. Since "Sword IV", Canghai Xiao knew that this director named Wei Lan was particularly good at transitions. This was something he had never done with other directors. It can be said to be one of her personal styles.

In the void of the solar system, the stars flickered.

Suddenly, in the solar system, farther away, a blue light flickered.

This brief flicker was very obvious that it was not an ordinary star, but a man-made creation.

Then, it flickered twice more.

After five flickers, a teardrop-shaped object that could not be told whether it was a spaceship or a probe appeared out of thin air in the solar system.

The ‘water drop’ was suspended above the moon and the earth, standing in the distance with the blue earth.

Then, the mercury-like luster on the water drop flowed for a moment, and mysterious, countless incomprehensible information bands expressed in long strips appeared on the luster of the water drop and flowed quickly from it.

It seemed to have collected some information.

After a few seconds, the water drop found the right direction and dived straight towards the earth.

It was just like its shape, like a raindrop from the sky, without any friction with the atmosphere, and fell into the earth without any fireworks.

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