After returning home, Fu Wenyu began to think about writing letters.

He and Mr. Murong have been pen pals for many years. Although they have never met, they have communicated quite frequently in recent years because he has been writing storybooks.

When encountering more difficult themes or content, the frequency of their correspondence will increase, but the number of times is not very often. Only some illustrations of the series "Rebirth of Treasure Map", "Imperial Examination and Immortality" and "Dream Man" will appear. These are micro-science fiction themes involving imagination and no physical reference.

Others may not be able to draw such themes.

But as long as they are handed over to Mr. Murong, after several more communications, they can draw satisfactory results. Because of this, Fu Wenyu attaches great importance to this painter who suits his heart.

Now that he knows that the other party may not be financially well-off, and he is not short of money, Fu Wenyu spreads out paper and pen and writes a letter carefully.

"Mr. Murong, I am glad to see you."

"I wonder if you have heard of it..."

In this letter, Fu Wenyu briefly introduced the hot spring villa and the amusement park, and said that these two places were built by himself and his friends. There are various hot springs in the hot spring villa, which are good for people's health after soaking, and the amusement park is a place for people to play, with various fun games.

After introducing all these, he changed the topic and mentioned that he sent a few tickets to you with the letter. You can take your family there when you are free. You will not be disappointed.

The fact that Mr. Murong has a family was mentioned by the other party by chance during a certain correspondence.

It seems that Mr. Murong Bai has a serious workaholic father who is often away from home because of work. Whenever Mr. Murong is not at home, Mr. Murong will paint very quickly. So since he is going to send tickets, Fu Wenyu simply sent a few more tickets and also sent Mr. Murong's tickets.

After writing about sending tickets, the next thing is business.

Fu Wenyu mentioned in the letter that he wanted to draw a set of large pictures of the previous stories, such as "The True and False Young Master" and "The Legend of the Divine Eye", and hang them in the hot spring villa.

That is, to hold a "theme exhibition".

The purpose of holding a theme exhibition is, of course, to provide a place for people to visit, and to sell more stories by taking advantage of the traffic of the hot spring villa and the amusement park. As for what stories to sell, Fu Wenyu has also thought about it, all of them are hardcover. First, the hardcover version is more profitable, and second, the small number of hardcover versions does not need to be printed, just find some people with good handwriting to copy them, and you can copy 50 or 100 sets of each set of stories first, and sell them slowly in the branches of Kaiyuan Bookstore.

Of course, in order to make these second-time hardcover editions different from the previous hardcover editions, Fu Wenyu also plans to add one or two extras to each story, and also give more illustrations.

And for each set of illustrations, Fu Wenyu plans to give Mr. Murong 50 taels.

He has written ten long stories in two small accounts. If he gives fifty taels for each one, it will be a total of five hundred taels. Even if he pays half of the deposit first according to the convention, it will be two hundred and fifty taels.

These two hundred and fifty taels will surely solve the urgent problem.

As for whether he can make a profit from investing so much, Fu Wenyu is not worried at all, because he can make seven taels of silver for each set of hardcover edition, and seventy taels for ten sets.

Moreover, he can also hype up these sets of paintings and auction them off.

There must be local tyrants willing to collect them.

Therefore, Fu Wenyu is not worried about the problem of making a profit. Anyway, he is not short of money now, so he can keep it and sell it slowly. According to the trend of his stories being circulated more and more widely, there is no worry that he can't sell them all.

After writing the letter, Fu Wenyu looked at it carefully again and felt that there was no problem, so he asked the servant Li Er to take it and mail it. As for the address on the envelope, it was filled in as a place in Jiangzhou given by Mr. Murong last year.

The letter written by Fu Wenyu arrived in Jiangzhou.

Then it fell into the hands of a man.

He was a young man who was not tall and not strong, but had a good-looking face and a delicate nose. At this time, he was sitting at the table with his hand on his chin, looking a little bored.

At this time, a pretty maid came in and said to the man who was staring out the window in a trance: "The Mr. Fu who wrote the storybook has written another letter. Do you want to take a look?"

The young man turned around and stretched out his hand to the maid, "Give it to me."

It was actually a female voice!

The pretty maid was not surprised that her daughter was dressed as a man. She handed over the letter in her hand and said, "Girl, are you going out again?"

The girl dressed as a man snorted, "I was stopped."

"I was originally planning to go out for a walk and buy some paint. Who knew that my father, the old stubborn man, would specifically order the housekeeper not to let me go out if I wear men's clothes again in the future."

"But if I change into women's clothes, not only can I not go to many places, but it won't be long before a group of people who want to "encounter" will come around. I might as well stay at home and paint."

The person who spoke was Mu Mingsu, the only daughter of Jiangzhou Zhizhou Mu Zhengyang.

Her mother died early, and she has been traveling with her father to various places for these years. Mu Zhengyang was busy with official duties and was often not seen, so Mu Mingsu developed the habit of wearing men's clothes to go out in order to take care of family affairs. Over time, she even had a fake identity as "Mu Rongbai, the cousin of Lord Mu."

Unfortunately, after arriving in Jiangzhou, Mu Zhizhou suddenly felt that his daughter had grown up and should not go out in men's clothes anymore, so he asked her to wear women's clothes every time she went out, and bring a maid with her.

But the identity of "Mu Zhizhou's only daughter" made Mu Mingsu quite troubled outside.

Because some families in Jiangzhou wanted to marry into the Mu family.

So if she went out under the name of "Mu Mingsu", it would not take long for her to meet a lady or a girl from a certain family, or even a "young talent" in Jiangzhou.

Thinking of this, Mu Mingsu's face was not very good. She took the letter handed by the maid, opened it and read it.

"...Hot spring villa, amusement park?"

"Themed art exhibition?"

"Five hundred taels!"

Mu Mingsu's eyes lit up, and she sat up straight unconsciously. "This Mr. Fu is really generous. He gives fifty taels for a set of paintings, and five hundred taels for ten sets."

"It seems that the rumors that he made a lot of money from storybooks are really true."

The maid thought carefully, "I heard from Shitou that Mr. Fu can sell a set of storybooks for ten taels of silver. There are also rumors that he can earn hundreds of taels for writing a storybook. Miss, this is higher than the master's previous salary."

Mu Mingsu looked at the "five hundred taels of silver" on the letter paper and sighed, "Yes."

When Jiangzhou Zhizhou Mu Zhengyang was the county magistrate of Chen County, although he had a salary, the Mu family did not live a rich life. Because in addition to supporting his family, Mu Zhengyang had to send part of his salary back to the villagers who supported his studies. Occasionally, there were lonely elderly people and poor students in Chen County, and he was not stingy.

This is also one of the reasons why Mu Mingsu has been drawing illustrations for people under the pseudonym ‘Murong Bo’ for these years. Another reason is of course that the painting she likes is also very expensive, and the brush and ink are not cheap.

So by chance, Mu Mingsu became ‘Murong Bo’.

Originally, Mu Mingsu felt that after her father was promoted, her family’s situation was much better, and she no longer needed to draw for others under a pseudonym to make money, so she said before that she was ‘busy with work’ and asked the other party to ‘seek help from others’.

But now seeing ‘a set of fifty taels’…

She asked the maid to get paper and pen to write a reply, and decided not to go out for the next two months, and earn the five hundred taels of silver first.

Seven days after Fu Wenyu sent the letter, he received a reply from Mr. Murong.

The other party said that his work had come to an end and he could start drawing. But because the drawings he required were not only more detailed than before, but also larger in length, it would take two months to finish all the drawings.

Two months is no problem!

Fu Wenyu replied immediately and sent the deposit.

While the two were communicating, the follow-up content of "The Night of the Return of the Soul in the Dreamer" also appeared in everyone's eyes with the recent issues of Liuzhou tabloids, and then scared them.

In the previous plot of "The Night of the Return of the Soul", Zhao Le, who entered the mission, found that one of the three newcomers was very familiar, and looked very much like Du Runzhi who died in his first mission. Then he judged that the person should be Du Runzhi's twin brother Zhao Yuzhi based on the information he had received before.

At this point in the story, all six people in this mission appeared.

Madam She, Rong Shusheng, Zhao Le, Madam Zhang, Shi Yi and Zhao Yuzhi. Among them, Madam She, Rong Shusheng and Zhao Le are old people who have experienced several missions and have their own means of saving their lives, and the other three are newcomers who are experiencing it for the first time.

After the six people understood the content of the mission and arranged the follow-up matters, they set off for the mourning hall.

In the mourning hall, they met the family of the deceased.

The more important characters are the second and third sons who think that each other killed their father, the taciturn eldest son and only son who died early, and the young man who is also the eldest grandson of the deceased. The young concubine who dressed up seductively and cried fakely most of the time, as well as the three daughters-in-law with different moods, the housekeeper who was concise and concise, etc.

Zhao Le and others followed the steps discussed in advance and asked people for information separately.

Then they found that everyone was suspicious.

The second son said that the eldest brother was gone, so I was the eldest son and should inherit most of the family business, but the will written by my father before his death said that the family property should be divided equally among the three rooms, which was obviously unreasonable, so someone must have forced it. And it is obvious who forced it. Whoever got the benefit in it is the murderer.

The third son said, "Don't slander me. I was not in the mansion when my father died last night. How could I force anyone? As for my father's splitting of the family property, it was because my father had foresight and knew that you were a bad gambler, so he arranged it this way.

The eldest daughter-in-law was not to be outdone.

She said that when her husband died, her father-in-law promised not to treat the eldest son unfairly, and now the share given to their family is what they deserve. After all, if their husbands were still alive, their family should have taken the largest share.

Now we are at a disadvantage with this division!

Then the daughters-in-law also blamed each other. I said your fault, you said my fault. The family that used to be harmonious quarreled fiercely, and all kinds of trivial matters were brought up.

At the end of the quarrel, the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger. Even the black cat in the corner, which was said to be the favorite of the deceased, was meowing and walking around anxiously.

The whole mourning hall exuded a sense of resentment.

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