Before going to Jiangzhou, Fu Wenyu wrote a letter to Mr. Murong.

He had previously ordered ten sets of illustrations from Mr. Murong at a price of fifty taels per set, which corresponded to the ten long storybooks he had written so far.

The two-month deadline agreed upon by the two of them has passed, and Mr. Murong also sent the completed drawings, but Fu Wenyu had gone to the capital before, so he never checked them. Now when he came back from the capital, he opened it and found that he was not very satisfied with some of the paintings and did not get the feeling he wanted.

This is a normal thing.

When Fu Wenyu asked Murong Bai to draw illustrations for story books such as "Legend of the Divine Eye", "Rebirth: Treasure Map", "The Legend of Zhenniang", etc., there were times when the two of them repeatedly communicated about a certain picture or a few pictures. thing. If the number of reworks is too much, he will have to pay the other party an additional amount of money.

So after reading the ten sets of pictures drawn by Mr. Murong, Fu Wenyu carefully collected them and marked some of them. The marked pictures needed to be modified.

It happened that he was going to Jiangzhou soon, so Fu Wenyu mentioned in his letter to Murong Bai that he would bring all these paintings there and ask Mr. Murong to come and see them.

Jiangzhou, Mu Mansion

Mu Mingsu wore a bright red women's dress and was immersed in painting.

The maid Danqing beside him waited until he was satisfied with the writing before taking out a letter and said: "Miss, Mr. Fu from Liuzhou has written again."

"Mr. Fu from Liuzhou, has he returned from the capital?"

Mu Mingsu put the pen down once and stretched out his hand towards the maid, "Let me have a look."

After receiving the letter, she opened it and read it, "Well, he came back from the capital and said that some of the paintings had wrong artistic conception and needed to be changed. Hey, this Mr. Fu is coming to Jiangzhou to attend a literary conference. I hope Meet me?"

Maid Danqing asked in a low voice, "Do you want to see that girl?"

Mu Mingsu casually handed the letter to the maid and said calmly: "See you, why not?"

"If Mr. Fu asks me to go to Liuzhou to meet him, I can only postpone it as before, because dad will definitely not allow me to leave Jiangzhou for this reason. I drew the secret book of 'Yunxiao Thirteen Styles' last time At that time, it was because my father happened to be going to Liuzhou to meet Mr. Hu Zhizhou, so I was able to go with him. "

"But I'm not going to Liuzhou now, but Mr. Fu is coming to Jiangzhou next month to attend a literary conference, so he wants to take this opportunity to discuss the illustrations with me. Why can't I see him?"

"You know he still owes me two hundred and fifty taels of silver."

Danqing hesitated for a moment, then asked: "But girl, you have never seen that Mr. Fu. What if he finds out that you are a girl and becomes malicious, or he never asks you to paint in the future?" ?”

Mu Mingsu shook his head, "I don't think he has any malicious intent."

"People say that Wen lives up to his name. I have never seen a simple evil person in his novels. Instead, he always advises people to do good, so he shouldn't be an evil person. But to be on the safe side, we can wear men's clothes when the time comes. , and if you bring a few more people with you, we’ll make an appointment at the largest restaurant in Jiangzhou.”

"As for not asking me to paint anymore..."

Mu Mingsu thought for a while and said, "I don't think so. People who can write novels like "Zhen Niang Biography" and "Imperial Examination and Cultivation of Immortality" should not stick to the distinction between men and women."

"Otherwise, in his storybook, Zhenniang will resign after Bu Shiren high school, Baimei will not decisively leave the Tian family, and there will be no Chen Liu, Fu Lulu, Miss Chen, Lady She, etc. in the recent stories. ”

“He could make himself ‘Sun Xiucai’, but in fact he became ‘Mr. Sanliu’.”

This is Mu Mingsu's deep understanding after reading the ten story books.

Fu Wenyu didn't know that Mu Mingsu, who was far away in Jiangzhou, got to know him deeply through the storybook, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care because he was indeed that kind of person.

The time to go to Jiangzhou is scheduled for next month, so Fu Wenyu first went to the hot spring villa to stay for a few days to solve some problems that the stewards could not handle, and checked the accounts by the way.

In the three months since they left, the Hot Spring Villa made some money.

However, because the weather is getting hotter, fewer guests are coming, but this is what Fu Wenyu expected. So after confirming that there was no problem, he returned to Liuzhou City.

Then shopkeeper Zhang came to the door.

"Wen Yu, are you going to write a storybook soon?"

He said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Xiao asked someone to ask me. He said that the Liuzhou tabloid had finished printing some of the storybooks it had accumulated before, and now it is the time when there is no response."

"He wants you to write one."

"The tabloids in Liuzhou are not being accepted?" Fu Wenyu suddenly felt a sense of astonishment when he heard this, because in his impression, the situation of the tabloids in Liuzhou was getting better and better. How could the tabloids in Liuzhou not be accepted?

Shopkeeper Zhang explained, "It's like this..."

It turns out that since the Liuzhou tabloid revised its edition and changed the script from three stories to seven stories, there has indeed been a blowout phase. Not only Liuzhou, but also people from Jiangzhou, Anzhou and other places sent their storybooks, hoping to be published in Liuzhou tabloids and become famous. In the best time, they also received storybooks written by people in the capital.

It was also during that time that people like ‘Yang Shusheng’ appeared.

Later, Mr. Xiao came back from other places and used thunderous means to give the Liuzhou tabloid a completely new look. Not only did many people change, but the review of various articles, scripts, etc. was also stricter than before.

The advantage is, of course, that readers are becoming more and more satisfied, but the disadvantage is that the number of articles that are interesting to the readers will be reduced. And with the rise of the 'Beijing Tabloid' and the emergence of competitors such as the 'Jiangzhou Tabloid' and 'Anzhou Tabloid', the writers of those stories had other choices and no longer just submitted articles to the Liuzhou tabloid.

What's more, the author's inspiration will be suspended or even exhausted, so there will be interruptions in writing, or he will take a break for several months after finishing a book, or even not write for a year and a half.

The result is what it is now.

The author of a story currently being serialized was under too much pressure and said with a sad face, "I can't write it." However, the Liuzhou tabloid did not have a prepared story in advance, so it was about to open the window.

At this time, Mr. Xiao thought of Fu Wenyu.

After hearing the cause and effect, Fu Wenyu suddenly realized, "So now the Liuzhou tabloid is hoping that I can write a story in the next two days to deal with the emergency?"

Shopkeeper Zhang nodded, "Yes, that's what Mr. Xiao really meant."

"I thought, Wen Yu, that you really haven't written anything in recent months, so I came over to ask. Mr. Xiao promised that if you are willing to help, you can publish it in the new dialect whenever you want."


Fu Wenyu thought for a moment and asked, "Is it okay to say anything?"

Shopkeeper Zhang said: "Anything is fine, as long as it's not a collection of tricks. After all, Mr. Xiao's intention is that he hopes that your words can be printed for a while to solve the urgent need."

Fu Wenyu agreed.

After all, he also has shares in the Liuzhou tabloid. Although it is not a lot, he also received dozens of taels of silver last year. Therefore, Fu Wenyu is willing to help within his own ability.

After seeing off shopkeeper Zhang, Fu Wenyu sat at the table.

He began to think about what to write in Newspeak.

After thinking about it carefully, I found that more interesting themes, such as 'True and Fake Young Master', 'Superpowers, Stone Gambling and Antiques', and 'Running with the Ball' have already been written about. In addition to these, he also wrote "Love Brain and Digging Wild Vegetables" and "Studying for the Imperial Examinations Prolongs Life and Practices to Become an Immortal."

Many themes have been written about, even big killers like 'Rebirth'.



Thinking of 'rebirth', Fu Wenyu immediately thought of the corresponding 'time travel' and found that he had never written about the subject of 'time travel'. This suddenly shocked him and he knew what he was going to write in his Newspeak notebook.

Just write "time travel", and it's an evolved version of "time travel", "book travel"!

As for why he chose 'book travel' instead of 'time travel', Fu Wenyu felt that if the subject of 'time travel' were written on its own, ancient people who had never seen it might not be able to understand it. But 'book travel' is different. Compared with 'time travel', it is much easier to understand when you travel into a book, and readers will not be confused.

Without further ado, he started writing immediately.

The name of the Newspeak version is "The Success of Passing Through the Book to Become Famous".

The protagonist, Qian Ruhai, fell behind in his family and became a street gangster. He has nothing to do all day long. His biggest hobby is to sit under the window of the teahouse and eavesdrop on the storyteller inside.

On this day, he was sitting under the window of the teahouse as usual, and then he heard the storyteller inside say: " the way, when Qian Ruhai heard the person opposite acting like him, he suddenly became furious and furious! "

"He stood up quickly..."

Upon hearing this, Qian Ruhai's eyes suddenly brightened outside the window. He pressed his ears against the window and listened attentively. Occasionally, I didn’t listen carefully to some sentences and scratched my head and head anxiously.

Then two-quarters of an hour passed, and the storyteller took his leave.

"... Dear guests, I will stop here today. Come back tomorrow. Come back tomorrow."

Why come back tomorrow?

Qian Ruhai, who was under the window, was listening excitedly and suddenly became anxious.

The storybook called "Success and Fame" mentioned by the storyteller is his favorite recently, because the protagonist in it is also called "Qian Ruhai", who has the same name as him. The difference is that in reality, I am full and hungry, but in the storybook, I have status and status, and am on the road to making achievements.

So every time he listened to this storybook, Qian Ruhai imagined that he was the "Qian Ruhai" in the storybook, and wished he could take his place. It's a pity that after listening to it for several days, I still haven't heard the ending.

Seeing the storyteller coming out of the teahouse, Qian Ruhai, who was eager to know the ending, rushed over, "Old sir, wait a minute, wait a minute, what happened to 'Qian Ruhai'? What happened to him? "

The old gentleman turned his head and saw that Qian Ruhai, who often eavesdropped on his story telling but had never paid him any reward, suddenly said angrily: "Why is it you again?"

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