The same thing happened in other places.

In Mu Mansion, Jiangzhou, Mu Mingsu flipped through two tabloids bought by the servants.

One was published in Jiangzhou, and its layout was roughly the same as that of Liuzhou tabloid. However, because Jiangzhou's literary style was more prominent and there were not many famous storybook authors, there were only five stories printed on the Jiangzhou tabloid. The rest was occupied by street anecdotes, poems and songs by scholars, articles, and advertisements of various stores.

Mu Mingsu flipped through it casually, and saw that there was nothing that interested her, so she put it aside.

The other one was Liuzhou tabloid.

Because the news on Liuzhou tabloid was wider and the stories were longer and better, it had spread to Jiangzhou a few years ago. Those profit-seeking businessmen waited at the door of the printing house early in the morning, bought newspapers and put them in their cars, so Jiangzhou, which was adjacent to Liuzhou, could often see the latest Liuzhou tabloid in the afternoon of the same day.

This copy in Mu Mingsu's hand came from this way.

After opening it, she habitually read the "street anecdotes" section, and then she found that Mr. Fu, who had worked with her for several years, had made a big move in Beijing.

The "amusement park" has opened in Beijing!

The tabloid said that the amusement park in Beijing was about to be built and planned to be officially opened to the public on the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, which is August 15th. At that time, all people who enter the park will have the opportunity to participate in the lottery. The first prize is 100 taels of silver, the second prize is 50 taels, and the third prize is 10 taels.

In addition to these real money, everyone who enters the park will receive a small gift.

After the news of the opening, it also introduced some games in the amusement park in Beijing. Some of them are available in Liuzhou, and some are never seen by anyone. There are also hot springs, but the water in them has been replaced with ordinary hot water.

Mu Mingsu has been to the hot spring villa and amusement park in Liuzhou.

Last year, many people in Jiangzhou were attracted to it and came back with praises. Her father, Mu Zhizhou, was curious about this, so the father and daughter went there to play once during the day off.

To be fair, that place is indeed very attractive.

In addition to the game, Mu Mingsu also likes the hot springs there. She has never seen a hot spring before, so when she soaks in it, she has a very novel feeling, and even feels that all the troubles will go away by themselves. So she later found an opportunity to live there for half a month, and only came back reluctantly when the New Year was approaching.

Unexpectedly, these two places can be opened to the capital.

So Mu Mingsu really became a little curious about Mr. Fu, who she was going to meet in a few days. She didn't know what kind of person he was, and new ideas came one after another.

Now he has also written a "book-crossing" storybook.

Thinking of this, she opened the new chapter of "The Success of Book-Crossing" and started reading.

The "book-crossing" storybook is very novel.

After understanding the concept of "traveling in a book", readers saw Qian Ruhai follow the old man's narration and really follow the steps, anticipate others' opportunities everywhere, and rise from a small soldier to a sergeant, a squad leader, and then a centurion. Readers' emotions such as "can it be like this?" and "I want to see how far he can go" were high.

So in the following period of time, the sales of Liuzhou tabloids reached a small climax.

In the storybook, Qian Ruhai has successfully risen from a small soldier to a centurion through the plot he knew in advance.

Not only did he have his own independent tent, but he also had two personal soldiers who followed him wherever he went, namely Zhang Dadao, Li Gousheng and Wang Mazi from the same village, who also became sergeants and squad leaders with his help.

Therefore, Qian Ruhai initially had his own team.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

One day half a year later, Qian Ruhai led the soldiers to conduct daily training, and then quickly returned to his own tent, and found a neatly folded piece of paper under his pillow.

That was the "prophecy letter" he found an opportunity to write down after confirming that he had entered the storybook.

On this piece of paper, he wrote down everything that would happen in the future, so as not to forget a key point after a long time. At the same time, in order to avoid the danger of this paper being discovered by others, Qian Ruhai did not write, but used some symbols that he only understood, and some even replaced them with drawings.

For example, he was promoted to a captain and a centurion because of his merits, which was clearly written on this piece of paper, and he really got promoted smoothly after doing it some time ago.

After opening the paper today, he looked for it carefully.

"Half a year later, half a year later..."

"Got it!"

When he saw the sentence "Saved the general at a certain place, and then promoted to a thousand-man captain", Qian Ruhai was delighted. He knew that the most critical point after he became "Qian Ruhai" was coming. According to what the old man said, as long as he rescued the "general" who was ambushed and assassinated by the enemy, he would be successful in the future.

As for how to rescue, the "Qian Ruhai" in the story was ordered to take a dozen people out for patrol, and then met the general and others who were stabbed by the enemy and fled in embarrassment during the patrol.

The "Qian Ruhai" in the story knew the general, so he rushed up to fight with the enemy without hesitation, and lost nearly half of his men before rescuing him. In this unprepared rescue, not only did more than half of "Qian Ruhai's" men die or get injured, but he and his most important confidants also paid a heavy price.

Qian Ruhai and Zhang Dadao were seriously injured, Li Gousheng lost an arm, and Wang Mazi died in battle, which had a great impact on Qian Ruhai's future experience.

So now that he knew that the general would be assassinated, Qian Ruhai would certainly not sit idly by and watch such a thing happen. After all, whether it was Li Gousheng or Wang Mazi, they were both his good helpers, and he would feel sorry for losing either one.

It's not that he didn't think about telling the general about the assassination directly and asking the general not to go out today, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that he couldn't see the general, and why would people believe him?

If he was not careful, he would be subject to military law.

So after thinking about it, Qian Ruhai decided not to make trouble and still follow the storybook. However, he had to bring enough people. In the storybook, Qian Ruhai only brought a dozen people, and he wanted to bring a hundred people.

So he called his personal soldiers.

"Go and call all the squad leaders."

The personal soldiers did not doubt him and clasped their fists and responded: "Yes, centurion!"

Soon, the squad leaders under Qian Ruhai came one after another. They were of different heights, ages, and expressions on their faces. Some looked serious, some laughed, and others seemed a little restrained.

Because they had just experienced several fierce wars, most of them were newly promoted like Qian Ruhai.

Qian Ruhai looked at his team seriously, and then said: "Everyone, tomorrow is the day for us to go out on patrol. After careful consideration, I decided to take all of you with me."

After he said this, someone below spoke up immediately.

"Sir, this is against the rules!"

"In the past, the patrol centurions only brought one or two squads, and there was no reason to bring all of them."

Qian Ruhai looked over in the direction of the voice, and then narrowed his eyes slightly.

The speaker was a tall man in his forties. He was slightly less meritorious than Qian Ruhai in the great battle a month ago, so after the war, one of the two sergeants was promoted to centurion, while the other remained at the position of sergeant, so he had always been a little indignant.

So when he heard Qian Ruhai's plan, Li He, the sergeant, subconsciously spoke out to object.

Sensing Qian Ruhai's unhappy expression, Zhang Dadao, who had just been promoted to sergeant, snorted coldly: "Sergeant Li, what are the rules? The centurion's words are the rules."

"And the general didn't say that you can't bring a hundred people!"

For a moment, the tent was quiet.

Then Qian Ruhai looked around and said to his subordinates with different expressions: "Sergeant Zhang is right. The general only ordered me to lead a patrol tomorrow, but did not say how many people to lead."

"Patrol is also training, so it is not reasonable to train only 10 or 20 people, so I decided to take you all with me. I will explain this to the general. You will prepare the troops and horses to follow me tomorrow." "No mistake!"

No matter what the subordinates thought in their hearts, they all agreed.

"Yes, centurion."

After these sergeants left, Qian Ruhai tidied his clothes and went out to report to his boss, General Zhou. The reason was of course the same as before, saying that he was a new official and some of his men were still recruits who had never seen blood, so he planned to take them out for training during the patrol.

General Zhou readily agreed and praised him for being "smart".

So the next day, Qian Ruhai set off with a hundred people fully armed.

Because in the storybook, Qian Ruhai encountered the general and others on his way back from patrol, so the route they set out did not change, and it was the same as before.

As they walked, Zhang Dadao slowly approached, and then lowered his voice.

"Ruhai, Li He went back yesterday to slander you."

"He said that you haven't even grown all your hair yet, but you're imitating others to give orders, and you think of one thing at a time. He also said that you don't have the life of a general, and you're like a jumping louse, you won't be able to jump for long."

"How about I find a few brothers to beat him up?"

Qian Ruhai on horseback looked back, and then saw that Li He in Zhang Dadao's words was talking to the people around him. When he saw him looking over, he returned a disdainful look.

Qian Ruhai: "...Heh."

Thinking that he would be able to make a great contribution on the way back from this patrol, he said in a good mood: "Don't pay attention to him. People like him won't be able to jump around for long."

If he remembered correctly, this "Li He" was one of the people who died in the plot of "Qian Ruhai saved the general" in the storybook, because the old man never mentioned him again afterwards.

Why bother with a dying person?

Thinking of this, he said to Zhang Dadao: "When you go back later, call Gousheng and Mazi over. We haven't talked together for a long time."

Then he named a few more names, all of whom were his loyal subordinates who he had been optimistic about in the past six months. He was going to let them join him and make a great contribution today.

Zhang Dadao did not doubt him and agreed immediately.

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