In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

During this period, Fu Wenyu and other Liuzhou scholars returned from Jiangzhou one after another. Then the three states jointly built an academy and Chen Lang's villainous deeds spread in Liuzhou.

But compared to others who were either commotion or discussing privately, Fu Wenyu seemed much calmer. He was not interested in these two things that scholars in Liuzhou are currently concerned about. Instead, he studied behind closed doors at home, trying to digest and absorb what he gained from this trip to Jiangzhou and improve his knowledge.

After that, I still took the time to go to Beijing, because the Beijing Amusement Park was about to open.

The Beijing Amusement Park opened during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Since there was nothing going on at home, Fu Wenyu went with his mother and sister. Not only them, but also the martial arts team and drama team from Fujiacun. Unlike Zhou and Fu Rong who went to play, these people would work in the amusement park for a period of time.

In order not to become a slave, they plow the land during busy periods and earn money during slack periods.

A few years have passed, and Fujiacun has become very different.

In the past, it was just an ordinary small village. Whether it was people or houses, it was not significantly different from other villages in Liuzhou or villages all over the world.

Work as the sun rises and rest as the sun sets.

After a year of hard work, I can barely fill my stomach.

But now, as long as people in Fujia Village are willing to endure hardships and avoid cheating, they can find suitable jobs in the martial arts team, the drama team, Zhou's velvet material making workshop, or hot spring resorts and amusement parks.

Especially at the hot spring resort and amusement park, almost all comers are welcome. For example, greeting guests, washing vegetables and cooking, walking on the stage to act as passers-by, or hiding in specially arranged gaps in the haunted house to pretend to be ghosts and scare people, etc. No matter which job they hold, they can save hundreds of dollars a month, or more.

So in today's Fujia Village, basically every family builds a new house and has meat to eat every day.

The nearby villages are extremely envious.

Because of this, the market for young people in Fujiacun is bullish.

On the way to the capital, one day the female relatives gathered together to talk, and an aunt from the Fu family said: "... My youngest son's marriage has been decided, and Chunfeng's wife introduced him to a man from the city. Girl, that girl is good-looking and her family owns a shop in Liuzhou City."

"If this happened in the past, I wouldn't have dared to think about such a daughter-in-law."

The aunt said with emotion, "My mother-in-law also said that they are a family that loves their daughter, so when her daughter gets married, she will give her a dowry of ten taels of silver. After hearing this, I was very happy, but I also felt distressed because I couldn't afford to miss out on the betrothal gift, so I gritted my teeth. Then our family will also give you a betrothal gift of ten taels of silver."

"This is good. In order to prevent the eldest daughter-in-law from having any objections, I gave the younger couple another eight taels of water. This bowl of water has to be leveled. Fortunately, I only have two sons, so I can still afford it."

After she said this, several others of similar age also spoke.

Chunfeng's aunt Tian who introduced her to a city girl as her younger son's wife said: "It's a matter of a bowl of water. Our family's Xinhe will get married next year. I also told my in-laws that Xinhe's wages have been lost over the years." Bring it to her, and we will post some more. Now every household in Fujia Village has errands. Only when the family is harmonious can we do errands well. "

Someone laughed and said, "That makes sense."

"You all know what happened to Chun Tong's family, right? His wife, Wen, has always kept her mouth shut. Before, we went to the Hot Spring Villa together as errands. We still had 500 Wen for food and accommodation a month, but she loves She gossiped about the guests, so the month was not up, so the steward told her not to go any more. "

"Just like that, she is still nagging at home, complaining about this and that, and quarreling with her son and wife every day. Now in their family, only Chuntong has errands, and everyone else is burdened by her."

Others echoed.

"You have to choose someone with a good temper when doing work."

"The family is harmonious."

Next, a group of people also talked about the younger generation in the village.

One said that a child from a certain family was married to someone from such and such a family. The other said that his natal family or relatives wanted to get married to Fujiacun. He asked which family had a suitable girl and who in the village had not yet married a wife.

Then a group of people talked and talked about Fu Wenyu.

Everyone looked at Mrs. Zhou and asked curiously: "Mother Wen Yu, what kind of daughter-in-law do you plan to marry? Wen Yu is nineteen this year, but do you think you are optimistic about her?"

Mrs. Zhou smiled lightly, "The kid said we would wait until after the provincial examination."

After the provincial examination...

After receiving such an answer, everyone stopped asking questions.

If it had happened in the past, I'm afraid some of the people present would be interested in playing matchmaker. But after the hot spring resort and amusement park were built, everyone stopped thinking about it.

Not only do I no longer have any ideas, I don’t even say the harsh words I occasionally used to say.

Because everyone knows very well that today's good life was brought about by Fu Wenyu, so most people in the village wish him well. Anyone who dares to say something bad will be refuted.

And as everyone has more and more money in their pockets, young people in the village are getting married later and later. In the past, people got married when they were fifteen or sixteen, but now they often don't start seeing each other until they are seventeen or eighteen.

Let them make more money during the two or three years in between.

Because everyone understands the truth, that is, the better the conditions, the better you can get along with good people. Especially young people who can save a family by themselves, the mothers-in-law like them very much.

So instead of spending two taels of silver to marry a daughter-in-law without dowry and little knowledge when the child is fifteen or sixteen years old. It is better to wait until he is seventeen or eighteen years old, and then spend ten taels to marry a daughter-in-law with ten taels of dowry and who has been carefully educated in her natal family. The same is true for daughters. Daughters with dowries and daughters without dowries marry different families.

The villagers can figure out the truth, and Zhou also understands it.

Now Fu Wenyu is nineteen years old and Fu Rong is fourteen years old.

There is no need to say much about Fu Rong. She has not yet reached the age of marriage, and it is still too early for her to get married. Although Fu Wenyu is already nineteen, he is preparing to take the provincial examination next year. If he passes the provincial examination, he will take the imperial examination the year after.

So he is not in a hurry.

Fu Wenyu did not know that he was almost facing the pressure of marriage. If he knew, he would probably be shocked. Because this part of his thinking is still in the modern era, and he does not think that he should get married at the age of nineteen.

Now he is guiding the performances of the martial arts team and the drama team.

The martial arts team was founded when he wrote the storybook "Rebirth of the Treasure Map", which was the second year after he came to the ancient times. Since then, as the martial arts style faded, the martial arts team experienced a trough, but it has never disbanded. Because their members have a certain overlap with the drama team, the two complement each other.

And the drama team has been enduring.

Perhaps the drama that Fu Wenyu guided them to rehearse is closer to modern skits, without so many literary dialogues, so this way of interpretation has been widely praised since its launch. Every performance of the "Collection of Scams" series can attract many people, even those who are illiterate can watch it with relish.

Therefore, when the amusement park in Beijing opened this time, Fu Wenyu simply brought them all. For this reason, he also wrote two "Collection of Scams" stories, one called "Medical Money" and the other "Partnership".

When writing the storybook "Medical Money", Fu Wenyu referred to the modern early "electronic fraud" scam.

The specific situation is that when Zhang Sanlang was out doing business, a man suddenly came to his house. The man said anxiously that Zhang Sanlang was seriously ill and was about to die, and asked them to bring money to treat him quickly. In order to gain the trust of the Zhang family, the man also told some things about the Zhang family and Zhang Sanlang.

And took out Zhang Sanlang's things as a token.

The simple Zhang family did not suspect him, so they arranged for someone to go with him with silver and money, and rushed to rescue him. As a result, the man stole the money halfway.

A month later, when Zhang Sanlang came back, everyone knew that someone had approached him first, got the information of the Zhang family, stole something of Zhang Sanlang, and came to the Zhang family to cheat money.

As for the story "Partnership", it tells the story of Zhang Sanlang doing business with others, but he was too careless and someone tampered with the contract. He was cheated out of money and had to beg all the way back.

These two new stories are not difficult. When the boat docked, everyone had rehearsed them in a very good way.


As soon as August came, a piece of news spread widely.

Someone who was sitting in a teahouse with a friend and had nothing to do put down the "Beijing tabloid" in his hand, and then asked curiously: "This "amusement park", why do I hear people mention it every day, what is it?"

His friend pointed to the Liuzhou tabloid he put down, "Doesn't it say on it? The amusement park is a place for people to play, and it is said that adults and children can go there, just outside the city."

"But I can't see the details clearly, the place is surrounded by walls. By the way, it is said that you can also draw a lottery, and you will get silver if you win the lottery."

When they heard about giving silver, many people were eager to try.

Not to mention that the Beijing tabloid also wrote that there are "haunted houses", "merry-go-rounds", "slides", "treasure hunts", "guessing puzzles" and other games in the amusement park that sound very fun or very novel. Besides the games, there are also "cuju performances", "opera performances", "martial arts performances", "drama performances", "storybook illustration exhibitions", etc.

These descriptions make them feel that if they don't go, they will not be able to talk to those who have been there.

Not to mention that some people in Beijing have been to the amusement park in Liuzhou, so with their encouragement, anyone with some spare money wants to go and see it.

However, when they paid for the tickets, they found that the tickets for the first three days had been sold out. They said that for the safety of the people, only a part of the people could enter every day, and now the queue has been half a month later.

So many people could only sigh with regret.

But in the eyes of Fu Wenyu and others, this situation is welcome.

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