Zhang Gou Sheng stood blankly and didn't give any big reaction.

In fact, he was confused.

The day before yesterday, he was still in the village cutting pig grass, washing clothes, and studying with his master. His mother had never washed clothes since he was seven years old. He had to wash them all. The reason was that his mother said that year that she and her eldest sister were both women and would get sick from washing clothes in the cold winter, so she sent him to wash them.

Of course he washed only outer robes.

He always goes to wash very early, because when he goes late, the aunts and sisters in the village are coming. Every time they see him, they make fun of him, say something he can't answer, and ask him about his wife in the future. Do you also want to wash your wife’s clothes?

But before he could finish washing, his grandmother and father rushed over without saying a word, grabbed him and drove him to the city. On the way, the two of them kept emphasizing that the Zhang family had supported him for so many years and it was time for him to repay his kindness.

How to repay the favor?

It turned out that he was asked to die for the young master of the Wang family!

Of course Zhang Goucheng was unwilling, but his father beat him, and his grandmother also said that the Wang family was powerful. If he didn't want to, the entire Zhang family would die, and he would not be able to leave the Wang family.

He had no choice but to pretend to agree, and prepare to look for opportunities to complain or escape later.

What happened next was very strange.

First, Mr. Wang said that he was the child of the Wang family and that he had been replaced back then. Then when he came to the court, his and Wang Fugui's blood merged with Mr. Wang's. The grandmother also said that she had not replaced the child back then...

Thinking of this, Zhang Goucheng looked to the left, where the Wang family and his wife were standing.

Mr. Wang, who was still wearing yesterday's clothes, looked at him with tears in his eyes, while Mrs. Wang, with her hair in a messy bun, reached out to him with the support of the maid.

"My child, my child, you have suffered, you have suffered..."

Zhang Gou Sheng's eyes heated up and he quickly looked to the other side.

On the other side, where the Zhang family is.

Nanny Zhang was kowtowing to the county magistrate to plead for mercy, her forehead was bruised and purple, "Sir, please have mercy. Fugui is just a child. He didn't mean to kill anyone, he didn't mean to..."

Zhang's father and Zhang's mother comforted Wang Fugui and hugged him. One said, "Fugui, you don't have to worry. There must be a way. There must be a way to prevent you from dying." The other said, "Fugui, Fugui, mother, finally." I see you, I finally see you, you call me mother, you call me mother..."

But Wang Fugui didn't appreciate it, and he pushed the two away fiercely.

"Get out of here, old man!"

"I am Wang Fugui, the son of a member of the Wang family, and the young master of the Wang family. I am not the kind of person you two old guys are, and I don't want to take a piss to see if I am worthy!"

While shackled, he turned around and stretched out his hand towards Mr. Wang, "Dad, help me, help me..."

Mr. Wang came to his senses when Wang Fugui shouted, and said with a complicated expression: "...Fugui, you are not our child. You just heard it. It was your grandmother, Grandma Zhang, who was obsessed with her. When I was not at home, she The two children have been exchanged. You are a child of the Zhang family. Your name is not Wang Fugui, but Zhang Fugui. "

At this point, he paused and said, "I know you are innocent."

Wang Fugui's eyes lit up and he shouted hurriedly: "Yes, yes, yes, I am innocent. Father, please rescue me! I am not Wang Fugui, I am Zhang Fugui. As long as you rescue me, father, you can call me whatever you want." OK!"

Wang Yuanwai: "...wealth and honor."

He was heartbroken and said, "If you weren't so unscrupulous, even if you just broke Liu Weng's leg. For the sake of you calling me dad for fifteen years, I would help you even if I risked my face and knelt down and begged him." "

"But you are killing people, you are killing people!"

"It violates the laws of the imperial court. How can I help? How can I help?"

Seeing this, Zhang Gou Sheng withdrew his gaze.

At this time, his ears also echoed with the comments of the people watching.

"It turns out that Wang Fugui is really not Wang Yuanwai's biological son. Let me tell you, Wang Yuanwai is such a good person who donates bridges and paved roads every year. How could he give birth to a bastard son?"

"Bah, you're worse than a beast!"

"Every beast knows how to recognize his parents. Look at him, he doesn't even want to recognize his own parents."

"That's right, he's worse than a beast. His grandmother replaced someone else's son, and his parents kept silent and abused his son. Sure enough, he is fundamentally bad."

"Hey, my eldest sister's daughter's godmother is from their village. I heard that they made Wang Yuanwai's son work as a slave to serve their family since he was a child. Even the clothes were washed by Wang Yuanwai's son."

"Do you think the whole family is crazy?"

"Oh, this is not only a blackening of the heart and liver, but also a rotten heart and lungs!"

"Retribution, it's all retribution."

In the midst of all the commotion, Zhang Gou Sheng strangely calmed down.

He did not look at Wang Yuanwai and his wife, nor did he look to see whether Wang Fugui was successful. Instead, he began to curse his mother Zhang, and did not look at the various looks behind him, either sympathetic or jealous. Instead, he straightened his clothes and raised his hands to the person at the top, Mr. Bao, whom he trusted most now.

"Sir, there is something unclear about the student."

Magistrate Bao sympathized with this poor child, signaled for silence, and then said, "You can ask."

So Zhang Gou Sheng asked, and he said nervously: "I dare to ask, my lord, before you said, 'If we are biological father and son, the blood will melt in the water', and later you said, 'If you add alum to the water, it will melt, but if you add clear oil, it will not melt.' , 'The so-called blood recognition and bone recognition are not necessarily accurate.' Sir, just based on the fact that the three people of the Zhang family were protecting Wang Fugui, did you conclude that I am Mr. Wang's biological son?"

"But what if I am indeed a child of the Zhang family?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then someone whispered: "What a poor child. He is afraid. He is afraid that he has mistaken his parents again."

"What a crime."

"But is it really not allowed to recognize someone with blood?"

"It seems that so-and-so's child was abducted, and later he was identified as a parent by a drop of blood. Now Mr. Bao may not be sure, so did he admit it wrong? Then I have to talk to him."

"No way, that child will look like him when he grows up. He will be printed from the same mold."

"But Zhang Gouchen doesn't look like Mr. Wang!"

Everyone paused and took a closer look and found that it really didn't look like it.

One is thin, the other is fat, one has clear facial features, and the other has a face as big as a pie. They really don’t look alike when you look at them from left to right.

Those strange looks frightened Wang Yuanwai and he quickly explained, "It looks like a dog." He hesitated for a moment but did not say the word "gou Sheng". He only said: "Sheng'er, this kid, is younger than me." time like."

Mrs. Wang also nodded hurriedly, "Yes, just like when I was young."

But despite this, some people still whispered, saying that it didn't look like it, so they must have admitted their mistake again. Hearing these words, Wang Yuanwai's face turned red. He secretly decided to stop eating meat and eat one less bowl of rice when he returned. He must lose weight as soon as possible and no longer let people say that they, the father and son who finally recognized each other, were not picture'.

Thinking of his son who hadn't called out 'Dad' yet, he quickly looked at Zhang Gou Sheng.

At this time, Zhang Gou Sheng was waiting for the answer.

County Magistrate Bao didn't expect him to ask such a question. He thought for a while before answering, "I see that you speak clearly and clearly, and you are neither humble nor arrogant, but have you read a book?"

Zhang Goucheng replied: "I read it with the master in the village."

"Well, since you have read books, you should read the "Dalu" of this dynasty." Magistrate Bao said: "The key to solving a case is evidence, not opportunism."

"My judgment that you are a child of the Wang family relies on evidence."

"First, you and Wang Fugui were indeed born on the same day, same year, same month, one early and the other late. Although the woman Wen who delivered you is dead, the one who delivered Wang Fugui is still there. I have just sent someone to inquire. , she said that Wang Fugui had a mole on the sole of his foot, but she was old and had difficulty moving, so she never came here. "

"This is a witness."

"Secondly, according to county government records, around the time you were born, the Zhang family sold several acres of land, and the Wen woman who delivered you had a few more acres of land in her family."

"This is physical evidence."


Magistrate Bao narrated slowly, and everyone realized that the county government had done so many things, and they all praised the magistrate for his wisdom. Now no one said that Wang Yuanwai was not like Zhang Gou Sheng, and that he was no longer father and son.

Finally, Magistrate Bao concluded.

"What matters in deciding a case is evidence. In addition to these, I will also ask several of them to explain everything clearly and sign their names. If it is true, it cannot be false, and if it is false, it cannot be true."

Zhang Goucheng was sincerely convinced, "Thank you, sir!"

At this time, everyone in the Zhang family and Wang Fugui, who had heard the conversation between the two, knew that there was nothing they could do to save their lives, and they completely collapsed, with expressions of depression, sluggishness, regret, resentment, etc.

Finally, Zhang Gou Sheng finally called his real father and mother.

Liu Hui, the plaintiff in the murder case, shed tears in her eyes and kowtowed in gratitude when she heard that Magistrate Bao had sentenced Wang Fugui to be executed immediately, and that he would be executed as soon as it was reported to Dali Temple for verification.

There was joy.

After writing the full text, Fu Wenyu put down the pen with satisfaction.

The script of "Jiu Occupying the Magpie's Nest: It's Hard to Tell the True Master from the Fake" was longer than expected, reaching 130,000 words, due to the subsequent addition of characters and plot.

However, the number of words is not the focus of Fu Wenyu. He is satisfied that the story of this story is strong enough, and the conflict is sufficient. The bloody plots come one after another, and the twists are repeated again and again. It is guaranteed to make the readers who follow the update obsessed with it and unable to stop. , I can’t wait to rush to the bookstore to read the finale in one go.

This is his purpose!

Thinking of this, Fu Wenyu smiled and pulled out the last part from the thick stack of paper, which was about 40,000 words of plot, leaving the plot on the paper to stop at "recognition of relatives with a drop of blood", that is, the blood of the three people was fused together. In the episode together.

He planned to hand over the first part to Kaiyuan Bookstore and let them publish it in the newspaper. As for the latter part of the "finale", he would give it to Shopkeeper Zhang to print it into a book together with the previous one. In this way, when the plot in the newspaper ferments and a large number of readers follow it, the book can be sold.

In this way, it will definitely boost the sales of story books!

Just like those readers who are willing to open a ‘VVIP’ account to watch online dramas, or to reward the author for extra updates, there are always some people who want to know the ending in advance.

They will be the main force in the sales of story books.

The experienced Fu Wenyu is very confident in this.

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