The second chapter of "The Legend of the Divine Eye" tells the story of the protagonist Li Lei discovering and initially using his "chance".

In the first chapter, he woke up and saw a strange-looking thing in the house, and in his eyes, this thing also emitted a hazy layer of fluorescence, which made him unable to look away.

"Then, what is that?!"

Li Lei pointed in a direction and asked with wide eyes.

The old housekeeper looked back blankly, looked in the direction Li Lei pointed, and then found a stone used as an ornament, so he walked over quickly and pointed at the stone and asked.

"Master, are you talking about this strange stone?"

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

Li Lei jumped off the bed without wearing shoes, came to the side of this half-man-high strange stone with disheveled hair, and looked around it. This is what he saw when he just opened his eyes.

It glowed just now, but now it can't be seen.

"What is this?"

The old housekeeper looked at his young master strangely and explained, "Young master, this is a stone."

"This stone was collected by our shop. Because it looks strange, like a tree, the master asked someone to make it into a decoration when he saw it last time and put it at home for appreciation."

"I remember you were there at that time."

After such a reminder, Li Lei also remembered it.

This is indeed a stone that his father likes very much. Later, when they left, they didn't take it away because it was too heavy, and left it in the old house.

But Li Lei clearly remembered that the stone didn't glow at that time. If it could glow, he would have discovered it long ago, and others would have discovered it long ago, and they wouldn't have waited until now.

Thinking of this, he asked again as if to confirm.

"Uncle Li, have you ever seen it glow?"

"Glow?" The old housekeeper looked at the stone, then looked at the young master who was curiously touching the stone, and asked with some concern: "Young master, are you okay? How can a stone glow?"

"It's just a stone."

"Or, I'll ask someone to get you a doctor."

The old housekeeper's meaning was obviously worried that his young master had hurt his head when he was knocked unconscious on the street by someone unknown today. Otherwise, why would he ask such a question?

A stone is a stone, it can't glow. If a stone can glow, what is the use of candles?

Facing the old housekeeper's worried eyes, Li Lei also reacted instantly.

He laughed and said, "Uh, what, I saw it wrong."

Li Lei yawned in a pretentious manner, "You go out first, I'm going to sleep."

But the old housekeeper answered even more at a loss: "But young master, you have been in a coma for a day and just woke up." How could a person who has been in a coma for a day still sleep?

Thinking of this, the old housekeeper's expression became even more strange.

Li Lei: "..."

Yes, he just woke up.

Knowing that if this continued, the old housekeeper might really send someone to ask a doctor to see him. So Li Lei calmed down and didn't mention the topic of sleeping. Instead, he said that he was hungry, and then watched the old housekeeper prepare food for him and arranged for someone to bring hot water to help him wash.

When the food was served, he casually put some dishes into the bowl and ate them in two or three bites. He casually found an excuse to say to the old housekeeper and the servants: "I'm full."

"Well, you guys go out first, I'll read a book."

Li Lei planned to wait for them to go out, and then he would study the glowing stone carefully to see what was going on.

But who knew that as soon as he finished speaking, the personal servant Jixiang raised his head in surprise and said in surprise: "Young Master, don't you hate reading the most?"

Not only that, he added, "And there are no books in your luggage. When you were about to leave, you asked me to secretly take them out, saying that only fools read."

Li Lei: "......!"

He didn't expect that the two excuses he found to get rid of others failed, so he simply broke the jar and put on the posture of a young master.

"Okay, this young master just wants to be alone, you all go out, don't get in the way here. If there is anything, I will call you naturally."

Speaking of this, he touched his stomach again and stopped the servant from taking the food away, "These dishes are left, I will ask someone to collect them."

Seeing that the young master was still the familiar young master, the old housekeeper was relieved. He gave a few instructions and then took people out, leaving only a servant guarding the door for Li Lei to send.

As soon as the door was closed, Li Lei's expression became excited. He took two steps at a time and trotted to the half-man-high strange stone, looking left and right and touching it. Just now, when he was absent-mindedly washing his face, he actually had a vague understanding of what this thing was.

This is "chance"!

The "chance" that the old beggar said could bring him benefits!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why only he can see the "fluorescence" on this stone, and no matter whether it is the old housekeeper or the servant, or other servants passing by, they can't see it.

This is a "chance" that belongs to him alone!

After realizing this, Li Lei's breathing became rapid.

When writing here, Fu Wenyu took out his notebook.

This was used when he went to Jinshizhai to learn about jade and antiques. Some of the more important knowledge he thought might be useful was written down at the time.

Jinshizhai is a shop that buys and sells antiques, and most of the jade in it is ancient jade. In fact, the ancient jade that has been cut and carved and has experienced many years in the world is different from what Fu Wenyu wants to write now, but there are still some similarities. So he searched carefully and found some useful knowledge points.

Shopkeeper Zhang helped him find two stores to study.

One is Jinshizhai, which sells antiques, and the other is Jubaolou, which sells trendy jewelry.

In fact, according to Fu Wenyu's original plan, he should have gone to the Jubao Tower first, because the plot of "Gamble on Stones" appeared first in "The Legend of Divine Eyes", which required professional knowledge about jade. But it's a pity that the shopkeeper and the old master of Jubaolou have gone out to buy.

What I bought was still ‘raw stone’.

In ancient times, there was also gambling on stones, and the bets were on rough stones.

However, this requires a very high threshold, and the rough stones are still monopolized by the government and a small number of people, so ordinary people are not aware of it. Those who participate in stone gambling are usually various silver houses. They will travel thousands of miles to the source of raw stones to buy jade that has been opened, or raw stones whose details cannot be revealed.

The people from Jubaolou went out this time to buy jade to make jewelry.

So after learning about this situation, Fu Wenyu simply went to Jinshizhai first, and after the original stone was brought back from Jubao Building, he would go there to study, and by the way, he could also see the ancient stone analysis process.

As for the 'opportunity' that Li Lei encountered in the article, Fu Wenyu happened to be in a state of 'understanding a little bit' now, so the words he described were just right 'jerky'.

It can be considered an unexpected surprise.

In the second chapter of "Legend of Gambling on Stones", after Li Lei realized that the big stone was his 'opportunity', he used many methods to test and find out.

He took the tea and poured it on...

He held the candle close to the burning...

He patted it and stroked it up and down, trying to figure out the mystery of the stone.

But what makes Li Lei regretful is that after trying many methods, he still failed to find any clues. But there is one good news, that is, he can see that layer of 'fluorescence' again!

After his experiment, as long as you concentrate and stare at the stone, you can see that it emits a hazy layer of fluorescence from the inside to the outside. The fluorescent light was so weak that it was like a lit candle with ten layers of lampshades. You couldn't tell it unless you looked carefully.

As for why he discovered it all at once when he first woke up, Li Lei thought it was because he had just received an 'opportunity' at that time, so that was why he was like this.

So how can we unlock this "opportunity"?

Li Lei thought and thought, looked and looked, and finally decided to smash it!

"Smash it, smash it?"

Jixiang, the personal servant, asked in disbelief: "Young master, do you want to smash this big stone? But, this is a stone that the master likes very much. If the master finds out..."

He shuddered subconsciously.

Li Lei waved his hands nonchalantly, "If you don't tell me, I won't tell, and no one else will tell either. How would my father know? He is still in Ping'an County and will never come back."

"Go and call someone, I'm going to smash this rock!"

Jixiang thought about it and thought so.

After all, the eldest young master is the master's biological son. Although he is not taken seriously, the master will not do anything to punish the eldest young master for a stone in his hometown. At most, he will receive a few scoldings.

When it comes to getting scolded, the young master has experience!

So he responded immediately and then informed the old housekeeper. Three or five more people were called, either with hammers or iron rods, ready to smash the rocks according to the eldest young master's instructions.

"Young Master, where to start?"

At this time, the stone that looked like a tree and fluoresced in Li Lei's eyes had been moved to the open space in the yard by several people, and Jixiang was eager to try it with the hammer.

"Well, let me see..."

Li Lei circled the stone, carefully pointed to a place where the fluorescence was dimmest, and said: "Starting from here, just create a gap that is as big as a palm and less than an inch deep."

"...As long as it's as big as a palm?"

Jixiang scratched his head in embarrassment. Because the eldest young master initially said he wanted to 'break rocks', he was looking for big objects. He thought that no matter whether the eldest young master wanted to break them into two pieces or ten pieces, he could do it. Appropriate. But now that the eldest young master said that he only needs to open a window as big as a palm, then the things he is looking for are not suitable.

Fortunately, although Ji Xiang could not keep his mouth shut sometimes, he was loyal to Li Lei, so he quickly found a set of mason's tools, leaned on the stone, knocked on it, and used the chisel carefully according to Li Lei's instructions. A palm-sized window was opened above the stone.

"How is it?" Li Lei asked nervously.

"It's nothing," Jixiang wiped his stone-covered hands on his clothes and said in confusion, "Young master, it's just an ordinary stone."

"What exactly are you looking for?"

"An ordinary stone, impossible!" Li Lei flatly refused, because in his eyes, as long as the big stone in front of him looked carefully, he would still see a layer of gleaming light. Even the place where Jixiang smashed it just now, the light is getting stronger and stronger, and it is different from before.

"But the eldest young master..."

Ji Xiang wanted to persuade him again, but Li Lei had already pushed him away and snatched the tools away, "Get out of the way, I'll do it myself!"




Just when Jixiang was puzzled, under Li Lei's strong knocking, a small piece of stone fell off like a weathered wall, revealing the green inside.

This is...!!!

Jixiang's eyes widened suddenly!

Compared with his doubts, Li Lei, who also discovered the different color, laughed wildly.

"This is jade, this is jade, hahahaha..."

Because his father is a jade merchant, Li Lei can be regarded as a family of learning, and he didn't dare to think about it before he saw it. After all, the old beggar didn't say that his eyes could see jade, but now that he saw what was inside the stone, he immediately confirmed it.

"This is jade!"

He said affirmatively: "I saw jade!"

Enough 3,000 words, Fu Wenyu put down the pen.

Because the story of "Legend of the Divine Eye" involves a lot of professional knowledge, in order to avoid mistakes, he was also more cautious when writing. It happened that Liuzhou Tabloid was printed once every five days. He planned not to be greedy this time, and only write one chapter a day, and use the rest of the time to study and revise.

And drink milk tea.

Speaking of milk tea, we have to mention the great hero of their family - sheep.

They have already raised the third sheep.

The first one was brought back by Fu Wenyu, because sheep in ancient times had not been bred, and after coming to the Fu family, they ate grass every day and had not eaten anything nutritious, so the daily milk production was not much, about two or three pounds.

Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to add water to boil goat milk, but Fu Wenyu took into account that the three people in the family were not in good health, so in order to better digest, he would add water to dilute it every time. The bowl at home is not deep, and it is still open. It is only two hundred milliliters when filled, so about ten bowls can be boiled every day.

Zhou usually drinks one bowl and refuses to drink anymore, but Fu Wenyu and Fu Rong have no such scruples. They drink at least two bowls a day, plus one bowl for Fu Dashi and one bowl for Fu Chunhua, so they can save five bowls to exchange for the people in the village. However, except for the skinny old man surnamed Tian who had children at home whom Fu Wenyu had seen at the head of the village before, other families were reluctant to come and change every day.

During the period of building the house, in order to thank the uncles and brothers who came to help, Fu Wenyu asked the sheep seller to bring two sheep over and made milk tea for them every day. On the day of going up to Daliang, a sheep and two chickens were killed, and a pot of fragrant radish stewed with mutton and hot chicken soup was cooked.

So now there are only two sheep left in the Fu family, and all eggs have to be bought.

"Mom, where is my sister?" Fu Wenyu poured a cup of milk tea from the kitchen, looked left and right and didn't see Fu Rong, so he asked curiously.

"She and Chunhua went to herd sheep." Zhou, who was drying clothes, answered.

Zhou and Fu Rong used to go to Li's house every day to teach the selected embroiderers to make velvet flowers. At present, the embroiderers have learned to make simple velvet flowers and have also made a large number of finished products. Because there are too many finished products, Li decided to sell them first to recover some of the cost. Zhou and Fu Rong knew nothing about business, so they were free and didn't have to go to the city every day.

Fu Rong, who was free, treated the two sheep at home as pets. She happily took them out to find grass every day, and every time she attracted a large group of children.

Knowing that they would not come back so soon once they went out, Fu Wenyu drank the sweet milk tea in the cup in a few sips, and then went back to the kitchen to pour another bowl.

"Mom, I'll take milk tea to grandpa and come back later."

Fu Dashi still lives in the old house and lives with the second wife.

Since Fu Wenyu got the 53 acres of land and built a rare "luxury house" in the village, his facial expressions have become richer. He is happy all day long, and from time to time he walks under the tree at the head of the village with his hands behind his back and chats with other old people in the village.

Some time ago, someone encouraged him to move in with Fu Wenyu, saying that he would enjoy a good life with the eldest grandson, but he refused, saying that it was agreed when the family was divided that he would live with the second son. For this reason, Fu Wenyu's family had a much better impression of him, and they would send him a portion of any good food at home.

This was the case with the milk tea every day, and Fu Wenyu specially used a big bowl.

The old house was not closed, and Fu Wenyu shouted "Grandfather, are you here?" and went in after hearing Fu Dashi's voice.

In the courtyard, the second aunt Liu was feeding the chickens, and the chicken feed was scattered all over the floor. Three chickens were eating hard. When she saw Fu Wenyu coming in with a familiar big bowl, she smiled and twitched her mouth: "It's Wenyu, are you sending your grandfather that stupid goat milk again?"

"This stuff is so fishy, ​​and if you drink too much, you will go to the toilet. How can it be as good as mutton to nourish your body. If you are really filial, kill those two sheep and send the meat."

She said this for a reason.

Because Aunt Fu is a rare lactose intolerant person, she had been squatting in the toilet for a long time because she had snatched Chunhua's milk tea. After she came out, she was so scared that she kept shouting that goat milk was poison and could not be drunk. Drinking it would kill people. Later, she was refuted by other people in the village who had drunk it. She was also asked where the goat milk she drank came from, which made her face embarrassed.

Fu Wenyu, who heard about this that day, rewarded her own sheep with a handful of fresh grass.

What's wrong with the sheep?

Well done!

So now Fu Wenyu was not afraid at all, and responded with a smile, "Aunt, how do you know that drinking too much goat milk will lead to going to the toilet? Have you drunk it before?"

"But I don't remember serving it to you."

Aunt Fu's face suddenly turned red.

She moved her lips and ignored the words. Instead, she touched the copper hairpin on her head and changed the subject: "Wen Yu, it's time you talk about your mother. Your family is still observing filial piety, so your mother will go Put a silver hairpin on your head and dress up in a fancy way, what about..."

"Hey, hey, you, what are you doing?!"

Aunt Fu was startled by the sudden approach of Fu Wenyu and took several steps back.

Fu Wenyu wanted to hit someone, but he still held back.

His voice became colder, "Second Aunt, you don't want to live a good life, I can help you live a worse life. I remember we agreed when we separated, this yard is half of my house, right?"

"My mother wears silver hairpins, that's because she has the ability, and I have the ability. I will buy her gold hairpins, gold earrings, gold bracelets, and gold hairpins in the future. If you keep yelling about it, I will ask someone to build it in the middle of the yard. A wall, then bulldoze my old houses, raise ten roosters, and then raise ten pigs!”

This was an idea he had used before when he wrote period stories. Ten roosters crowed together and ten fat pigs produced garbage every day. It didn't take long for the family to suffer from neurasthenia and become miserable.

It won’t make you noisy, but it will also stink you to death!

Aunt Fu's expression changed, and she backed away, "What, then, yes, my clothes haven't been washed yet, I went to wash them, haha, haha."

After saying that, she dropped the basin of chicken food and ran away.

Fu Wenyu: "...ha."

With such fighting power, you still dare to gossip in front of him?

Fu Wenyu looked at her back, straightened his expression, and walked towards the main room.

In the main room, seeing Fu Wenyu come in, Fu Dashi asked doubtfully, "What did your second aunt tell you? Did she mention Fu Rong's marriage again?"

Because Fu Dashi is old and somewhat deaf, he did not hear clearly the conversation that took place in the yard. All I know is that the grandson just ran into his second aunt, and they seemed to be having some unpleasant troubles.

Since it had already been resolved, Fu Wenyu did not tell the truth and only said: "The second aunt saw me coming over with a bowl of goat milk, so she said a few more words."

When Fu Er Aunt and goat milk were mentioned, Fu Dashi snorted coldly. He also knew about what happened a while ago. But she was his daughter-in-law after all, so he couldn't say much, so he only hit his son with a few words.

"Grandpa, drink it while it's hot."

Fu Wenyu put down the bowl and asked carefully: "How do you feel after drinking it for the past two months? The doctor said that goat milk can benefit the five internal organs and replenish essence. We all feel much better after drinking it."

Hearing this, Fu Dashi laughed happily.

"Okay, it's much better, and I slept soundly at night. Don't listen to your second aunt's nonsense, this is a good thing. The granddaughter of Mr. Tian's family used to be as thin as a stick, and they said they couldn't feed her anymore. But now that I’m holding him out, he’s still chubby, isn’t he?”

The old man Tian mentioned by Fu Dashi was the skinny old man who exchanged goat milk from Fu's house every day. After his children drank it for a period of time, the effect was very obvious. For this reason, the sheep seller also developed a new business of renting sheep in Fujia Village. Now, in addition to Fu Wenyu's family, several other families also rent sheep.

After chatting for a few more words, Fu Wenyu said goodbye and left.

He walked around the village and greeted several uncles and clan brothers who had helped his family build a house. On the way back, he declined two villagers who asked him if he would sell their land.

In the next two days, Fu Wenyu finished writing the third and fourth chapters of "The Legend of the Divine Eye" at home.

These two chapters are about the jade stone discovered by Li Lei, which aroused everyone's curiosity and shock. Because after the craftsmen carefully peeled the stone, everyone discovered that the big stone was filled with jade!

A jade half as tall as a man!

Although its quality is not top-notch, it is round and has no cracks, and its shape is like a pine tree. It is really a rare treasure. Jade of such good quality is very good whether it is cut out to make bracelets or jewelry, or it can be carved into ornaments by a master.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world. After learning that such a good thing appeared in the Li family, many people came to visit and wanted to buy it, and the prices they offered were higher and higher.

In the absence of Mr. Li, Li Lei is the oldest in the family.

He refused them all.

After finishing the ancestor worship, the group set out to go home.

After finishing two chapters, Fu Wenyu picked it up and read it carefully with satisfaction.

But as he looked at it, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. The plot seemed a little too peaceful.

No bloodshed, no conflict!

The failure of the article "Sacrifice to Heaven" caused a psychological shadow on Fu Wenyu. I always feel that stories that are too bland are unattractive, and readers will put them aside after just reading them.

So he picked up his pen and decided to add "Green Tea Brother" to Li Lei!

So at the end of Chapter 4, when Li Lei and others worked hard to carry the half-man-high jade back home, they heard a voice that appeared to be persuading but was actually provoking.

"Dad, don't be angry."

"It's the first time for my eldest brother to go away. It's so fun outside. It's normal for him to waste some time. My eldest brother is young. He must not have thought that grandma and you would not see him come back on time. He was so worried at home that he couldn't sleep, and he didn't expect you. He sent people to guard the city gate every day, and also invited bodyguards to look for him along the way, fearing that something might happen to him. "

"Dad, don't be angry, brother definitely didn't mean it."

Mr. Li said that I would not listen and said angrily: "That traitor, you are even younger than him, how can he not know what you already know? He is so ignorant, I will break his legs when he comes back!"

Li Lei was frightened all the way: "...???"

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