I became the Great Old One

Chapter 141 Donis vs. Ares, mortals and gods (please subscribe)

"You bastard, how dare you insult our gods!"

What surprised Ares was that the mayor Gu Lie, who looked like a good old man just now, had bluffed scales, the muscles all over his body were tense, and the patterns covering his body burst out with a dazzling light like a flame, a wave of light. The astonishing heat radiated from Gulie's body, which surprised Aristo slightly.

"A supernatural creature?"

Ares thought that there were many similar lives on the Western Continent.

Some of those monsters are descendants of the Titans, some are monsters created by the gods, and some appear from nowhere. Those monsters possess powers beyond mortals and can master elements with different attributes, but they are still too different for real gods, far from being on the same level.

"It really disappoints me that you bared your teeth at me for such a beast."

Ares sighed, "I originally wanted you to be my sacrifice, but it's a pity that you missed this opportunity."

As the god in charge of war and killing, Ares has always been dominated by the desire for cruelty and killing. Now after feeling the anger of the old mayor, this desire was awakened again.

When the power of gods is not controlled, disaster will inevitably occur.

When Ares gradually regained his sanity from the desire to kill, the village named Magunis had been completely destroyed, with mutilated limbs everywhere, and scarlet blood dyeing the ground red.

The old mayor Gu Lie still had one breath left. His body was easily separated by Ares' terrifying power and torn into two halves.

Steaming organs flowed on the ground, and hot breath emerged from them.

"You have made a big mistake and you will be punished!"

Even the Dragonborn could not survive such a cruel injury. Hatred, belief or something else made Gu Lie's consciousness remain, and he struggled to talk to Ares.

"Punishment!? No one can punish me anymore." Ares smiled and shook his head, then stepped on the old mayor's neck and broke it.

He left Olympus and came to a new continent.

Even the God King Zeus could not spread his rule and thunder to this land. He was free and no longer had to take orders from others or be restrained.

In an instant.

Ares felt like a bird leaving the cage for the first time, with unprecedented freedom filling his chest.

He left the destroyed town of Magunis and planned to go to a new city.

Dragonborn have a firm, heartfelt faith. This kind of belief is deeply rooted, and the power of belief it can produce is far better than the quality of belief produced by the gods of the Western Continent through coercion and inducement.

But it doesn't matter, war and fear can destroy everything.

As long as war can spread on this continent, Ares will continue to draw power of faith from it to make himself stronger.

Not long after Ares left the town.

Gulie's eldest son then conveyed what happened in the small town of Magunis to Winterfell City.

The person who received this news was a young disciple of Dones named Saga. This disciple came from a noble family in Gatan City. He gave up his luxurious life and came to a hard and cold place to pursue the truth.

Saga possesses a keen insight beyond mortals. After receiving the news, he immediately thought of the disaster that Dones had predicted.

Although it is impossible to guess how what happened in the town of Magunis is related to the predicted disaster.

But immediately, Sakya went to the academy to find his master and reported the news.

As the years passed, Donez became older and older.

But the power on his body became even stronger. The Brain of Grania greatly improved Donius's perception ability. At this time, Donius was able to detect the existence of subspace.

And he can detect some omens of future disasters from the messy and dark pictures in the subspace.

at the moment of exposure to the news.

Dones then saw the rich blood flowing on the ground, and his nose was filled with the smell of corpses burned by flames on the battlefield. Dones said to Saga: "You are very keen. This incident may be a sign of a huge disaster. We must rush to the town of Magunis as soon as possible."

"We have to leave now!"

Donius led the eleven disciples and set out for the small town of Magunis.

Among these disciples, Achilles is the most powerful. He has awakened his super sense and entered the third stage of apocalypse, but he has not yet condensed his own extraordinary organ.

The remaining ten disciples are also the best in the academy, and each one is an ascetic in the realm of glory.

They set out in the early afternoon.

When it was getting dark, we arrived at the fishing village.

Although Dones and others had rushed over as fast as they could, unfortunately, they were still a step too slow and failed to prevent the disaster. Looking at the bloody tragedy in the fishing village, Dones fell into silence.

"It was the humanoid evil thing that did it..." Disciple Sakya deduced many useful things from the environment: "The village chief of the fishing village warmly entertained the guest from afar and led him to the altar. And then... Knowing what happened, the evil creature went crazy and killed all the dragonborn in the fishing village, including young children and the elderly. "

After hearing Saga's description.

Donis's face was gloomy, and the other dragonborns all showed angry expressions on their faces. They clenched their fists and hissed in their throats.

The dragonborns have experienced countless wars, and death is nothing to them.

However, this incident happened in a peaceful era, and the evil creature betrayed the villagers who warmly entertained him and insulted the beliefs of all dragonborns.

"We must make that monster pay the price!" Achilles roared in a low voice.

"He will, I promise!"

Donis closed his eyes and thought of the prophecy and enlightenment he got from the gods. When he opened his eyes again, all the emotions in his deep pupils were restrained, leaving only the terrifying murderous intent.

"There are footprints. He should not have gone far now. We can catch up!" Saga soon found the mark left by Ares outside the village.

Even in human form, Ares is a monster nearly 20 meters tall.

The footprints he left behind will not disappear easily on the earth.

Donis nodded, led his disciples to chase along the direction of the footprints, and soon disappeared at the end of the horizon.

At this time, it was dusk, the sun was setting, and the red light was everywhere.

Ares, who was walking in the wilderness, stopped and looked up to see a huge city in front of him bathed in the red light of the sunset, exuding a terrifying spirit like a sleeping beast.

The tall and ancient city walls were full of various scars and bloodstains that could not be dispersed.

"A tragic war once broke out in this city." After regaining his sanity, Ares vaguely realized that this continent seemed not as simple as he imagined.

Looking back now, after completely losing his mind, he destroyed a complete village and killed all the lives in it.

But he kept the simple stone statue intact.

This was not his original intention, but a kind of intuition that transcended consciousness and was born naturally warned him not to do that. Where did such a warning come from? Did the so-called gods in the mouth of the Dragonborn really have great power?

"No matter what, either conquer or destroy, let's start with the city in front of us!" Ares was not a god who was good at thinking, and he quickly came up with a simple plan in his mind.

If he could handle it, he would continue to spread war and violence on this continent.

If he couldn't handle it, he would run back to the Western Continent and leave the trouble to his father, the God King Zeus, and it was time to let this old guy explode a handful of gold coins!

"Either harvesting faith or seeing Zeus in trouble!" Ares thought happily: "No matter what the consequences are, it's a sure win for me."

He became excited, and the desire to kill rose in his body.

Ares' eyes were bloodshot and red, looking at the city in front of him, as if looking at the body of a peerless beauty, his breathing became heavy, forming two thick white air columns in the cold air.

However, just when he was about to start a new round of slaughter to satisfy his desires,

Donis led his disciples to stand in front of Ares.

Each of these tall dragonborns was a strong man picked from thousands of miles away. They wore black cloaks and held long swords in their hands, standing in a row in front of Ares.

The autumn wind was bleak, leaves were falling, and red light was scattered all over the sky on the cloaks that were blown by the wind.

A solemn atmosphere permeated the wilderness.

"Why, do you want to avenge those stupid guys?" Ares smiled and said nonchalantly.

The moment he opened his mouth, the majesty of the gods was completely liberated.

The fiery majesty turned into air waves and exploded from Ares' feet, sweeping in all directions. The vast land seemed unable to bear this power. The ground was boiling like water waves, and dead leaves mixed with dust were raised high.

Unfortunately, the scene that Ares expected his body to tremble and the other party to collapse to the ground in shock did not happen.

Standing in front of him, the skinny and old dragonborn seemed to be completely unaware of his majesty. He untied his cloak slowly and raised it to the sky. Then he took a sip of strong liquor and unsheathed the dark red long sword at his waist with a harsh metal friction sound.

In the next moment.

Donis's figure disappeared from Ares's sight, withered leaves falling, and the cold knife light came instantly.

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