I became the Great Old One

Chapter 214 All things return to oneness, all things return to silence! (Subscribe)

Su Heng took a deep breath, and his fighting spirit was boiling to the extreme.

He left the quiet root layer like dead water, and then returned to the subspace. With the help of the root layer as a springboard, Su Heng appeared in another section of the subspace.

This was a rather risky move.

It was also the first time for Su Heng to find a suitable channel in the chaotic laws of time and space.

Fortunately, his perception was sharp enough and he successfully achieved this goal.

The will of the Noland world appeared in Su Heng's perception. He held his breath and rushed back to the direction of his home at his fastest speed. The turbulent turbulence in the subspace split and broke in front of Su Heng like turbid waves. At this moment, time seemed to be still, and Su Heng felt that his consciousness and body seemed to be slowly peeling away from this universe.

Kthugya called him the Adventer.

In a sense, he did not belong to this universe.

Soon, the barrier between the subspace and the real universe appeared in front of Su Heng. The fragile barrier was shattered the moment it came into contact with Su Heng's great will.

The shining light of the stars appeared in Su Heng's eyes. It was a silver-like brilliance, cold and ruthless.

Under Su Heng's feet, the Noland world was like a huge blue crystal, crystal clear and flawless.

Su Heng shrunk his body.

Falling under the influence of the gravity of the stars, his speed became faster and faster. The howling hurricane turned into a blue-black angry dragon passing by him, and the iron-gray scales shone with a meteorite-like crimson brilliance.


The huge body fell to the ground without any buffer.

The majestic and thick ground was like boiling water, and the huge shock wave uprooted the hundreds of meters high ancient tree.

Su Heng appeared in the primeval forest called "Saint Gar", which is the holy place of the feather people. Huge floating islands are suspended in the air. Raging waterfalls fall from these huge islands, making a loud noise. The sunlight radiates colorful brilliance in the refraction of water mist. Just like the creator of this forest, the feather god Istaya, there are unique and wonderful landscapes in the world of Norland.


All of this has become a thing of the past.

The huge floating islands howled and fell from the sky, the ancient forests howled under the burning of the fire, and the crystal clear pool water was stained with black and red blood.

Su Heng's nasal cavity was filled with a familiar smell.

The smell came from the charred corpses, the pungent poisonous fog, and the foul-smelling thick sores and septic blood.

The beautiful forest has turned into a purgatory on earth. Su Heng continued to move forward and found traces of his offspring at the edge of the forest.

The magnificent and sacred body of Quetzalcoatl was now crawling on the ground. His gorgeous wings were cut off by some sharp blade, and half of his body had turned into soft and rotten blood mud. But even so, the rotten mouth of Quetzalcoatl was roaring unwillingly. The flesh and blood in his mouth had mutated under the power of blasphemy. Whenever he opened his mouth, countless scarlet tentacles would burst out from the broken mouth, dancing wildly like seaweed.

Not far away, Su Heng saw the goddess Ergani.

Ergani's body had dissipated and turned into a ball of unstable brilliant starlight.

She tried her best to re-condense her consciousness and body, but she was powerless. Whenever the ball of starlight was about to gather together again, it would disintegrate and collapse completely.

Su Heng paused for a while.

He injected his life flame into the bodies of Quetzalcoatl and Ergani respectively.

Although the two heirs were severely injured, they were not killed. This is good news. After Su Heng's help, the conditions of Quetzalcoatl and Ergani have obviously improved.

Quetzalcoatl's festering and mutated mouth is gradually healing, and large mouthfuls of black blood are spitting out from his mouth.

The unstable starry sky that Ergani has transformed into is gradually outlining the shadow of a beautiful girl, and Ergani's beautiful and sad face is faintly emerging from the starlight.

She saw Su Heng coming.

She opened her mouth wide, as if she wanted to persuade her father to quietly leave the forest.

Su Heng noticed his daughter's wishes, he shook his head, and walked towards the depths of the forest without looking back, leaving only a tall and majestic back in front of Ergani.

In the center of this primeval forest is a continuous mountain range.

Ten thousand years ago, when Su Heng first met the god Istaya, it was in the depths of these magnificent mountains.

However, the mountain that had stood on the earth for millions of years had disappeared without a trace, replaced by a charred and rotten pit. The flesh and blood of countless feathered people merged with the soil, dyeing the brown land black and red, and vaguely saw some broken heads embedded in the spider-web-like cracks.

In the huge pit.

Su Heng saw his best friend, the feather god Istaya, and the vague human figure stepping on Istaya's body.

Feather god Istaya was crawling on the ground, her body was split in two from top to bottom. Her wings were covered with mud and rotten blood, her lower body was completely shattered, and the upper half of her body was also covered with hideous scars.

But these injuries were not fatal.

The truly fatal wound was on Istaya's head. A long horn spear flashing with a rough cold light pierced into Istaya's pupil, tearing the eyeball and deeply piercing the brain. With just a little force, it was enough to pierce the back of the feather god's head.

A series of hazy halos escaped from Istaya's wound and condensed in the palm of the shining humanoid.

Her power was stripped away.

It seemed that it had sensed Su Heng's arrival.

The humanoid creature standing on Istaya stopped what he was doing, tilted his head and looked at the dark monster standing on the embers of the forest with some curiosity.

"Descender, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't interfere."

The humanoid life, or the guy who should be called Yog-Sothoth, the One of All Things, spoke.

"No, this matter has a lot to do with me." A burning stream of fire flowed on Su Heng's face with ravines and gullies. His pupils began to swell with blood, and scarlet twisted bloodshot exploded in his eyeballs. The gas exhaled from his mouth and nose set off a heat wave in the forest. The ashes on the ground were blown away by the hot air and turned into layers of huge curtains rising out of thin air.

This was also the first time Su Heng saw the legendary Pillar God, one of the most mysterious and powerful existences in this universe.

There were no words to describe the feeling that the figure in front of him gave Su Heng.

There were no definite facial features, no flesh and blood, no breath of life... To be precise, there were only silhouettes of countless dim lights condensed together. Countless lights overlapped in his tall body. Sometimes you could see the magnificent scene when the universe was created, sometimes thousands of stars were burning and blooming in the brilliant starry sky, and more often it was a destined destruction.

About oneself, about gods, about the universe - all things return to one, all things return to silence!

Facing Yog-Sothoth is not simply facing a certain life. Instead, he faced the laws of time and space of the entire universe, as well as all the physical laws that extend downward from the laws of time and space.

Yog-Sothoth is the incarnation of the physical universe.

Is such an existence really an opponent that he can match? Su Heng hesitated briefly in his heart. It was not dangerous, but everything about the Pillar God was unknown to him.


Such hesitation only stayed in his heart for a short moment.

Even a waste like Cthugya dared to shout at the Pillar God, so what should he be afraid of?

"You attacked my friends and family, you touched my reverse scale, you have completely angered me... My anger can only be quenched by the blood of my enemies and complete destruction."

Su Heng's voice was still calm.

But during the conversation, his flesh and blood were constantly torn and reorganized.

His body became taller and taller, the light of the stars was blocked by the magnificent body like the magic mountain, and the dim sunlight reflected a cold glow on the iron-gray scales.

Like a collision of stars, an ancient flame that created the world burst out from the gaps between the scales.


The world trembled under his feet.

The ground rose and fell like boiling water, and the projections of stars passed through the sky.

Just by showing his power, the barrier between the physical universe and the subspace was torn apart, and thick cracks appeared like crimson lightning in the sky where dark clouds gathered and rolled.

The terrible chaotic turbulence was waving its fangs and claws, trying to drag the entire starry sky into the subspace, but it crawled and calmed down under Su Heng's tyrannical will.


Yog-Sothoth stared at Su Heng's angry pupils and laughed mockingly.

A scarlet smile appeared on his illusory face, and he said in a tone of praise: "You really have great spirit. Even among the adventers I have met, you are a relatively unique type."

"What a pity - it's useless!"

Yog-Sothoth stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

With a snap, it was as if an invisible ripple slowly spread outward.

In an instant, everything fell into a decisive stillness, and the living world seemed to have become a cold painting. The dust, the rolling dark clouds, the raging fire... everything was frozen in this painting. In the entire world of Noland, the only one who could move freely was Yog-Sothoth.

For the pillar god who controls time and space.

It is not difficult for him to make the time of the whole world stagnate at a certain point.

With a smile on his face, Yog-Sothoth stared into Su Heng's pupils. The eyes of the pitch-black beast were turning slightly. As an adventer, Su Heng could resist the authority of Yog-Sothoth to a certain extent. His consciousness was still flashing like lightning, and he could clearly perceive everything that was happening in the outside world. However, it was precisely because of this that things became more interesting.

"This little guy seems to have a special status in your eyes. Only monsters would treat monsters as family... It's really pitiful." Yog-Sothoth's tone was sarcastic and mocking, and his posture was like a bad child who found something interesting and crooked.

"In this case, it must be very painful to watch the person you cherish die in front of you."

Yog-Sothoth raised the strange-shaped bull-horn spear in his hand slightly, and large handfuls of blood plasma gushed out from Istaya's rotten eye sockets, staining the ground.

"Say goodbye to your friend!"

He laughed sharply, and a cold light burst out from the rough spear.


But at this moment, there seemed to be a loud roar coming from the world. Thick cracks spread outwards with Su Heng's body as the center, and ripples began to burst out in the quiet universe. Light shining like lightning and flint appeared in front of Yog-Sothoth. He felt a pair of hot and extremely powerful Her hands were firmly on his shoulders.

Immediately, an overwhelming force burst out from his body.


An unprecedented roar burst out, and dragon-like fire burned the pillar god's body.

Su Heng uprooted Yog-Sothoth's body, and then pressed it hard to the ground. The vast land was separated, torn, and shredded like tofu, and an abyss tens of thousands of meters wide appeared out of thin air.

"You want to dominate everything about me!? Who do you think you are!"

Swing it up, smash it down.

The long tail with spikes at the end hit the pillar god's illusory face hard, and the surging subspace torrent swallowed him up in an instant.

Su Heng jumped into it without hesitation. Next, violent rage and devastating blows poured down on Yog-Sothoth, with sharp and ferocious claws, fiery breath, and everything-burning flames surrounding his body.

The space was torn apart again and again, and then healed again.

The chaotic power of the warp boiled in the aftermath of the battle, and countless demons were born from the blazing flames, praising the gods who created them with blasphemous songs.

When the anger subsided, reason returned to Su Heng's brain consciousness.

He found that he had left the subspace and appeared in a cold and wild starry sky.

An icy star has reached the end of its life. Large black-red flares flow on the surface of the star. Orange-red light falls on Su Heng's body, as if coating the monster with a layer of cruel blood.

In front of him, the figure of the Pillar God was already like a ball of tattered cotton.

But the weird laughter still continued to come from the broken body, "You can't affect the time laws of the entire universe, but you can separate your existence from this universe and redefine your own time. It’s a good idea to use this to counter my authority.”

Yog-Sothoth praised sincerely.

Su Heng's pupils slowly shrank, and he turned his head to look over his shoulder.

I don't know when, a bloody head appeared on Su Heng's shoulder. The rotten and blurred face exuded an aura similar to that of the Pillar God. At this time, he was constantly struggling, trying to crawl out of his body. come out.

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