I became the Great Old One

Chapter 40 Where is Dad? (Please read on)

It was clearly midnight.

But the forest where the Feather God lived was shrouded in warm and bright light.

The creature with gorgeous wings was huge and beautiful, flying quickly from the sky covered with dark clouds. A series of golden beams pierced through the gaps in the clouds like a sharp sword, sprinkled over the forest, and shone on the Feather People.

The golden light was warm and peaceful.

When it fell on their bodies, they felt warm and the Feather People felt that their bodies seemed to be growing again.

Amazing vitality and strength emerged from the muscles of their bodies.

"This is the birth of a new god!"

A Feather People royal family knelt on the ground and said devoutly.

Hula la!

With the leadership of the royal family, the Feather People above the floating island knelt down one after another and prayed devoutly on the ground.

Those Feather People suspended in the air also fell along with the light and bowed to the Feathered Serpent Dragon with a thousand feet of light in the sky.

Similar to the Dragonborn, the Feather People have the power to control the wind. But not every feather tribe member can awaken this power. Only a small number of feather tribe members can possess such special runes.

In the feather tribe.

These people are regarded as warrior leaders or royal family members.

Now, with the birth of the feathered serpent dragon, the light on its body falls, and the feather tribe members bathed in this pure light, many of whom have grown up and are thought to never be able to awaken the power of the wind element, have gradually gained relevant insights, and complex light blue patterns are lit on their wings.

This surprised many feather tribe members.

On the contrary, Zarke, the captain of the patrol guard, saw what happened in front of him.

He was really relieved.

Although the tribe members worshipped this giant cocoon in the forest as a sacred object.

But Zaerke knew that this giant cocoon was a life born from the power of the Great God of Destruction, Gagula, and the God of Primordial Fire. It possessed a powerful force that mortals could hardly imagine. Now the Feather God was in a critical period of sleep. If evil things were hatched in the holy cocoon, the whole forest would be in a crisis of no return.


The final result seemed much better than expected.

In the worship of the crowd, the Quetzalcoatl slowly fell from the sky and appeared in front of Azak and others.

Only when he saw this beautiful creature head-on could Azak fully appreciate the beauty and majesty emanating from it. The body of the Quetzalcoatl was 300 meters long, with no scales on its body, but instead gorgeous feathers. The colors of the feathers ranged from pure white to colorful, and all kinds of colors seemed to be found on the Quetzalcoatl.

His pupils were golden, and there was a feather crown on his head.

Various colors clustered together, but it didn't look messy at all.

Instead, it is full of coordination and gentleness.

Like the Mother Goddess... this god will also be a gentle and powerful god.

Although there was no communication, Azak already had such a first impression in his heart, "Hello, Lord God, I am Azak, the captain of the patrol guard of the Feather People. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Azak held a spear and knelt on the ground.

He spoke respectfully to the Quetzalcoatl in front of him.

The head of the Quetzalcoatl with a feather crown fell from the layers of treetops in the forest. The friction between leaves and feathers was like a gentle tide. The Quetzalcoatl seemed to be looking at the small lives around with some curiosity.

The Quetzalcoatl was actually not unfamiliar with the Feather People.

As early as hundreds of years ago, the Quetzalcoatl, which was still in the cocoon, had already given birth to its own consciousness.

The Quetzalcoatl could hear the prayers of the Feather People around the Holy Cocoon. Even later, as the Quetzalcoatl's strength grew further, he gave feedback to a certain extent.

"My name is Quetzal Coatl, you can call me Quetzal, or Quetzalcoatl."

Although Quetzalcoatl's consciousness has been born for hundreds of years.

But during these years, he has been staying in one place and has experienced very limited things. Therefore, although he has a complete and mature mind, his way of thinking is not much different from that of a child. Even at this time, Quetzalcoatl did not realize the essential difference between himself and the feathered people around him.

"I understand."

Azak's face was still full of respect, "Lord Quetzalcoatl."

Some brave young feathered people sneaked into the tree canopy, stretched out their little heads, looked at the conversation between Quetzalcoatl and Captain Azak, and were shocked by the huge and slender body of Quetzalcoatl, as well as its incomparable nobility and beauty.

The light flowed on the body of Quetzalcoatl, and the two huge wings closed slightly behind the Quetzalcoatl.

The newly born Quetzalcoatl was full of curiosity about the world around it.

But when he really got out of the holy cocoon and gave birth to a complete body, Quetzalcoatl was a little confused and didn't know what to do.

However, Quetzalcoatl inherited the powerful life born from the three old gods after all.

He was quick-witted and soon had a new idea.

"Can you take me to visit the Feather God, Lord Istaya?" Quetzalcoatl said to Azak.

Feather God Istaya, the original fire... Quetzalcoatl's power came from these two gods, and as early as a hundred years ago, Quetzalcoatl had communicated with the Feather God Istaya who had awakened briefly.

In the mind of Quetzalcoatl, Feather God Istaya is actually not much different from his mother.

Awakening after a long gestation.

Quetzalcoatl wants to meet the two old gods who created him. Perhaps with their help, he can grow quickly and find his future goals.

However, after hearing this sentence.

Azak's face showed a hesitant look, and he answered bravely to Quetzalcoatl: "Master Quetzalcoatl, the god is sleeping now, and it may not be convenient to be disturbed."

"That's it..."

Quetzalcoatl raised his head and looked towards the mountain peak in the center of the forest.

His golden pupils bloomed with light and penetrated the space. Relying on the special connection with Quetzalcoatl, Quetzalcoatl was able to determine that Azak was not lying. Now Yushen has indeed entered a critical stage of growth.

"In this case, I plan to find my father, the Original Fire." Quetzalcoatl said to Azak.

Mother is sleeping.

Then go find your father. Quetzalcoatl's idea is very simple.

Azak and the guards beside him looked at each other and hurriedly begged, "Of course, but please allow us to go with you!"

Azak is a little selfish at heart.

Now, anyone who sees the strong and huge body of Quetzalcoatl and the light flowing around it like an elf will not deny that Quetzalcoatl is a powerful god.

Even if there is no way to completely keep such a god among the feather people, it is still important to maintain a good relationship with him.

"no problem."

Quetzalcoatl didn't think too much.

Take the feathermen on the road together, and have a guide on the way.

With this idea in mind, Azak brought a ten-man guard to follow the Quetzalcoatl and flew towards the sky.

The Quetzalcoatl has a huge and slender body, with wide wings... This image seems to have quite good flying ability. Azak is a little worried that his flying speed will drag down the new god, and he is full of panic.

But soon, when Azak flew into the sky, he realized that his thoughts were too much.

Quetzalcoatl seems to have already considered this issue.

A gentle wind wrapped around the Feathermen, carrying their bodies at the same speed as the Quetzalcoatl.

The forest, land, and rivers flashed past in the field of vision, surrounded by soft golden light. Even the hob-like storm caused by the rapid flight turned into a gentle breeze under the power of the Quetzalcoatl.

"What a gentle god this is!"

Azak's heart was filled with emotion.

Although he is a powerful warrior who controls the power of hurricanes, he has never experienced such a rapid flying speed.

The key is that the Quetzalcoatl not only carries them flying, but also considers a series of troubles caused during the flight and actively shields them. This kind of care can be said to be meticulous.

Relying on the blood connection with Su Heng.

The Quetzalcoatl accurately found the huge crack where Su Heng fell, but when the Quetzalcoatl slowly landed on the ground carrying the feathered people.

After some careful exploration, Quetzalcoatl was stunned.

Su Heng did indeed fall here, but the breath he left behind showed that after falling into this canyon, Su Heng disappeared out of thin air from this world.

Even with the close connection between blood.

Quetzalcoatl could not detect Su Heng's presence at all.

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