I became the Great Old One

Chapter 44 The Powerful Quetzalcoatl (Please read on)


A golden lightning staggered down from the cracks of the rolling dark clouds, pulling Hispania's thoughts back to the real world.

The golden lightning instantly illuminated the sky and the sea.

The thick lightning, like a huge pillar, enveloped the 100-meter-tall dragon turtle.

Even the Grania weapons could not break the thick armor of the defense, and under the power of thunder, it only gave the evil monster a few seconds of breathing time.

As the dazzling lightning rolled on the monster.

The power of the angry dragon roared and pierced through the thick armor on the monster, piercing into the monster's flesh like a sharp knife.

The internal organs and muscles were roasted by the heat carried by the lightning in an instant.

And on the back of the monster.

The terrible alien deep diver wizard.

At this time, he was directly transformed into a blurry charcoal in the lightning.

"What happened!?"

Hispania was stunned, and so was the entire battlefield. Although the Dragonborn and the Deep Ones were enemies that could not get along with each other, they all put down their weapons and looked up at the sky.

The golden thunder...

Although Hispania had never participated in the battle with the evil god Gagula in person.

But in the past, Hispania had heard about the war from his father many times. The thunder shining with golden light was the embodiment of the destructive power of the evil god Gagula.

And now, this power seemed to appear in the world again.

"Could it be that the evil god is not dead yet!?"

This terrible thought emerged in Hispania's heart, making her feel a chill in the depths of her blood, but then Hispania realized that this was not the case.

Because, in addition to the huge thunder that fell from the sky.

Groups of blazing fireballs, dragging long tail flames, wrapped in a crimson light curtain, also fell from the sky and bombarded the battlefield.

The power of the flame was so amazing that even if Istaya used all his strength to mobilise the flames, it would never exceed one tenth of it.

Each flame could take away the lives of dozens of deep divers.

When the flames expanded and exploded on the sea surface, a huge pit would appear in the sea water, and a large amount of thick smoke would rise from the turbid sea surface like a high wall, and it would turn into a huge vortex and slowly disappear after a few breaths.

And such a powerful fireball.

Every moment, hundreds of them fell from the sky, and the lives of deep divers were ruthlessly harvested.

Then came the strong north wind, which fought against the evil power controlled by the deep divers wizards, and occupied an absolute advantage at the moment the confrontation began.

The turbulent sea was suppressed by the strong wind, and the scarred coast once again appeared in front of Hispania.


"It's divine punishment, it must be the opponent's god who made the move!"

The number of deep divers was huge, and they were coming fiercely, but now they were under a huge blow, and their morale was completely defeated. In just a few minutes, the deep divers suffered heavy casualties, and the corpses of monsters were everywhere on the coast.

The remaining deep divers began to retreat to the deep sea, and even the deep sea wizards tried their best to stop them, but they were powerless.

And at this moment.

The god mentioned by the deep divers finally emerged slowly from the dark clouds.

He was extremely beautiful, with a slender and agile dragon-shaped body wrapped in brilliant light, and two huge wings spread out behind him, covering half of the sky.

The feathered serpent dived down at a speed faster than sound.

At the moment of contact with the sea surface, the feathered serpent turned around with an agility that the dragon descendants could not understand, and slid along the turbid sea surface with its winding body.

The surging hurricane and the sea water collided with each other. Under the huge kinetic energy carried by the Quetzalcoatl, the invisible air became like solidified jelly, and suddenly exploded outward, forming a white shock wave visible to the naked eye.

The shock wave swept across, and the super giant deep diver standing on the sea level seemed to be caught in a roller meat grinder.

The huge body exploded instantly, turning into scarlet flesh and blood whose shape could not be seen clearly.

The Quetzalcoatl flying close to the sea surface was still slaughtering those deep divers with precise and deadly methods.

The slender body and the giant deep divers collided with each other, seemingly in gentle contact, but any monster attacked by the Quetzalcoatl turned into scarlet flesh and blood flying all over the sky like fireworks in the next moment.

The body of the Quetzalcoatl was so beautiful, and his movements were so graceful.

But the scene of the battle was so bloody.

There was a strange contrast between the two. The cruel battlefield seemed to have become a kind of work of art, which amazed all the dragonborns who witnessed such an amazing scene.

For the deep divers, this was a complete nightmare.

With the complete death of the giant deep divers and a large number of deep-sea wizards, the deep divers completely collapsed, and the remaining monsters retreated to the deep sea crying.

After the Quetzalcoatl chose to harvest the lives of a wave of enemies with lightning again.

He did not continue to pursue.

He saw Donies in the crowd - his figure was so tall that he was a whole head taller than the tallest dragonborn warrior next to him. His heroic face and resolute temperament need no further explanation, proving that Donies was the leader of this army.

The Quetzalcoatl slowly landed in front of Dones, and at this time, Azak, who finally had the opportunity to intervene, also led his feathered comrades to fall from the clouds.

They were scattered on both sides of the Quetzalcoatl like guards.

"Azhak, this is..."

Azak is the warrior leader of the Feather People. He has fought against powerful Dragonborn warriors many times and has a great reputation. Dones and Azak have met before and they know each other.

Donius felt the power from the primordial fire from Quetzalcoatl.

But at the same time, there are several other strange powers that are also reflected in the other party.

His father Adam's encounter in the City of Gods sounded the alarm for Donius. Although he was moved and shocked by the beautiful and noble posture and powerful and elegant power of Quetzalcoatl, Donius still maintained his determination. He kept calm and did not choose to act rashly before confirming the origin of the other party.

"Lord Quetzalcoatl is a creature created by the original fire god and Quetzalcoatl."

Azak explained proudly beside him.

"That's it..." Dones breathed a sigh of relief. He relaxed after hearing the origin of Quetzalcoatl. There is no doubt that the other party is a real god with noble blood and powerful divine power.

Donez immediately knelt on the ground and said gratefully: "Thank you for your help!"

"You are welcome."

Quetzalcoatl used the gentle breeze to pull Donius's body up from the ground, and then asked curiously: "I saw Shenqi City turned into ruins, can you tell me what happened in that city."

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