011. Sacrificial Princess (2)

When a country is in decline, thieves run rampant.

In retrospect, that saying applied equally to the empire during the war period.

It wasn’t that real bandits were swarming.

It just meant that the country’s situation was that chaotic.

The outbreak of war occurred a month after the current emperor’s death, when the 2nd prince completed his coronation and ascended to the throne.

I don’t know the exact details as I was in prison at the time, but that’s what my sister, who came to visit, said.

– I think the luxury of the capital’s nobles has reached its peak. Even though war is imminent, no one cares. His Majesty says that the thousand-year empire will not fall to mere barbarians. Instead, he is engrossed in bringing dancers into the palace. While his assurances may calm the people, isn’t he being too optimistic…

He was a man who had no sense of responsibility or tension about becoming emperor during a time of war.

According to the crown prince, who was my cellmate, he was a ‘child with excessive greed.’

What he did after ascending to the throne was to summon dancers and indulge in debauchery.

He also collected and displayed various luxury items.

The emperor plundered the people for him.

The empire was in a situation where internal dissatisfaction was accumulating as much as external threats.

However, there was no one to speak the right words to him.

Those with conviction were either purged by the emperor or left the political scene… no, they left this country altogether.

What remained were only the foolish emperor and his sycophants, and his reign did not last long.

It was after the incident with my sister and our family.

– His Majesty has been assassinated.

The culprit was the son of a noble who had been purged by the emperor.

Though imprisoned, the crown prince was a blood relative of the current emperor.

It was natural that he would hear the news, and thus it reached my ears as well.

Some said the empire would find stability.

Most hopeful voices claimed that both external threats and internal reorganization would soon be achieved.

But their predictions were wrong.

There were two reasons.

The barbarian leader was too strong, and the next emperor of the empire was too weak.

The third prince, the younger brother of the crown prince, hanged himself within half a year of his reign.

The crown prince commented on his death, saying, ‘He was a quick-witted child. He must have realized there was no answer.’

The era of cowards began with that reign.

Afterwards, there was chaos.

Someone had to sit on the throne.

Someone had to bear the screams and tribulations of this empire with their body.

But among those with legitimacy, there were none suitable.

All the heroic figures who could have prevented the unprecedented crisis in the empire were dead, and those who were wise enough to survive had all fled.

Thus, the owner of the throne could not last beyond a single season.

So what could be done?

The remaining imperial bloodline in the palace had to be placed on the throne in order.

That was the reason.

A mere half-witted girl of only 17 years old ended up sitting on the throne of a doomed empire.

– It has been a long time, brother.

That girl was none other than Aria Orteare, the last emperor of the empire, who had pulled me and the crown prince out of the prison.

* * *

From noble mtl dot com

Strictly speaking, Aria was not of legitimate royal blood.

She was the child accidentally conceived by the current emperor of Callios during a dalliance with a dancer, and was called a half-wit due to her mixed lowly blood.

Her only value was to be married off to create allies for the royal family.

But before that could happen, the empire fell, and she ended up on the throne.

Everyone said she would soon flee or commit suicide.

But, what followed was astonishing.

– Is it still that woman?

Aria had endured the empire’s screams alone for four years.

It was something to be shocked about.

Indeed, everyone was screaming for help and blaming the royal family, and she had taken it all upon herself, continuing her reign for four years.

Was that woman a superhuman?

It was to the point where such thoughts crossed my mind, but in conclusion, my guess was wrong.

The Aria I saw in person was just a child.

A child without even the resolve to escape.

Four years into the reign of Aria Orteaire.

Even recalling the moment I first saw her after coming out of the prison, it was the same.

A face marred by desolation.

A body so thin it seemed she hadn’t eaten well.

A posture curled up as if terrified.

None of it suited the throne.

Yet, the emperor’s attire she wore was splendid, and the throne she sat on was grand.

To put it metaphorically, it was as if she was being swallowed by the throne.

Even though my own situation was dreadful, I felt a tinge of sympathy.

Of course, that emotion wasn’t deep.

At that time, I was obsessed with the amnesty she had declared and the atonement for my family.

It was solely because of the Crown Prince that I became close to her.

– I report.

– Has your brother not come again this time?

– Yes, the commander is tending to the wounds of the war.

– …Is that so.

That damned man avoided facing Aria.

The reason was said to be his guilt for abandoning the throne and bringing the country to this state, and his resolve that he would not find peace until he stopped the war… At least, that’s how I saw it.

– He only did terrible things to that child. Such a small child… He saw the political ties entangled with the child who was not the child. Hence, he was never kind.

– He just can’t face her out of shame, what guilt and resolve…

– Let’s spar.

– …

A sense of debt towards Aria.

Well, it wasn’t an incomprehensible emotion.

Moreover, if the Crown Prince didn’t report, it was the system for me, his lieutenant, to do so.

Whenever I finished a major battle, I would report the situation on the battlefield to Aria, who was growing more emaciated each time I saw her.

But as this happened once, twice, and then more than ten times, it was inevitable that we started to speak more freely.

At some point, it became a rule to have a meal together after I finished reporting to her.

Well, there wasn’t much pleasant conversation, though.

– Why do you go this far? With your abilities, you could flee and pledge allegiance to another country.

– I have things I must do.

– The reconstruction of Pharos?

– Yes.

– You’re dreaming a futile dream. The empire will disappear, what use is Pharos?

– Even Your Majesty has been on the throne of this damned country for quite a long time.

– ······.

At that time, my respect for the royal family had already hit rock bottom.

I didn’t feel the need to be polite to Aria, so I often spoke to her in a slightly more lenient but still disrespectful manner compared to how I spoke to the Crown Prince.

Every time I did that, Aria would smile bitterly.

I realized, by looking at her, that when a person is broken, they lose even the strength to resist.

Another characteristic.

In retrospect, Aria showed a peculiar form of obsession towards me.

– You speak so harshly.

– I’m sorry. It’s a habit.

– You don’t sound sorry. Well, it doesn’t matter. It’s not a bad feeling to have someone like you to fall apart with.

– I told you, I’m going to live.

– Not me. I want to die. Preferably with you.

I think it was different from the love one feels for the opposite s*x.

It was an obsession formed by deficiency.

Look, although I spoke harshly, I was the only one among those who faced her who didn’t pour resentment on her.

That’s how cornered Aria was.

As a scarecrow to receive the empire’s resentment, as a sacrifice to be swallowed by the empire along with the bonfire.

So, Aria couldn’t help but be special to me.

Because of me, she could somewhat relieve the negative emotions she was experiencing.

I was uncomfortable.

Saying she wanted to die, that if she were to die, it would be better to go with me.

Would you be able to eat properly if a woman, so broken and withered that she looked like she was about to die, kept talking about dying together at every meal?

Of course, I understand.

Looking back now, I wonder if I should have humored her a little, but at that time, I didn’t have the luxury.

“Please stop making those disgusting sounds.”

As I mentioned before, I had to rebuild Pharos.

That was the only reason I was alive.

Anyway, we lived through those times, met, talked, and moved towards the predetermined conclusion.

The defense of the capital.

It was the night before the battle, the one whose outcome I couldn’t even know after my return.

That day was the day even the Crown Prince and I had to admit that we would lose.

Aria called me late at night.

“…Can’t you run away with me?”

For the first time, I could hear her true feelings.

She wanted to run away.

She was trembling as she hugged me, and ironically, her face, ruined by tears, was the reddest I had ever seen it.

I asked,

“If we run away, what then?”

“It’s not too late. We can go to the other side of the front line. There are many ways to hide our identities. I still have a few valuable jewels. We can take them and go to another country…”

Aria talked like that for a long time.

Ways to escape, ways to hide my identity after escaping, ways to find a house, and many other things.

Smiling very bitterly.

-…I will run a dessert shop. I’ve tasted quite a few, so I have some expertise, don’t I? Yes, I can definitely do it. I’ve even dreamed of such things. You are strong, so you can do anything. So why not just… live like that?

At some point, Aria couldn’t continue speaking.

I know the reason.

It was because I didn’t react at all back then.

None of the futures Aria painted moved my heart.

The day I acknowledged that I couldn’t rebuild Pharos, it felt like something inside me crumbled.

I felt guilty just for being alive.

That moment was excruciatingly painful.

So I wanted to die.

For the first time that day, the person who wanted to die and the person who wanted to live switched places.

-Send me. To the battlefield.

What I remember is tears.

Even trying to smile looked pitifully miserable.

-…You were a really bad person. From beginning to end.

In my memory, Aria was someone who only smiled sadly until the end.

* * *

“Villain!!! Please spare me!!!”

The face of the desperately struggling little Aria overlapped with the future Aria.

The more I did so, the more I was seized by an indescribable emotion.


Just as I felt the day I first saw Aria sitting on the throne, I felt the same emotion now seeing the bright Aria.

‘Was her emotional expression always this rich?’

No, I can assert, not even once.


This cheeky little girl would become that gloomy emperor.

That appearance must be a tragedy created by the madness of war.

Even her bright appearance makes one feel pity, which is so like her.

Thinking that way, her cheekiness became a bit familiar.

It was at that moment.

A maid approached stealthily.

She looked pitiful, glancing back and forth between me and Aria.

‘Did they even pick a pitiful person as a maid?’

No way, she must be acting like that because she knows I’m a scoundrel.

I waved my hand dismissively.

“That’s enough, go ahead. Anyway, I’m on my way to see the Crown Prince. I’ll take care of her for a bit.”

“Th-that is…”

“I hate repeating myself.”


The maid, who was at a loss, soon bowed her head deeply and disappeared.

She looked anxious until the end… Do I look like I’m going to hit her or something?

‘…No, I think I might have hit her before.’

It’s been so long since my wild days that I don’t remember what I did.

Anyway, I sent the maid away and looked at Aria.

She was someone I had a connection with.

I was a bit curious.

How different is Aria now from the future?


Aria’s eyes sparkled as she opened her mouth wide.

Then she spoke.

“You’re a good villain!”

“If it’s good, it’s good. What’s a good villain? And isn’t this the first time we’ve met? How do you know I’m a villain?”

“My sister, the Crown Prince, said so! All handsome men are villains!”

Oh dear, she’s been subjected to bad early education.

‘If it’s sister, is it the 1st Princess? The 2nd Princess?’

It must be the 2nd Princess.

The 1st Princess is obsessed with putting the Crown Prince on the throne, so it’s a process of elimination.

Besides, the 2nd Princess is quite famous.

‘They say I have no eye for men.’

How could it be that I always fall in love with bad men, claiming it to be some kind of fateful love?

Even at this point, I know such things still happen quite often.

Anyway, it’s unfair.

“Not all handsome men are villains. Isn’t His Highness the Crown Prince considered handsome by others?”

Of course, by my standards, he looks like a greasy gigolo.

“Are you perhaps slandering His Highness the Crown Prince, Your Highness?”

I asked, narrowing my eyes.

I was just curious about her reaction since she was so bouncy.

Then Aria’s eyes slyly avoided mine.

“…Ah, Aria doesn’t know anything about that…!”


She doesn’t completely lack the art of survival.

“Well, it’s none of my business. For now, please follow me. I’m on my way to see His Highness the Crown Prince.”


“I told the maid, didn’t I? That I would escort Her Highness the Princess to where His Highness the Crown Prince is.”

The question was resolved.

At this point in time, Aria is just an ordinary kid.

Realizing that anew brought a bit of relief, and a bit of the thought that if she is doing well, there’s no need to get more involved in this life.

Whatever happens, if the Crown Prince becomes the Emperor, the chances of the Empire ending up like that will be drastically reduced.

Then this kid will live reasonably well too.

He won’t grow up to be such a gloomy person.



Saying he would go to the Crown Prince, his expression is quite strange.

Should I say he’s hemming and hawing?

“Why are you like this?”

“Oh, brother is overwhelmed with work…!”

“It’s ‘overwhelmed with work.'”

I corrected him, but he doesn’t listen.

He just avoids my eyes and speaks.

“Arya is a good princess…! She shouldn’t interfere with work…!”

“I wonder why he likes work so much. Anyway, let’s go.”


I grabbed Arya by the back of her neck and headed towards the Dawn Palace.

In the meantime, she struggled, but at this age, she must be at most six years old.

It’s hard with a child’s strength.

It was the moment we entered the Dawn Palace.

I saw the Crown Prince in the distant garden and opened my mouth.

“I am here, Your Highness.”

“Ah! Faro…”

The prince’s body came to an abrupt halt.

His expression hardened.

His gaze was fixed on Aria, who was clinging to my hand.

“…The third princess.”

Hiccup, Aria jolted.

I unconsciously loosened my grip.

Then, with a thud, Aria landed on the floor, hurriedly straightening her attire, and soon bowed her head deeply, hiding behind my leg and mumbling.

“Brother… Bunny! Greetings to Your Highness…”

The prince’s face remained stern.

Aria, who had suddenly lost her bravado, seemed utterly deflated.

At that moment, a thought flashed through my mind.

– I have only done terrible things to that child. She was such a small child… I saw the political entanglements not with her, but with another child. Hence, I was never kind to her.

Recalling those words made me feel somewhat suffocated.

It was inevitable.

If one is not a fool, wouldn’t they know?

If one is not completely oblivious, wouldn’t they know?

This child, even without the war, would not have lived a happy life.


What kind of wretched human is this?


ⓒ papapa.


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