033. Tower Lord (1)

The decision-making was swift.

He was a man of quick calculations.

Just the fact that the crown prince properly understood the incident brought the progress of the matter to an incomparable level.

“First, we must conceal Rebecca’s death as much as possible.”

“Yes, if they find out the girl is dead, who knows how those three will react.”

“If they think she’s merely missing, we can keep things quiet for a while. They’ll be too busy searching for Rebecca to think of anything else.”

Rebecca’s death is top secret.

Ideally, only the Crown Prince, Beatrice, and I should know about it. Given the circumstances, it was necessary to properly discuss Beatrice’s involvement.

I revealed who was behind the demon summoning, and the Crown Prince understood.

“Perhaps it’s for the best. Now we have a means to rein her in.”

I didn’t bother discussing the severity of her crimes.

At this point, Beatrice had already become a pawn to fend off external threats.

Next agenda item.

“The fact that there’s a group targeting the empire by summoning demons must also remain a secret for now. We can’t afford to cause chaos without any concrete evidence.”

“Yes, if internal chaos ensues, we’ll be more vulnerable to external attacks.”

“We don’t know if the war will start immediately or in ten years. Even if we organize the army now, we can’t keep them on standby indefinitely. It would reduce productivity. If the enemy is this meticulous, they might also know how to wear us down.”

“Moreover, there are benefits to keeping things hidden.”

“We need to draw them out.”

The more aggressive our response, the more secretive the enemy becomes.

If we don’t even know who the enemy is, it’s best to lure them out.

Of course, they will know that their demon summoning has been discovered.

But if we remain silent as usual?

They’ll snoop around to find out more.

Information warfare is the top priority in war.

“We’ll move covertly. Only the most trustworthy individuals should know about this.”

“Sir Drenor is…”

“It won’t do. Your mouth is too loose.”

Of course.

The Crown Prince, after discussing up to that point, let out a long sigh and asked.

“Who do you think the opponent is?”

“I don’t know.”

I had no choice but to shake my head.

The most likely candidates were the barbarians who invaded the empire before the regression.

However, those guys, despite their terrifying individual strength, never had a collective size that would scoff at the number 10,000.

Even aside from that, their culture was like that.

Should I call it kinship? The atmosphere among the barbarians was one that valued the cohesion within the group the most.

Of course, I don’t know everything.

However, the credibility of them as candidates was being denied by various factors.

Then who else could be the candidates?

When I think about it, the non-human races of the outer realms that still do not interact with humans come to mind.

If I think in terms of demons, this side seemed more credible.

‘They were originally called the race of the night.’


Also skilled in sorcery.

They have a history of causing chaos through demons, and they have strongholds in areas we cannot grasp.

However, it was also hard to make a clear judgment on this.

Therefore, what was needed above all was investigation.

“We need to dispatch spies. To every possible place, from the nearest kingdoms to the lands of friendly races, to the forbidden and the outskirts.”

“You mean we need to find cases where ten thousand have vanished.”

“Even if not that, we should investigate disappearances or massacres that have occurred in the past few decades. We should also re-examine cases reported as disasters. We need to look into the disappearances of knights as well.”

“My head is throbbing.”

But there’s no other choice.

If we don’t know, we have no other method but to run around on foot.

Roughly, the immediate necessities have been identified.

Of course, the most important thing was something else.

“We must consider the possibility of an internal spy.”

An internal enemy is more terrifying than an external one.

It’s hard to realize how frightening it is for information to leak out unless you’ve experienced war.

So how did they root it out?

In response to that, the crown prince said to me,

“Participate in the founding festival.”


“Isn’t there a ball? You can distinguish demons.”

Ah, that’s what he meant.

I had forgotten because it’s an ability I’m not yet accustomed to.

I nodded immediately.

Surely, if there are those who use demonic tricks, they wouldn’t miss the gathering of the leaders of the alliance.

“Let’s do that.”

“The second day. Until then, recover your body. Do you need anything?”

“Uh, it would be nice if you could give me a mana potion.”

“I’ll send it over. Then let’s end it like this…”

As they talked, they had come near the castle wall.

The prince said those final words.

“…We won’t hide this demon summoning incident. Too many people saw the moment the sky shattered.”

“Yes, that’s true. Indeed.”

“I’ll make sure to mention your contribution to the subjugation.”

I roughly understood the prince’s intention.

If it can’t be hidden, it must be used to the fullest.

“You mean I should talk to the distinguished guests, right?”

“Not just that, you need to see as many people as possible. They might approach you.”

“Well, I understand for now.”

I want to rest, but what can I do?

The situation is so chaotic.

In front of the castle wall, the guards recognized the prince and stiffened up, saluting.

The prince smiled faintly and said,

“It was a long night. You did well.”

The shadow on his face hadn’t completely disappeared.

It must have been a confusing matter for the prince as well.

Fortunately, he seemed to understand and regain his composure, but it would be necessary to keep an eye on him for a while.

“Your Highness, please rest well too.”

“Is there any time to rest? The founding festival starts today.”

“Rest when it’s over.”

“You’re too much. Anyway, I’ll be going.”

Thus, I parted ways with the crown prince.

I trudged along the streets.

The entire capital was buzzing with the start of the founding festival.

To avoid the commotion, I headed to the outskirts, to the mansion.

What greeted me upon my return was…

“Young master. Your appearance…”

It was my sister, wandering the hall.

Ah, right. Somehow, I ended up staying out all night.

My clothes were torn, and my body was dirty.

How should I explain this appearance…

“…I drank too much. I ended up rolling around.”

“Ah, I see. That’s a relief.”

It was a makeshift excuse, but fortunately, my sister accepted it.

I felt strangely sad.

“You seem to have not slept properly. Go in and rest. If you don’t sleep, you’ll fall apart.”

“…Yes, you too have a good day, sister.”

I quietly entered my room, washed up, and fell asleep.

I didn’t sleep for long.

It was because of the story I heard around lunchtime.

“The lady has collapsed…”

It seemed that the news of my fight with the demon had already spread.

* * *

I was scolded to avoid dangerous situations as much as possible.

I couldn’t lift my head out of shame and kept apologizing, and I had to make a considerable effort to assert that I was fine.

Still, it seemed that activating the necklace with the prince’s mana was effective, as my sister also seemed to think I wasn’t seriously injured.

From noble mtl dot com

After quickly dealing with the incident, I improved my condition further with the mana potion sent by the prince.

The efficiency was still trash, but I managed to make it bearable for daily life.

Now it was time for personal contemplation.

About the identity of the woman and the events that had occurred.

The demon had intervened.

And the enemy was moving as a group.

At the point when this became certain, there was something I had to reconsider.

‘It must have been those orcs’ doing.’

The orcs that moved with an eerie level of coordination during the subjugation battle.

It was right to see it as a trap targeting the prince, who had somewhat fallen out of the woman’s influence.

In other words, they were enemies capable of organic responses.

What could this mean?

‘The woman is at scenario level 1.’

Would they stop even if they failed to shake the inside with a woman?

Of course, at this point where the investigation has begun, they wouldn’t summon another horde of demons by consuming tens of thousands of lives anew. It’s not easy to offer and manage such a large number of sacrifices.

What we have gained is merely a reprieve.

A reprieve just enough to guard the interior.

‘Leave the internal affairs to the Crown Prince.’

He would handle things more meticulously and systematically than I would.

So I must do what only I can do.

‘The switch. What on earth is this?’

A black and solid switch.

It was just an object I had only that level of appreciation for, but as I faced the demons, I newly realized its potential.

It’s astonishing.

Doesn’t it mean that the object left by the founder of Pharos is meant to counter demons?

At this point, a hypothesis emerged.

‘The b*stards targeting Pharos before the regression…’

…could be the same group.

No, considering they deal with demons, it’s almost certain.

My insides boil.

Emotions surge greatly.

I closed my eyes gently.

I gathered myself.

‘Now, this is mine.’

Even if they glare, they will glare at me.

And that would be a very welcome thing for me.

If they reach out for this item…

‘…I won’t kill them easily.’


The switch struck the dough.

At that moment, Aria spoke.

“Hurry! Hurry and make it! Oh dear! Why are you dawdling so much today!”

Hmm, a voice that saps my energy.

Feeling triumphant, she slapped my back with a smack! smack! I wanted to give her a flick on the forehead, but I held back.

“Aria is a princess who deserves praise for saving the Cheeseburger Kingdom from crisis! Pharos must present the cheeseburger quickly!”

A request with a reason, making her even more triumphant.

Yes, I admit it.

The previous evening, thanks to Aria not forgetting my words and conveying them to the crown prince, the demon’s aftermath was dealt with, and I could go straight to slay the wench.

So, I was making a cheeseburger for the visiting Aria.

Today, a little special.

-There are many types of cheese, you know. Here, it’s a battlefield, so there aren’t many things we can get, just things we’ve planned.

Once, Hanna gathered the troops and spoke seriously.

“We’re using mozzarella! Every bite of the burger should have cheese stretching out!!!”


“If we hide mozzarella inside the patty, we can do it! No, we should go double! If we put cheddar cheese on top of the patty…”

“Yuren! Let’s go find some cheese!”

“Calm down, you idiot. We’re in the middle of a war.”

How much sweat was shed that day to stop the prince from going to find mozzarella.

It was an unpleasant memory for that reason, but looking back, it was quite a worthwhile attempt.

Cheese itself was easy to find.

The market in the capital was bustling now, unlike back then, and the demand for gourmet food among the nobles was quite high, so most things could be obtained just by sending someone on an errand.

I already had the recipe.

So I am following it exactly.

Put cheese inside the minced meat, wrap it well, and grill the patty.

And the vegetables…

“To-tomatoes need to be left out… Aria doesn’t like red vegetables…”

…Just for today, I left out the tomatoes.

Cover it with bread on top and bottom, and there you have it, a mozzarella double cheeseburger.

The visual is quite violent.

I was proud.

“Are you watching, Hanna?”

It’s a day when I particularly miss Hanna.

Are they running by now?

Being around the same age as Aria, they might have grown up to be a troublemaker, stirring up the village.

‘To find them, it will take another 10 years.’

It’s never been so sad to think that to know their whereabouts, I have to wait for them to get caught running a street stall in the capital. How many people in the world have the name Hannah and similar characteristics?

While lost in thought, Aria stomped her feet and reached out her hand.

“Is it true? Are there really two pieces of cheese in it?!?!”

“Yes, please try it.”

Putting aside my longing, I handed the cheeseburger to Aria.

Aria gulped down her saliva and then closed her eyes tightly before taking a big bite of the burger.

As soon as she pulled the burger from her mouth,


The mozzarella inside the patty stretched out long.

Aria opened her eyes, filled with excitement, and shouted, “Wow! Wow!” in delight.

After sucking up all the flowing cheese, she shared her thoughts.

“Amazing…! This is magic!!!”

“Is it delicious?”

“It’s a cheese wizard! No! This is a grand wizard cheeseburger!!!”

Something like that.

Anyway, I’m glad she enjoyed it.

And now that the business is done, it’s time to send her off.

“Now, eat quickly and go.”


“I have plans today as well.”

“Lies! Brother said that today you are free!”

What is that man teaching the child?

“I have somewhere to go.”

“Where are you going! Aria will go with you!”

Aria spoke firmly, but today it was not possible.

“I am going to a place with many sick people. Your Highness, if you are not careful, you might also need to be examined by a healer. Are you okay with that?”

Like any other child, Aria was terrified at the mention of a healer.

Why, I do not know.

Is it because the public image of healers is that they torture sick people?

‘At most, they only cut and sew flesh.’

…No, maybe that’s why.

Before long, Aria turned pale.

She avoids my gaze.

“Ah, Aria just remembered something important. Today, she will study…!”

Aria slowly backed away.

Munching on a cheeseburger.

“See you next time!”

Leech extermination, complete.

* * *

It was a late afternoon.

Along with the commotion of the Founding Festival, the atmosphere was a bit chaotic due to the fact that someone had attempted to summon a demon the previous day.

However, the nature of an incident can change depending on how it is announced.

“Summoning a demon in the capital!”

“Did they catch the beast?”

“No, but the summoning failed, so they’ll catch it soon! Even if it tries something, it will be quickly discovered and escorted to the army!”

It was widely known that the summoning had failed, and it was Beatrice and I who had stopped it.

The embellished story was effectively diluting the fear felt by the people.

It was necessary, so I accepted it.

Moreover, considering the direction in which I intended to manipulate that woman, such a reputation was necessary.

To avoid unnecessary commotion, I moved with my robe pulled over my head, and arrived at the outskirts’ healing center.

The entire building was rented out to focus on treating Beatrice alone.

The guards, recognizing my face, stepped aside.

I went inside to find that woman.

It was to say the words I hadn’t been able to share the previous day due to the chaos.

It was at that moment when I stepped into the treatment room corridor.

“…Ah, a guest has arrived.”

I hesitated.

Because I met an unexpected person.

“Pharos’ young lord, right?”

An old woman stood in the hallway, holding a basket of fruit.

The wrinkles that formed when she smiled reminded one of a kind grandmother found anywhere.

But the large pointed hat and robe, along with the overwhelming presence that instantly erased the kind image, created a sense of tension.

Decisively, the arrangement of mana visible in her eyes.

There was no way not to know who she was.

‘I didn’t expect to meet her like this…’

I bowed my head.

“Greetings, Tower Master.”

Lorna Woodwitch.

Beatrice’s mentor.


‘…a witch.’

Not a fake like Rebecca, but a genuine witch.

She was the only non-human Tower Master in the entire history of the empire.


ⓒ papapa.


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