I can add one every day

Chapter 127 Is there anything about you that I don’t know?

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan sucking up the water of the thirty-foot-deep pool of blood, inch by inch, until nothing was left, the corners of Feng Risheng's eyes began to twitch.

The instigator Zhou Qingyuan opened his eyes at this time, and the panel spontaneously appeared in front of him, showing the gains from this trip to the blood pool.

【Enlightenment Realm (Perfection)】+

[Boundary between Sun and Moon (Bloodline Skill)-Xiao Cheng]

[Violent Blood (Racial Magical Power)-Introduction]

As he said before, everything is a matter of course, as long as others have it, he will have it.

As for what others don’t have, he still has it!

Looking at the plus sign on the right side of Qiling Perfection, Zhou Qingyuan nodded. Since he mastered Wanfa, adding points has not encountered a bottleneck for a long time.

As consciousness taps the plus sign, the text on the panel begins to change.

[Enlightenment Realm (Refined)]


A strange low sound was heard in Zhou Qingyuan's body, and the blood in Zhou Qingyuan's body began to change, gradually transforming into a legless creature with the head of a snake and the body of a snake.

Zhou Qingyuan's thoughts moved slightly. Under the exploration of his newly born spiritual sense after entering the Spiritual Enlightenment Realm, he could clearly feel the changes in his blood.

Strange to say, it was just a change in form, but it made every drop of blood glow with greater vitality.

The tiny enhancement of each drop of blood affects Zhou Qingyuan as a whole, which is a exponential improvement.

The result of this change was that Zhou Qingyuan had just stepped into the fetal breath realm, but he felt that his physical body, which was equivalent to the lower level of the pulse opening realm, had been strengthened again.

There is indeed something unique about a bloodline.

"I finally understand why our ancestors chose you."

There was sadness and reluctance in Feng Risheng's eyes, and he was a little out of control in a rare emotion.


He slapped Zhou Qingyuan's shoulders heavily with both hands, his eyes red.

The blood pool that my Golden Crow family has inherited for thousands of years, the blood pool used to inspire the bloodline of new disciples, was just sucked dry by your boy!

However, he did not yell out those words after all, but kept them in his heart.

"What is your identity?"

"The natives born in the body of the ancient god are inferior people in your eyes, nothing more."

Zhou Qingyuan looked calm and continued: "I sucked up this blood pool. I'm sorry, I will compensate you as soon as possible."

"Pay it to me?"

Feng Risheng glanced at Zhou Qingyuan and asked, "Do you know the value of the water in this blood pool?"

"I know roughly."

Zhou Qingyuan glanced at the blood pool that had been drained and said calmly:

"About eighty-six kinds of precious medicinal materials are used in it, mixed with countless demon blood essences, and rare objects from heaven and earth are used as medicinal ingredients to neutralize the medicinal properties.

The finishing touch is that all the medicinal properties tend to be warm, but suppressed by low temperature, so that the potency of the medicine can be adjusted and suitable for fragile unawakened people. "

"Well, are there countless passages under the ground that continuously replenish demon blood?

This method is somewhat interesting. First prepare the main medicine, and then use a stable base to absorb all the activity of the demon blood? "

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan's boastful talk, Feng Risheng's mind went blank for a moment.

This blood pool has been passed down from generation to generation by the Golden Crow family. In fact, their descendants do not need to maintain it, as long as they continue to add demon blood and specific medicinal herb spiritual blood.

This was also the reason why he lost control of his emotions before, because he didn't know how to recreate such a pool of blood.

This means that in the future, newly born members of the Golden Crow tribe will not be able to use this method to activate their bloodlines.

And Zhou Qingyuan's confident look undoubtedly gave him some hope.

However, he actually had only a partial understanding of what the other party said.

The one who is most interested in this is the second elder Feng Peisheng. Maybe they will have a chat.

"Do you still know how to mix spiritual blood?"

"Ah, understand a little bit."

Facing Feng Risheng's question, Zhou Qingyuan spoke calmly and lowered his head to think.

As if he saw that things were turning around, Feng Risheng stood aside patiently without making a sound.

Not long after, Zhou Qingyuan opened his mouth and spat out, and a purple storage ring flew out.


The huge alchemy furnace that almost reached the dome flew out of the storage ring, and then Zhou Qingyuan took out one hundred and twenty-eight kinds of medicinal materials in succession, supplemented by the heavenly materials and earthly treasures collected in the world of cultivation, and used spiritual energy to control all the medicinal materials scattered around. in the air.

Immediately, Zhou Qingyuan took out the matching medicine jar and medicine pestle. One of them was an ancient spiritual treasure discovered by chance, which had the function of separating the properties of medicine.

The other medicine pestle is an acquired spiritual treasure that he spent great efforts to refine himself.

Without seeing any movement from Zhou Qingyuan, the medicinal materials in the sky began to fall into the medicine jar one by one in a specific order.


Zhou Qingyuan tapped his fingers lightly, and the medicine pestle was already blooming with spiritual light as he pounded the medicine frantically.

During this process, the medicinal properties that Zhou Qingyuan needed were stripped away and retained, and the unnecessary medicinal properties were eliminated one by one, gradually dividing into ten fist-sized groups of spiritual liquid in the air.

After all the 128 kinds of spiritual herbs were processed, Zhou Qingyuan flicked his finger, and all ten groups of spiritual liquid poured into the alchemy furnace.


Opening his mouth and spitting out, a red-gold flame flew into the bottom of the alchemy furnace and burned blazingly.

"Golden Crow Fire!"

Feng Risheng, who had been watching the whole process, opened his eyes wide at this time, looking at the red-gold flames spit out by Zhou Qingyuan in disbelief.

"No. Shouldn't it be golden? Why does it look weird?"

Feng Risheng seemed to be in a daze, constantly talking to himself to sort out his thoughts.

Zhou Qingyuan actually awakened the Golden Crow Fire before entering this world. Is this why his ancestors favored him?

But why would our ancestors know this? What happened when they met?

"Okay. What are you mumbling about?"

Zhou Qingyuan's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Feng Risheng's thoughts.

He raised his head with dissatisfaction and was about to complain when his eyes suddenly widened.

The water in the blood pool, which was empty before, is now full of ten feet again, exuding a beautiful green color.

This is Zhou Qingyuan's newly prepared spirit-enlightening water using elixirs with similar medicinal properties collected in the ancient god world and the demon blood newly flowing in from the bottom of the blood pool.


Zhou Qingyuan smiled and put away all redundant materials, folded his arms and said to Feng Risheng:

“I never like to owe others anything.

Now that you have used up all your blood pool, I will give you a better one. "

"Of course, this pool of spiritually enlightening water is still far from reaching its previous height. It's just that the base has been prepared.

Next, you only need to continuously provide various kinds of demon blood, and it won't take long for its effect to far exceed your previous blood pool. "

"you you."

Feng Risheng opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

Do you know the gold content of this blood pool? It would be good to be able to restore it, but more than that?

How on earth can a mere native in the body of an ancient god master such superb methods?

"Is there anything else about you that I don't know?"

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