I can add one every day

Chapter 191: Twenty years is too long, I only fight for the day

"Your clan is being hunted. If I join you, wouldn't I also be included on the hunted list?"

Zhou Qingyuan sighed and continued: "It's not that I don't want to join you, but is the price too high for doing this? If I am killed, no matter what your purpose is, you will not be able to achieve it, right?"

"You might as well tell me your needs. What should I do before you are willing to hand over your inheritance to me?"

The human face transformed by Teng Luo was unresponsive, and the blood stayed in place and kept shaking. It can be seen that the other party is also thinking.

Anyway, for Zhou Qingyuan, even if the other party blows the ancient gods to the sky and falls to the ground, the fact is that they were killed to the point of annihilation.

It shows that in the starry sky, their clan is nothing special, at least not the top power.

Even without the inheritance of the ancient gods, Zhou Qingyuan would just find another way.

What the other party said has further opened his horizons. If that didn't work, he would rather spend decades or hundreds of years on his own to create a method of combining spirit and body.

If not, at worst, after solving Yun Haitian's matter, he will not go to the world above the starry sky. Zhou Qingyuan sighed in his heart. After knowing that the law of time exists in this world, will he really not go?

Zhou Qingyuan, who was originally confident, hesitated for a moment, but there was no expression on his face. He wanted to know without thinking that the ancient god was more anxious about the current situation.

Sure enough, not long after, Teng Luo's expression changed again and he said:

"Okay, what you said makes some sense. Although you live in the material world, you can't guarantee that you really have the means to kill that crazy woman."

In fact, the reason why the ancient gods chose to burn all their spiritual thoughts and only retain their bodies to fall into the material world was to escape the pursuit of that crazy woman?

If he hadn't escaped quickly, it would have been like what is said in the big cities in the real world, "your ashes will be raised."

"I can hand over the ancient gods' methods to you now, but you have to make an oath with my clan's essence and blood. Once you achieve something in the future, you must help our clan revive at all costs."

"Isn't the limitation of achievement too broad?"

"Don't worry, people's spirituality is more powerful than you think. As long as you don't think you are capable of doing this, this oath will not affect you at all."

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan accept this condition after thinking about it, Teng Luo felt a little happy.

In this way, he has the first guarantee for the revival of the ancient god clan.

Next, it depends on Zhou Qingyuan's talent before deciding whether he should prepare a second guarantee.

Various thoughts flashed in Teng Luo's mind, and the spiritual blood all over his body was divided into two parts. Most of the energy was concentrated in front of Zhou Qingyuan. Only the blood that retained his own spirituality turned into a meter of blood beads. With Zhou Qingyuan's consent, it turned into a tiny tear mole and was placed on the corner of his right eye.

‘It is estimated that you and I will have to live together day and night for thousands of years. Please give me some advice. ’

Before Teng Luo made any move, his voice sounded in Zhou Qingyuan's mind.

"Next, let's unlock the ancient mysteries in your body. Refining that drop of blood full of the information of the ancient gods into your body, you will automatically learn the cultivation methods of my ancient god clan."

Zhou Qingyuan did as he was told, and after checking it, he slowly refined the energy that was still going to explode the Immortality World despite his restraint.

As the blood containing a large amount of pheromones from the ancient gods was smelted into Zhou Qingyuan's body, the mysterious runes hidden in his limbs and bones reappeared, turning from virtual to real, and the golden light shone brightly.

As Zhou Qingyuan refined all the blood, his brain was like a roaring bell, and three golden characters appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness!

[Star Refining Technique]

The ancient gods swallowed the sky and stepped on the earth, gathering the mighty power of heaven and earth into themselves.

Stepping on the nine heavens, you can see the exterior scenery, blend the mental images, and combine the interior scenery.

When all heavens are united, the truth will never be destroyed.

Gao Yuan's majestic voice resounded in Zhou Qingyuan's mind, and a completely transparent adult model appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's mind. A bit of light flashed like a meteor, flowing continuously in the transparent human body, guiding Zhou Qingyuan's direction.

Whenever a cycle ends, this light will start from the beginning again and demonstrate to Zhou Qingyuan again, endlessly.

Zhou Qingyuan saw the sun and moon rising in his eyes, and his eyes were like lightning. In just one cycle, he memorized all the routes in his mind.

As the next cycle begins, he has already tried to practice this profound method to match the specific conditions of his body.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhou Qingyuan opened his eyes and let out a long breath.


Even though only a quarter of an hour had passed just now, within his consciousness, he had tried the Star Refining Technique hundreds of thousands of times.

‘It is indeed an inheritance beyond the stars. It does have some skills. ’

Teng Luo, who was waiting quietly, saw Zhou Qingyuan open his eyes and said proudly: "The inheritance of our family is one of the best even in the real world in the sea of ​​stars.

It is normal for you not to be able to practice it in a short time. You don’t need to belittle yourself. Even if a genius disciple of our clan wants to learn this method and complete the ninth level of Tiantai, it will basically take three hundred years and a special star stone to refine it. Chemical assistance. "

"In your words," Teng Luo observed Zhou Qingyuan's expression and continued, "As long as you can get started within a thousand years, you are considered to be fairly talented."

"Getting started within a thousand years? Is your ancient clan's inheritance and cultivation so slow? No wonder it was wiped out."


Teng Luo has no physical body now, otherwise if someone dares to slander the family that makes him proud, he will definitely not let this person look good.

After all, he doesn't know that Zhou Qingyuan has only been practicing for a hundred years, and he has already passed through three cultivation systems in succession. Even the divine consciousness will be easily broken through soon. Naturally, it is impossible to imagine that it takes a thousand years to get started in a system.

Teng Luo suppressed his anger and said: "The first thing you need to do now is to open the first cycle and try to step into the first level of stepping into the sky. Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you start this, the next step is just ink and wash work."

Thinking of Zhou Qingyuan's slanderous words just now, he still had some anger in his heart, and reduced the limit he had imagined for Zhou Qingyuan by half.

"As long as you can step into the first level of stepping into the sky within 20 years, it means that your qualifications are not bad, and you will definitely have a place in the future real world."

If you can't, don't blame me for replacing you.

Teng Luo's heart was filled with gloom, but Zhou Qingyuan simply said, "Twenty years is too long, I only want to seize the day."

The next moment, Zhou Qingyuan opened the system panel and looked at the newly generated grid.


[Star Refining Technique - Uninitiated]+

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