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Chapter 91: Foundation Building Stage

Chapter 92 Foundation Building Stage - Ultimate

"Junior Brother, you can finally decide now, right?"

The flying sword didn't care about the rules of other peaks that prohibited flying, and flew out of the last peak with Zhou Qingyuan in a slightly embarrassed manner.

Of the twelve peaks of Wanhua Sect, nine are female peak masters, with countless female disciples. The enthusiasm of the flying sword is really a bit overwhelming.

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the various information recorded on the panel and nodded with satisfaction.

He has taken all the characteristics of the twelve peaks into his bag.

"I've decided. After looking at the characteristics of so many peaks, I think Master's spiritual plant path is more suitable for me."

After a long time, this kid still chose his own skills?

Seeing that the corners of Feijian's mouth twitched slightly, Zhou Qingyuan smiled wickedly and said, "Thank you, senior brother, for paving the way for me. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to get in touch with so many skills in one day."

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan's face become much more lively after a day, Feijian also showed a happy smile and reached out to pat Zhou Qingyuan on the shoulder.

"Why are you being polite to me, Senior Brother? You are my Junior Brother. If I don't help you, who else can I help?

Okay, go back. If old Qi Yuan knew that you chose his spiritual plant path, he would be happy."

The flying sword carried Zhou Qingyuan all the way back. Qi Yuan had already prepared a banquet by the waterfall and bamboo forest. He smiled and waved to the two of them.

After having a good meal and a good drink, it was already late at night. Zhou Qingyuan returned to the house and fell into a deep sleep. A rare smile appeared on his face.

The sound of the kingfisher chirping and the sound of the crane rang out. Zhou Qingyuan sat up from the bed and his eyes quickly regained clarity.

"I remember that there seemed to be a spell to teach the dust in the storage bag given by Senior Brother."

The spiritual consciousness probed into the storage bag given by the flying sword and read the information of the jade slips that recorded a group of miscellaneous arts. The next moment, Zhou Qingyuan's body flashed with spiritual light and the stains disappeared.

With his current talent and affinity with spiritual energy, this simple spell can be mastered at a glance.

[Leaving the Dust Technique - Great Accomplishment]

Zhou Qingyuan stood up and came to the top of the peak outside the house. He took out a set of utensils and prepared to brew a pot of spiritual tea for himself.

This was what Master Qi Yuan gave Zhou Qingyuan after he knew that Fei Jian had given him a top-grade spiritual weapon. He patted his head and blamed himself for being careless.

"Woo woo woo woo woo ~"

The cold water taken out of thin air began to boil under the burning of the flame. Zhou Qingyuan looked at the mist in the air with a calm expression and opened the system panel.

[Foundation-Perfect] +

In the morning with comfortable mist, Zhou Qingyuan gently clicked the silver + sign on the panel.


As the text changed, the points were added, and the sea of ​​spiritual power surged and roared in Zhou Qingyuan's body. The red natal fire seemed to be strongly stimulated at this moment and shone brightly.

The red flame seemed to be coated with a layer of gold paint under the strong light, turning into a golden flame.

Zhou Qingyuan's consciousness was amplified again, and it expanded synchronously with the improvement of his realm. The detection range increased from 50 miles to 100 miles in one breath, which was doubled.

This is the range that ordinary Yuanying early stage cultivators can detect.

The five-color qi composed of the five elements of heaven and earth was constantly circulating in Zhou Qingyuan's body. Every time it was completed, Zhou Qingyuan's spiritual power was strengthened.

And this circulation, under the illumination of the golden fire, circulated five times.

After five times, the five-color qi, which had grown much stronger, turned into a tide again and returned to the Dantian.

However, under the climax, a golden sphere appeared faintly.

Looking inward, Zhou Qingyuan saw everything clearly and nodded silently.

This golden elixir phantom was the perfect elixir mentioned in Qi Yuan's experience of cultivation.

The cultivator's golden elixir was divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. Each grade differed by about 30%, which was specific to all aspects.

Whether it was the total amount of spiritual energy or affinity, it would have an impact.

Any cultivator who has aspirations will certainly hold the mentality of doing his best.

When Qi Yuan was young, he also pursued the perfect Dan, and wrote many discoveries and conjectures in his practice notes.

Unfortunately, in the end, he despairingly discovered that if he wanted to perfectly form a Dan, he had to perfectly build a foundation, and if he wanted to perfectly build a foundation, he had to cultivate the lost fourteenth level of Qi Refining.

Not to mention that the fourteenth level of Qi Refining had been lost, Qi Yuan was already close to the realm of Dan, so it was naturally impossible to practice from the beginning.

In the end, he regretfully gave up this idea and Dan became a top-grade.

The more Zhou Qingyuan read Qi Yuan's practice notes, the more he felt that his teacher was not simple.

When visiting other peak masters, he also heard a lot of news, one of which was that many peak masters were in the early stage of Yuanying, and only a very small number of peak masters had cultivated to the middle stage of Yuanying.

And his teacher Qi Yuan was one of them.

Just when Zhou Qingyuan thought everything was over, the golden flame stopped and began to emit light.

Although the light of the natal fire faded, its color still changed from orange to golden, which looked quite noble.

"Has it changed? This is not even mentioned in the teacher's practice notes."

Zhou Qingyuan raised his index finger, and the golden flame emerged from his fingertips, constantly jumping.

Looking at this flame that obviously bred extremely powerful power, Zhou Qingyuan fell into deep thought.

I don't know how much difference this golden elixir fire has compared to the power of supernatural powers?

Maybe there is time to find a way to control fire. It seems that Qiu Chiyin has it in his storage bag.

There is one more thing to learn. Zhou Qingyuan collected his distracting thoughts, poured the water in the pot into the cup, and sipped the tea quietly facing the mountains and rivers outside the mountain.

In just a cup of tea, Zhou Qingyuan has entered a new world.

Is this the taste of becoming an immortal? It is really good, but why is there still a pent-up energy in my chest, and I still feel a little unhappy?

Just when Zhou Qingyuan was thinking this, the sound of the shuttle moving quickly rang out, and the figure of the eldest brother Feijian appeared outside the small building again.

"Junior brother, come with me."

The tranquil atmosphere was broken in an instant, Zhou Qingyuan looked at the flying sword helplessly and said:

"Brother, you are here so early in the morning, what's the matter?"

"Junior brother, today is the day of the Ascension Conference, our Wanhua Sect will recruit a new batch of disciples from outside, don't you want to go and see?"

"No, I want to study Taoism today, senior brother, go and see it yourself."

"Here you go again, junior brother, I see your face, you should not have been cultivating for a long time, why are you as boring as an old scholar?

I really don't know how you can comprehend Taoism like this."

Zhou Qingyuan became interested when he heard the word Taoism. After all, his Taoism was forcibly added by the point-adding system, which must be different from the way others obtained it.

"Speaking of it, how did senior brother get Taoism?"

"Let's talk about it on the way. If you go too late, you will miss the exciting part."

"Come here, kid!"

Another elbow, Zhou Qingyuan was dragged onto the shuttle by the flying sword with an expressionless face, passing through the peaks.

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