I Can Copy Talent Novel

Chapter 126 Doppelganger for death, complete! [Tenth more, please complete order]

The surrogate talent is indeed the same as Ye Tian guessed, it can die once, but it is not an unconditional surrogacy, and it is necessary to prepare surrogate materials.

For example, collect the corpses of beasts or human beings as surrogate materials, use the power of surrogacy talent to transform the corpse, and transform it into a surrogate clone.

Then, hide the avatar somewhere, if Ye Tian is killed by someone in the outside world, he can activate the avatar talent in an instant, the body and the avatar will be replaced in an instant, and the avatar will die instead of Ye Tian.

Since the avatar is the same as the main body, it is even a real one. As long as the enemy does not check carefully, it is really thought to be the main body.


Such a heaven-defying talent also has limitations, it can only be used once in three years, and there is a distance limit.

Perhaps raising the surrogate talent from medium to high, the "five-nine-zero" distance would increase a lot, and the time interval would also decrease, but for now, Ye Tian can only use the medium surrogate talent first.

"Find a time to make a surrogate clone, which is equivalent to a life!"

Ye Tian muttered.

Immediately, his attention focused on the spatial talent.

[Space Talent: Advanced]

"The medium space talent has space perception, space imprint, portable space, and teleportation. Now it has been upgraded to a high-level space. My portable space has been increased ten times in size, comparable to a small square, and other abilities have also increased greatly. It is worthy of being a high-level space. Space talent!"

Ye Tian said with great satisfaction.

But what he values ​​most is the ability of the space blade!

"Space Blade!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, a black sharp blade appeared in front of Ye Tian, ​​which was completely composed of the power of space, like a space crack, but the shape was like a blade.


Ye Tian canceled the space blade talent, he didn't dare to test the space blade here, in that case, other kings would know, how would he explain?

Higher space talents cannot be exposed for the time being!

"Let's practice!" Ye Tian murmured.

When the soul is damaged, things like comprehension patterns, sword intent, and sword techniques will be affected, but the practice of purple blood vein refining will not be affected.

So, Ye Tian began to practice frantically, taking the blood of a king-level beast every day to practice the Purple Blood Pulse Refinement Technique.

The second thing he wants to temper is the Yang Dimensional Vessel, and it is not far from the time when the Yang Dimensional Vessel is tempered.

It only took ten days for Ye Tian to successfully refine the Yang Dimensional Vessel, and his body strength reached 21 elephants.

The third meridian chosen by Ye Tian is the Yinqiao meridian among the eight extraordinary meridians.

The days that followed were very dull, practicing cultivation, and occasionally cleaning up the beasts.

In this way, Ye Tian has been guarding the space crack for two months.

"The power of 26 elephants, almost there!"

Ye Tian packed up his things, and immediately walked out of the house with Xiaoxue.

Today is the day to leave the top-level formation, not only he has to leave, but also the other king-level and formation masters, leaving only one formation master and a king-level stationed here.

The top-level formation has been completely stabilized, and the space cracks have also stabilized, and there is no need for many people to be stationed.


A sailing boat flew over.

"Hahaha, someone is stationed here, we are all ready to leave!

A king said.

Soon, a group of people got on and off the Yufengzhou.

"so many people?"

Ye Tian frowned.

Didn't it say that there was only one magician and one king? How could there be so many people, and except for two men, all the others were women!


He suddenly realized, somewhat understood.

The king-level and magician must be stationed here for more than two months, and long-term stationing is bound to be boring. Bringing some maids can occasionally solve physiological needs and other needs.

Individuals have their own way of living, and Ye Tian will naturally not criticize them.

After the handover task was completed, Ye Tian returned to the Demon Sea Base with the other kings and magicians.

Taking the little blood, Ye Tian came back soon.

Back home, it is afternoon.

Ye Tian saw Ye Yu who was cultivating. Ye Yu had already reached the realm of a great martial artist and graduated from the martial artist school.

"Brother, you are back!"

Ye Yu saw Ye Tian, ​​hadn't seen him for a few months, thought deeply, and hurriedly threw himself into Ye Tian's arms.

"Little rain, I'm cooking today, let's have a big meal!

Ye Tian touched Ye Yu's head and said with a smile.


Ye Yu nodded, his eyes showed anticipation, and the whole little face was cute.

So, Ye Tian personally made a feast with all kinds of beast meat, vegetables, and fruits. The siblings ate happily, while Ye Tian enjoyed the warm family dinner.

"If you want to protect this family, you must have stronger power. In this era, no progress means death at any time!"

Ye Tian looked at Ye Yu who was full of smiles, and thought to himself..

After dinner.

Ye Tian began to practice frantically again. He wanted to be promoted to the king level in the shortest time. Only when he stepped into the king level would he be qualified to embark on this gorgeous and wonderful age of talent.

Go to that super base and compete with countless geniuses.

In a flash, the day passed.

Villa, basement.

Ye Tian is fiddling with a corpse of a fierce beast, this is a corpse of a high-level peak of a fierce beast, and he is going to transform this corpse into a surrogate avatar.

Of course, just a corpse is not enough, some auxiliary materials are also needed, as well as Ye Tian's own blood.

In the past few days, he entrusted people to acquire materials. Although it was not a precious material, it took several days.

Today, it was finally collected.

So, he couldn't wait to create a avatar to add a life to himself.

Ye Tian distributed the ingredients, ground them into powder, dripped his own blood, mixed them, and then smeared them on the corpse of the beast.

everything's ready!

"here we go!"

Ye Tian motivated the power of the medium talent for death and poured it into the corpse of the beast.

dong dong dong!!!

The corpse of the fierce beast began to change, gradually shrinking into a flesh ball.

After a while, the corpse of the beast changed towards the human form.

Finally, the corpse of the beast turned into a humanoid state exactly like Ye Tian, ​​but with no breath, 5.7 was like a dead man.

"It's made for the death avatar!"

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

He can sense the connection between himself and the avatar, and he can activate the talent for surrogacy within a year and replace it with the avatar.

Afterwards, Ye Tian sealed off this underground secret room, and even arranged defensive formations and cover formations.

Three months passed quietly.

After three months, the injury on Ye Tian's soul has been completely repaired, and there will be no sequelae and impact.

Moreover, in the past three months, he almost all cultivated in the middle-level vitality training room at home, increasing the power of 27 elephants in total, and raising the strength of his body to 53 elephants.

In addition, once his soul injury has recovered, he can go to comprehend the sword skill and practice the silver-level sword skill - Heavenly Slash!

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