I Can Copy Talent Novel

Chapter 1754 Depressed Star Lord!

"Lord Endless, I admire it!"

Lord Baiheng sighed.

Although he became the lord of the legendary realm not long ago, Ye Tian took control of it not long ago!

Now, Ye Tian has comprehended a time-to-high skill, but he has not even touched the threshold of the highest skill.

Of course, he felt a little better when he thought that there were several other legendary lords in the Holy Land who didn't comprehend the supreme skills.

The increase of the supreme skill to the strength of the legendary lord is not very exaggerated, it is only a few times or ten times the strength, but for Ye Tian, ​​the increase is dozens of times the strength.

Otherwise, he would not be able to easily kill a half-step Legendary Realm lord after controlling the supreme skill.

Several Legendary Realm lords did not stay here in Ye Tian for long and left soon.

"I have now gathered the supreme legendary body, and my strength has skyrocketed. With my current strength, I am afraid that my current strength is not weaker than the original "873" frost-free lord, and even stronger than the frost-free lord."1

Ye Tian estimated.

What's more, the lethality of the supreme skill is terrifying, if the top half-step legendary lord can resist it, but for those ordinary half-step legendary lord, the formidable power of the supreme skill is too terrifying.

Therefore, Ye Hao's threat to ordinary half-step legendary lords far exceeds that of other top half-step legendary lords.

Moreover, he has just broken through to the legendary lord of transcendence, and the supreme legendary body has just been condensed, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

The practice of the legendary lord of detachment is different from that of the legendary lord of the realm. The legendary lord of the realm is mainly to improve the field of will rules, and the legendary lord of detachment is not only to improve the rules of will and the legendary body.

When the world of will rules and the legendary body are raised to a certain level, it is necessary to integrate the legendary body with the world of will rules, that is, the realm of body fusion.

When you first entered the realm of merging the world, you have reached the pinnacle of the legendary lord of transcendence.

After that, it is to continue to merge the body with the world, until the body is completely merged with the will to rule the world, the body and the world become one, and the body is where the will rules the world.

At this stage, he has reached the pinnacle of the legendary lord of transcendence.

Going a step further is that the body integrates all the rules of heaven and earth, not only the innate eternal rules that oneself comprehend, even those that they have not comprehended, they must also be incorporated into the body. The endless rules are all incorporated into the body in the form of heaven and earth. .

This is the rule incarnate!

Legendary lords can be regarded as space incarnations or time incarnations, while half-step only legends lords are rule incarnations.

After achieving the incarnation of the rules, you need to be proficient in cultivation and understanding of time or space. Only by thoroughly understanding these two rules can you break the shackles, completely melt into space or time, and turn into a time incarnation or space incarnation.

This is the whole process of becoming a Legendary Lord.

But now, Ye Tian is only in the initial stage of the Legendary Lord of Transcendence. It will take a long time to become the pinnacle of Legendary Lord of Transcendence.


Ye Tian worked hard to retreat and cultivate, to improve his own cultivation, and by the way, he learned to create the second time supreme skill.

Somewhere in the boundless sea.

When the Lord of Stupid Star saw that the wind and the waves were calm, it was impossible for the Lords of the Holy Land to spy on time and space to find his traces, and he came out.

He came to the former headquarters of the Bizarre Star Building, only to see a piece of ruins.


Through spying on the space and time, he saw the past scenes, and saw the scene of his descendant, the Lord of the Fragment Star, using the power of the empty sea to escape, and immediately confirmed the range of the Lord of the Fragment Star through the fluctuation of time and space.


He came to an area of ​​nothingness and continued to spy on the past.

Soon, he saw a picture.

His descendant, the Lord of Fragment Star, was instantly killed by a legendary lord of transcendence, and he used the power to control time to kill him without any resistance.



The Broken Star Lord was shocked, what was the situation.

A legendary lord of transcendence actually controls time, what kind of evildoer is this?

Those who control the time are basically half-step Legendary Realm lords, and once they control the time, they will soon attack the Legendary Realm lords.

Therefore, it is usually impossible to see a half-step Legendary Realm lord who controls time or space.

And the legendary lord of transcendence who controls time, what kind of joke is this?

If someone told him that someone controlled time in the realm of the legendary lord of detachment, he would definitely not believe it, but now he has witnessed it with his own eyes.

"Who is this man?"

It is not difficult to lock a legendary lord of transcendence with his cultivation base of the lord of the legendary realm, unless a legendary lord who is much stronger than him shields and locks this person, he It's hard to lock.

But it is only difficult to lock the specific position, but there is no problem in locking the general orientation.


"Can't lock? How is it possible, even if he controls the time, he is only a legendary lord of transcendence, how can I not be able to lock?"

The Star Lord was stunned.

Immediately, he peeped into its past, but only saw a blur, and saw nothing.

"Check it out with its appearance."

The Lord of Strange Star then took a moment to investigate the identity of this person, and finally locked a lord, but that lord was only a legendary lord of the realm, not a legendary lord of transcendence.

Moreover, the legendary lord of the realm has already fallen, and he also confirmed that the other party has really fallen.

That is to say.

"The appearance and identity of that detached legendary lord are probably fake. Who is he? A certain detached legendary lord who really has no holy place?"

The Lord of Stupid Star is very annoyed, he can't even detect the enemy, how can he pay for the broken star?

"A transcendental legendary lord who controls time, I am afraid there is only such a person, I hope you will never expose it, otherwise once I know it, I will definitely kill you!

The Lord of Strange Star said coldly.

In a flash, thousands of eternity years have passed.

this day.

Yuanhai ushered in the first major upgrade of the Eternal Sea.

Eternal Sea will improve again and again, and eventually mature. Otherwise, how could it be possible to cultivate countless legendary lords with 5.8 and a large number of legendary lords in the current environment of Yuanhai?

And the first promotion is also a big opportunity for the countless creatures of Yuanhai.

Of course, for Ye Tian, ​​it wasn't that important.

source sea.

A lot of energy is gushing out, and with the help of this wedge, Yuanhai is actually swallowing the space-time territory.

In the past, the space-time territory was born because of the gray fog statue. Now that the gray fog statue has left, the origin of Yuanhai will naturally take back the space-time territory and vigorously develop itself.

As these nearly countless space-time territories are sucked into the Yuanhai one by one, the source of the Yuanhai is also recovering and growing.

And countless creatures took advantage of this opportunity to break the shackles one by one.

And the human race, as the largest clan in Yuanhai today, also gave birth to the lords of the Eternal Realm one after another.

And many lords at the peak of the immortal realm also seized the opportunity and were promoted to the realm of legendary lords.

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