I Can Copy Talent Novel

Chapter 2979 Tree Heart Demon Seed


Ye Xingchen came to Ye Tian, ​​and told about the treasure that Linley found.

"Oh, the treasure land that makes everyone feel dangerous, I'll go and see it!"

Ye Tian followed Ye Xingchen to that place.

Using Linley's way of entering, the two entered.

"This treasure land is really hidden. I didn't even find it when I approached it. That Linley probably discovered it by chance.

Ye Tian murmured.

Immediately, he went deep into this treasure land to investigate the situation, and did not let his son follow him.

As Ye Tian went deeper, a snake-like monster with tentacles attacked him.

The strength of this kind of monster is not weak, it is equivalent to a stronger Eternal Dao Realm, but it is not as good as a strong person who has cultivated the Eternal Dao Seed.

Through the exploration of copying talent, Ye Tian knew the name of this monster.

[Magic "683" Blood Bone Snake]

Ye Tian killed him with one blow, and then checked the condition of the opponent's body.

"Among them, there is some demon-seeded breath, but it is not a demon-seeded!"

Ye Tian secretly thought.

So, he continued to go deep, killing some of these creatures that contained the aura of the devil along the way.

And the resources found along the way, he is too lazy to collect, not of much use to him, but it should be very attractive to other eternal realms.


Ye Tian came to the depths of this treasure land and found a weird giant tree. The giant tree was split open, and a black-red heart grew out of it. The heart was still beating, and every beat conveyed a kind of... Similar to the breath of a demon.

It was this breath that infected those creatures.

In other words, those creatures were bred by this breath.

"What is this thing?"

Ye Tian was puzzled.

As he approached the giant tree, the giant tree began to attack him.

"court death!"

Ye Tian started fighting with this giant tree, relying on his powerful strength, forcibly beat the giant tree to pieces.

In the end, he broke through the giant tree and took out its inner heart.

After the heart was taken out, the giant tree fell completely and died.

Seeing this heart, he thought of the evil slayer vine, these two things must be of the same type, they seem to be alike!


Ye Tian immediately put this heart into his eternal dao seed to see the situation.


The heart is put into the eternal dao seed, and gradually begins to merge with the eternal dao seed, but its effect is different from that of the evil slaying vine. The evil slaying vine is to enhance the eternal dao seed, and this heart only slightly improves the eternal dao seed. Integrate energy into the eternal zone.

It can be seen from this that the value of this heart should not be as good as the evil slaying vine.

After all, a strong man with a perfect Eternal Dao Body, or a strong man who has surpassed Eternity to Dao Realm, does not need to upgrade the Eternal Dao Body, so the heart is of little use to them, and it is far less valuable than the evil vine.


Ye Tian still needs this thing very much.

"I don't know the name of this heart, so let's call it the Tree Heart Demon Seed!"

Ye Tian murmured.

Afterwards, he explored this treasure land, and there were indeed a lot of resources, but it was only suitable for those strong people with eternal Taoism, and it was of little help to him.

However, he still killed the powerful creatures here, so that there is no threat to his son and the others, let them come here to slowly collect resources!


Ye Tian came to Ye Xingchen's side.

"Father, are you done exploring?" Ye Xingchen asked.

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded, "There are a lot of resources here, but they are of little help to me. I have already killed almost all the powerful creatures, so there is no threat to you. You can slowly collect resources here in the future. The harvest should be this.

Ye Tian took out the heart from the Eternal Dao Seed: "I call this thing the Tree Heart Demon Seed. For the eternal Dao Realm of imperfect Dao Seeds, it is a disaster, and it will turn them into Demon Seeds, but for We have practiced the Eternal Supreme Dao Realm of the perfect Eternal Dao Seed. It is a treasure that can improve the Eternal Dao Seed and the Eternal Dao Body. When I raise the Eternal Dao Body to the perfect state, I will give it to you at that time. After you use it up, And to your mother and sister."

Ye Xingchen was pleasantly surprised that there were such treasures.

In this way, it will be easy for him to improve his Eternal Dao Body!

"Father, this treasure land was discovered by Linley, how much contribution should we give?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Ye Tian pondered for a while, and said a number: one million!"

One million contribution value, this contribution value is not low!

The contribution value of Endless Kingdom is difficult to obtain, and the standard is very high.

For example, the Endless Dao Seed only needs 200,000 contribution points to exchange it. One can imagine how many good things are worth exchanging for one million contributions.


Ye Xingchen responded...


They are out.

Ye Tian is not afraid of the tree heart demon being discovered for the time being, so he puts it on his body. After all, the great king of the gods has already left here, and he does not have the strength to surpass the eternal realm. Condition.

Return to the capital city of the Endless Realm.

Ye Tian went to practice, and Ye Xingchen contacted Lin Lei.

Soon, Linley came to Ye Xingchen.

"Hallmaster of the Star Palace!"

Linley said respectfully.

"Linley, my father has investigated and is going to give you 1 million contribution points!"

Ye Xingchen said.

"1 million contribution value!!!!"

lei was shocked.

He thought it would be good to give at most a few hundred thousand contribution points, and with his own savings, he might be able to make up 200,000 contribution points, which can be exchanged for the inheritance of endless dao seeds.

It turned out that the Terran Temple was so generous that it gave him 1 million contribution points every day.

"Thank you, Lord Star Palace!"

lei grateful.

Soon, 1 million contribution value arrived.

Linley immediately went to exchange for the Endless Dao Seed Inheritance, and then went to the depths of the Human Race Temple, where he received the Endless Dao Seed Inheritance.

Before accepting the inheritance, you need to make an oath.

Soon, the oath was made, and Linley officially accepted the inheritance of the Endless Dao Seed.

after a long time.

All the inheritances of the Endless Dao Seeds were accepted.

Then, Linley revealed an inconceivable expression.

"It turned out to be a 4.4 high-level eternal dao species!!!!!!"

He was beyond shock.

He heard that many kings cultivated only the medium eternal dao seed!

Advanced Eternal Dao Seeds are extremely rare, their value is too high, and the chance of becoming a Demon Seed is very small. As long as you don’t die, and don’t take some resources that increase the Demon Seed indiscriminately, you can almost cultivate to the perfect realm of the Eternal Dao Body smoothly.

"The contribution value of 200,000 can be exchanged for the inheritance of the high-level eternal dao seed. This is too cheap. It is impossible for other forces to obtain the inheritance of the high-level eternal dao-seed!"

Linley was extremely thankful that he had handed over the treasure land, otherwise he would not have been able to obtain the endless Dao-seed inheritance so quickly.

Compared with the endless Dao-seed inheritance, the second-class Eternal Dao-seed inheritance he obtained before is simply hot chicken!

"Go back and practice the Endless Dao Seed immediately!"

Lin Xue said excitedly. .

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