I Can Copy Talent Novel

Chapter 3150 Purchase The Inheritance Of Super-Dimensional Taoism!

Ye Tian's cultivation level has not improved much, and he is still at the eleventh level of eternal world spirit.

However, he finally repaired the damaged super-dimensional secret treasures in the past and made up for the loss in quantity.


He has a higher degree of control over advanced extra-dimensional objects, and has created some extra-dimensional techniques such as the True Inscription Stone, a higher-order extra-dimensional object, which can be regarded as slightly improving his combat effectiveness.

For example, the True Inscription Light Escape Technique is one of the extra-dimensional techniques he created. It can make oneself much faster and is much more powerful than the extra-dimensional techniques corresponding to other extra-dimensional objects.

in addition.

He also allowed the human race to give birth to more peak world gods.

But even so, the strength of the human race is still not worth mentioning compared with forces like the Ice Ghost Organization, and the Ice Ghost Organization is actually not very powerful. After all, there is not even a half-step super-dimensional realm, and they only dare to hide. Just plundering some weaker territories in secret.

Ye Tian did not continue to practice hard. After all, it was impossible for him to improve his cultivation level in a short period of time, nor could he fully comprehend the true extradimensional power.

Therefore, he relaxed, quietly waited for the arrival of the Jialan treasure ship, and studied the power of extra dimensions.

In this way, the years passed.

This day.

The Galan Treasure Ship broke through the extra-dimensional barrier at the boundary of Territory No. 7362 and entered Territory No. 7362.


The Jialan treasure ship shuttled through and stopped in the area near the eternal border.

Then, a group of peak world gods immediately went to the Jialan treasure ship.

This time, almost all the peak world gods have passed, and Ye Tian also brought a group of peak world gods from the human race there. Although they may not necessarily trade, they still have to see the world!

On the Jialanbao boat.

Ye Tian saw a large number of peak world gods, and their number far exceeded those in the past.

"I have never seen so many peak world gods. These peak world gods are definitely not in our territory, and they are definitely not the peak world gods of Jialan Treasure Ship. The peak world gods of Jialan Treasure Ship all wear the clothes of Jialan Treasure Ship. But they were not wearing any. They should be the pinnacle world gods from other realms who purchased the Galan treasure ship and its quota!

Ye Tian guessed.

Jialan Treasure Ship mentioned before that the super-dimensional storm not only affected their territory No. 7362, but also affected several territories. The peak world gods of these territories naturally wanted to leave their territories.

The Jialan treasure ship may have gone to other territories first and sold a lot of places to follow the ship, which resulted in a large number of peak world gods here.

"It seems that the Jialan Treasure Ship will indeed sell a lot of places to follow the ship, and I'm not lying!"

Ye Tian thought to himself.

At this time, the Jialan Treasure Ship was very busy, and there was still some time before the auction of the Jialan Treasure Ship's ship and employee quotas.

A peak world god is trading in various stalls and shops on the Galanbao ship, and occasionally chats with peak world gods from other realms.


Ye Tian also knows which realms these peak world gods come from.

Territory No. 7360, Territory No. 7361, and Territory No. 7364.

These territories are connected to each other.

The Jialan treasure ship went to these three territories first, and then to territory No. 7362.

The peak world gods in these realms can also trade with each other, and the Jialan Treasure Ship does not care.

However, these peak world gods have almost exhausted their net worth in order to buy the quota for boating. Although there are still rich peak world gods, they will not trade casually.

Ye Tian didn't trade with the peak world gods in these realms, and they probably didn't have anything good.

He walked around the Jialan Treasure Ship to see if the Jialan Treasure Ship had come up with anything good.

Looking at it, he found that the Jialan treasure ship had brought out a lot of good things this time, and even high-level super-dimensional secret treasures were sold, but the prices were very expensive, with the lowest price costing 500,000 Jialan treasure coins.

Ye Tianxian exchanged the resources into Jialan treasure coins, and easily exchanged them for three million Jialan treasure coins.

Of course, he can exchange more Galan Bao coins, but if he doesn't encounter suitable good things, he won't exchange too many.

Otherwise, the Jialan Treasure Ship has left, and his Jialan Treasure Coins will be useless, and he will have to wait hundreds of extra-dimensional epochs before the Jialan Treasure Ship arrives [then he can wait


[Jialan Dao-killing Spear]

Ye Tian focused on this high-level super-dimensional secret treasure, which was worth 800,000 Galan treasure coins.

Ye Tian thought carefully and bought this super-dimensional secret treasure.

After all, the Jialan Dao-killing Spear can increase his strength relatively well. If purchased, his strength will increase a lot.

Subsequently, he paid 800,000 Galan Treasure Coins and obtained this high-level super-dimensional secret treasure.


He began to select super-dimensional Tao seeds for inheritance.

[Jiayi Superdimensional Taoist Seed]

This is a top-notch super-dimensional Taoist inheritance, worth 660,000 galan treasure coins.

Ye Tian thought about it and bought it. After all, he would not be able to obtain the inheritance of the super-dimensional Tao in the next hundred super-dimensional epochs. What if he realized the true power of the super-dimensional later and needed the super-dimensional Tao? kind of inheritance.

If not, wouldn't it be difficult for him to break through to the half-step superdimensional realm?

So, buy it first.

Then, he spent 660,000 Jialan treasure coins to purchase this Jiaxi 577 super-dimensional Tao seed inheritance.

"Then accept the inheritance!"

Ye Tian immediately accepted the inheritance.

After a long time, the inheritance was completed.

But he frowned because he couldn't understand the inheritance. It was just because the inheritance was composed of super-dimensional power and was a super-dimensional text. If he didn't understand the real super-dimensional power, he couldn't understand it at all. The inheritance of super-dimensional Taoism.

Of course, if he comprehends the true power of extra-dimensionality, he will naturally be able to understand the inheritance of this extra-dimensional Taoism at a glance.

"It seems that before I understand the true power of extra-dimensionality, I can't understand these super-dimensional Tao inheritances."

But Ye Tian has not given up on the inheritance of super-dimensional Tao seeds. He plans to continue to buy the inheritance of super-dimensional Tao seeds.

Because he looks down upon the top super-dimensional Tao seed inheritance. There are definitely better super-dimensional Tao seed inheritances, such as the perfect super-dimensional Tao seed inheritance.

Even among the top super-dimensional Taoist inheritances, the Jialan Treasure Ship is probably the most ordinary kind. The real top super-dimensional Taoist inheritance, the Jialan Treasure Ship is probably reluctant to take out.

"First buy several top-notch super-dimensional Tao inheritances, and then buy a large number of ordinary super-dimensional Tao inheritances!"

In this way, Ye Tian spent all three million Galan coins in one breath.

After that, he went to redeem some blue treasures. .

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