I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 17: The situation is critical!

Sihaimen, on the main peak, there is a majestic palace.

The moment the barrier was broken, a rapid bell rang throughout the mountain gate.

"There is a foreign enemy!"

"The enemy invades!"

"Quick, guard the mountain gate!"

From the depths of the palace, three people quickly flew out and looked outside the barrier from a distance, filled with surprise and uncertainty.

"No, it's Wu An's army." One of the big-eared people looked at the building and spaceship in the distance in horror, and his voice couldn't help but tremble.

"The Louchuan ship is at least the commander level. How could they know the sect's address!" Another white-browed old man at the beginning of Lingqiao was also trembling. The reputation of the Wu'an Army was enough to make all the sects in the Jiuyou Mountains Discolored by it.

"Why are you panicking!" shouted one of the leading Taoist priests. He looked into the distance for a moment and quickly calmed down. "See clearly, the opponent does not have a master of the Spiritual Bridge Realm!"

The man with big ears and the old man with white eyebrows felt each other carefully, and then their faces lit up with joy.

"There is no Spirit Bridge Realm? Just a leader of the Xiantian Realm?"

"How arrogant, how dare you underestimate my Sihaimen!"

Taoist Tianxi, the leader of the Sihaimen Sect, sneered, "It's not that simple. That commander must have the combat power of the Lingqiao Realm. Among the Wu'an Army, there have always been geniuses who like to use our immortal sects as whetstones. I'm afraid this is the Wu'an Army." A certain genius commander among them.”

"Genius Commander?" Daoist Daoist said with a ferocious smile. "I like killing geniuses the most. Let me kill him!"

"Wait a minute." The white-browed old man frowned. "Although there will not be two forces in a battle, there is no guarantee that there will not be a school lieutenant behind this genius commander. The leader should think twice."

"Seventh Junior Brother, what do you mean?" Daoist Daoist said angrily. "You mean to abandon the mountain gate and persuade the leader to escape?"

Taoist Baimei did not deny it and said quickly, "Master, our Sihai Sect has expanded too fast in the past few years, and has made many inbound and outbound transactions, which has angered the court. I'm afraid that even if we beat back this wave of evil thieves, we won't be able to activate the big formation in time." , move the position of the mountain gate. This time it is a commander-level failure, I am afraid that the captain-level will come soon! Think again, leader!"

"Seventh Junior Brother!" The Daoist Daoist's face was red and his eyes were wide. “Are we going to throw away the foundation built by generations of ancestors from our Sihai Sect in vain?”

"Where do you place the master's throne? My disciples from the Sihai Sect, are you just going to watch them being killed by thieves! Junior brother, what are your intentions when you say this now!!"

"Senior brother, as long as the master is here, we can recruit more disciples and rob the population. As long as we retain a trace of our master's spiritual foundation, we can revive the name of our Sihai Sect in the future. It is better than all of us dying here today. !”


"Okay, don't argue." Tianxi Taoist's face was uncertain.

"Third Junior Brother, go select the core disciples with the best qualifications. At the same time, put away all the things in the alchemy room and the weapon training room, and rush to the back mountain."

"Seventh Junior Brother, go and preside over the mountain gate formation, gather all the other Xiantian Realm disciples, and kill the bandit army! Create a scene where we will fight to the death with all our strength."

"Commander that day, you will kill as soon as you can. When I transfer the master's throne, quickly retreat!"

"Master!" Taoist Da Er let out a disappointed cry. Taoist Tianxi obviously had the intention of escaping.

"Yes, Master!" Taoist Baimei quickly followed the order and left.

"Go quickly!" Taoist Tianxi shook his sleeves and glared at his big-eared Taoist.

"Yes, junior brother follows the master's decree."


The airships in front disappeared one by one and were being taken back into the storage ring. Then groups of soldiers rushed towards the enemy's mountain gate.

When the flying boat a hundred meters ahead of Shen Zhui also disappeared, he received Lin Ze's order to attack.

"Hoo~" The flying boat quickly landed on the ground.

Three hundred soldiers jumped down one by one and quickly formed a square formation.

After storing the flying boat, Shen Zhui waved his hand and led the team forward quickly.

"Sir, we have two choices on our route." Fu Liang quickly transmitted the message. "One is the small city on the left where civilians live, and the other is the castle complex on the hillside on the right."

"Now four teams have entered the small town on the left in front, and the other three have gone to the castle area on the left."

"Go to the castle." Shen Zhui quickly ordered. Within the Four Seas Gate, there were obviously several levels. Those who could live in the gorgeous castle were obviously either in the Xiantian realm or high-ranking dignitaries in the Four Seas Gate.


Shen Zhui and his party advanced at an extremely fast speed. After the initial confusion, Sihaimen quickly organized a tight resistance under the urging of the horn sound.

According to intelligence information, there are one hundred and twelve Xiantian disciples of Sihaimen, which is even more than the Xiantian disciples gathered by Lin Ze.

The Sihaimen disciples who were running wildly, howling, howling, giggling, and even hacking and killing indiscriminately fell silent one after another, and their originally dull eyes gradually became clearer. ?

Castles kept watch and helped each other, and soon a defensive network was formed on the road leading to the mountain gate.

The elite teams of Wu An Army quickly got into this net like swimming fish.

Whether the fish dies or the net breaks, it all depends on the strength of the enemy and ourselves!

After Shen Zhui and others entered the castle area, they quickly encountered eight Xiantian realms.


Disciples from the four sea sects came like a tide, and Shen Zhui quickly ordered the team leaders to form a battle formation.

"Qian Jiang, Gao Ziqiu, you two guard the battle formation."

"Fu Bo and Fu Liang, you two will deal with the four on the left. Zixuan, you and I will deal with the four on the right. Let's fight quickly!"


The two parties collided, and the Xiantian realm who could fly in the air was faster and collided first.


In the Longshou Building Ship, in the Marching Hall, Lin Ze was sitting alone in the main hall.

In front of him, a map with a golden background was spread out vertically, with hundreds of light spots moving on it, divided into two colors, distinguishing his own side from the innate realm of Sihaimen.

The number of soldiers on both sides and the deployment of the enemy and the enemy are clearly visible. These light spots are distributed on the map like stars, intertwined with each other.

From time to time, the cyan light spots on one's side disappeared, and the red light spots somewhere quickly dimmed.

Generally speaking, the red light spots that still represent the Four Seas Gate disappear faster.

"I, a Xiantian realm commander, attacked his Sihaimen, but the leader of the Sihaimen didn't even show up?" Lin Ze's fingers gently tapped the handle of the seat.

He was not idle, but through his spiritual consciousness, he continued to give orders to the twenty-five captains on the battlefield, and quickly made adjustments according to the local quantity distribution.

The flying speed of Xiantian realm is fast, and considering the number of people, Sihaimen has more people.

The battlefield is often changing rapidly. Lin Ze must make judgments in a split second and multi-task while the opponent's subordinates are deploying.

In order to minimize losses, the best way is to organize one's own forces to form a local crushing force with more and fewer enemies, strangle a wave of enemies, and then quickly support another battlefield.

This extremely tests the strategic vision of a commander, and he must have a strong spiritual sense and be able to quickly analyze the battle intelligence coming from the people below, otherwise just these sound transmissions will be enough to make people lose their position.

"Zhao Xian, there are three innate intermediates lurking in the castle on the left."

"Wang Meng, quickly support the 27th team."

"Wu Liang, retreat, there are four innate peak packs..."

"Zhang Qing, push forward..."

The battle lasted only a moment, and there were obvious beads of sweat on Lin Ze's head.

Some teams were able to respond in time, but some teams lost their targets before the transmission arrived.

The casualties gradually increased, but under Lin Ze's control, the number of enemy casualties far exceeded that of Wu'an's army.

The battle on the three battlefields went smoothly. However, half an hour into the battle, the pressure on the frontal battlefield suddenly increased greatly!

"You actually gave up resistance on three sides and concentrated all together to counterattack?" Lin Ze's eyes flashed with light and he quickly flew out of the building.

"Are you planning to concentrate your forces and come out to kill me?"

He looked into the distance and saw two powerful men in the Spiritual Bridge Realm who had already left the mountain gate and were taking personal command.

"I expected you would do this!" Lin Ze snorted coldly, waved his hand, and the military flag flew into his hand instantly.

"Hoo~" The military flag flew into the sky, and a rich and extreme light burst out from the flag, covering the entire battlefield.

The great power on the marching flag immediately increased the strength of all the sergeants by 20%. At the same time, all the soldiers felt that their vitality was rapidly recovering!

The situation on the frontal battlefield was immediately relieved. At the same time, Lin Ze also quickly mobilized Xiantian realms from three sides for support.


"Huh?" Shen Zhui, who was leading the team to rush forward suddenly, suddenly stopped. "Suffered a setback on the frontal battlefield and are in urgent need of support?"

Originally Shen Zhui's route was considered a frontal attack, but his team broke through quickly and made several adjustments during the period. In fact, it had slightly deviated from the frontal battlefield.

"Fu Liang, you and your men continue to advance, reduce the speed of advancement, and remember to focus on self-protection. There must be more than three friendly troops around, don't take risks!"

"Sir, what are you doing?" Fu Liang stabbed an innate novice with a spear and looked back at Shen Zhui in confusion.

"Execute the order!" Shen Zhui didn't explain much and looked at Zixuan.

"Zixuan, come with me."

Shen Zhui and Zixuan were quickly rushing to Lin Ze's designated area.

"Shuashua~" Suddenly three figures blocked their way.

"Be careful!" Shen Zhui looked warily at the three Sihaimen disciples blocking the way.

"There's something wrong with these people!" Zixuan also frowned. The auras of these three people were extremely violent, constantly wandering between the innate high-level and the peak, and their expressions were also thicker than ordinary people.

"Die!" The three of them roared like wild beasts and rushed over.


There were already big drops of sweat on Lin Ze's head. He still underestimated Sihaimen's combat power.

Originally, Sihaimen was just a sect that focused on refining weapons and elixirs, and was not outstanding in actual combat.

Therefore, in terms of Xiantian Realm combat power, although the number of people is smaller than that of the Four Seas Clan, Lin Ze has repeatedly calculated that his own combat power can crush the Four Seas Clan. The reason is that Lin Ze leads the Xiantian Realm and peak Xiantian masters Far more than Sihaimen!

The only difficulty lies in the three Spiritual Bridge Realm masters from Sihaimen.

And the battle situation at the beginning was indeed as he expected. Even if Sihaimen concentrated their forces to counterattack, it was also within his expectations.

But now, a small number of disciples of Sihaimen seem to have used a forbidden technique, and they are actually able to explode into strength far beyond their own in a very short period of time.

There are a large number of innate high-level combat powers, and in an instant, they become innate peak combat powers!

"Trouble..." Lin Ze's face turned pale.

Now the strength gap between the two sides in the Xiantian Realm has been smoothed out, and even the Sihaimen is even worse! Even if he draws manpower from other battlefields, the result will be the same at best.

But in terms of the number of Houtian warriors, Sihaimen far exceeds our own!

As the saying goes, if there are too many ants, they will kill the elephant. If there is a local battle in Sihaimen and there is a magic circle Sasuke, as long as there is a stalemate, the final result will be that Lin Ze will lose in the battle between the innate realm and the acquired realm!

"Is it necessary to force out the trump card so early?" Lin Ze murmured to himself. Once the battle between the Lingqiao Realm begins before the outcome of the battle in the Xiantian Realm has been decided, the situation will easily get out of control.

By that time, even if he can defeat the Lingqiao Realm and Xiantian Realm team leader of Sihaimen, he will easily suffer huge losses!

And such a result is definitely not what Lin Ze wants to see!


Above the clouds, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com There was a small boat floating, and four people were standing on the sampan of the boat. One of the majestic figures, with the occasional burst of sparkle in his eyes, would eclipse even the scorching sun.

In front of the ship, there is a water curtain, clearly showing the battle below.

"Xueyuan Guihai, I didn't expect that a batch of the Xueyuan Sect's secret skills were taught to Sihaimen. Lin Ze is in trouble." Colonel Cheng Xin shook his head.

"You can't blame Commander Lin for this. No one thought that Sihaimen would have such a hidden hand." A commander spoke up to defend Lin Ze. "This is a problem of the intelligence department, not Lin Ze's command."

"Commander Wu, you can't say that!" Another commander immediately answered. "The sect information that the captain gave to Lin Ze was strictly based on the fact that the information was only 90% accurate. What was 100% certain was only the situation in the Lingqiao realm."

"It's not that he has no other choices, but he is too confident and chose Sihaimen."

"Not bad." The third commander said. "No one forced him to choose the Sihai Sect. I admit that his command is excellent, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness is even to shame. But failure is failure. If he had chosen the Canglang Sword Sect or the Hetian Sect, why would he end up like this? ?”

The fourth commander did not speak, and Commander Wu, who was the first to support Lin Ze, did not refute either.

All four of them expressed their opinions, two opposed, one supported and one abstained. However, the final decision rests with the captain.

"Give him another half hour." Colonel Cheng Xin made the final decision.

"If Lin Ze has not turned the tide of the battle after half an hour, then Wu Da and Feng Sihai, please go down."

"Yes, Colonel."


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