I Can Exchange For Comprehension

Chapter 55: The war is over!

"So it turns out he's not his own protector, but Master's protector?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned.

No wonder he curses people. People with emotions would have known that Master would be fine... Shen Zhui touched his nose in embarrassment.

I almost thought he was my own protector.

But after a pause, Shen Zhui was startled again by the news in Lu Yuanwei's words.

Buried Sword Master!

"Master's protector is the Buried Sword Venerable? The Buried Sword Venerable is still alive?!"

When he entered the Secret Realm of Holy Word before, there was a treasure place called Sword Tomb.

After getting up, he passed three levels in a row and obtained part of the legend of the extremely talented Lord Burial Sword.

Shen Zhui originally thought that this master-level swordsman who challenged the true god was already dead.

Unexpectedly, he is still alive!

"This matter is top secret, but it doesn't hurt to tell you. Lord Burial Sword is indeed still alive." Lu Yuanwei nodded.

"The Buried Sword Master became very famous ninety years ago!

When he reached the seventh level of supernatural power, he went into the Northern Wilderness alone with one man and one sword, and killed two demon clan lords, and became famous in one fell swoop! His attainments in swordsmanship have made him known as the strongest swordsman in the past two hundred years!

When the Venerable Burial Sword was in the realm of supernatural powers, he didn't have this name, but after he broke through to become a Venerable, he changed his name to the 'Burial Sword'!

My way is the way of swordsmanship!

Other swords can only be taken to the grave and are not worthy of being left in the world!

Later, Venerable Buried Sword came to Daxia Academy for further study. Understanding many kinds of holy words and magical powers related to the way of swordsmanship is even more powerful.

He even challenged a true god not long after he became a Venerable! I want to become the king with swordsmanship! And it is the current Liang Wang Xia Wudao who is challenging!

"There is no doubt that he lost that battle." Lu Yuanwei sighed. "However, Liang Wang Xia Wudao did not kill him. Instead, the academy came forward to spare the life of the Buried Sword Master and recruited him into the academy."

"Master Burial Sword's swordsmanship is domineering, and his conduct is even more domineering!"

"Every time I challenge, I will show no mercy. The opponent will either be seriously injured or die. As for breaking the opponent's weapon, that is the lightest thing."

Acting like this naturally caused a lot of enemies. Although he was very strong, he still caused a lot of disasters!

"Hiss~" Shen Zhui couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. With the way Master Buried Sword did it, it was a miracle that he survived back then.

"So when King Liang defeated him, the Great Xia Academy took advantage of the situation and recruited Master Burial Sword as a guest."

"At the same time, there are rumors to the outside world that Lord Burial Sword is dead."

"I see." Shen Zhui nodded. There is no other way to avoid the enemy. That is to say, the relaxed environment of Daxia Academy, where strong people come out in large numbers, is a good place for an arrogant and arrogant person like the Buried Sword Master. If Dazhou recruits him, it may not work.

"He also deliberately left a sword tomb in the secret realm of the Holy Word. The academy is quite realistic." Shen Zhui smiled slightly.

"This is not done by the academy. It was established by the Buried Sword Master himself." Lu Yuanwei shook his head.

"After he was defeated by King Liang, he has been unable to calm down. Although in the eyes of the outside world, there is nothing wrong with the defeat of Zhen Shen after he has just broken through the Venerable. But in his heart, he has always had this knot."

"So I buried all my previous weapon inheritance and built a sword tomb myself."

"And he made it clear that if he fails to defeat the King of Liang, he will not destroy the sword tomb, and he will never regain his reputation."

"When he can defeat King Liang, he will leave the academy."

Shen Zhui's breath suffocated. How arrogant is this Buried Sword Venerable? He just broke through the Venerable and couldn't defeat Liang Wang, but he punished himself like this.

"Then his current state is that of a true god?" Shen Zhui suddenly remembered something.

The sword strike just now completely shocked everyone. Although it only killed one of the two divine soul clones of Cangjin King, it was only the sword energy of the Buried Sword Master.

Just existing in one place with the sword energy caused the fifth and sixth level divine soldiers to self-destruct one after another. Thinking about it, the Burial Sword Master is even more terrifying now.

So did he break through to the true god?

"I'm afraid it's because there is no cherry," Lu Yuanwei shook his head. "He is obsessed. If he doesn't defeat King Liang in the Venerable Realm, there may be no hope of breakthrough."

"It's really..." Shen Zhui didn't know what to do.

But when I think about the fact that the Buried Sword Master, who is as powerful as the sword just now, has not challenged King Liang yet and is still staying in Daxia Academy, then how strong must King Liang be?

"Okay, I'm almost recovered, let me out." Lu Yuanwei struggled to get up. He tried twice, but staggered back to the leaves.

"Master." Shen Zhui said quickly. "You just stay here to recuperate. The war is coming to an end. There is no suspense in the battle for fate at the Venerable level."

"But Lan Hai is dead..." Lu Yuanwei said seriously.

"Master, please rest in peace and recover." Shen Zhui said. "My disciple will kill a few more people to avenge General Lan Hai."

After that, Shen Zhui immediately left his own cave world regardless of whether Lu Yuanwei agreed or not.


Return to the critical land. Shen Zhui's Qi-gazing technique suddenly saw a strange scene.

A curved golden-purple bridge was erected between the Judgment Hall and the Fengxing Hall.

Strong luck is constantly pouring into the temple in Fengxing Hall from the direction of Judgment Hall.

The purple light surged rapidly in the golden channel, like a torrent, passing in the direction of Dazhou.

The pillar of luck in the Great Zhou Dynasty is like the sun!

Looking at the direction of the Judgment Hall, the luck has shrunk three times compared to the beginning!

If it continues at this rate, in two or three hours, this battle will be completely over.

"The true god-level battle has begun." Shen Zhui stared into the sky, as if he wanted to see beyond the endless void.

The clones of King Cangjin and Marquis Wuan both disappeared. It is not known whether Marquis Wuan killed the clone of King Cangjin in the end.

Shen Zhui guessed that he should be beheaded.

Otherwise it won't have such a big impact.

As for the Venerable-level battle, there was no suspense anymore and it turned into a one-sided pursuit of the sect world by Da Zhou.

At this last moment, even the middle and low-ranking sages on Da Zhou's side have been dispatched, taking advantage of this great opportunity to bite the dying fish of the sect alliance.

"Kill!" A cold light flashed in Shen Zhui's eyes, he found a direction and pursued the fleeing strong man.


The battle lasted for two hours, and the movement on the critical land gradually weakened.

At this point, the battle is basically at the end of the cleanup battle. Groups of generals, in small groups, patrolled back and forth on the critical land, looking for enemies who had fled into caves or piles of rubble in a panic.

All the venerables who successfully ran into the Hall of Judgment, not even one out of ten can survive!

After waiting for another hour, the destiny pillar above the Judgment Hall completely disappeared.

Following this, the barrier of the Judgment Hall was breached.

Shen Zhui and others rushed into the Judgment Hall, which was in a mess.

They didn't even have time to take away the treasures. In the center of the hall, there were only traces of a destroyed teleportation array base.

"The fate battle between the venerables seems to be over!"

Shen Zhui put away his purple gold crown, gold armor, and walked on clouds. The evil aura was quickly driven away. Naturally, the people below him would do the cleaning of the battlefield.

Now, the only thing he is paying attention to is the final battle situation of the three Wuhou.

Once the battle between true gods fails, then the first two games are equivalent to no fight.

Although Wu'anhou has superior combat power, he has been preparing for this battle for a long time, so he can be said to be a sure shot.

However, the previous incidents that occurred one after another still made Shen Zhui a little worried.

After all, this is a major matter related to whether he can marry the princess.

After staring at the sky for a while, Shen Zhui reluctantly looked away.

There was no way, he was only at the fourth level of the Venerable, so it was still impossible to detect the battle between the true gods.

"Shen Zhui!" Not far out of the Judgment Hall, a cry was heard.

I saw Kong Yangzhou, Dou Jianming and others looking at Shen Zhui with excitement on their faces.

"You guys are here!"

Shen Zhui smiled and said, this king-conferring battle was enough for their military merit to rise several levels.

The three of them stood next to Shen Zhui, with uncontrollable joy on their faces.

"Congratulations to General Shen. In this battle to be crowned king, the general has made great achievements and will be crowned a marquis in the near future."

"Huh?" Shen Zhui was slightly stunned. When he got up, he didn't check his military merit list and just killed the enemy.

"Shen Zhui, you don't have to read it!" Dou Jianming rubbed his hands excitedly.

"First, sir, you are number one in the military merit list!"

Dou Jianming was extremely excited. Everyone hoped that the person he followed would be strong in martial arts and prosperous in officialdom. As for Shen Zhui's military achievements, he ranks first among the three armies, and he is so young. The title of Marquis is a sure thing, and no one can interfere with it!

Unless the three Wuhou lose, no! Even if the three Wuhou lose, I'm afraid they will all be made princes! Unless the court is blind, it will not be able to see Shen Zhui's talent!

"General Dou, how can this matter be so simple?" Shen Zhui smiled and shook his head. It was obvious that Dou Jianming wanted to surrender to him. He had the same military rank, but he directly called himself "sir."

Shen Zhui actually didn't expect to be ranked first in the military merit list.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is normal.

The advantage he accumulated in the early stage was not enough, but in the field, only Lan Hai, Lu Yuanwei, Que Hu, and Xia Feihu could threaten him.

But... Lan Hai died and Lu Yuanwei withdrew from the battle at the end of the battle. Que Hu and Xia Feihu rushed to catch up, but found that they could not catch up with Shen Zhui.

Shen Zhui now has the strength of the eighth level Zhan Zun Zhan, and when he goes out, he will have seven clones together!

The speed at which he accumulated military merits was astonishing, and King Cangjin was killed when he targeted Shen Zhui, so some of his military merits were attributed to him.

In this way, the final military merit ranking is:

First, Shen Zhui.

Second, Que Hu.

Third, Lu Yuanwei.

Fourth, blue ocean.

Fifth, Xia Feihu.


When the military merit list came out, almost many people came to thank Shen Zhui.

Although many people died in the Great Zhou Dynasty in this battle, even generals like Lan Hai died... But there is no immortality in a war?

They are all sages who have lived for decades or even hundreds of years and have a clear mind. They have this kind of psychological preparation before going to the battlefield.

If Lan Hai could die on the battlefield, he deserved to die!

Shen Zhui was able to rank first in the military merit list at such a young age and at the fourth level of venerable rank.

It is conceivable that the court will not miss this young talent.

The position of Wuhou is certain, and there is such a powerful master Lu Yuanwei. In the future, if Zhao Kingdom is established, it will be a first-class giant force!

Of course, those with an active mind have already begun to make friends with the future Marquis of Wu.

The more daring ones even shouted ‘Shenwei Hou’ directly!

"Everyone, please don't use your sword like this." Kong Yangzhou quickly stopped those people. "The matter of ennobling a marquis is not that simple. To call someone a random name without His Majesty's approval is to harm General Shen."

Kong Yangzhou came from the capital and was very familiar with the matter of feuding. As soon as he opened his mouth, naturally no one dared to call him a random name.

The battlefield was quickly cleaned up, and the sound of gold could be heard. Zhou's army began to withdraw to Fengxing Palace in an orderly manner.

When it was confirmed, everyone began to return to the Great Thousand World from the critical land.

Although his face was full of joy, the atmosphere of celebration was still a little less interesting. Everyone looked up from time to time, as if they were waiting for something.


Waiting for the true god-level battle to end seems extremely long.

Three times in a row, Shen Zhui stayed high above the military camp, staring outside.


On the evening of March 30th, Shen Zhui waited for news.


Three golden figures broke through the void and appeared above the military camp.

The three majestic golden figures were much darker than before.

One of the figures even had an arm missing.

However, the other hand of that figure had a ferocious wolf head mixed in with it!

"That's...the head of the Wolf King!"

Shen Zhui suddenly became excited.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Marquis Wu'an's majestic voice spread throughout the military camp.

Although it was as simple as only four words, it still made the entire military camp excited.

"we won!"


The true god-level battle ended with King Cangjin losing three souls and one soul, King Wolf dying in battle, and King Yao escaping!

At this point, the Great Zhou Dynasty's use of troops to unite the sects came to an end, and the war was over!

The three armies pushed the defense line across the Canglan River for eight thousand miles! Re-establish the boundary marker!

April 1st, April 2nd.

The sect alliance sent people to negotiate. Witnessed by Long Xiao, the inspector of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Long Xiao, who was holding a sword, re-concluded the truce contract on behalf of the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

A rare heavy snow fell in the entire vast Jiuyou Mountains. It seemed that all the fallen strong men were buried together, and the world regained its tranquility.

On the third day of April, the joint camp of the three armies was divided into three. The Qingzhou Army, Jizhou Army, and Wu'an Army each returned to their territories, renegotiated the areas they were to guard, and selected areas to build new military cities.

Many outsiders began to appear on the heavily guarded border. These were high-ranking officials from the Liang Kingdom, and even powerful men from other vassal states who came with gifts.

There is no doubt that after this battle, Wu'an Hou Zhao Xing will be promoted to the king of different surnames.

Sitting on half of the Jiuyou Mountains, the territory of Zhao State may be larger than that of Liang State!

The rise of a new king is a great joy, and it also contains huge benefits! Of course, many speculators came after hearing the news.

"It's been three days. I don't know when the imperial order will arrive."

In General Shenwei's mansion, Shen Zhui declined all visitors and visitors, and also refused all gifts. He stayed behind closed doors on the grounds of being cautious.

Different from the joyful and celebratory atmosphere outside where people receive rewards, gifts, and promotions, General Shenwei's Mansion can be described as deserted.

At this most critical moment, Shen Zhui became more cautious.

Ordinary school captains and captains can make decisions in the military. But once it reaches the level of general, it needs to be reported to the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs will work together to first find out the family background and whether the family background is innocent, and then check all the information one by one. You don't have to confirm your identity, and there are no problems before you can make a title; but once it comes to making a king or a marquis, more departments will be involved. The Ministry of War, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Punishment, as well as the clan mansion, and the royal family will all be involved.

The Ministry of War checks whether war achievements are false; the Ministry of Household checks family background information. If there is an official in the family, then the Ministry of Personnel will also be involved; the Ministry of Rites checks character, and after the title is established, it is responsible for the ceremony; the Ministry of Work checks the past If someone's military resume is found to have not been strictly enforced by the court rules, it will immediately be a big stain on his resume, and the matter of becoming a marquis needs to be discussed again; as for the Ministry of Punishment, if the Ministry of Punishment finds out that there is a corruption crime, then it will be sent back for retrial.

After the six departments have checked and confirmed that it is correct, it still needs to be discussed by the central council ministers. Finally, the left and right prime ministers will stamp the seal and send the blue batch of sacred texts to officials across the country in advance, and they are always ready to announce the matters.

Finally, it was sent to the royal family, where the emperor read and approved the calligraphy.

If there is no problem, then the next step is to announce it and confirm the fiefdom and title.

The etiquette is complicated, the steps and procedures are complicated, it is not that simple, and it takes a lot of time.

"It's the beginning of April now. If nothing unexpected happens, Zixuan should have followed Imperial Concubine Xuanyue back to the Xuanyue Fairy Island in the South China Sea for a wedding visit."

"May 18th is the birthday of the current Emperor of China. Looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com can only be postponed until then at best."

"In terms of time, I have plenty of time. I hope there won't be any changes..." There was a trace of worry in Shen Zhui's eyebrows.

Now, what he is most worried about is Liang Wang Xia Wudao!

He had a secret meeting with the princess and made an intimate gesture. If it were revealed, it would immediately cause an uproar and probably also alarm the Fan family!

But now, he had obtained the Nine Nether Soul Sword for more than a month, but King Liang just sent his heir Xia Yi to threaten him with a few words, which made Shen Zhui's heart always lingering. A touch of crisis happiness

Prince Liang, what on earth do you want to do? The Nine Nether Soul Sword, he looked like he was bound to win it before, but until the end of the King-Sealing War, he didn't move again.

It's just a threat, this doesn't seem like Prince Liang's usual style...

With so many thoughts in his mind, Shen Zhui couldn't help but feel a little bored.

At this moment, a voice came from outside General Shenwei's mansion.

"Sir, we have a visitor." Yu Ziqitong reported.

"I'm not here anymore. Why don't I just pretend to be sick and not see visitors?" Shen Zhui said impatiently. "Anyone who gives gifts will be blocked!"

"Sir, I'm afraid this is not a gift..." Yu Ziqi hesitated.

"This person is Xia Yi, the son of Prince Liang."

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