I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1067: Lu Miaozi’s gift (for [Pu Zhong Sun Moon] plus one more...

The information about the four great bandits is not mentioned much in Yin Bugui’s strategy, and there is even one collective name for the “four great bandits”. Even the specific name Yin Bugui is directly written "Can’t remember." It can be seen that its weight in the original work is extremely small.

It was through Lu Miaozi's narration that Ye Weiming and You You had a preliminary idea of ​​the existence of the "four bandits".

No blade of grass grows to the sky;

Chickens and dogs do not stay in the house to see the trip;

Scorched earth chasing frizz;

Howling ghost and howling Cao Yinglong!

Just listening to the limericks containing the titles of these "four big bandits" shows the brutal terror of this group.

According to Lu Miaozi, the "four big bandits" were robbed houses, robbed darts, killed people and set fires in the southeast.

In the beginning, they were separate powers, conflicts and feuds continued. In recent years, as Cao Yinglong's ambitions have grown, he has overwhelmed the other three bandits, brought them under his command, gathered tens of thousands, and became a force that cannot be ignored on the Southeast Road.

This time, the "four big bandits" are sure to have a more terrifying conspiracy than doing that without capital!

Ye Weiming and Youyou went out of the Pegasus Ranch without disturbing anyone, and caught two agents sent by the "four big bandits" before they went far.

However, late at night is not suitable to disturb Shang Xiuxun’s clear dreams, so Ye Weiming tied the two spies and temporarily placed them in his own room. They were not taken until the next morning for dinner. In front of Shang Xiuxun, let the people of the Flying Horse Ranch interrogate in public.

After hearing that the four bandits were planning to capture the Pegasus Ranch, Shang Xiuxun's face was stern, and he slapped the table with a "pop!" Outside the castle, officially declare war on the four bandits!"

Following Shang Xiuxun's order, the guards of the Pegasus Ranch immediately dragged the two bandits out crying.

Until they could no longer hear the two crying and begging for mercy, Shang Xiuxun suppressed his anger, and fisted in the direction of Ye Weiming and Xiuyou: "Xiuxun represents the Pegasus Ranch, thank you both for taking action. , Help us find out the spies sent by the'Four Bandits'."

"As long as the Flying Horse Ranch can survive this catastrophe, the 1,000 war horses mentioned by the girl before will certainly not be less than one. Shang Xiuxun can be the master and sell it to the Li Family at a fair price."

Hearing what Shang Xiuxun said, Li Tianfan, who was sitting on the other side, couldn't help but cast envy, jealousy and hatred at the two.

In times of war, the value of war horses will definitely increase. If they only add 10% to 20% of the price, they will be considered very cheap. However, the two men sent by the Li Clan only captured two spies and let Shang Xiuxun take the initiative to suppress the price of the horse.

How can such a good thing not happen to me?

At this time, I heard Shang Xiuxun continue to say: "Everyone, the Pegasus Ranch is now facing a strong enemy. If you want to leave, the Pegasus Ranch will send you away and dare not drag you into this trouble."

Hearing this, Li Tianfan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and immediately said, "What does the owner of the mall say? The Pegasus Ranch is a partner that our Wagang Army attaches great importance to. This time the four major bandits are coming. After we have caught up, is there any reason to retreat? Although we only came here two hundred people, all of them are masters of the Wagang Army, willing to advance and retreat together with the Pegasus Ranch!"

Du Gufeng also said: "Although the younger sister is only a female stream, she also hopes that she can fight side by side with Sister Shang."

Wagang and Dugushu have already expressed their stance. Although everyone has refrained from watching it, everyone knows that everyone's attention is now focused on Ye Weiming and Youyou.

At this time, Ye Weiming stood up unhurriedly, flipped his wrist, and took out a piece of paper, took it to Shang Xiuxun’s face, and placed it firmly in front of him. On the coffee table, he said, "This note was found from the two spies yesterday. Please have a look at the store owner."

Shang Xiuxun found a note with a very simple line of small characters:

I will attack the city in three days' time, so please respond. ——Cao Yinglong

Seeing this line of small characters, Shang Xiuxun couldn't help being stunned for a while. After that, he looked at Ye Weiming with a little doubt: "Mr. Mo, why didn't you take out this note earlier."

From this note, it is not difficult to see that in the Flying Horse Ranch, there are probably six spies.

So, is it because the Wagang Army or Dugulord are untrustworthy, or is there a traitor in the Pegasus Ranch?

If Ye Weiming can take out this note earlier, he can also torture the spies sent by the two "four big bandits". But now, I'm afraid those two spies have fallen to the ground.

Hearing some dissatisfaction in Shang Xiuxun's tone, Ye Weiming said calmly: "In fact, when I caught them last night, I had already used secret methods to interrogate the two spies. But Cao Yinglong just Let them put this note in a tree hole three miles southeast of the ranch, knowing nothing else."

"Therefore, the two of them have no value in interrogation. If you kill, you will kill."

From the conversation between the two, others probably guessed the content on the note. Li Tianfan on the side seemed to have finally caught Ye Weiming’s handle, and immediately said in a weird manner: "Nevertheless, Mr. Mo should have taken the things out earlier. Now those two spies are dead and there is no proof, I'm afraid it's not the four big bandits. The existence of'is also a conspiracy you made up casually to keep prices down?"

Hearing Li Tianfan's words, even Xu Shiji and Shen Luoyan couldn't help lowering their heads subconsciously.

What a shame!

As long as this Mo Yingming is not an idiot, he will not lie that can be debunked at any time.

In order to conceal Li Tianfan's stupidity, Shen Luoyan, who was sitting in the lower position, still opened his mouth and said, "Since Mo Shaoxia has such important information, I wonder if the spies can be found out?"

At this moment, he listened to the nugget on the side and said: "I stayed there yesterday until dawn, and no one was approaching. And as we brought the two spies back, this news has no value anymore."

Shang Xiuxun frowned when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "In this way, if you want to get the spies out, I'm afraid it will be as difficult as heaven."

"The matter of finding out the spies can be slowed down. In comparison, how to repel the'four big bandits' is the most important thing." Ye Weiming said with a good time: "Well...or else, this one. The matter will be handled by me and you."

Hearing that Ye Weiming actually boasted about such Haikou, Li Tianfan couldn't help but sneered: "If you talk about the big tone, Mr. Mo's style is really the only thing Li has seen in his life. With just two people, he will have to deal with tens of thousands of'four big bandits'. Everyone, I am afraid that even Ning Dodge would not dare to say such a thing."

Ye Weiming turned his head to look at Li Tianfan at this time: "Young Master Li is afraid that it might not have misunderstood Ning Daoqi's ability. The thieves under the'four big bandits' are just a group of mobs, as long as we two go well tonight. Perform a beheading operation to assassinate all the'four great bandits'. Those thieves without a leader will naturally find it difficult to organize any effective offensive, and then they will be able to destroy themselves without attack."

"it is good!"

At this time, Shang Xiuxun also stood up and held a fist at Ye Weiming: "If the two can help the Pegasus Ranch repel the bandits, not only can I be the master and give away a thousand horses, but also Shang Xiuxun. There is also a generous gift!"

Ding! Trigger the hidden mission "Break the Four Bandits"

Defeat the four bandits

Defeat the thieves led by the "Four Bandits" and help Pegasus Ranch resolve the crisis

Mission level: Seven stars

Mission rewards: 50 million experience, 10 million repairs, all 1,000 horses purchased are free, and Shang Xiuxun has another mysterious gift as a gift!

Task penalty: Feima Ranch favorability decreased, Shang Xiuxun favorability decreased

Do you accept the task?



"It's settled!" While choosing the option of receiving the task, Ye Weiming said, "At breakfast tomorrow, I will let the shopkeeper see the heads of the four big bandits!"


After Ye Weiming took over the task, people from all sides ate breakfast with their own hearts.

After everyone left, Shang Xiuxun called the butler Shang Zhen. After briefly narrating the affairs of the "Four Bandits", he asked: "About the arrangement of the'Four Bandits' The spy, do you think outsiders are not credible, or traitors appeared in the ranch?"

Shang Zhen frowned upon hearing this and shook his head: "This, my subordinates dare not make rash assertions."

Shang Xiuxun naturally knows that this kind of thing is not so easy to investigate. He just asked casually before, and then said with some worry: "I am more worried about N. chinensis and Mo Yingming."

"I didn't think there was anything wrong with Mo Yingming's plan when I first heard about it. I was just surprised by the confidence of the two of them. But looking back, it was..." Shaking his head, Shang Xiuxun still expressed his concerns. : "They know that there are spies among us, and they will plan to reveal their action plan in the public. Once the news leaks out, I am afraid..."

Shang Zhen heard the words and said: "I think that Mo Yingming is definitely not a reckless person. Since he did this, he must have his own plan if he wants to. It will not help us to be anxious now."

"Furthermore, the subordinates thought it was an opportunity to spot the traitor."

"I have already sent people to investigate near the camp of the'Four Bandits' mentioned by those two spies. Now, as long as we arrange some more personnel to keep an eye on the main ways in and out of Pegasus Castle, I might be able to get the spies out. come out."

Shang Xiuxun nodded helplessly when he heard the words: "Although the chance is not big, it is worth a try. Just do what Uncle Zhen said."


On the other side, after Ye Weiming and Youyou left the main hall, the latter sent a message on the team channel when they left: "Are we really going to assassinate the'Four Bandits' this evening?"

Ye Weiming replied naturally, "That's natural, why do you ask?"

Naruto shook his head: "I'm worried that the spies in the Pegasus Ranch may not have a low status. I even heard the plan you mentioned before, in case it gets passed on to the ears of the'Four Bandits'..."

"I'm afraid Cao Yinglong doesn't know!" Ye Weiming replied confidently in his eyes: "If the four bandits are scattered, they want to kill the four of them one by one without disturbing others. A very troublesome thing, and it's also prone to errors."

"But if they know in advance that someone is going to assassinate, they will definitely get together and set up traps to wait for us to get the bait. In this way, we can take the tricks and get them out of the nest."

Ye Weiming's plan may seem reckless, but in fact it is a prudent plan based on his own strong strength.

If the soldiers under the "four big bandits" were black armored knights, they would not dare to formulate such a risky action plan if they took the courage of the night. However, the four bandits are just a group of bandits. When taken out individually, their combat effectiveness may not be under the regular army of the major forces, but even if such bandits are formed, they will not be able to exert the advantage of the army at all.

With Ye Weiming's ability to challenge Zhu Yuyan, he really didn't need to worry too much.

Coupled with the support of a beautiful woman with such outstanding strength, she can be foolproof.

While communicating in the team channel, the two had already returned to their residence. Ye Weiming had just returned to his workshop, but immediately frowned.

Someone came to this room when they were going for breakfast!

Looking across the room, Ye Weiming immediately found a small two-finger-wide piece of paper under the teacup on the table.

I took it into my palm with a casual move, but saw a sentence written vigorously and forcefully on it: Please come to the comfort zone, the old man has a gift.

There is no signature on the note, but you don't need to think about it, it must be the first one by Lu Miaozi.

Without any hesitation, Ye Weiming directly called you up and came to the comfort zone again.

But found that the gift Lu Miaozi prepared for them turned out to be... a human head?


Ye Weiming only discovered after careful observation that it was not a real human head, but a very delicately made mask, which was put on a human head-sized mold, which looked like a human head.

The face of this mask looks very young, white, and very sunny.

Ye Weiming knew that the human skin masks made by Lu Miaozi had many benefits, and the face of each mask had its origin. One of the most famous is Mount Badao Yue which was used by Xu Ziling as the second vest.

Ye Weiming didn't recognize the mask of the young man's face in front of him, so he tentatively asked, "Master Lu, I don't know who the face of this mask is modeled after?"

Lu Miaozi smiled when he heard the words: "Mo Shaoxia might as well guess."

Unexpectedly, Lu Miaozi suddenly sold off. But at this time, Ye Weiming even noticed that you were on the side, covering his mouth and chuckling, and couldn't help but become more confused in his heart.

However, the two of them were reluctant to explain, he could only tentatively guess: "Evil Emperor to Yutian?"

Lu Miaozi shook his head.

"The Evil King Stone House?"

Lu Miaozi shook his head again.

Ye Weiming was helpless: "I really can't guess it."

Lu Miaozi finally stopped selling guanzi, but pointed out a white cloth hanging in the corner of the wall: "Open that cloth and you will know that you know who the mask was made after. "

Ye Weiming walked to the white cloth in doubt, and opened the white cloth, only to find that what was hidden behind the white cloth was not a strange thing, but an ordinary...mirror?

Looking through the mirror, Ye Weiming finally knew why Nguyen had snickered before.

Because the mask given by Lu Miaozi was made exactly as he is now!

The only thing that surprised Ye Weiming was that after putting on this mask, it was not just his appearance that changed. Even his iconic yin and yang demon pupil changed into ordinary black. The pupil looks like.

You don't need to ask, this human skin mask must have failed to hide from the expert Lu Miaozi, and even the other party not only saw that he was wearing a human skin mask, but also saw that this mask was defective, and it was a one-off. Yes, I can’t switch freely between the two identities at any time, so I temporarily made a better one for him.

He shook his head helplessly, Ye Weiming removed the disposable character mask on his face, revealing his true colors.

This time, it was Lu Miaozi's turn to be surprised: "Yin-Yang Demon Eye, you are the Ye Weiming who once teamed up to defeat Bi Xuan! No wonder you dare to say that you can kill Zhu Yuyan before. It seems that you do have such confidence! "

"If this is the case, my other task can be safely entrusted to you."

Ding! Trigger the hidden mission "Find the spy".

Find spies

Uncovering the hidden spies in the Flying Horse Ranch, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com eliminates potential threats for the Flying Horse Ranch.

Mission level: Seven stars

Task reward: will get a precious inheritance of Lu Miaozi!

Task penalty: None

Do you accept the task?




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