I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1129: Have seen many fairies in Huashan Mountain!

The dribbling layup can be regarded as Ye Weiming's "old friends". The two have not only been in contact once or twice. Although they are not very familiar with each other, they can be said to be relatively familiar.

What does one say?

The person who knows you best is often not yourself or your friend, but your enemy.

Ye Weiming, as a fair, selfless and kind-hearted public man, naturally did not regard the dribbling layup as his enemy. But who can guarantee that the other party did not regard him as his enemy?

After all, the human heart is separated from the belly!

Therefore, when fighting a dribble layup, Ye Weiming had to be more careful than before, for fear of revealing his feet and being seen through by the opponent.

In this way, it is undoubtedly equivalent to adding a greater limit to oneself, and it seems a little constrained to fight.

But everything has two sides.

He has a certain understanding of Ye Weiming for dribbling and layup, but Ye Weiming can be said to be very knowledgeable about his martial arts, even if he can't be said to be very familiar, it is definitely not much different.

First of all, from the point of view of swordsmanship, the "Dugu Nine Swords" with the ball and layup seems to be close to the realm of great success. Even if the performance in actual combat cannot be compared with Linghu Chong, the son of destiny, it is definitely a generation of swordsmanship masters. .

In terms of internal strength, it seems that he is not limited to the inheritance of "Zixia Divine Art". Judging from the strength of the feedback during the fight, he now has at least two unique internal strength protections on his body, and they are of different levels. Will be too low.

At least, it must be above level 7!

Such strength is certainly not worth mentioning to Ye Weiming, but in all fairness, it is much higher than the average player master.

If you have to make a clear positioning for it, the current combat power of dribbling layup should be slightly higher than that of non-fish and stubble, and slightly inferior to Sanyue and Xiaoqiao. If the sword girl wants to kill him, it should be able to kill him in a short time. Solve the battle within.

If Ye Weiming showed his true strength, he would have a chance to solve this battle within three moves.

But as I said before, Ye Weiming wants to ensure that the "baby Mo Ming" person is not collapsed, at least it will not let people see that he is a man disguised as a woman.

The methods it can use are naturally greatly restricted.

Therefore, Ye Weiming used 13 tricks to solve this difficult battle with difficulty.

As for the specific process, I followed the previous routine of beating Linghu Chong, and unfolding "Lingbo Weibu", using absolute speed to suppress the opponent, so that the opponent's "Dugu Nine Swords" did not have time to make the best response, and then Find a chance to kill with one blow.

Only then finally slashed this familiar opponent on the ring.

Ye Weiming couldn't help but sigh in his heart as he watched his body disappearing in the white light during the layup.

The disguise and disguise of a **** horse will surely have an unimaginable impact on the actual combat ability. Not only are those real tricks and ultimate moves that cannot be used easily, even in terms of tactics, you must control the urge to let yourself go.

If Ye Weiming’s strategy of "Nine Yin" system can be followed (ie: insidious, insidious, vicious, conspiracy...), even if he can only use a small part of his own strength, Ye Weiming is also sure to be within the five tricks. Solve this battle.

It's just that the combat system is even more "Ye Weiming" than his "Nine Swords". Once it is used, people who are familiar with him will definitely feel familiar at the first time, and guess at the second time. The truth comes out.

After solving the dribbling layup, the second player of the Huashan faction was Ye Weiyang's old rival.

The two are both masters of the Ye Zi generation, but Ye Weiyang's performance can be described as terrible compared to Ye Weiming. As soon as I came up, I talked to Ye Weiming about a lot of things, and after talking for a long time, the ultimate goal was just to add a friend, saying it was convenient for future contact, and teaming up to be a team. The task of God's horse.

In summary, it is two words: lick the dog!

For this disgusting performance of dog licking, Ye Weiming euphemistically said "No!", immediately began to greet the other party with his sekong sword, telling the other party that color is empty.

Then, Ye Weiyang also decisively launched a strong counterattack. Because his set of "Broken Dream Heavenly Sword", it is called a sentimental, it is completely a posture that would rather lose the game and never hurt Ye Weiming's fur.


Fighting with this kind of Ye Weiyang basically achieves the purpose of tempering "Ten Thousand Types of Sword Foundation" or observing "Broken Dream Sky Sword"?

Therefore, Ye Weiyang's behavior is really disgusting!

Sure enough, after this liar had learned "Broken Dream Sky Sword", his combat power was strong enough to make a master like Ye Weiming feel unwell.

If this kind of existence is not weakened, is there still heaven and law?

In order to establish the majestic image of the court's laws, Ye Weiming decisively represented the law and executed Ye Weiyang who had no heart to fight on the spot.

At this point, in this five-sacred league, all the opponents except Yue Buqun have been defeated by Ye Weiming with one person and one sword!

Seeing that there was no other support, Yue Buqun could only sigh a little helplessly, and at the same time, learning the way he took the ball to layup before, stepped onto the ring without rush.

Holding the sword in his hand, Yue Buqun hugged Ye Weiming's fist very humbly, and said tepidly, "Huashan is not a group, I have seen Fairy Moming."

I have to say that this Yue Buqun is definitely better at being a human being than any other faction in the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

This is also a fine tradition cultivated by the Huashan School for decades.

After all, among the Five Sacred Sects, except for Huashan, all the other schools except martial arts can only learn some cultivation skills such as Buddhism and Taoism. Only the Huashan school insists on allowing disciples to read and learn Chinese characters and pay attention to knowledge education. There is no anti-traditional teaching that allows physical education teachers to occupy cultural classes. In terms of teaching concepts, it can be said that it is the most active and progressive school among the Five Swords School.

Because of this, he was very keenly aware of the rhetoric that Ye Weiming said before he started dribbling and layup, "It’s a devil or a fairy, I say it myself." The super masters here are still very concerned about whether he is a devil or a fairy.

Although, this care was completely deliberately pretended by Ye Weiming...

As a result, Yue Buqun did what he liked, and directly referred to "Moming Baby" as "Moming Fairy", which benefited Linghu Chong Shen on the other side a lot, and at the same time began to lower his voice to call Ren Yingying, who was dressed as a nun next to him. As "Yingying Fairy", his cheeks have become blushing at the same time that the other party rolls his eyes.

Ye Weiming, as an old fried dough stick, naturally saw the kindness expressed by Yue Buqun's name change.

It is the so-called "repaying the peach in return", but also the so-called "coming and not insulting." Ye Weiming didn't want to offend Yue Buqun, so he had to respond to the kindness he expressed.

Ever since, he also learned the appearance of Yue Buqun. While holding the Sekong Sword, he held a fist at Yue Buqun: "Songshan sent the elder Mo Ming, the elder of Keqing, and I have seen Huashan Yue Buqun fairies!"

Yue Buqun:...

Linghu Chong:...

Zuo Lengchan:...

The melon-eaters of the Wuyue Sword Sect who don’t know the truth:...

Yue Buqun: (╯#-Mai-)╯~~╧═╧

by! Do you guys chat?

What is Huashan sent Yue Buqun fairy?

Do you have the slightest respect for the martial arts seniors?

You should call me the head of Yue! Mr. Yue! Even Daxia Yue can do it... But why does the name Fairy Yue Buqun sound so comfortable?

The melon-eating people in Linghu Chong and the Wuyue Sword Sect who don't know the truth are full of black lines, expressing that they cannot accept Ye Weiming's incomprehensible way of returning gifts.

Only Zuo Lengchan, after the initial shock, couldn't help thinking in his heart:



With just one sentence, Yue Buqun's mood was completely messed up. Ye Weiming followed and rushed forward, with the Sekong Divine Sword in his hand, with a sharp sword aura, he took Yue Buqun's smooth and clean choked throat.

Xizi holds his throat!

The battle was ignited with Ye Weiming's "Xizi holding the throat", and the next moment it entered a white-hot stage.

Yue Buqun knew the tyrannical strength of Baby Mo Ming, so as soon as he shot it, he used the ultimate skill he prepared for Zuo Lengchan, "The Sword of Exorcising Evil". His figure looked like a ghost, and his sword was even more tricky and tricky. fatal.

Such a fierce and fierce sudden attack, if you change an opponent, you will be caught off guard if you lose the balance.

But who is Ye Weiming?

As a fair, selfless and kind-hearted imperial court second lane master, how could he be overshadowed by such low-level sneak attacks?

Following Yue Buqun's unparalleled learning, Ye Weiming still played "Ten Thousand Types of Sword Base" to resist, and matched the body style of "Lingbo Weibu" to deal with Yue Buqun's weirdness. Unpredictable shenfa.

Yue Buqun's deliberate surprise attack failed to take even the slightest advantage of Ye Weiming's body!

no way.

From competing with each other to turning enemies into friends, Ye Weiming's understanding of scoring wine is definitely a thousand times deeper than dribbling and layup!

Even with that, his understanding of "Swords of Eliminating Evil" can also be said to be no longer under "Dugu Nine Swords"! Although he doesn't know the corresponding internal power operation route of "Sword of Evil Guarding", at least in the course of the battle, he can completely anticipate the enemy's opportunities, and naturally he must appear calm and free to deal with it.

But what I have to say is that Yue Buqun, who has learned the "Sword of Exorcising Evil", is indeed stronger than Linghu Chong. In addition, Ye Weiming needs to ensure that the "baby Moming" person is not collapsed. He can neither show what he has learned, but also deliberately hide his tactical style, and he can't be handy at all.

In this situation, although Ye Weiming was able to calmly defend himself under the fierce attack of Yue Buqun’s "Evil Swordsmanship", he wanted to end the battle in a short period of time. Possible tasks.

In the beginning, at any rate, there was a rapidly increasing proficiency in "Ten Thousand Sword Foundation", which made him full of interest in fighting.

But when Yue Buqun used all the moves in the 72-way "Evil Sword Technique" more than two times, and the improvement of "Ten Thousand Sword Base" had reached the speed of the turtle, he finally couldn't bear it.

Instead of continuing to waste time in the ring, it is better to expose some other hole cards and end this meaningless battle as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Ye Weiming's figure suddenly rushed forward. Changed from the previous cautious style, and greeted Yue Buqun's sword front. At the same time, the Sekong Sword in his hand has been along different angles, picking, stabbing, chopping, cutting, or sweeping... in one go. Facing Yue Buqun, he attacked seven swords in a row, before each change, he was even more in a row, as if it were a fixed movement, without any pause.

The first style of "Ghost Swordsmanship?? Horizontal"-Seven Marks of the Eagle!

This "Ghost Valley Swordsmanship?? Heng" was only obtained by Ye Weiming from a hidden copy in "Double Dragon Secret Realm" not long ago. Except for the "Double Dragon Secret Realm" local NPC, it has not been exposed in front of any players.

At this moment, although the painting style is seriously inconsistent with the temperament of the "baby Mo Ming" human fairy, it does not make people suspect Ye Weiming.

Sure enough, Yue Buqun's original violent offensive stopped as soon as this move was made.

Forced to attack for defense, he blocked his fierce seven-sword streak.

However, the next moment, I saw that the dozen or so phantoms that had just dissipated in Ye Weiming's body had once again emerged, and each phantom sent a fierce and quick attack towards Yue Buqun from a different angle.

What's more terrifying is that the martial artist's intuition tells Yue Buqun that all the attacks from the "baby Mo Ming" phantom are real and terrifying, and they must not be taken lightly!

This move is exactly the second type of "Ghost Valley Swordsmanship?? Heng"-Void Slash!

It's just that the original "Phantom Slash" can only separate a phantom through the unique footwork of the sword move to assist itself in attacking, so its power is relatively limited.

But in Ye Weiming's hands, he was cooperated with "Lingbo Weibu", and the power was more than ten times stronger?

Even if Yue Buqun tried his best, he could only withstand some of the moves. Under Ye Weiming's continuous fierce attacks, he still couldn't avoid hitting again and again.






It was just that in an instant, Yue Buqun had nine swords in his body, although every attack would not be very high, but the damage of this attack was superimposed and still consumed Yue Buqun's more than 6 million blood.

Such terrifying and intensive damage, even for a master like Yue Buqun, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com is also terrifying.

In shock, he could only choose to break through with all his strength. The figure jumped and rose into the sky, in this way to avoid the follow-up pursuit of Ye Weiwei.

However, in this way, it is tantamount to exposing oneself to the high altitude, in the dilemma of limited physical fitness.

Among the many masters who watched the battle, the vision was as high as Fang Zheng, Chongxu, Lin Pingzi, Zuo Lengchan, Linghu Chong and others, and even Yue Buqun, who was in mid-air, had his brains out, and he was chasing after "Baby Mo Ming". In, another miserable scene of severe damage.


Unexpectedly, "Baby Mo Ming" did not do that. Instead, he lifted the Sekong Divine Sword in his hand high, and then suddenly inserted it onto the ground of the competition arena below!

In the next moment, the surging internal force has poured into the ground from the swordman, and then drove the power contained in the ground veins to skyrocket, as if a blue dragon swept into the sky, pursuing Yue Buqun in mid-air from bottom to top And to.

"Ghost Valley Swordsmanship?? Horizontal" third style-Jiaolong stand up!

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