I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1134: The new favorite of Sword Sister, Mamahaha!

This Mingjiao counterattack mission of the six major factions, for players who know the plot, can tell at a glance that it is the Yaozi made by Zhao Min.

After all, in the original work, there is a plot of Zhao Min pretending to be Zhang Wuji and going to Shaolin and Wudang to do things. During the period, Shaolin left the slogan of "First punish Shaolin, then destroy Wudang, Mingjiao for me, and martial arts king".

The method of planting and framing is the same as that of Cheng Kun, playing it is called a slip!

From this point, it is not difficult to see that if a woman goes to COS a man when it is not necessary, she probably likes that man out of all likelihood.

Just like Zhao Min who is about to play Zhang Wuji doing things in the six major factions, another example is the Youruo who likes COS Nie Feng in "The Secret Realm of Wind and Cloud", or the teacher who aliased Qin Chuan in "The Secret Realm of Double Dragon"...

Ahem, digress!

And in the end, the picture is so beautiful that people dare not imagine.

It's better not to think randomly...

Closer to home, in fact, for this task, whether the player knows the development of the plot in advance, the difference is not very big.

At least be careful, it's easy to find out the tricks.

Since the mission of the six major factions besieging Guangmingding, Zhang Wuji’s appearance has long been no secret among players. Even players who have not participated in that mission can still remember the other party’s through the videos left by some "media" appearance.

After all, Zhao Min plays Zhang Wuji. Apart from a simple claim, there is no similarity. It is very easy to distinguish. What's more, for this mission, did the players know that Zhang Wuji was pretending to be Zhao Min? In fact, the difference was similar.

After all, for most players, whoever helps in the task depends on which side the task reward is more in line with their own hearts.

Compared with the connotation of the mission, which is almost written on the surface, Sister Dao really cares about another issue: "From the brief introduction of this mission, the six major factions should not be surprised. They should be attacked at the same time. ."

"According to the record of the original work in the Yin Bugui strategy, Zhao Min personally led the crowd to attack Wudang with the highest probability, followed by Shaolin..."

Maybe it was because she was not fully sure of her own analysis. After Sword Sister spoke halfway through her words, she suddenly turned her head? He asked Ye Weiming: "According to your analysis, we should support that school to have greater Can you catch Zhao Min?"

Ye Weiming rubbed his nose: "In fact, if you let me guess? In fact, every school is the same."

Seeing the puzzled look of Sword Girl? So she explained patiently: "First of all? Like this kind of large-scale mission, the system will at least make the strength comparison between the two NPCs meet the description in the original? Or the story background? Settings."

"For players of this kind of large-scale system task? After all, the uncertainty is too high to rely on to ensure the smooth development of the task."

"And the so-called NPC masters in the Royal Palace of Ruyang only have so few rotten garlic in total."

"Among them, Cheng Kun's body has been killed by me in the previous mission of Guangmingding? There is no possibility of resurrection."

"The only ones left are Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, and Xuan Ming? Adding a Mingjiao undercover Fan Yao? These six can play. If they are divided into six groups? Not to mention the lack of Shen Min. Enough protection power? Even those masters under her? None of them have reached the point where they can sweep a large group by pulling out one alone."

"So, I guess no matter which sect the player participates in the defense battle, they will face the gorgeous lineup of all the masters of the Ruyang Palace."

"Only in this way can the absolute advantage of the Ruyang Palace in the original work be perfectly reflected in the mission."

"It's just that the avatar of the sixth Ruyang Palace master? Including their leader Zhao Min? They should all be avatars in mission mode, and it is impossible to appear on their own."

"As for why the system arranges the timing of the attack on the six major factions? I guess, I probably don't want players to pass this task with little difference? Do repetitive rewards?"

Sister Dao nodded her head again and again, until Ye Weiming finished her analysis, she asked, "Are you sure about this guess?"

Ye Weiming shook his head very cautiously: "The accuracy of this guess is only about 80%, so it can't be true."

Eight achievements are already a lot!

Sister Dao thought so in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on the surface. After all, whether this task can be completed or not, when it comes to the ultimate task of her undercover, she can't be sloppy. Although the probability of 80% is very satisfying, if the probability of 80% can be raised to a higher level, she naturally did not refuse. reason.

As a result, she immediately asked: "How can we operate the more secure method?"

Ye Weiming shrugged: "For the sake of safety, we still have to separate our actions as far as possible and cast the net widely. As you said before, Zhao Min has the two schools of Wudang and Shaolin with the greatest chance of appearing."

After a slight pause, he added: "It happens that I am the most familiar with those high-level NPCs in Wudang, and there are some things that I need to chat with Zhang Sanfeng alone. By the way, Wudang will leave it to me."

"As long as Zhao Min appears in Wudang Mountain, and she does have'Drunk Fairy Ling Fu' on her body, I will definitely bring it back for you!"

Sister Dao couldn't help but said with some dissatisfaction: "But somehow she is also a girl, aren't you planning to let me go to Shaolin?"

"What's wrong?" Ye Weiming glanced at Sister Dao strangely: "It's just a game. Shaolin's rules for prohibiting female pilgrims from entering do not include players."

"What's more, even if you really don't let in, don't you still have the skill of the **** catching division ghost character?"

"As long as you change your body, you will be a real iron-blooded man and a gangster in society. You can get in and out of Shaolin to ensure unimpeded access. What's to be afraid of?"

When Sword Sister heard this, she stared at Ye Weiming with weird eyes and looked up and down for a long time, as if she wanted to remember his image firmly. Ye Weiming felt a little hairy in his heart: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"It's nothing." Sister Dao retracted her gaze and said instead: "According to your statement, since we want to increase the chance of hitting Zhao Min during the mission as much as possible, we can't hang on two crooked neck trees."

While speaking, the smile on his face has become confident: "This time I made full use of my contacts, mobilized the masses, and found all the friends I could find. I did not even do any of the six missions. I'll let it go! No matter which camp they participate in, I ask them to help me get a "Drunk Fairy Puppet". I don't believe in doing this, what else can happen."

Hearing this, Ye Weiming's face showed a satisfied smile.

Sister Dao can think of this method, and Ye Weiming has naturally thought of it a long time ago, but this can't be said by him, she must figure it out by herself.

After all, this task was originally hers, and Ye Weiming could certainly help as much as possible, but it is better for her to talk about it by herself.

The plan has been finalized, and Sister Dao immediately bid farewell to Ye Weiming. Upon seeing this, Ye Weiming immediately proposed: "Do you want me to let A Hong give you a ride?"

"No need." The Dao girl who had already pushed open the door turned her head and blinked mischievously: "I have flying pets now!"


With the call of Sister Dao, a brown thing immediately came out of the ring on her left hand, and then it grew long in the wind, and in a blink of an eye it became a goshawk with wings and brown and white feathers. After hovering in the air for a week, it landed on her right arm raised high.

The huge eagle falcon, and her slightly petite figure, formed a very sharp contrast, there is a very strong contrast beauty!

"This is the flying pet I accidentally harvested from a Japanese pirate camp when I was in the Sun Moon God Sect. Although it is not as big as your Ahong, it is much more beautiful." Dao Mei was proud of it. After introducing the origin of his pet to Ye Weiming, he followed and said to the goshawk: "Mamahaha, say hello to the smelly catcher."

The goshawk, named "Mamahaha" by Sword Sister, seemed to be psychic. After hearing Sword Sister's words, he immediately turned his head and let out a long and clear howl towards Ye Weiming. In the sound, there is naturally a breath of the king of the world, like the dragon's nine days, the tiger roars the mountain forest, the birds that roost within a few miles of the Shenjian Villa, they are all shocked after hearing this long roar Fly, dare not stay for a while.

Upon seeing this, Ye Weiming couldn't help his eyes light up: "Your falcon is even more psychic than my A Hong, even if it is compared to A Huang, I'm afraid it won't be too much!"

"But..." After hesitating for a while, Ye Weiming said, "I still have a groan in my heart. I don't want to say anything. It's just that your naming skills seem to be inferior to me."

"I don't want to recite this pot." Sword Sister denied it very seriously: "Its original name is Mamaha, not the name I gave it, and although it is very obedient, it just refuses to let me give it. What can I do to change the name to another name?"

She shook her head, and Sword Sister immediately held her arms: "We are gone, Mamaha!"

As the goshawk soared into the sky, Sister Dao's figure had already jumped up from her old height and disappeared directly from Ye Weiming's sight.

You don't need to look at it, but Sword Sister must have grabbed the feet of the goshawk named "Mamahaha" and was taken by him to fly out of the Heavenly Sword Villa.

However, what he didn't know was that Sword Sister's figure had just left the Heavenly Sword Villa, and her figure and appearance had immediately changed. From a young girl with big eyes in a red dress, she turned into a fair, selfless and kind-hearted young man. She was dressed in a black flying fish suit of the imperial court and covered with a steel cloak made up of countless flying knives. It looked so majestic!


After Sword Sister left, Ye Weiming first took out a snack that was always in his bag and cushioned his stomach, before leaving the Heavenly Sword Villa.

As a result, not long after I walked out of the villa, I saw a few sneaky players spinning around the villa, looking unkind.

For these guys, Ye Weiming didn't care much after seeing him.

After all, the game "Chivalrous Eternity" is relatively in place to protect private property.

Unless with the permission of Ye Weiming himself, even Ye Weiming cannot force any other player's private homes.

Too lazy to spend energy on those guys who don't know the so-called, Ye Weiming directly summoned A Hong and his solo flying chair, and flew towards Bianjing City.

I wanted to send it directly to Wudang Mountain through the post in Bianjing City, but was told that the post on Wudang Mountain had been temporarily closed due to special tasks.

In desperation, he had no choice but to retreat and teleported to the foot of Wudang Mountain.

"Crossing to Wudang Mountain, the five-man team is four-and-one, tanks above level 80+, don't disturb the crispy skin!

"The Wudang scoring group, the 89th Sun Moon God teaches the high offensive career to lead the team, now there are still two high explosive careers, the basic attributes of the team violence and powerful output skills screenshots, the speed of the interested +"

"The Wudang mission team currently lacks a long-range, the best Tang Menjia. Our goal is not to collect points, but the main task behind. As long as the master is good, it is better to go for it!"

"Tangmen Five Crossbow Team, four waits and one, our slogan is to shoot everything! Tangmen crossbowmen above level 80++"


Ye Weiming had just got off the car at the foot of Wudang Mountain, and immediately heard a loud noise from the machine. Turning his head and looking around, he found that the large area at the foot of the mountain was already full of players. Many people gathered in twos and threes, seeming to want to pull up a temporary team.

Ye Wei arrived at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty and didn't know much about the specific process and environment of the mission. I was planning to go up the mountain to find out, but suddenly frowned. He followed his backhand and pointed towards the empty space above his left shoulder, but only heard the sound of "ding!" A big paw protruding from behind him was immediately bounced half a foot away at this point, and Ye Unidentified was also subjected to the force of the counter-shock, and his fingers felt sore.

What a great guy!

He turned his head suddenly, but saw a fat monk with a fat head and big ears standing in front of him, looking at himself in shock.

"Old cow!"

Ye Weiming was slightly puzzled: "If you don't go to Shaolin Temple to defend your homeland, why do you run to Wudang Mountain?"

Hearing Ye Weiming’s words, the monk and Taoist demon in front of him was immediately unhappy: "Brother Ye, we won’t take you to bury people like this. I’m obviously a Taoist priest, OK? Come to Wudang Mountain, also a Taoist sect, to help. It’s the truth, what is going on to Shaolin Temple?"

"Hehe..." Hearing Lao Niu's complaint, not far from him, there was a familiar chuckle immediately, turning his head to look, it was the painting genius who liked to dress up like a doll. Girl, pencil girl.

Before Ye Weiming inquired, the pencil girl took the initiative to explain: "I just learned the Wudang School's "Tai Chi Sword Technique" and "Pure Yang Wuji Gong" before, thinking that maybe I can use this mission to gain a wave of Wudang's favorability. , Or if you have the opportunity to raise the level of these two martial arts, you might come here. Unexpectedly, you met Big Brother Niu Zhichun and formed a team directly."

Ye Weiming nodded: "Your choice is very good. On the contrary, it is you..."

After that, Ye Weiming once again set his sights on Niu Zhichun: "On the contrary, it's you. The exercise you just performed is the "Indestructible Golden Body" obtained through the previous bathing mission, right?"

Niu Zhichun raised his head triumphantly: "How about it, awesome, right?"

"It's not the point to be great..." Ye Weiming waved his hand, and then said with a serious face: "Since you have already obtained "The Immortal Golden Body", shouldn't you find more advanced defense and body protection skills? To further enhance your own defenses?"

"Shaolin and Wudang, guess from which school you have more chances to learn the body protection technique?"

"Yeah!" Niu Zhichun was like a divine enlightenment. UU reading www.uukanshu.com patted his big bald head fiercely, and said with a smile: "Thank you, brother Ye for reminding, otherwise, I am afraid I will miss a rare occasion. Good opportunity."

Saying that he quit the team without hesitation, and then went straight to the coachman at the station: "Haha, "Golden Bell", "Iron Shirt", I'm Niu Zhichun here!"

Seeing the old cow's disappearing back, Ye Weiming's face couldn't help showing a smile of relief.

This cow is good for this, listen to advice!

Turning his head again, he saw the little pencil girl who had just been abandoned smiles helplessly, and looked at herself pitifully.

Ye Weiming was also a little helpless when he saw this. However, if I left Niu Zhichun on the task that I was going to take her to, Ye Weiming felt a little embarrassed if she left her alone here.

In order to prevent himself from becoming a villain, Ye Weiming could only helplessly threw a team invitation to the opponent, and at the same time asked: "What is going on on Wudang Mountain now, why are so many people here shouting to team up and distract? Horse's?"

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