I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1141: Singled against Xuan Ming, fight alone 2 old! (For [Pu Zhong Japanese...

  Hearing that Ye Weiming actually proposed to use her sealing skills again as a condition to exchange other benefits from her, Zhao Min almost gave her answer without hesitation: "Daydreaming!"

   But after thinking for a while, he added: “It’s true that I do have equipment that can prevent mind control, but that’s my last card for self-protection.”

  "Only when I have it on my body, I can guarantee that I will not be hypnotized by you successfully, and then eat and wipe it clean."

   Ye Weiming rubbed his nose, and then explained: "Actually, I don't eat people."

  Zhao Min:...

  Zhang Wuji:...

  Zhang Sanfeng:……

  Xuanming two elders:...

  All the people eating melons:...

  The original idiom "eat dry and wipe clean", with such a straightforward way of understanding, I have learned a lot!

  Zhao Min obviously also knew that his mouth escape skills were obviously not as profound as Ye Weiming. So he decisively bypassed the mouth-to-mouth link and moved directly to the next topic: "Actually, "Black Jade Intermittent Ointment" I have another 10 copies here. I wonder if Shaoxia Ye is interested?"

  Is "Black Jade Intermittent Cream" again?

   Ye Weiming couldn't help frowning upon hearing Zhao Min's conditions.

  In fact, his current task of treating the fire foreman Tuo only needs 20 times of "Black Jade Intermittent Ointment".

When Ye Weiming first killed Ah San in the ruined temple in Dadu Wujian for the first time, he once exploded 10 times on his body, but it was later used to save Yu Daiyan and was used for 4 points to save the Hercules Condor. Bai Zhanji was used up 2 copies to give Li Qiushui a facelift, and 2 more copies were used, only 2 copies of the "Black Jade Intermittent Cream" he got last time.

But later, in the mission of the six major factions to besie Guangmingding, he burst out from Gangxiang a 10 times "black jade intermittent ointment", plus Zhao Min used to exchange "three conditions" "The 10 copies of ", now Ye Weiming's hand, there are a total of 22 "black jade intermittent ointment" that can be used to treat NPC.

  This has exceeded the number needed to cure the fire foreman!

  In other words, for the current Ye Weiming, more "black jade intermittent cream" seems to be useless.

  So, facing Zhao Min’s proposal, Ye Weiming shook his head decisively and said: "This is not good, you have to add money."

"You also know that this kind of'black jade intermittent cream' is certainly hard to buy if you need it, but for people who don't need it much, it's actually not too big to be more or less. relationship."

   Zhao Min heard this, but said helplessly: "Then there is really no way."

  "Heaven’s way is proof. Apart from the special item that can be used as a last resort for self-protection and immune to mind control skills, I can't come up with more things in exchange."

   "If Ye Shaoxia is not interested in the last 10-person'Black Jade Intermittent Ointment' on me, then I have no other way to think of except to give up this transaction."

  The word "Tiandao" was exported, indicating that Zhao Min was not crying poorly with him, but that there was really no good thing to trade.

  In the face of such a pitiful Zhao Min, even his heart is as hard as the night, and he can't help but feel a little unbearable.

   So he sighed helplessly, and stretched out his hand at the other party: "Take out the'Black Jade Intermittent Cream', I agree to this transaction."

  Hmm...According to the inertia of the plot, now Yin Buyu his master should have been abandoned. Even now, Yin Liting has been taken care of by Yang Buhui for a while, and the relationship between each other has been cultivated.

  After finishing this dungeon, you can try to take over the task of saving Yin Liting. Regardless of the task rewards, it is at least a merit...

  I am so kind!

  Zhao Min took out the "black jade intermittent ointment", Ye Weiming took it into his hands with the "control crane power" technique, opened it according to the usual practice, and double-checked it carefully, and only after confirming that there were no problems, he was only included in the burden. Then he raised his head again, looked at Zhao Min and said, "The money and the goods have been lost. Now Miss Zhao can tell your three conditions."

   Hearing the words, Zhao Min just raised a finger gently: "I don't need three conditions, this time I only have one."

   Ye Weiwei heard the words and couldn’t help but stunned: "Only one?"

  Zhao Min nodded very seriously: "I request that the two elders Xuanming take action at the same time, two of them hit you and one."

   Ye Weiming is still a little unbelievable: "You don't plan to impose some other restrictions on me, such as not being able to use a certain martial arts horse?"

"Do you think I don't want to?" Zhao Min helplessly explained: "According to the rules of heaven, this is all limited. For personal reasons, if I want to unilaterally increase the difficulty of the task for you, I must take out the corresponding Treasures of value are used as compensation."

   "And letting the two old men Xuanming take the shot together is already the value of my'Black Jade Intermittent Ointment', the limit I can achieve. If I want more, I can only continue to add treasures..."

  Speaking of this, Zhao Min sighed helplessly again, his face has become abnormally aggrieved and miserable: "But there are no more treasures in my body that can be used to negotiate terms with you..."


  You just pretend to be pitiful with me!

  Do you think I am Zhang Wuji?

   sneered in her heart, Ye Weiming continued to say: "Miss Zhao, you have to think clearly."

   "Elder Xuan Ming is the last power you can use at this moment. Once they are also killed by me, you will really let me round and squash."

   "Besides, I believe Miss Zhao, you have already seen that, unlike Zhang Wuji, I am not the kind of person who knows how to pity and cherish jade."

   After a slight pause, he continued to persuade him: "If I were you, I would never be stingy at this time. Instead, I would stud all my net worth here at once to fight for a greater win."

   "If you fail, you will become benevolent!"

  In order to completely squeeze the surplus value of Zhao Min, the rich little woman, Ye Weiming has also begun to do everything. Threats, intimidation, inducing, inducing...speaking skills, tea art...what should be used, what should not be used, all the brains are used.

   is hoping to fool Zhao Min's head and press all the last hole cards left on him in this final battle.

  When the time comes, he can really wipe the opponent out!

   Unfortunately, Ye Weiming is smart, and Zhao Min is not stupid.

   Although she really wants to win the final battle with Ye Weiming, she still remembers to stick to her bottom line at all times. Hearing that, she just shook her head slightly, and then cast a wink at the second elder Xuan Ming next to her. At the same time she made people come forward, she herself retreated far away, as if there was no more time to continue with Ye Weiming. The interest of lip service.

   Ye Weiming saw that there was no longer any possibility of squeezing toothpaste from Zhao Min, so he could only helplessly focus on the two elders Xuanming.

  Lu Changke

  Ruyang Palace master, one of the two elders of Xuan Ming

  Level: 139

  Qi and blood: 15000000/15000000

  Internal force: 8300000/8300000


   Crane Pen Weng

  Ruyang Palace master, one of the two elders of Xuan Ming

  Level: 138

  Qi and blood: 14500000/14500000

  Internal force: 8500000/8500000


It can be seen from the attributes of the wave SS that the strength of the two elders Xuan Ming is definitely stronger than the three "A" who was killed by Ye Weiming before. When the two people stand together, they are very different from each other. There was even a breath-linked augmentation effect, and then the breath of both people was enhanced to a certain extent.

  According to Ye Weiming’s experience, whether the two people can exert their strength under the joint hands, each one must be upgraded by about 10 levels based on the existing level!

  This is the augmentation effect that certain special NPCs can get by joining forces. It is like the "Tiangang Beidou Array" of the Quanzhen Qizi, and the "Zhenwu Seven Sections Array" of the Wudang Seven Heroes.

The combined strength of the two elders Xuan Ming is certainly not as exaggerated as the "Tiangang Beidou Formation" or the "Zhenwu Seventh Formation", but after all, the two of them belonged to learning together from childhood, and they are inseparable when they grow up. The tacit understanding between each other is absolutely extraordinary. Can imagine. Naturally, it is completely in line with that only a few NPCs can achieve the effect of increasing strength!

  Facing an opponent of this level, even if it is as strong as Ye Weiming, he dare not be too careless.

  Since Zhao Min refuses to spend more money to seal his skills, Ye Weiming is simply not welcome. He waved his hand to stop the music performance of the two little fairies, and immediately behind the scabbard of Shangfang's sword, the music of "Death Curse" sounded, and the "Imperial Sword" that had just been put away by him soared into the sky amidst the music.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Weiming waved his big hand again, and the three magic weapons of the closed moon shame light sword, light magic sword, and Xiaolongquan were also sacrificed by him, and they were suspended in Zhenwu together with the previous "Imperial Sword". Above the main hall, the place above the second old Xuan Ming's head was Zhang Xu Kaiwai.

   And the Juque divine sword was held in his hand, and the sword edge turned to the two elders Xuan Ming: "Lu Zhang Ke, Crane Bi Weng, do you know how the **** died?"

  The two old men of Xuanming were taken aback when they were surprised that Ye Weiming actually knew that Taoist Baihua was a woman. Ye Weiming had already walked with the sword and used a weird and inexplicable "sword style" to take the deer stick guest and choke his throat.

  Fight, so far was kicked off.

  Facts have proved that under the joint efforts of the two elders Xuan Ming, the combat effectiveness is indeed terribly strong. Even if it is as strong as the night is unknown, it is difficult to achieve a quick victory in the case of one enemy and two.

  However, as a super master who can make five frontal tough shots, Ye Weiming can still firmly grasp the initiative in his own hands in a battle that has been damaged.

  Even if the two elders Xuan Ming had the effect of increasing combat power under their joint efforts, they were still pressed and beaten by him, without the slightest resistance.

  In a blink of an eye, the three people have fought for more than 20 rounds. The blood bars on the top of the two old Xuan Ming's heads have also been crushed and damaged by Ye Weiming's tyrannical skills, each one-tenth of them worn away.

  At this time, Lu Zhangke suddenly seized an opportunity, not hesitating to put himself in a place of absolute danger, but after Ye Weiming took a palm, he just pulled him to compete with his internal strength.

  If it is under normal circumstances, this behavior of Luzhangke is absolutely no different from looking for death.

  After all, although the internal force competition is the most dangerous, it is also the most reasonable.

  The strong win, the weak lose!

  There is no more room for manipulation at all, and in most cases there is no possibility of defeating the strong with the weak.

  But the situation at this moment is that the two old men of Xuanming are two enemies and one, and Lu Zhangke pulls Ye Weiming to compete for internal strength, but it is tantamount to giving Crane Bi Weng a great opportunity.

  As long as he can seize this opportunity, it is possible to take advantage of Ye Weiming's internal strength to compete with the Luzhangke, in one fell swoop, and then unite with the Luzhangke to achieve an anti-kill!

  In fact, Crane Bi Weng did indeed do this.

As biological teachers and brothers who have lived together for a whole life, the tacit understanding between Lu Zhangke and Crane Bi Weng is far beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding, just like Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, the cooperation between each other, even the exchange of eyes No need. Just when Ye Weiming was dragged by a deer stick guest and began to compete for internal strength, Crane Bi Weng was just right to go behind Ye Weiming, the crane-mouth-shaped judge's pen in his hand flashed out like lightning, taking Ye Weiming straight. Houxinmingmen acupoint.

If    is hit by him, Ye Weiming's True Qi movement will be interrupted by him. At that time, he only needs to continue to exert his strength to achieve the damage stacking under the cooperation of the two. At that time, it is not surprising that a double effect of "Xuanming Divine Palm" full damage will be played. In the end, he will be given a "serious injury" recovery BUFF.

  This is the horrible thing about the two elders Xuan Ming taking action at the same time, even Zhang Wuji, who has achieved all the magical skills in the later stage, will not be easy to deal with!

  Seeing this situation, even Zhang Sanfeng, who had been watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help frowning slightly, and secretly squeezed Ye Weiming's sweat. On the contrary, Zhang Wuji's eyes lit up and he couldn't help exclaiming "good opportunity" in his heart!

  In fact, after the mission of "six major factions besieging Guangmingding", Zhang Wuji had already learned the Mingjiao's magic technique "The Great Shift of Universe".

   Judging from the form at the moment, it is a god-given opportunity to use the great shift of the universe to turn defeat into victory and defeat the two elders Xuan Ming in one fell swoop!

  Even Zhang Wuji could see the opportunity, but Ye Weiming would not see it?

  However, he did not intend to fight according to Zhang Wuji's ideas. Because, in response to this situation, Ye Weiming also has his own ideas!

   Seeing that Crane Biweng’s attack was already in front of his eyes, the Luzhanger immediately increased the internal force output in his hand, and the deep cold internal force surged out like a river, making Ye Weiming unable to get out.

On the other hand, Ye Weiming, while running "Sacred Qi of the Sun" to resist the cold force, immediately activated the active effect of "Great Shift of Universe", but it was not like the one dragged two in Zhang Wuji's imagination, but limited. The impact of Hebi Weng’s attack on the judge pen in his hand was affected, and he was allowed to poke him on his back while avoiding the "Mingmen Point" being hit. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com



  Similar to a weapon like the judge pen, because its main kinetic energy is used to hit the enemy's acupoints. Once it fails to hit the acupuncture, its damage will become very limited.

  For example, right now, even though he hit Ye Weiming's vest, because the point deviated from the acupuncture point, it was only a small amount of damage of more than 50,000 on Ye Weiming's body.

   Simply put, it is an ordinary skin wound, which will not have any effect on the next battle!

  At this time, Ye Weiming suddenly began to concentrate on running the active effect of "Movement".

  As soon as this move was made, the "Xuanming Shenzhang" that Lu Zhangke fully urged was immediately led by him, turning the spear head uncontrollably, and blasting towards the Crane Bi Weng heart behind him.

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