I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1202: Kendo at night

Hearing this ethereal and ethereal voice, as if it came from nine days away, the four remaining friends in the team couldn't help feeling a shock at the same time.

Before people arrive, just a few simple words can give people this unfathomable feeling. This is so compelling that a few friends have all the way from the "Zhao Keman Hu Ying" pass. Did not see the second one.

Even in the main world, it is rare to be able to force Gera to such a level before playing.

What is even more frightening is that the other party has already spoken, but Ye Weiming and the others can't rely on this voice to judge where the other party is!

After being shocked, Ye Weiming was planning to use his perceptual abilities to confirm the location of this woman, but suddenly realized that the surrounding world suddenly turned pale!

The eclipse of heaven and earth mentioned here is not an adjective with exaggerated rhetoric.


It means literally!

Almost at the moment the woman's voice fell, the whole world around it seemed to have changed. The first is the sound. Whether it is the sound of insects in the bamboo forest, or the rustling sound of the mountain wind blowing through the bamboo forest, they have quietly disappeared at this moment. Instead, there is only deathly silence!

Immediately afterwards, all the colors between heaven and earth disappear. The bright moon on the horizon, the bamboo forest that is especially green under the moonlight, the grass and trees on the ground, and even a dead leaf falling from the bamboo forest, everything loses their original color at this moment and becomes The simplest black and white two tones.

This feeling is as if someone suddenly pressed the mute button in reality, and adjusted the color difference to the lowest at the fastest speed, turning this colorful world into a black and white picture quality!

Between heaven and earth, only the colors of Ye Weiming, Xiaoqiao, Dao Girl, and Yunmian remained unchanged.

But this feeling of being drunk and lonely alone is uncomfortable, because it makes life feel incompatible with the surrounding world, and being rejected by this world.

This experience is absurd, but it is indeed real!

In this extremely uncomfortable environment, I don’t want to stay for a second after the night is not clear. When I push my perception to the extreme, I am ready to find the culprit in the first place. Come out and die!

I can't break your weird trick. Can I still kill the person who used it?

However, before Ye Weiming could perceive and search carefully, he suddenly felt an aura fluctuation that was obviously different from the changes in the surrounding world, coming from right in front of the four.

When I looked up, I saw a figure of a graceful woman walking towards them slowly.

But after the woman in front of her appeared, she still felt so unpredictable.

White skin, delicate face, and clear and transparent eyes like autumn water, all the characteristics added together, no matter how you look at it, it is just a young girl in her twenties, with her bare shoulders and her clothes protruding. Particularly prominent half-dew double peaks, as well as the lower body white and slender legs, and a pair of high heels, more and more highlight the unique charm of women.

In the combination of the silver hair, the feeling is quite different.

Eliminate the small probability that the girl in front of her has a special physique and is born with silver hair. Combined with her way of playing the game that will force the grid to be completely full, it will inevitably lead to a kind of conjecture like an old monster with a good face.

Is she a teenager with white hair, or is she an old demon from the deep mountains who can show her beauty?

With doubts, Ye Weiming's eyes fell on the weapon in her hand. But I saw that it was a very gorgeous whisk...

wrong! Ye Weiming could clearly feel a sharp sword aura from the weapon in the opponent's hand.

That should be a sword?

Still wrong!

Or should it be a special weapon that combines the sword and the whisk?

After seeing the weapon in the opponent's hand, Ye Weiming couldn't help but have a very strange thought. The weapon in the opponent's hand seemed quite suitable for Li Mochou who was working for him.

Just as Ye Weiming and the others were vigilantly looking at the people coming, the woman of this age and fascinated strength had stopped three feet away from them, and said softly: "Taoist, Tianzong, Xiaomeng , Met four young heroes."

Hearing Xiaomeng's self-introduction, Ye Weiming immediately couldn't help but want to ask: How old are you? Are you twenty or two hundred?

However, in combination with the opponent's way of playing the two characters to the extreme, Ye Weiming did not ask this sentence decisively. Otherwise, maybe she would have to repeat the opening remarks at the beginning, wouldn't she become a fan of her?

Just as Ye Weiming was frantically complaining, she heard Xiaomeng continue to say: "You guessed right, I am the guardian of the'YiQi Su Nisheng' inheritance level. You only need to defeat me, Young Master Yun Mian Then you can get the inheritance corresponding to this level."

After all, is it not going to fight?

That being the case, what do you have to do with those bells and whistles before?

At the same time that Ye Weiming's heart moved with disdain, the music of "The Curse of Death" sounded. Following the sound of the sword sound of "Qiang!", the Yuxu Sword had been sacrificed from the Shangfang Sword Sheath behind him, hovering and dancing above the heads of the four, like a loyal guardian god, ready to face All intentions of the four unfavorable existence, with a fatal attack!

I have to say that this Xiaomeng's way of playing has to be somewhat effective. Even Ye Weiming, after being engaged in this way by the other party, could not help but change his mentality, and wanted to compete with the other party in terms of force.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't just use the sword technique that he has rarely used now to confront him.

With Ye Weiming taking the lead, Xiaoqiao, Sister Dao, and Yun Mian all took out their weapons, and at the same time opened their posture, ready to launch the most brutal and inhuman siege against a woman of this age and strength.

Facing these four masters at the same time, Xiao Meng's performance was still so calm and calm. She didn't even take out the scabbard of the sword in her hand that looked like a whisk, but she said softly: "The four have misunderstood. The test of this level is not actually a contest, but an argument..."

After that, between the flick of the whisk in his hand, in the mid-air between the two sides, a weird sand table that seemed like a projection appeared, which seemed real and illusory, very novel.

In fact, speaking of novelty, it would not surprise the knowledgeable Ye Weiming and others. They had all seen this sandboard before, and it was the Taoist chessboard that Taoist disciples used to play in their pastimes.

Putting aside Yunmian’s "Successful General" in the Taoist game, even Ye Weiming, Xiaoqiao, and Daomei have seen Zang Xingyu challenge Dugu to defeat with this chessboard in the Secret Realm of Dugu.

Hmm...Although Brother Zang was abused miserably in that game.

At this time, she heard Xiaomeng say again: "As long as the four of them can remain undefeated in the process of discussing the Tao with me, they are considered to have passed the test of this level. I don't know, among the four young heroes, which one Who shot first?"


Seeing that Xiaomeng had already laid out the exam questions, the sword **** the side immediately said: "As everyone knows, the Dao chess game tests everyone’s comprehension of the "Dao Fa". For people like me who have never studied Dao Fa, should How to do?"

Xiao Meng's gaze was still tightly locked on the Taoist board in front of her, and she didn't even look up at Sister Dao at all. She just replied self-consciously: "If you haven't studied "Dao Fa", just watch it by the side. "

Sister Dao refused to accept: "Then what if none of the four of us have studied "Dao Fa"?"

Xiaomeng shook his head: "If no one in your team has cultivated the "Dao Fa" to the 10th level of Consummation, it will be impossible to activate the mission of this level."

"Let me come."

Seeing that Sister Dao was speechless by Xiao Meng's refutation, Yun Mian took a timely step forward, his gaze falling on the chessboard in front of him. In the next moment, many changes have taken place on the chessboard, but it is an image of heaven and earth revolving, and human beings are striving to make a living in it. At the same time, he said: "My Tao pursues the unity of nature and man, and all things are born to support people. Human beings perceive the heart of heaven and conform to the development of nature. Only when the two live in harmony, can they form an ever-unfavorable historical torrent!"

"This statement is very bad." During the speech, on the chessboard of Dao, Xiaomeng has shown completely different changes, but it is echoed by various natural scenes, including mountains, water, grass, and trees. , Birds, and beasts, although there are also "humans" in them, but they only occupy a small amount of space, compared to other things, there is no advantage at all.

On the contrary, various changes in the world are leading the evolution of everything.

At this time, I heard Xiaomeng continue to say: "The change of heaven and earth is the eternal principle. During the period of human life, it is just a hurried passer-by. No matter it is the arrogant words of someone conquering the sky, or the vain attempt to connect people The so-called unity of heaven and man in the equal position of heaven is a contempt of'heaven' and deserves natural punishment!"

While speaking, everything on both sides of the chessboard began to blend and confront each other.

At this time, Ye Weiming couldn't help but ask on the team channel: "This Xiaomeng's Taoism seems to be no lower than you."

In fact, there is a style of "auto chess" on the changes of the Dao chessboard. Once the initial layout is completed, the subsequent changes will no longer be controlled by the player.

Yun Mian and Xiaomeng talked to each other, but it was just to increase the momentum and force, and it had no practical effect.

Therefore, for Ye Weiming’s question, Yun Mian can take the time to answer: "Xiaomeng’s "Dao Fa" is the same as you and me, both at level 10. The Dao Fa at the full level is also strong, or It is said that the focus is different. Taoism has always emphasized the unity of nature and humanity since ancient times, but she insisted on protruding the position of'heaven' to be supreme, which has obviously fallen behind."

"If I continue, I have the confidence to win the battle, and at least I can end in a tie."

"Furthermore, she also said that as long as we can remain unbeaten, we will be considered a pass."

Ye Weiming nodded when he heard the words, and then asked: "I have only heard about this chess game by name, and have not really played it. In other words, waiting for you to decide the outcome, or to finalize the tie, probably needs how long?"

Yun Mian shook his head: "If there are differences between strengths and weaknesses, I am naturally confident that I can achieve quick wins. But Xiaomeng is obviously also a mid-level player. It is not easy to win her. In this game, play three or five. Time is also common, and it takes about an hour at the earliest."

"One hour?" Ye Weiming shook his head dissatisfied when he heard the words: "One hour is too long, we don't have so much time to waste in this level, let me help you."

Yun Mian shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "Brother Ye’s kindness, I understand it. But once this chess game begins, it is a dispute between two people. Until a winner is determined, it is absolutely not. It may be terminated, and it is even more unlikely that there will be a third person who can intervene..."

"Damn! Brother Ye, how did you do it?"

It’s not that Yun Mian was amazed, because just as he and Xiaomeng were inextricably killed, countless sword lights appeared out of thin air on the chessboard. These sword lights were looming, but they were also very sharp. Has extremely powerful destructive power.

I have to say that Ye Weiming did not finish his words in Yun Mian, and he made such a move, which really slapped his face. But compared to slapping face, Yun Mian is still more curious about why this guy can break the rules and directly intervene in other people's "talks".

Ye Weiming shrugged at this moment, and then said: "Maybe it is my Tao, a little bit different?"

"Just at the beginning of your chess game, I received a system prompt saying that my Tao can ignore the rules to a certain extent and can intervene in other people's arguments."

"Or facing the game, I am not an opponent of any of you, but if you want to say that you are playing Yin, my Tao seems to be very good at it."

Hehe smiled, the sky full of sword light evolved from Ye Weiming's "Tao" on the chessboard, has already begun to act, along with unexpected angles, starting to launch rounds of rounds against Xiaomeng's camp. The attack, in conjunction with Yun Mian's frontal offensive, constantly eroded Xiaomeng's territory.

At the same time, Ye Weiming also opened his mouth and said: "My way is for swordsmanship. Swordsman, and also for deceitful ways. You can sneak attack, assassinate, undermine people, set ambush, lure enemies, lay down, slaughter demons, destroy gods, Deceive people, hide things from heaven!"

With some words, the sword light on the chessboard became more and more active, from unexpected timings and angles, making crazy impacts and cuttings on Xiaomeng's camp.

Seeing such a scene, Yun Mian on the side couldn't help feeling dumbfounded, and said dumbfounded: "Is this all right?"

Although the facts are already in front of him, Yun Mian still said that he could not understand Ye Weiming's weird kendo that could break the rules and directly intervene in other people's chess games. UU reading www. uukahnshu.com

On the contrary, Xiao Meng on the other side was not at all dissatisfied with Ye Weiming's sudden intervention, but calmly said: "Under the heavenly way, existence is reasonable."

She said this, no doubt equivalent to admitting the legitimacy of Ye Weiming's intervention in the chess game.

However, admitting that Ye Weiming can intervene does not mean that she has to admit defeat. In fact, Xiaomeng herself is not an idler, or the "Dao Fa" she has studied in her life is not so easy to defeat.

As Ye Weiming intervened, her camp immediately made corresponding adjustments and became heavier than before, making Ye Weiming's sneak attack no longer so easy.

However, just when Xiao Meng had just stabilized the situation, prepared to shrink and defend, struggling to survive under the siege of the two. The sword light created by Ye Weiming changed again, but the looming sword light almost disappeared in an instant. Instead, it was a blossoming flame that was bright or dark, or yin or yang, and started In another way, burn the camp of Xiaomeng.

"Flame, trickery too!..."

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