I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1046: Yeyue shame lightsaber! (Add one more for [Published Sun and Moon]...


Under the sudden full blow of Ye Weiming, the golden lantern swordsman Xia Suiliang was blasted upside down like a cannonball on the spot, and the blood that spurted out was evaporated by the scorching heat in the air.

At the same time, above Xia Suiliang's head, the burning damage that accompanied this palm was also floating!




"Old Swordsman Xia!"

Seeing Xia Suiliang's miserable appearance, Guo Da, who was watching over him, was shocked. In a flash, he caught up with the old swordsman Xia who flew out and took him in his arms.

Smart as he is, after seeing Xia Suiliang's calculations, after he was seriously injured, he didn't have any thoughts about fighting, so he hugged Xia Suiliang in a princess' embrace, and fled down the mountain without looking back.

However, Ye Weiming, who finally killed Xia Suiliang, would allow these two prey to escape easily?

Long Yin exploded under his feet, and his figure had already caught up with the two at a speed several times faster than Guo Chang.

Guo Changchang, who was running at full speed, suddenly felt a tyrannical pulling force coming from behind him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the control of this pulling force.

In the panic, the area that contained nearly ten feet around him was already burning with raging flames.

Ye Weiming deliberately tried the specific effect that "Jade and Stone Burning" can exert when facing different enemies, in order to play a final word when fighting against Qiu Qianren, Ouyang Feng, and even Wu Zun Bi Xuan in the future, so he moved together. , Is this self-destructive super lore!

Judging from the effect of previous attempts on Absolute Wushen, this trick may be very difficult for an enemy who wants to blow up to level 170 or higher without the cooperation of other people.

Because of that level of opponent, before he detonates this ultimate move, he can break through the limits of the black hole of flame and escape.

And now, what he wanted to try was to deal with opponents of Xia Suiliang's level, what kind of effect could this trick achieve.

Feeling a deadly threat, Xia Suiliang immediately jumped out of Guo Changchang's arms and wielded two three-pointed daggers to break through.

However, this Xia Suiliang doesn't seem to have the kind of super killer moves that a BOSS of his level should have. The three moves in a row are just ordinary attack methods.

In this case, even in his heyday, there is absolutely no possibility of breaking through the flame black hole, let alone he is already seriously injured at the moment?

As for Guo Changchang, that scum, in this case, is not even qualified to call 666!

Amid the desperate roar of the two masters, the flames began to roll in, and then they were completely detonated.


In the loud noise, the originally beautiful scenery around was destroyed in an instant, and turned into a **** on earth shrouded in flames!

The two beeps are not very loud system prompts, but they are accurate. Four seconds later, they penetrated the aftermath of the explosion and passed into the ears of Ye Weiming and Dao Mei.

Ding! Your team killed the 115-level BOSS Feiyun Dao Chang Guo Chang and gained 3.2 million points and repaired 500,000 points!

Ding! Your team killed Xia Suiliang, the 150-level BOSS Golden Lantern Swordsman, and gained 40 million points and 7 million points!

System Announcement: Ye Weiming, the player of the God Hunting Division, the player of the Sun Moon God Cult, if I kill, successfully killed the 150-level BOSS Golden Lantern Swordsman Xia Suiliang, and completed the first kill...

It has to be said that the small story BOSS is the small story BOSS, and as a 150-level existence, the gain from killing him is obviously lower than the previous Cheng Kun.

Of course, this also includes Cheng Kun as a bonus to the BOSS body under normal conditions, but from a general point of view, the quality of this Xia Suiliang is among the same level of the main world BOSS, and it can indeed be regarded as a relatively watery one. Up.

However, although Xia Suiliang was a little watery, he still contributed a reward for the first kill to the two. As for Guo Changchang and Gu Yue, they did not even have the reward for the first kill. Obviously, they had been killed by other players before. Yes, maybe more than once.

As for why the killer mentioned in the system bulletin is "Ye Weiming of the God Hunting Division" instead of "Long Yunfeng", this has to be mentioned a shortcoming or shortcoming of Sword Girl's makeup technique. .

After Ye Weiming blew himself up, and then used the "Shen Zhao Jing" to resurrect, the camouflage covering him had completely disappeared.

Therefore, his current image is no longer the flying witch Long Yunfeng, but has been restored to his true appearance.

After discovering this, Ye Weiming just silently remembered it in his heart, and then began to scan around, searching for the bodies of Xia Suiliang and Guo Changchang.

However, when he turned over the large area around the explosion, he only found the weapons used by the two men. As for the bodies of the two people, they were completely blown up in this tragic explosion!

This Nima!

After confirming this, Ye Weiming almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Unexpectedly, never expected!

After this move, "Burn Jade and Stone" was launched, there was such a terrifying negative effect!

If he knew this would happen, even if he spends more time, he would definitely not use this trick easily!

This one exploded, and the items of the two BOSSs were lost in this way, and even the corpses they could use to converge were gone. All the benefits are gone!

Not right...

Ye Weiming looked helplessly at the two treasure-level weapons in his hands, and couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

It's better than nothing.

Three-pointed dagger Yue? Golden Lantern (treasure weapon): Golden Lantern swordsman Xia Suiliang's portable weapon is made of a variety of alloys that vibrate precious metals, and the magic weapon can hardly hurt it.

Attack +900, internal power increase +70%, odd weapon skill level +1, soft weapon skill level +1!

Special effects: chain yoke, strong

Chain yue: Connect the two yues with a chain that has always been matched, which can be transformed into a two-foot-long soft weapon to perform more complex and strange moves.

Sturdy: The material is hard and not easy to damage, and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to damage it.


Measuring ruler (treasure weapon): The hand-held weapon of Feiyun Dao Chang Guo Changchang. It is made of precious metals, and the magic weapon can hardly hurt it.

Attack +600, internal strength increase +80%, short weapon skill level +1!

Special effects: internal injury, firmness

Internal injury: Hitting the opponent with a measuring ruler can transform an external injury into an internal injury.

Sturdy: The material is hard and not easy to damage, and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to damage it.


No wonder the weapons of these two guys actually looked so strong, and even the magical weapons like the Shuyue Shame Light Sword could hardly leave marks on them. It turned out that this special "sturdiness" attribute was at work.

It has to be said that although the treasure with this attribute cannot be compared with the divine weapon in terms of power, it does have the qualifications to compete with the divine weapon.

It's just that the categories of these two things are too niche, and they are destined to not sell for a big price. If it is replaced by two swords with the same attributes, the value becomes considerable.

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming's figure flashed, and he jumped back into the grass along the previous window.

Seeing Ye Weiming's return, Sister Dao immediately complained: "Smelly catch quickly, with your ability to kill a Xia Suiliang with mental arithmetic and unintentional, is it necessary to make such a big movement?"

Ye Weiming couldn't help but smile and said: "I just wanted to test the power of the moves. How could it be that even the bodies of Xia Suiliang and Guo Changchang were blown up, and only two treasures were recovered after looking for it for a long time. "

As he spoke, he threw two things on the table and made two dull noises.

Sister Dao smiled when she saw this, unexpectedly she didn't turn on the taunt mode on this matter, but rather steadily kicked Gu Yue's corpse next to her, completing the work of touching the corpse.

Yinfeng Double Blade (treasure weapon): The personal weapon of Monk Gu Yue, Master Yinfeng, can be used alone or as a double sword.

Attack +700, internal power increase +50%, attack speed +10%, sword skill level +1, dual wield skill level +1 (this attribute will only be displayed after both Yin and Wind dual swords are equipped)

Special effects: Yin wind, poisoning

Yin Wind: A weird Yin wind will be emitted when attacking, making it difficult for the enemy to hear and distinguish.

Poisoning: The blade is highly poisonous, and an attack hit will poison the enemy.


Yinfeng Sword Technique (Intermediate): The sword technique refined by the Great Master Yinfeng Gu Yue, is sinister and fierce, and has cunning moves.

Cultivation requirements: strength 50, comprehension 20.


Money: 8500 gold!

This monk Gu Yue dropped a lot of money, but the dropped items were only two of the above.

After seeing the items dropped by Gu Yue, Ye Weiming's heart that had been regrettable for exploding the bodies of Xia Suiliang and Guo Dachang immediately became a lot of balance.

Seeing the work of Weizhi, it can be seen from the items dropped by this monk Gu Yue, it seems that their series of BOSS are not very effective in item dropping. It's as if they don't have that amazing big move, how can it be a word of water.

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming said that he was not interested in these two things, and then said: "These things are useless to you and me. Let's take their own trophies."

While talking, he had put away the "three-pointed dagger yue? Golden lantern" and the "meter ruler" again, and then said: "I will give you another suggestion. If you plan to sell the two knives, I suggest you sell it separately, the price is definitely a lot higher than the packaged sale."

The sword girl nodded when she heard the words, and then put away the things that Gu Yue had dropped, but she was talking about another thing: "Compared to this, I still have a very unfortunate news to tell. you."

As he said, he looked at Ye Weiming with a serious look: "In the previous battle, I was injured by the player in their camp and had a hamstring injury. I almost fell into the hands of him and Gu Yue, and was finally escaped by the opponent. Up."

Ye Weiming couldn't help but stunned when he heard the words. He recalled the appearance of the player before and couldn't help but said in confusion: "That dumb-looking guy can actually hurt you?"

The Sword Girl said in a deep voice, "Whether it is skill or swordsmanship, that player is actually quite average, barely able to be a master, but only at the level of ordinary people, and even quite inferior in response. But he suddenly The move made, but even I felt it was overwhelming, and he hit the leg with a broken tendon effect, and he took the opportunity to escape."

Listening to Sister Dao's seriousness, Ye Weiming immediately asked, "What kind of move is it that can actually make a guy of that level hurt you?"

Dao Mei's face was solemn, but she slowly spit out four words: "How about Daizong!"

Hearing these four words, Ye Weiming couldn't help but frowned. Because this martial arts has always been one of Ye Weiming’s skills, although with the improvement of his various abilities, he has rarely used its active effects, but even so, he is still the only two. In this mentality column, enjoy its passive attribute bonus.

This shows how powerful this mental method is!

Since Dao Mei uses the word "movement" to describe her opponent's "How Dai Zong", it naturally shows that he should be using the active effect of "How Dai Zong".

Now that the effect can be successfully applied to Sword Sister, it is enough to show the opponent's calculation ability...

Just when Ye Weiming had some guesses in her heart, Sister Dao had already recounted the situation of the previous battle in Caosinouchi: "At that time, I needed to protect Li Guishou and Long Yunfeng who were in a coma, so I wanted to show it slightly. Be passive, but the problem is not that big. It's just that when I was entangled by Gu Yue, that player did launch'How about Daizong'."

"It may be because I was trying my best to kill Gu Yue, so there were many flaws in my body, but it only took him five seconds to successfully launch'How about Daizong' and wound me!"

Recalling the situation at that time, Sister Dao couldn't help being a little afraid: "Speaking of which, I still underestimated the enemy. I didn't expect that he could successfully launch'Dai Zong' in such a short period of time."

"Fortunately, that guy's mental quality is very poor. As soon as my Heavenly Sword came out, his mood was suddenly broken by the murderous intent of the sword. But after I killed Gu Yue, because of the leg injury, I can't chase him."

Ye Weiming nodded: ""How Daizong" is not an unspoken secret, it is normal for others to learn it, but I didn't expect that this technique would really fall into the hands of a math crazy demon."

"However, a calculation-savvy nerd like the other party can truly display the power of this technique, but there are definitely many flaws, and it is not difficult to deal with it."

"Or, he can become a master in the game by virtue of this mentality, but he is far from achieving what you and me have achieved. Next time you encounter it, just be a little more careful."

While talking, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Ye Weiming no longer paid attention to that player's affairs, but took out a mouthful of phoebe pipes and converged Gu Yue's body.

Ding! Get "Knife Experience" × 1!

Ding! Get "Inner Strength Experience" × 1!


Putting the baggage into his bag, Ye Weiming turned his head to look at Long Yunfeng and Li Guishou who were still in a coma.

Now, it's time to wake up these two guys, and then take Li Guishou to give Li Qiushui plastic surgery.

However, what Ye Weiming didn't expect was that when he woke up two people and cured Long Yunfeng's internal injuries with the ability of the "Healing Chapter", he unexpectedly completed a hidden mission with rich rewards!

Ding! Your team has successfully completed the hidden task "Resolve Problems". According to your performance in the task, you will receive task rewards: 300 million experience points, 30 million repair points, and the closed moon shame lightsaber×1!

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