I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1392: 10-star mission, world fusion!

Demon God True Essence (Quest Item): God will refine the life-long essence of "Devil Demon Body". After taking it, you can inherit the power of Demon Demon Body of God, break the boundary of life and death, and achieve immortality! (Because it is a task item, only NPC can use it.)


Devil Body of Destroying (Generacy): A genius from the search temple, it is said to be created by the demon ancestor, which can break the boundary of life and death, make the cultivator immortal, and have extremely strong offensive and defensive capabilities.

Cultivation requirements: 50 aptitude, 100 perceptual.


Celestial Battle Armor (artifact): The battle armor worn by the master of the search palace, under the perennial nourishment of the "destroying demon body", has a strong defensive effect.

Defense +3000, body protection vitality +100%, internal strength level +1, body protection technique level +1!

Special effect: body protection field

Bodyguard Domain: Active special effects, within 1 second after being released, all attacks within three feet around you can be attracted to yourself, and your own damage will be reduced by 50%.


Ice and Fire Demon Robe (Artifact): A special cloak with two colors of red and yellow. It is the most important piece of clothing for the **** general. Wearing it can make magic skills even better.

Defense +2000, internal power increase +50%, internal power level +1, charm +2!

Special effect: devilish

Magical power: reduce the corresponding basic attack power according to the chivalrous value. The higher the chivalrous value, the more basic attack power is reduced. Conversely, if the chivalry value is negative, it can be converted into its own basic attack power at a ratio of 10:1.


Huo Lei Gang Qi (Quiet Learning): Based on the "Devil Body of Destroyer" he has learned, the **** will create an attack method of his own creation, which is powerful, but consumes a huge amount of qi.

Training requirements: the upper limit of internal force is ≥200,000!


The Book of Yitian: The gods with the body of "Destroying the World" have always been obsessed with the "Yitian Shen Jue" that can be equally famous. After many searches, they finally found something related to the "Yi Tian Shen Jue". The clues are all recorded in this booklet. (After use, you can receive related quests in "Transfer Heaven God Technique")


Money: 5000 gold!

The explosion rate of the **** general is not ineffective. In addition to the "world-destroying demon body true essence" scheduled for the previous mission, there are two whole artifacts, two geniuses, and a clue to the quest related to geniuses.

Every treasure list is something that top game players like Even Ye Weiming must feel heartbeat.

Among them, "World Devil Body True Essence" is a quest item, and this is something that Ye Weiming had discussed early in the morning. Take it out at this moment, just to show all the friends, this true essence is a quest item for the player, so that everyone is not worried about it.

In addition, there are a total of five things, which is naturally not enough for the seven friends. Therefore, after the spoils are divided, they still need to rely on monetary subsidies to find all.

It must be a painful and happy thing to divide the spoils.

Needless to say, the happiness in it is naturally unnecessary. As for the painful part, it is inevitable to make some trade-offs in the process of dividing the spoils and choosing.

And such a trade-off is often more painful when facing more and better things.

As a result, all the little friends were so painful and happy, and finished dividing the five treasures that God had dropped. The final split result is:

The most valuable "Devil Body of Destroyer" cheat, the most contributed Ye Weiming's income, Ye Weiming can be said to be a great contributor to the entire battle. Although it was possible to complete the kill in the end, there was also a small group of friends who helped to contain the credit, but Ye Weiming accounted for most of the credit, which is beyond doubt.

Therefore, if he obtained the most valuable "Devil Body" cheat, other friends naturally did not have any opinions.

The only one who was a little dissatisfied with this was Ye Weiming himself. In the process of dividing the spoils, considering that Xiaoqiao who got the "Book of Moving Sky" may not have a lot of experience in the task, he planned to exchange with the other party. Let Xiaoqiao take this "World Destroyer Demon Body" cheat book that can be directly learned, and he will take the "Book of Transition" to do the task of "Transition God Technique".

In this way, the effect of task rewards can also be maximized, which can be said to be a joy to everyone.

However, Xiaoqiao firmly refused to accept Ye Weiming's kindness. Therefore, Ye Weiming had to give up and not mention the secret book of "Devil Body".

Among them, the "Deity Battle Armor" was unsurprisingly taken into the bag by Lao Niu. As the main tank in the team, the characteristics of this cloak are naturally obvious for the improvement of its defensive ability. At the same time, it also has a compulsory "group ridicule" skill, which also allows him to better control the tank in the subsequent battles. This glorious and great task has been brought to the extreme.

You are MT, the body of the bronze wall and iron wall!

Go, Niu Kachu!

The next BOSS's ultimate move is up to you!

Ollie give it!

As a cloak, the Ice and Fire Demon Robe is precious only for players with negative chivalry values. If a male sage like Ye Weiming wears it on his body, not only is it useless, it will even cause his attack power to be greatly weakened.

The ownership of this cloak can only be born among the two evil players of Sword Sister and Jiang Jinjiu.

And these two guys are one of the few super local tyrants in the game, and their bidding process is also quite fierce. In the end, the Sword Girl who did not have a good cloak was more willing to spend money, and finally took this cloak into her hands.

Moreover, according to her own words.

The title of the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect has a special effect on the chivalrous value of negative numbers. Compared with ordinary players with negative chivalry, the negative chivalry on her can double the effect!

If combined with the attributes of this cloak, her negative chivalry value can be converted into her basic attack power with a super high conversion rate of 20%.

A cloak can increase her combat effectiveness out of thin air!

The last "Fire Thunder Gang Qi" cheats were successfully photographed by another local tyrant who will enter the wine. The martial arts of this man has reached a very high level, and the internal strength cultivation is sufficient, but there is no powerful attack method that can hold the scene. It can only rely on the moves in the "Evil Swordsmanship" to make up the numbers.

Today, having this "Fire Thunder Gang Qi" can make him make up for this regret.

At this point, the looting activity officially ended.

Although Sanyue and Feiyu didn't get anything, the small amount of money they got in this wave was enough to make them two feel satisfied.

Moreover, everyone will still have to do tasks together in the future, and everyone who fights the boss has a balance in his heart. This time the two of them didn't get a good thing, and the next time they encounter a similar situation, they naturally have to be polite to them.

Of course, the most important thing is to see what BOSS bursts out, and who is more suitable for it.

After dividing the spoils, all the friends felt satisfied. Ye Weiming just proposed to invite everyone to Jiangbi Pavilion for a big meal, but everyone suddenly felt that the light in the room was dimmed. When they turned to look, they saw a smiling man with a dry pipe in his hand and a smile on his face. Sitting at the window, silently vomiting clouds and fog.

"Senior laugh!"

Seeing the arrival of Xiaosanxiao, Ye Weiming gave him a fist and said: "The junior has successfully escaped from the hands of that Di Shitian before. If you want to come here today, the senior will definitely release it to the junior. That task related to the Great Tribulation of Qianqiu, right?"

"You guessed it right."

Xiaosanxiao sat leaning on the window like this, neither coming in nor going out. After taking a breath of dry smoke, he spit out the smoke in the direction of the window, which was very polite. After another breath of smoke, smiled and turned around and said: "This task is naturally related to the Great Tribulation of Qianqiu, and everything must start with the Great Tribulation of Qianqiu. Simply put, the Great Tribulation of Qianqiu belongs to China. Fate, you can’t escape, and you can’t hide. According to common sense, the only way is to let it happen and then pass it through.”

Ye Weiming was very cooperative and immediately asked: "What if you don't analyze it according to common sense?"

"Hey, this is what I want to say today!" Xiaosanxiao then took another big puff of dry smoke, and after spitting out the smoke, he directly suppressed the smoke. Then he turned over and entered the house and came to Ye Weiming and the others to sit around. Sitting down at the table where the spoils were divided, he continued to say: "What cannot be resolved according to common sense must be found in a very reasonable way."

"And this way, I call it a break."

"It's just like some people's lives are in disaster. If you get married, you may be able to resolve the disaster. This is the truth."

Upon hearing what Xiaosanxiao said, the players present were all shocked. Among them, Xiaoqiao was shocked and his eyes widened: "Can the Great Tribulation of a Thousand Autumn Period be resolved by the way of exhilarating?"

"How can't it?"

Xiaosanxiao smiled unchanged, and continued: "The method of rushing for joy is only effective for individuals, because it is an ordinary person who gets married. If the two countries are married, in fact, it can be regarded as a kind of rush for joy to some extent. However, it is difficult to tell the truth with the addition of too utilitarian factors. And the great catastrophe is the disaster of the entire China, so whether it is an ordinary marriage or a marriage between countries, it is impossible to do this. The robbery broke the game."

"Because the basic principle of Chongxi is that by changing the structure of the family and destroying one's own fate, the calamity of the hit can naturally be resolved. And the calamity of China must break the original fate of China, so …The method is more complicated, and it will be more difficult to handle."

After listening to laughter and laughter talked about this, Ye Weiming and others finally understood what, after exchanging glances, the former asked condensedly: "The world is merged?"


Xiaosanxiao nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "If you want to dissolve the fate of Shenzhou, it is naturally the most suitable method to integrate this Shenzhou with the Shenzhou of the Lord World. The Shenzhou of the Lord World is prosperous and has a stable life pattern. , And the Shenzhou here has a profound foundation and unlimited potential."

"If the two can be combined, not only can the great calamity be resolved into the invisible, but it can even bring the world's heritage to a whole new level! For both worlds, it is a matter of benefit and harmlessness. "

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to Ye Weiming's eyes, and said in a very solemn tone: "How about this ten-star mission, do you want to take it?"

Ye Weiming frowned slightly when he heard this, and raised a contradiction that was difficult to adjust: "What about the emperor?"

Since Xiaosanxiao proposed this "creative", he was naturally well prepared and immediately replied: "After the fusion, the two imperial courts will merge with each other, and the titles of all officials here will remain unchanged, and the power will be carried out according to the actual situation. Redistribute. As for the emperor you are worried about, you don’t need to worry at all."

"The two emperors Wenlong and Wuchang are more obsessed with martial arts than power. Therefore, after the world merges, the two of them will become ordinary warriors of the rivers and lakes, and have nothing to do with imperial power."

"And they are willing to make such sacrifices in the process of world integration, and the world will naturally compensate them accordingly. From then on, not only the two of them are destined to continue their martial arts, they can advance by leaps and bounds, and even their children and grandchildren. Future generations will often appear unique martial arts wizards, to ensure that their martial arts will be prosperous for generations to come!"

Ting Xiao San Xiao finished his proposal, but Ye Weiming remained silent for a long time. He just kept tapping the desktop with his fingers, making a sound of "pop! Pop! Pop!" This was also when he was thinking about the problem. A subconscious habitual action.

After a while, Ye Weiming finally raised his head and smiled three times and said: "The junior did not think of anything wrong with the proposal of the senior laugh. But after all, this matter is very serious, and the junior has no right to give it directly. Give a clear answer, this matter needs to be sent back to the main world, after applying to the above to make a decision. So..."

"So I leave this with you." While talking, Xiaosanxiao handed over a picture scroll to Ye Weiming. After Ye Weiming took it in doubt, he listened to Xiaosanxiao and continued: "At the latest before the morning after tomorrow. , You must make a decision."

"If you choose to take the mission, you can just open the scroll when that time comes."

"If you disagree, burn the scroll."

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and then added again: "In fact, before you make a decision, don't just consider the overall situation, but also recognize your own strength. After all, this is a ten. To complete the task of a star, you need to have great power and great wisdom."

Ye Weiming frowned upon hearing this, and then asked, "Can Senior Laugh reveal one or two?"

The three smiles didn't hide it, and said very readily: "In this mission, the enemy you need to face is not someone else, it is the Di Shitian you have seen before."

"It's just that, in the next task, what you will meet will no longer be such a merciful Di Shitian with the idea of ​​recruiting talents, but a real powerhouse!"

"Simply say that, whether this task will be accepted or not, you have to make your own decisions."

Yan stopped and waved his hand, indicating that Ye Weiming and the others don't have to send each other off, and then unfolded their body skills like this. Between a few ups and downs, they had already jumped out of the walls of the City Lord's Mansion and completely disappeared.

The enemy that this mission needs to face ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is actually Di Shitian! This news really shocked all the friends inexplicably.

Sister Dao set her eyes on Ye Weiming's body for the first time, and asked in a deep voice: "Smelly catch fast, what do you think we should do?"

Ye Weiming smiled softly when he heard the words, and then said: "This time the situation is special, I have to notify Huang Shouzun as soon as possible and ask his old man's opinion. In March, I will trouble you to go for this matter. "

After a slight pause, he continued: "As for the others, seize the time to consolidate your strength."

"Regardless of whether you have gotten good things before, you must adjust yourself to the best possible state. Be ready to face Di Shitian at any time!"

After a slight pause, he shrugged and said, "Of course, when I say this, I don’t mean that I will take this mission. But no matter whether there is a ten-star mission or not, you should work harder when you should improve your strength. It will be wrong."

As he spoke, Ye Weiming's eyes were already looking at the clouds outside the window, and he murmured: "I don't know who wins and who loses in the decisive battle between Lonely Seeking Defeat and Di Shitian?"

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