I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 451: Final Battle

The latest website: In the face of Xie Yankee's sudden shot, Jimo Zhi did not take it to his heart at all, and he did not take into account many of his opponents with poor strength.

But I saw a smile on the face of the master of the National Teacher's College, followed by a flick of his right finger, as soft as the dust on his clothes.


With a slight buzz, the shouting stone that Xie Yanke shot out burst into the air directly under the light of his bounce and turned into a ball of stone powder. The wind dissipates invisible.

It's one of the seventy-two stunts in Shaolin——the flower finger!

The first strike between the two men seemed to be evenly divided, but in fact one of them rushed and the other took it easy, and the difference was obvious to everyone.

Thanks to the strength of the smoker, it is definitely not as simple as one or two points worse than Hatomo. If it is a one-on-one heads-up, Hatomo is absolutely sure to press him on the ground and rub repeatedly!

However, Ye Weiming's sense of Xie Yankee was very bad, but he didn't really have the heart to let him face such a powerful enemy as Yumochi alone.

With Xie Yanke's "Flicking Fingers Supernatural Power" started, Kumochi used "Finger Flower Fingers" to quietly resolve it, which can be considered to have completely ignited the fuse of this battle. Duan Zhengming, Duan Yanqing, and Huang Meiseng followed suit and shot at the same time. They each exhibited their housekeeping skills, and involved Jiu Mozhi in the sea of ​​besieged by the master.

As the only player in the team, Ye Weiming was not in a hurry to take a shot, but instead stepped back from the ground, followed by his left hand and his right hand holding a sword, and began the calculation of the active effect of "Dongzong How".

Once Zong Zong has opened this skill, in most cases he can tell whether his opponent is the normal BOSS or the castrated version in the mission mode.

Nato Mochi was stimulated by Ye Weiming's "How to Sect Zong" and immediately volleyed more than ten Dow winds towards him, forcing Ye Weiming to have to give up the deduction to dodge. A castrated boss in mission mode.

But even if it is a castrated version, its strength is definitely not too weak.

After all, this is a big dogfight with multiple NPCs participating in it at the same time. When the system sets the BOSS level in the mission mode, it must also consider the balance of the combat effectiveness of both sides.

When two NPCs fight each other, it is impossible to adjust Hatomo to be weaker than Duan Zhengchun.

If it is really arranged that way, it will not be as simple as reducing the difficulty of the player's task, but it will be a crash!

Therefore, although the strength of Hajima in the task mode is weakened a lot, but Duan Zhengming, Duan Yanqing and Huang Meiseng who are also in the task mode will also be weakened by the corresponding magnitude.

Or the only one that will not be affected by the quest mode is the Xie smoker who was summoned by Ye Weiming and entered the battle as a pet.

But even so, Xie Yankee's combat effectiveness is only equivalent to his three comrades-in-arms. It can be seen that if he is really strong, he is still a little bit worse than the three masters of the full body.

After all, it is also a master who is also good at "Small Fingers", but Xie Yanke's strength is definitely worse than Huang Yaoshi!

If Huang Yaoshi is summoned, I am afraid that how long a person can make a five or five with Qiu Mozhi, even between winning and losing. The reason why Ye Weiming didn't do that was that he couldn't bear the biggest life-saving card of "Flying Flower Sword Order". Furthermore, with the pride of Huang Yaoshi, it was not easy to control.

At least, if Ye Weiming dared to let Huang Yaoshi participate in the war as a pet, Huang Laoxie would absolutely kill him on the spot and kill him for three days and three nights afterwards.

As the world's first promise hero Xie Yanke, he will not launch any revenge on him afterwards ... right?

In this way, a four-on-one battle was fought by Ye Weiming into five-on-ones.

In this five-on-one battle, Ye Weiming's contribution to the team was not even under the top four!

With the first-hand skill of "How to Zongzong", he alone took nearly one-third of the firepower of Yumochi, and for safety reasons, the distance he occupied has always been far from the core of the main battlefield, and was greatly Even if the master siege Hatomochi wanted to rush up and kill him, he could not pull away at all.

Only in the spare time to resist the siege of the four people and shot a few fingers of the flower fingers, Dorothy fingers, and fingers without phase robbery. It is said that such an aftermath of the battle is not enough to pose a lethal threat to him except that he can plan his calculations.

Words come together in one sentence:

Thanks to Yunzhong He Laotie for his "Light Work Experience"!

Thank you Yunzhong He Laotie for the "Shima Poetry Collection"!


The battlefield of five-on-one here is stuck in a stalemate, and I am afraid it will be difficult to win or lose in a short time.

On the other side, three familiar figures emerged from the side of Wancaigu. They were going to wine, lonely clouds, and I was looking for something.

After the three people appeared, they did not participate in the peak battle of the main battlefield 5V1. Among them, the wine was whispered a few words beside Zhong Wanqiu with a horse face.

Then, the entire battlefield was chaotic under his teachings.

Zhong Wanqiu began to ridicule Dali's shameless people, and his sons and daughters did the kind of grief and vulgarity.

Dao Baifeng stepped out and scolded Zhong Wanqiu for his insidious and poisonous behavior, and by the way yelled at Qin Hongmian's poplar poppy.

Qin Hongmian shot angrily, Dao Baifeng rushed to meet.

Then Duan Zhengchun reconciled from the middle and was kicked by Qin Hongmian on the buttocks. He immediately began to scream and hurt, and the two women immediately began to greet Duan Zhengchun who was "injured".

Zhong Wan was furious, however, scolding Duan Zhengchun for his old white face, shameless, and then chopping with a knife.

Duan Zhengchun said that you, a 18th-line Dali citizen, are not even qualified to speak with the king.

Then, in order to protect her husband (old lover), Dao Baifeng and Qin Hongmian shot at the same time against Wan Zhongqiu ...

The scene was a time when the thief was extremely chaotic.

In other words, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As long as Duan Zhengchun appears, he has the ability to kill the good martial arts feuds, and it instantly turns into a large-scale costume martial arts family ethics drama.

I have to say, this is also a talent!

Seeing that the scene had fallen into a state of great chaos as he wished, he finally seized the opportunity to enter the wine, turned into a residual image, stabbed a sword obliquely down, and took the soft ribs of Ba Tianshi, contrary to Jumped in the direction and flashed.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! ..."

The first sword that is going to be drunk here has just been avoided, and is planning to start the follow-up killing of "Evil Swordsmanship", and the power of two companions will chop down Ba Tianshi under the sword, and he is indeed left. Suddenly, more than ten Bodhi shot from the side forced him to give up the pursuit and evade his front.

At this time, toasting was to suddenly see the figure in front of him. March's light green figure had been stopped between him and Batianshi, and he smiled softly: "It was as expected by Amin Not bad, your first goal must be bassoon. "

(End of this chapter)

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