I Can Extract Proficiency

: Protagonist level 57 attributes

Unknown at night

Level: 57


Qi and blood: 102190102190

Internal force: 7992079920

Physique: 4587

Absence: 4487

Body method: 5468

Reaction: 5352

Qualification: 144

Perception: 149


Hundred Yuan Gong (Advanced)

Level: 10 (+2)


Hunyuan Thunderman Cheng Kun's fame and fame.

Upper limit of qi and blood +2500 (+800), upper limit of internal force +6000 (+2000)

Physical +350 (+120), Ability +350 (+120), Body +350 (+120), Reaction +350 (+120)

Special effects: tuna, yin and yang reconciliation

Touna: Breathing the air of heaven and earth to feed yourself. In combat state, have 50% internal force recovery speed in meditation state!

Yin and Yang reconciliation: You can adjust your own internal force of Yin and Yang changes at will.


Colorless Zen (Advanced)

Chan Wu Wu Yi, colorless and phaseless

Level: 10 (+2)


Internal force upper limit +12000 (+4000)

Physical fitness +600 (+200), physical strength +600 (+200)

After equipping, you can gain an internal power increase of 132% (this attribute is affected by the "Colorless Zen" and "Dharma" levels, and must be equipped to play the effect).

Special effects: colorless

Colorless: The speed of weakening the qi in vitro is halved!


Shen Zhao Jing (Peerless Learning)

The strongest and most profound mystery in the world today!

Level: 9 (+2)

Proficiency: 86.41 billion

Upper limit of qi and blood + 18000 (+9000), upper limit of internal force + 18000 (+9000)

Body +900 (+500), physique +900 (+500), body +900 (+500), reaction +900 (+500).

The recovery speed of qi and blood and internal force will be greatly improved, whether it is fighting, normal, or meditation, you can get a corresponding increase in proportion!

Special effect: Dulang Shenzhao

Dulang Shenzhao: The resistance of all attribute attacks and abnormal states is increased by 200 points!


"Nine Yin Zhen Jing" (Exclusive)

This is a strange generation of Huang Shang. According to the Taoist possessions of the world, the martial arts collection created by more than 40 years of hard thinking and meditation is the general outline of martial arts in the world!


Yue Female Sword Skill (Intermediate)

The swordsmanship handed down during the Spring and Autumn Period.

Level: 10 (+2)


Attack + 300% (+ 80%), precision + 300% (+ 80%)

Special effects: Sword God's Shadow

Shadow of the Sword God: You have cultivated the "Vietnamese Sword Art" to a perfect state, and finally you can appreciate the charm of a sword **** from it.

Passive effect: The effect of the "Reaction" attribute is doubled, the sword speed is increased by 15%, and the effect of brawn is increased by 15%!


You Long Yin Feng (Intermediate)

An extremely advanced swordsmanship in rivers and lakes. The moves seem to be strong and fierce, but in fact they are mainly based on unloading and body protection. Even in the face of their opponents who are far superior in strength, they can be self-protected.

Level: 10 (+2)


Defense + 250% (+ 80%), precision + 250% (+ 80%), dodge + 125% (+ 40%)

Special effects: unloading force, gasification

Unloading: During the battle, you can unload 50% of your opponent's strength!

Gas: During the battle, you can dissolve 50% of the internal force in the opponent's attack!


All True Swords (Intermediate)

The basic swordsmanship of Quanzhenjiao is simple and clumsy, and is most suitable for consolidating the foundation. As Daomen's authentic swordsmanship, the higher the Taoist law, the stronger the power.

Level: 10 (+2)


Attack + 300% (+ 80%), accuracy + 300% (+ 80%), brawn +300 (+80), physique +300 (+80), upper limit of qi and blood +3000 (+800)

Special effects: one gasification three clear

One gasification and three clearings: Active special effects, free to choose to start or close. When the skill is turned on: The attack using the "True Sword Art" will consume three times the original internal force, so that the attack is accompanied by two sword moves with exactly the same angle and angle.


The Shocking Nine Swords (Jue Xue) (Incomplete)

Combining the martial arts essence of the two powerful masters in the world, the amazing sword trick created by the world!

Level: 6 (+2)

Proficiency: 5 million

Attack + 480% (+ 160%), precision + 480% (+ 160%)

Special effects: see through, armor and trick

See through: There is a chance to see through the flaws in the opponent's moves, and then break them.

Armor Break: Attack ignores opponent's defense (except special protective gear and body protection Qi)

Breaking tricks: There is a chance to break the opponent's moves in the fight of the moves, and directly hit the high crushing damage close to the hit!

Contains moves: total decision, stab sword, swing sword, drop sword, drop sword, intercept sword, break sword, leave sword

Remarks: Because of this incomplete skill set, the grade is limited. To advance to level 7, player level 60 or above is required.


Finger magic (advanced)

One of Dongxianhuang's famous skills.

Level: 10 (+4)


Attack + 700% (+ 200%), precision + 700% (+ 200%)

Energy consumption: 700 points.

Special effect: Broken

Po Gang: Attack can ignore the true energy of the opponent's body protection!


One Finger (Advanced)

Dali Duan ’s unique martial arts are not only the deepest acupuncture skills, but can also carry out certain air attacks.

Level: 10 (+4)

Proficiency: ...

Attack + 500% (+ 120%), precision + 800% (400%)

Energy consumption: 500 points

Special effects: acupuncture, back to heaven

Acupoint: After hitting the target acupuncture point, you can make the target fall into special states such as stabilization and disengagement.

Huitian: Yiyang pointed out that Huitian has skills. This is a self-denial ability that can cure any internal and external injuries (with certain restrictions on NPC treatment), but after saving people with the "Yi Yang Zhi", users will fall into a state of scattered work for 3 days. In this state, the internal force will be sealed and cannot be used.

Turning Stones into Gold: When using "Yiyang Finger", the power is increased by 20%, and the effect of "Pointing Point" and "Returning to Heaven" is doubled!


Chong Chongjian (Jue Xue) (Fragment)

In the "Six Veins Excalibur" of Dali Zhenwu School, the sword is wide open and the momentum is magnificent.

Level: 9 (+4)

Proficiency: 1,345,100 million

Attack + 900% (+ 900%), accuracy + 450% (+ 450%), range: 15 meters (+15 meters)

Energy consumption: 5600 points

Special effects: invisible

Invisible: Invisible and colorless, no trace can be found!


Eighteen Palms (Nine Palms Missing)

From the very beginning of the world to the fierceest palm, who came to the front as soon as the dragon came out? Special effect: Dragon world.

Dragon World: "Eighteen Palms of the Falling Dragon" is a decisive game that only the big heroes and the Great Catastrophe can master very well. The higher the chivalry value of the user, the stronger the power of the palm! The basic attack power of the palm method will gain (user chivalry value ÷ 10) power bonus!


The four oaths of wolf extinction (advanced): integrate the four killing tricks of "Jade Broken Kungang", "The Same Path of Man and Ghost", "The Same Life of Heaven and Earth", "The Disintegration of Heaven and Devil", endlessly. ﹀


Instant Miles (Advanced)

Baituo Shanzhuang passed down the best light

Level: 10 (+2)


Body method +450 (+160), reaction +550 (+200)

Special effect: no trace of snow

Treading snow without trace: body effect is increased by 20%. You can run on weak objects without leaving any traces, and you can really walk without snow!


Ti Yunzong (Advanced)

Wudang sent light skills, not to confuse opponents with changeable footwork, the main purpose is to be light-weight, easy to move forward and backward.

Level: 10 (+2)

Proficiency: ...

Body method +600 (+100), reaction +350 (+50)

Special effect: climbing the ladder

Ladder to the cloud: in the air, you can relay once out of thin air, and its effect is 60% of the relay effect on the flat ground.


Dengping Dushui (Advanced)

One of the rare high-level merits on rivers and lakes, which has been circulating for a long time in modern times, the source is no longer available

Level: 10 (+2)


Body method +450 (+80), reaction +450 (+80)

Special effect: Gold wind has not moved

Jinfeng didn't move the cicada's first consciousness: greatly improved the body's ability to perceive, even without using your eyes to see, you can also feel the subtle air fluctuations through the skin.


How is Daizong (exclusive)

Taishan sent the highest mental method, with its powerful mental calculation ability, it can achieve the enemy's first chance and break the enemy in one blow!

Level: 10


Attack + 110%, hit + 110%, crit damage + 110%, critical attack has a 30% chance to kill in one blow!

Special effects: understanding

Comprehension: 10% chance to see the flaws in the opponent's moves and attack them.



Official suit (outerwear): It can cover the appearance of its own equipment, and will automatically adjust its appearance according to the official grade of the wearer. It cannot be traded, abandoned or damaged. (Users bound: Unknown at night)


Shang Fang Sword (Exterior): First cut and then played, imperial power franchise, this is the Shang Fang sword! Special effects: cut first, play later, cut down, and die

First cut and then play: killing does not lose the chivalrous value.

Slashing karma: Hidden swords in the scabbard every day, you can get a special effect "swing karma" after opening, killing without causation (no merit value, no karma)

Remarks: The weapon of killing is always washed by Dharma, and it is easy to get out of the sheath. The sword is kept in the sheath for 10 minutes, and you can enjoy the effect of 1 minute's chopping. Its duration can be superimposed, but it can't exceed one hour at most.

Mortality: Injecting the internal force into the scabbard can urge the organ inside the sheath to release the "mortar curse", and the super effect is doubled! (Remarks: To use this function, you must have the "Super" skill, otherwise 0 × 2 is still equal to 0.)

(Users bound: Unknown at night)


Dark-minded monk's clothing (treasure): The monk's clothing worn by a generation of senior monk, Ming-ming monk, has been infected with the monk's breath for many years, and has already possessed a certain Zen nature. Defense +500, upper limit of qi and blood +2000, upper limit of internal force +2000, +1 level of dharma, +1 level of swordsmanship!


Copper wire soft armor (gold): a close-fitting inner armor made of copper wire.

Defense +200, qi and blood upper limit +300, internal force upper limit +200.


Crown of sounds (artifact): Elephants are invisible, loud sounds, seemingly ordinary things, but often contain the most extreme martial arts. Defense +2000, all resistance +1000, internal skill level +1, freehand martial arts level +2, fighting in a scene with music, you will get different degrees of attribute increase according to different music!


Tianshen Shenxing Boots (Treasure): Liangshan hero Tiansuxing 'Shenxing Taibao' Dai Zong's boots.

+300 body method, +200 reaction, +1 skill level for all light skills!


Pet treasure bracelet (treasure): Special equipment that can capture non-humanoid monsters or other beasts to become pets. Pets can help the owner to fight, and can quickly restore life, internal force, and relieve abnormal conditions by using drugs.

10% of all pet attributes, 10% increase in growth rate, pets with loyalty over 90% can communicate with their owners.

There are currently 29 pets.


Golden Light Sword (Treasure): The sword used by a previous generation of Qingcheng faction is blessed by Daoism and has amazing power.

Attack +500, defense +300, internal force increase by 40%, Daoist level +2, sword level +1. Special effects: Golden Light!

Golden Light: Passive attribute, increase the strength of true energy of body protection by 50%.


Senrow pendant (gold): Carved from special jade, rich in wood and wood, it has the effect of strengthening the body.

The upper limit of qi and blood is +1000, the recovery speed of qi and blood is +10, and the anti-virus is +200.


Yexue (treasure): Gloves made of finely woven ice silk. Thin as a cicada wing, light like a hongyu, worn on the hand as if there is nothing, the enemy can only feel the coldness of its death when the palms are added to the body!

Attack +900, internal power increase + 80%, freehand martial arts level +1!

Features: Xuan Bing!

Xuan Bing: Attack with "cold" attribute damage. Combined with the "cold" attribute martial arts, the power increases by 50%, and there is a greater chance that the enemy will fall into a "frozen" state.


Tiankui Moyu ring (treasure): Liangshan heroes Tiankui star ‘Xiaoyi Hei Sanlang, Ji Yu, Hu Baoyi’ Song Jiang ’s ring ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Cultivation skills + 1, NPC favorability + 10!


Duolun Wushuang (treasure): a mysterious ornament from Tianzhu in the Western Regions.

Reaction +500, defense +200!


Yuntai sword seal (gold): a jade piece in the shape of a sword.

Ability +100, internal force upper limit +500, internal force increase + 20%.


Eagle Feather Cloak (Treasure): A cape made from the feathers of Snow Valley Eagle, which contains endless affection. Upper limit of qi and blood + 2000, upper limit of internal force + 2000, internal force level + 1, light power level + 1!

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