I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 836: Unlearned mission, develop by yourself!

   Soul Fei San scattered three steps desperately scattered?

   Very toxic?

   Hearing Ye Wei's unreasonable answer, Huo Gongtou Tuo felt that his entire tuo was not good.

  You told me this, would you like me to eat it?

  Why do you think I can eat?

   "Liu..." swallowed a sip of water, Huo Duantuo Tuo said that he completely dismissed the pot of poisonous chicken soup in front of him.

   He starved to death, died in the abyss of the cliff bottom, jumped from the cliff of Wudang Houshan, and would never eat a pot of poisonous chicken soup!

  I didn’t know that he was like this, and he didn’t say much. He just took out a clean rice bowl, filled himself with a large bowl of chicken soup, and drank it himself.

   The taste is pretty good.

"Uh!" Seeing that it was not clear at night, Huoguotou immediately lit his eyes, then controlled the rattan, and immediately rolled the whole pot in front of him, but his mouth was very proud. "Since the pot was You got poisonous, why do you drink chicken soup in this pot?"

   "Little guy, you can't fool me!"

  Yue didn't know that he was so protective, but shrugged helplessly, and then said: "It was really taken by me, and what I can drink does not mean you can drink it."

Huo Gongtou Tuo Yan said that his smile was even better: "Even if you are poisoned, since you can drink, why can't I? Otherwise, our two simply come to have more anti-drug ability than one. Stronger."

   "Don't forget, I practice "Jiuyang Zhenjing", which is used to restrain poisons in the world!"

Perhaps I finally found myself an excuse to drink poisonous chicken soup brightly and honestly, Huo Duantuo Tuo was very excited, and even after disregarding the persuasion of the unknown night and the hot soup of the chicken soup, after pouring that big pot of chicken soup to his mouth, he slammed it. A few big mouths.

  If you change the average person, I heard that this pot has been poisoned, no matter whether it is true or not, you should rather believe it.

   Anyway, even if I was deceived, it was nothing more than eating less. If it is really poisonous, it is a matter of old life.

   There is no comparability between the two. Naturally, no one wants to bet on this possibility with his own life!

  However, the situation of Huodao Tuo Tuo is different from others.

He jumped off the cliff 20 years ago and was broken by his spine. After that, he couldn't even drill logs and get fire. In summer, he can collect some fresh wild fruits to satisfy his hunger. In autumn and winter, he can only rely on eating trees. The roots are over.

  Although there are some roots in the tree, are they for human consumption?

  Only when there are occasional unlucky flying birds passing by here, can you open it and improve your life.

   is still the kind of Ru Mao drinking blood!

   Not to mention the seasoning, cooking horses.

   Those things do not exist in this abyss!

  Unknown at night remembers that he had seen an old movie before boarding the spaceship. The specific story he could not remember, but one of the dialogues impressed him.

   The father asked his son: "What is the upper class society like?"

   son: "High society, eat pimples every day, three pimples a day!"

  Dad firmly believes: "How is that possible? High society is not so luxurious, right?"

  The situation of Huo Duo Tuo is obviously worse than that of the father and son in the above dialogue.

   I am afraid that a random head, in his eyes, is the best delicacy in the world.

   What's more, what is now in front of him is a super chef with 10 levels of culinary skill, carefully made delicious chicken soup?

  Even if he knew that the chicken soup was poisonous, he would die if he drank it. As long as he found a reasonable excuse for himself, he would eat it up without hesitation.

  Poisoning death is small, and greedy death is big!

With two large mouthfuls of chicken soup in the abdomen, Huoguo Tuotu only felt that his whole body was filled with an unprecedented sense of happiness. The whole body was warm, and it seemed so comfortable from the inside out, when even could not help but said: "Okay Drink! It smells so good!"

   followed, and controlled the vine to lift the chicken out of the pot, and put it in his mouth to be a bite.

   looked so dumbfounded at night.

   Obediently, "Nine Yang Zhen Jing" is really good!

   Isn't this too hot?

  Just like this, Huoguo Tuo Tuo Lian took the time of drinking a bowl of chicken soup in the night, and drank a whole pot of chicken soup for a while, and then ate the chicken cleanly.

   The kind that doesn't even spit out bones!

   After all, for Huo Gongtou Tuo, these delicious chicken bones are so much more delicious than the tree roots he had eaten before!

After eating and drinking, Huodao Tuo Tuo suddenly felt dizzy for a while, and even Jiuyang Qi in his body became lazy, even unable to control the rattan to lock the iron pot, so that it fell directly to the ground. A muffled sound was issued.

   wanted to control the vines to pick up the pot, but felt that his upper and lower eyelids were fighting, and an unprecedented sense of fatigue spread throughout the body.

   knew that this was due to the toxicity in the chicken soup, but Huo Duantuo Tuo just smiled slightly.

   Then, the whole person fell asleep like this.

  Unseen at night, he threw the bowl in his hand and walked in front of Huoguo Tuo Tuo. He glanced at the big iron pan that he had licked so cleanly and kicked it away.

   Then, the unwilling gaze finally fell on the Fireworker Tuo who had fallen asleep.

   Other people's poisoning is a conspiracy. Let's use Yangmou directly for poisoning!

  What is a real Kendo?


   Red wheel falling west, jade rabbit rising east...

  The jade rabbit falls west, the red sun rises east...

  It was already the next morning when Huo Duantuo Tuo regained consciousness.

   tried to open his eyes, the martial arts strongman who had already given birth to death was shocked to find that he did not die!

   The surrounding environment is still the cliff bottom abyss between human and hell!

   followed, his nose suddenly smelled an enticing aroma of meals.

  Although it has less points than last night's chicken soup, but in the light, there is no tempting flavor to turn others.

"you're awake."

  Followed the prestige, but saw that the night was not clear, and he was cooking porridge with a new pot from somehow.

   That taste...

After licking his lips, Huoguotou Tuo couldn't help but ask: "After I drank the chicken broth you made yesterday, I felt dizzy, and even "Jiuyang Zhenjing" had no resistance, and finally even fainted. In the past. You have already succeeded. Why didn't you take the opportunity to kill me?"

  Ye Mi Ye raised his head, blinked, and asked with a smile: "Have you heard Ma Ma San?"

  Fire foreman Tuo couldn't help but stunned: "You mean, Ma Tuosan handed down from Hua Tuo?"

   "It's an enhanced version of the power added by me."

   Ye Mi explained casually: "But even if it is added, it is still just an anesthetic, but the medicine is more powerful."

   "But even so, it does not make the "Jiuyang Zhen Jing" incapable of resistance. The reason why you will have no resistance is probably because you haven't thought of resistance at all?"

   Hearing what was unknown at night, the Fireman's Tuo suddenly realized.

  After drinking that big pot of chicken soup yesterday, he thought at the time that if he could do this, a full ghost would be a good ending for him.

   Then... he was turned over by anesthetic.

   But the question is, no matter whether you are poisoning or anesthetic, I have obviously lost all the resistance, why don’t you give me a happy heart?

  Yue Ming Although he saw the doubt in the other person's heart, he did not explain it because the porridge was already cooked.

   After extinguishing the fire, it was still unknown at night, just like last night, after holding a bowl for himself, he made a "please" gesture to the fireworker Tuo.

   The latter realized that he immediately rolled up the whole iron pan with vines and began to drink the chicken soup.

At this time, I heard that Wu Ming said in a plain tone: "I have investigated your situation last night, and many bones in your body have broken, even if my 10th-level consummation medical technique is not related to it. The matching elixir will not make you stand up again."

"Originally, the "black jade intermittent ointment" in my hand can do this, but you have too many damaged bones, and the "black jade intermittent ointment" on my body is too little. You healed."

  Fire foreman Tuo heard the tiger body shocked, and even the vines with iron pans shook.


   The iron pan was dropped by Huo Duantuo Tuo under the excitement, and a whole pot of preserved egg lean porridge was scattered all over!

But now, Huogongtou Tuo has no extra thoughts to care about that pot of "Jin Kui delicacy", just staring at the unknown night with a pair of tiger eyes, the voice quivered and asked: "You... what do you say ?"

  Unknown at night did not intend to repeat his previous words, but just spread his hand and continued: "After I go out, maybe I can help you find a way, but I can't guarantee that it will succeed."

   After the initial overjoy, Huo Duantuo Tuo quickly calmed down and said: "In my body, there is nothing worthy of others' coveting except for "Jiuyang Zhen Jing"."

   "What did you save me for?"

  Yue Weiming smiled slightly: "What is it, I can't say it now, but even if it is worse, can it be worse than your current life?"

   Hearing Ye Weiming's words, Huo Duo Tuo calmed down instead. He didn't continue to ask anything, but turned the words forward: "We won't win or lose a point yesterday, let's continue fighting."

   Of course he knew that if he continued to fight, Ye Weiming would definitely be able to completely destroy the stone ball behind it before his internal power was exhausted, making him lose because of his inability to move.

   But that is not important.

   As long as he can stick to noon!


   You can mix another lunch, beautiful!

   It's a pity that the big pot of hot porridge was wasted just now, and you have to eat it back at noon!

   Hearing the invitation of HuoTongTuo Tuo, Ye Yunming asked Yun Danfeng lightly: "If you continue to fight, do you think you have a chance to win me?"

  Fire Foreman Tuo shook his head honestly and answered truthfully: "No!"

   For his honesty, Ye Weiming nodded with satisfaction, then said, "Since that is the case, then you have lost, do you still need to continue to compare?"


Huo Gongtou Tuo wanted to say something more, but Ye Ming had taken a whole roasted whole lamb out of the bag and put it on the ground between the two: "This roasted whole lamb should be enough for you for two days. ."

   "Also, give me a permission to enter here again, after I go out, I will find a way to help you find a cure for it."

   said and shrugged again: "But the ugly words are in front, I don't guarantee that they will be found."

Ding! Trigger the hidden task "Repair Fire Duo Tuo".

  The Fire Stove Leader

   Help HuoTou Tuo to heal the broken bone

   Mission Level: Seven Stars

   Mission reward: unknown

   Mission punishment: unable to enter the Nine Yang Secret Realm again


   glanced at the task that had just been activated, and Ye Weiming's face finally showed a satisfied smile. When A Hong was about to be summoned, he waved at the Fireman Tuo Tuo: "So, I will say goodbye."

  Speaking, directly in the eyes of Huo Gongtou Tuo reluctantly, he controlled A Hong to take off, and gradually disappeared into the other party's sight.

   In fact, for Huo Gongtou, whether he should kill or should be saved, Ye Heming also hesitated after turning over his medicine last night.

   But soon, he gave up the idea of ​​beheading him in danger.

  Because the fireworker Tuo is not the fireworker Tuo in the King Kong Gate in the Western Regions, he may be wrong, but he will never die.

  According to the news obtained from Zhang Sanfeng's mouth before Ye Ming, and the words from the other party's mouth last night, Ye Weiming concluded that:

  In this person's first half of his life, he used to cook fire in Shaolin Temple and occasionally suffered bullying.

   After a long time, it will inevitably produce some resentment.

   Plus he got the cheats of "Jiuyang Zhenjing" by chance, after becoming a master, of course, there must be revenge and revenge.

  Even so, he only wounded some monks in Shaolin Temple, and no one was killed.

   Afterwards, he swelled and jumped off the cliff directly after being taught by Zhang Sanfeng. To this day, he has never done anything that really hurts the world.

  In the judgment of Ye Ming, although this person may not be a good person, it is definitely not a big evil.

   For such a person, at night it is not clear that he can die, but he will never be killed at will.

   Even if the other party is just an NPC!

  In the matter of saving people, I actually want to get enough black jade intermittent paste. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is absolutely impossible for the unknown night.

   But he didn't say anything to death, just wanted to see if this fireworker Tuo was not worth his effort.

   Of course, whether it is worth it or not, Huo Duantuo Tuo said whether it is counted or Ye Weiming said it is not counted.

   The person who can really determine the value of Huo Duantuo Tuo is...


   Immediately after Jiuyang's secret realm, Ye Mingming immediately rushed back to Shensi Division.

   And Huang Shouzun said after listening to Ye Ming that the cause and effect of the matter were not clear, he immediately said: "Since there are already ideas in mind, let go and do it."

   "If you can let this person join the division of the gods to serve the court, I will pass on the true essence of your "Nine Yin Zhen Jing"."

   "You can think of it as an upgraded version of "Easy-Forged Bone Chapter" and "Healing", even if it is taken out alone, it is also a unique skill that is not weaker than "Nine Yang Zhen Jing"!"

   In some cases, it is not necessary to rely on the favorability of the NPC, waiting for the mission to be sent to the door.

   As a mature player, you should understand how to actively develop corresponding tasks according to your needs!


   PS: Continue to maintain a more aggressive attitude. Today, 8,600, a weak monthly ticket.

   Please remember the first domain name of this book:. The fastest URL for mobile updates:

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