I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 852: Sacred decision

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Why do you want to say this?

This is about the task that Ye Mingming appeared with this identity.

The world's first catch

As the two catchers with the most reputation, the best martial arts, and the strongest handling ability in the world, although you and the catcher are sorry for each other, but they also want to divide a winning game.

So, you meet for two matches, one match, one match handling ability, in order to distinguish who is the world's first arrest.

In this fight, you have to win at least one of them and keep your existing reputation.

Of course, if you can win two games, you will get a more generous reward.

Mission Level: Six Star

mission rewards:

1. Win one round, get 1 piece of treasure-given equipment; win two rounds, get the "Small Dragon Spring"!

2. If you can win two games, the influence of the special status will increase by one level.

Mission Penalty: If you lose in both games, your special status influence will drop by one level.

Mission period: before the end of the time of this mystery stay.

Task completion: 02


For this task, in the unclear mind, only two words of fair evaluation are given, that is...


Because this is not a fair contest at all!

Do not look at the system to draw the pie very large and round, but in fact, the difficulty of this task to complete is unimaginably high.

Putting aside the contest of the first game, let's say that the second game solves the case.

Ye Mi arrived early, and the information instilled in him by the system was only a few simple things such as his own identity. The resources and contacts he could use were almost completely absent.

What's even more pitfall is that two people started to solve the case at the same time, than anyone who can get the truth out of the way and bring the murderer to justice.

But in fact, the system gave the night unknown the total time of only ten days, but the **** catcher could continue to track down slowly, as long as the murderer was arrested before the next time the night entered the "Fengyun Secret Realm", even if he won!

This makes it clear that the special identity that the system saw when he first entered the "Blood Cloud Realm" was too powerful, and he planned to take the opportunity to suppress him a wave, in order to reduce his innate gap with other players.

It is conceivable that he lost both games. Although the saints are still saints, the gold content of these two words is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

In other rivers and lakes, the seriousness of the people may become a parallel product that climbs up with merit!

This is a **** mission!

Saying that we can get this kind of identity, we are also striving for it bit by bit with the previous disdainful efforts!

Why do you suppress?

As for the arresting god, the gigantic man with the right face, what he said is another battle?

That's even pulling the calf!

We only have ten days in total. How can you change the day with you?

Putting down the right hand rubbing his forehead, Ye Mingming sternly shook his head at the arresting god, and said righteously: "No need to change the day, I just thought of something unpleasant that will not affect us. battle."

Wen Yan arrested and nodded, followed by his arms shaking, the iron ring hanging on his shoulders had already slid into his hands by himself, followed by sitting on the horse with the waist down, swinging the posture, putting a pair of iron rings one by one. After protecting her chest, Shen Sheng said, "Since that is the case, please enlighten me!"

At the same time as the catching **** opened the posture, the other party's BOSS attributes also appeared above his head.


One of the three gods in the turmoil, fair law enforcement, selfless

Level: 145

Qi and blood: 75000007500000

Internal force: 21000002100000


Seeing the opponent's level, Ye Mingming felt even more malicious from the system.

Heads-up with a 145-level BOSS?

Make trouble!

Although before this, Ye Wuming said that the head of the 150-year-old beast leader had no pressure.

But can Nian Beast command the kind of dish that the system sends to the player, can it be the same as Catcher, who has a special skill in the humanoid BOSS?

I don't know the current strength of the night. I want to be positive with a 145-level BOSS. It is not that he is too humble. In fact, he is still very reluctant.

The conservative estimate of the winning rate of frontal combat is no more than 10%.

Unconservative estimates, not even Chengdu!

This is because the system is determined not to allow him to win two games, so he can complete this task in excess and improve his special status.

So, at the beginning of his advent, let the catcher come out to suppress his arrogance?


But no matter how uncomfortable I am, I still have to fight.

Ye Ming didn’t know what to do, and the music of "Long Life Mantra" immediately covered the entire performance martial arts field. The sword in the sword was ejected from the scabbard of the Shangfang sword behind him, and after a stunned arc in the air , And fell into his palm steadily.

Slowly raising his hand, Jian Feng pointed away to catch the god, and Ye Ming's expression calmly said, "Please first."

As the so-called loser does not lose, even if he knows that he is not the opponent of the person in front of him, but he does not want to lose to the other person in a temperament before starting.

"it is good!"

Catching God's words was no longer polite, but he saw his hands flick forward one after another, and the two steel rings in his hands fell along the two different arcs towards the unknown night.

The great thing about his move is that his method of throwing the iron ring is extremely special, which not only has amazing power, but also can control every minute change in its running trajectory with extreme precision. It completely achieves the random movement of the ring and changes freely. !

Only a real master can find out that his double iron rings seem to be tossed out according to a fixed trajectory, but in fact their running trajectory is constantly changing.

Even many martial arts masters, even if they can see the doorway, it is difficult to effectively predict it.

What a catcher, the ferrule is really beautiful!

He praised in the bottom of his heart, but Ye Mingming immediately walked with the sword. The sword in his hand was pierced by two swords in succession, but it hit the key nodes of the two iron rings accurately.

Sword cut!

"Ding! Ding!"

Accompanied by two crisp and sweet sounds, the two large iron rings thrown by the catcher were flicked out in response.

However, the night when the frontal hard catch of the god's blow was not known, and was also shocked by the opponent's arrogant skill to take a small step backwards.

Although there was no crushing damage, but no doubt in terms of skill, it still needs to be topped by this 145-level BOSS.

Unable to hit, the body of the demon catcher has jumped into the sky, and the two iron rings have been reconnected in the hand in one turn. Even before reaching for the ring, he took the time to throw out the six trumpet rings attached to his right arm, again following different trajectories, blazing towards the unknown night.

While catching himself, after catching the two large iron rings, he directly threw the iron ring in his left hand, and the right hand ring was still held in his hand, vigorously splitting the Huashan trend, closely following the previous After one big six small seven flying ring, hit the head towards the unknown night!

It can be described as interlocking, endless!

"Come on well! But this remote attack method, I will too!"

During the talk, I saw that the big hands of the unknown night waved, and the five swords of Porden's golden sword, golden light, dragon marks, bloodlessness, and residual blood were all appearing at the same time, regardless of the iron rings that came along different arcs. Drove away towards the catching dive.

Off the sword!

Instead of wasting your mind to judge the trajectory of the iron rings with strange flying angles, and then controlling the flying swords to intercept them, instead of letting them directly attack the body of the **** catcher, then use a simpler and effective way to deal with those flying iron ring.

As for the invisible sword that he quietly released during this process and hid in the hidden corner of Yanwuchang?

It was just his habitual basic operation, but it was just a precautionary measure, and had no specific purpose.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Seeing God in mid-air, seeing the wonderful flying sword control ability unknown at night, he suddenly couldn't help but praised.

Following the left hand volley, but through a special control method to isolate the imperial objects, temporarily changed the flight trajectory of those big and small iron rings, and they all greeted the five flying swords shot at night.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!..."

In the sound of a series of metal collisions, five swords and seven iron rings were blasted away.

At the same time, the iron ring clenched on the right hand of the **** catcher has been smashed down, but was easily opened by Ye Mingming in a "sword-fighting" technique, leading it to the side.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that Ye Weiming drew a circle in his left hand, and then pushed out between the chest and abdomen.

Kang Long has regrets!

At this moment, the steel ring on the right hand of the **** catcher was just opened by Ye Weiming with a sword, but there was no weapon at all on the left hand. Lost.

But after all, Catcher is Catcher, after all, the name of one of the three gods can be mixed up in the world of Fengyun and so on. Of course, it cannot be a general.

Almost at the same time that Ye Mingming brandished his right hand hoop with a sword, the left hand of the catcher had grabbed his belt consisting of a ring ring and pulled it up, and the ring belt was taken by him. Solved it.

At this time, Ye Kang's left hand "Kang Long has regrets" just popped out, and the catching **** was just a sling of the belt, making those iron rings become "Zigzag" overlapping, and cleverly greeted Ye Mingming's palm, the interlocking iron rings, are layered on his arm.


At the next moment, the ring belt of the catching ring snapped tightly, but it wrapped a strong arm that was unknown at night!

Even more lethal, the location of these rings in contact with Ye Mingming's arm just suppressed several meridians that must be passed through by his palm, so that Ye Mingming had already been ready to use his palm power, just like being caught Lived the throat and released it no matter what. (Look at the picture, if you can pass the review)

In this way, "Kang Long has regrets", which was unknown at night, was locked up by the arrested gods.

You can't send it out and you can't receive it back

Shocked, Ye Mingming's right hand immediately received the sword and returned the stabbing, but at the same time, he was caught by the steel ring of the right hand of the arresting god, and he could not get out.

With just a face-to-face interview, the moves that should have come and gone have become the most dangerous internal force competition.

Even if Ye Weiming has a double skill to regain his inner strength, if he simply competes with his inner strength, it is impossible to compare with a 145-level BOSS!

Is everything a foregone conclusion?


Just when this idea came out of the catching god, a sword light flashed suddenly on the flat ground, invisible and shadowless, but it was forceful.

It was the invisible sword that was released by Ye Wuming and hidden in the dark waiting for an opportunity!

Its goal is to kill the temple on the left side of the god!

It was not surprising to see that God was arrested. He, who had already occupied the absolute advantage, had to give up all the advantages he had picked up before and immediately withdrew.

However, even so, he has not been able to evade the sudden sword which is unknown at night.

The unexpected blow of the invisible sword, although it did not really hurt the top master of one of the three gods, but it hit the iron mask covering half of the face of the arresting god, and struck it directly.

Upon seeing this, he caught himself and turned his body to the side, making Ye Weiming unable to see the other half of his exposed face.

The night when he took off successfully with this blow is unknown, but at this moment it is unreasonable to swing the sword in his hand down violently, seemingly unreasonable, but in fact it is directing the previous jump by the hoop Five swords to go out. Qi Qi turned around, and volleyed towards the place where the **** catches.

Hearing the sword wind whizzing in the midair, the catcher knew that this blow would be extremely powerful, and he could only withdraw again and back away. The distance from Ye Ming was already about seven meters.

Unsurprisingly, the five swords unknown at night still failed to hurt the God of Trapping, but the bloodless sword among them was accidentally nailed to the iron mask that hadn't had time to fall to the ground.

The power of the treasure and the power of the sword were brought to the extreme in this hit.

In just one collision, the mask made of fine iron shattered into pieces and turned into more than ten pieces of scrap iron pieces scattered all over the place!

"Qiao! Qiao! Qiao!..."

Five swords were nailed to the ground one after another, smashing five bluestone bricks on the ground, and then under the control of the idea of ​​the night, they flew again from the ground and circled around the night, as if a loyal guard was guarding the host.

As for the invisible sword that has just made great achievements, where is it now?

Don't care, it doesn't matter.

Surrounded by five swords, Ye Mingming stood proudly like a **** of war. The sword in the sword, shoulders, arms, and sword form a straight line pointing to the right side of the body, and at the same time, the mouth full of warfare said: "God, your strength is really extraordinary. Come on, let us Hurry up and let go!"

The words are full of the feeling of sympathy between heroes.

However, Ye Wuming's very **** invitation to the battle was rejected by the arresting **** mercilessly.

But he saw that he extended his left hand to cover the half of the cheek that had lost the mask. At the same time, Shen Sheng said: "No need, this is better than I think you won."

Ding! You defeated the 145-level BOSS catcher and received rewards: 30 million experience points and 1 million points.

After all, victory is not beheaded, the system is willing to give a substantial reward, Ye Ming is already very satisfied.

At this time, I saw that the **** catcher threw the steel ring in his hand, hit an iron ring on the ground and bounced it again, and then hit another iron ring that was dropped in the previous battle. So repeatedly, it turned out to be Count all the iron rings.

And those iron rings that were smashed, even turned into magic, bounced from the ground and fell back into the hands of the **** catcher.

The entire operation process can be said to be moving clouds and flowing water, amazing!

Seeing that the night is unknown, it is better to be in my heart, but I almost took out the silver on the spot to win a wave.

And this iron-faced selfless catcher~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After performing some wonderful iron ring acrobatics, Shen Sheng said: "After all, we are all public servants, so we will compare the ability to handle cases It’s the focus. The next game, I don’t believe I will lose to you."

After all, this arrogant snarling, turned away without looking back.

Ye Weiming looked at the task completion degree which had become 12 in the task introduction, and then glanced at the back of the deceptive face, rubbing his nose helplessly.

Say a good duel, why did you win this unclearly?

You see this is making trouble...

I'm so sorry!


In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click the \"collection\" below to record this (Chapter 856, the sacred decision, arresting the Dao and fighting for the hero (for the white dress dye cream Huay Gagen 98/110)) to read the record, open next time You can see it from the shelf!

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