I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 864: Magic heart crossing, invincible experience!

  Regenerate elbow and armpit!

  Unknown at any time, I would never have thought that Nie Feng would suddenly attack himself in this situation where the situation was extremely unfavorable to himself.

  Does this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes sees that there is no longer any hope, intending to abandon the bright and the dark, and use himself as a vote, to vote for the alone?

   Will he be so naive?


   The night that was controlled by the other party was unknown, and immediately found that Nie Feng's current state was also very wrong.

  Nie Feng now, his eyes become blood red, an invisible heat wave is radiating from all over him, and there is a terrifying atmosphere of destruction all around him, and the whole person is like a fierce beast that may choose someone to eat at any time.

   pinched his right hand on Ye Weiming's throat, and became extremely hot. Under the influence of his heat, Ye Weiming even started to bleed!

   Moreover, the power of Nie Feng at the moment is also surprising.

Just back-stabbed, Ye Weiming was shocked to unconsciously want to reach out and break Nie Feng’s arm, but even if he used his left hand with “invincible hegemony” to exhaust all his strength, he could not shake Nie Feng’s arm Anything!

   "Qiao! Qiao!"

Seeing that Ye Wuming is in danger, Xiaoqiao no matter whether Nie Feng is a child of destiny, she has lost her unparalleled yin and yang sword, and her hands are one point left and right, and the swords of Zhengfeng and Lengyue have appeared in her pair of slender jade hands. .

  'S eyes fell on Nie Feng's arm pinching Ye Mingming's throat, and he had begun to assemble internal forces with a hidden weapon, ready to cut off this abominable dirty hand!

Seeing Xiaoqiao's sister posing as "a wave of recklessness", Ye Mingming hurriedly posted a message on the team channel to prevent: "The situation is different, I need to try to wake up Nie Feng, don't you act rashly."

  Although Nie Feng's throat was tightly pinched and could not make any sound, it was okay to send a message.

  Xiaoqiao hesitated a little and repeated, but in the end he still didn't rush.

   Seeing such a change, even the horses on the side of the Wushuangcheng were completely deterred by the fierce beast-like spirit of Nie Feng.

   One of the false dukes suddenly thought of something, and said in a loss of voice: "It is said that the Nie family has ancestral mad blood, and once it happens, it will have super powers beyond ordinary people!"

   "Haha... I didn't expect to see you for the first time today, I saw your own internal strife."

   "Interesting, really interesting!"

   Hearing the "commentary" of Du Gu, Xiaoqiao couldn't help but become more nervous, and quickly asked on the team channel: "Brother Ye, what can you do to wake it up, can I help?"


  Unknown at night, immediately gave a positive answer: "Protect me, don't let the people on the other side of the false solitary side have the opportunity to take advantage of it."

   "As for awakening Nie Feng, I am afraid I have to rely on myself."

   "Now, I can only try that trick."


   "That was originally a trick used to confuse the enemy. I didn't expect that after I learned it, the first time I used it was to use it to try to wake up allies in a crazy state. I don't know if this operation can be done?"

   Replying to Xiaoqiao's inquiry, Ye Xiaoming's mind could not help but a dialogue between him and Huang Shouzun appeared before entering the "Fengyun Secret Realm".

   "Huang Shouzun, I got this before in the New Year mission."


During the speech, Ye Mingming placed the "horn of the year beast" exploded by the leader of the year beast on the table in front of Huang Shouzun and asked with a smile: "I heard that this thing can be exchanged for a unique school in your old school here. Cheats, I don’t know if it’s true?"

   Huang Shouzun glared fiercely at Ye Wuming, while putting away the Horn of the Year Beast, and at the same time casually said: "It is not fake to exchange cheats, but whether you can go out of school or not depends on your own luck."

   In the speech, throw a cheat sheet without any words on the cover in front of Ye Mingming: "This is your reward, then go."

   Wordless Book: After using it, you can randomly obtain a martial art in the martial arts. There is a certain probability to obtain martial arts martial arts. It is hidden martial arts. If you are in the martial arts, these two things exist.

   For such a completely random thing, Ye Mingming did not care too much, even subconsciously annoying. It was as if he hated the endless lottery when he was playing other netizens before.

  However, after using the cheats, the result he got was even more frustrating.

   "Intermediate? So garbage!"

   "I said Huang Shouzun, I have given merits to the Shensi Division, and I shed blood for the Divine Division!"

   "Can you change it for me?"

   Huang Shouzun smiled and kindly, very politely said: "No!"


   withdrew his thoughts from his memories, and Ye Ming's eyes swept over the newly added skill in the skill bar again.

  Motion of Soul (Intermediate)

   is a kind of "telepathic technique", but it is derived from the Xuanmen Taoism, and it is very different from the ordinary "telecentric technique".

   If you can get the "Nine Yin General Outline" blessing, double the effect!

   (Special exercises cannot be upgraded)


   This practice can be said to be very special, and it is also the only one I haven’t seen yet at night. There is only a brief introduction and no specific numerical martial arts.

Due to time constraints, although the speed of his blood return can withstand the scorching heat from Nie Feng’s arm, Nie Feng’s emotions are obviously abnormal now. God knows if he will suddenly break his head and grab his neck and wipe his hand suddenly. A pinch, or a twist...

Although, in theory, "Dracing Soul" can only control those who are not as powerful as themselves, or those who are not determined, and Nie Feng is not only super powerful, but even the strongest in his mind...Bah Yuck !

   Anyway, Nie Feng can suppress the mad blood in the body several times, and he can recover his mind even after he is enchanted.

   Ye Ming didn't want the "Transfer Soul Dafa" to control Nie Feng, which was originally an absolutely impossible thing.

   Fortunately, this time he just wanted to wake Nie Feng and did not want to control the other party. This is not a negative state. I believe Nie Feng will not resist this.

  Hypnosis, as long as the other party is willing to cooperate, the effect will naturally be more effective.

   is like Elder Peng in the plot of "Shooting the Eagle". Although his own strength and ambition are not as good as Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

   In a word, in a word...

  Unless there is no other way, Ye Weiming can do nothing but treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor?

   eyes gleamed with a strange brilliance, and Ye Mingming directly met Nie Feng's eyes like wild animals. At the same time, a piece of information was also passed into the mind of the anti-spirit through the method of "Driving Soul".

   "Nie Feng, calm down! I am not your enemy!"

However, what Ye Wuming did not expect was that, with the launch of the "Driving Soul Dafa", while he introduced what he wanted to say into Nie Feng's mind through special means, the surrounding scenes suddenly turned upside down. Variety.

   The surrounding mountains and green water have instantly turned into a Shura hell. There are fiery magma everywhere, only a place less than three feet square at the foot of Ye Mingming can stand!

   And opposite him, Nie Feng was suppressing a fiery red beast at the moment.

  One person and one beast, fighting each other desperately, one wants to get rid of the bondage, the other is suppressing the other party desperately.

Look at that fierce beast, but it is a collection of lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, elk body, dragon scales, oxtails all in one body, and there is a blazing flame that can burn all the world. The beast fire unicorn mentioned above!

   This fire unicorn is now struggling desperately under the suppression of Nie Feng, but it can only be comparable to that of Nie Fengdou. Although it also leaves Nie Feng free to care for him, he cannot further expand the results.

   The night was unclear, and he couldn't help but stunned, and then said with a smile: "Nie Feng, now you, it seems that you need some help."

   "No, you can't help me."

While suppressing the burning unicorn, Nie Feng said at the same time: "As you can see, there is a demon hidden in my body. As you can see, it has no specific image. You can see me and the demon. The battle between is just what you can imagine, the easiest way for you to understand."

   "And to fight this demon, all I can rely on is myself!"

   Hearing that Nie Feng actually played with himself deeply, the unknown at night could not help but ask helplessly: "So what can I do?"

"Your practice is very interesting and can actually invade my consciousness." While continuing to fight with the fire unicorn, Nie Feng continued: "Fortunately, I can pull you into my consciousness and help I."

  Unspoken at night, he couldn't help laughing: "You didn't just say, can't I help you?"

"I'm just saying that you can't help me in fighting the devil in my body." Nie Feng explained: "For other things, Yexiong can still help, so that I can concentrate without distraction. Suppress this demon."

  Yue nodded unclearly: "Still that sentence, what do I need to do?"

Nie Feng said helplessly: "Although I can barely suppress this demon now, I have no time to take care of my body. After my demon wakes up, my body will not fall into a coma even without my control. , But will become a fierce beast that chooses and eats, killing everything you see."

"The reason why I didn't hurt the killer just now is that I also parted my mind to control the body while fighting this demon. However, this approach is too reluctant for me and too dangerous. If you lose your guard and be defeated by this demon, you will become a complete devil, only knowing to kill and destroy!"

"and so……"

  Nie Feng suddenly turned his head to look at the unknown night. In the space of consciousness, he had to have his eyes clear as before: "Please take over my body for a while and help me kill the Du Gu party, to dispel the hate in my heart."

   "Because this demon was born because of my evil thoughts, only by beating the lonely side can the evil thoughts in my heart be reduced, and the power of this devil also sleeps and weakens."

   "Only in this way can I defeat it, and I will meet the former Nie Feng."

  Just after Nie Feng finished his request, a familiar system prompt sounded at any time in the ear of the unknown night:

Ding! Trigger the hidden mission "Magic Cross".


   Temporarily took over Nie Feng’s body, and used Nie Feng’s power to kill the false solitary solitary party, revenge for Mingyue, and eliminate the hatred in Nie Feng’s heart. During this period, you will have all the attributes and internal strength of Nie Feng, even including the horror power given to him by crazy blood!

   But you only have Nie Feng's body, so you can't inherit his martial arts moves. You can only use Nie Feng's power to fight your own moves.

   Task level: one star (this task is only worth this evaluation)

   Mission reward: None (It’s enough to make you feel invincible, what more bicycle?)

   Task punishment: none (if even such a task can be messed up... well, that kind of waste can never successfully activate this task.)

   Remarks: You temporarily took over Nie Feng's body, which can be regarded as some kind of fit between you and Nie Feng, so the rewards obtained from the battle can also be regarded as your joint efforts.

   However, the main force of you two is Nie Feng!

   Therefore, you can only get 30% of the battle reward.


   Seeing this task reminder like Tucao, Ye Mingming's face showed an excited smile.

  Experience a feeling of invincibility?

   looks like it is also a very good look!

At the next moment, Ye Mingming's spirit returned to the body, but found that he was returning to Nie Feng's body.

   Feel the terrifying force beyond the imagination within the body, Ye Mingming quickly and carefully released his body.

   Seeing the bridge, he quickly helped the body unknown at night, but his eyes still looked at "Nie Feng" with vigilance.

At this time, I saw that the "night is not clear" that had been restored to freedom was still, and the "Nie Feng" like a demon was throwing Wushuangyangjian to her, followed by a tone that made her feel very familiar. , Said quietly: "Help me protect my body. I will use Nie Feng's body now to destroy Du Gu."

   "Here, I'll leave it to you."

Xiaoqiao couldn't help but stunned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at the "Nie Feng" in front of him, then looked at the "unknown night" in a comatose state, and finally set his eyes on the "Nie Feng" again. Body.

   said in a somewhat uncertain tone: "You... Are you Big Brother Ye or Nie Feng?"

  Yue Weiming smiled slightly and said calmly: "Nie Feng's body, your eldest brother Ye's soul, is it both? If you have to call me a more accurate name..."

   Ye Mingyi blinked and smiled and said, "You can call me temporarily... Yefeng!"

   After saying nothing, he saw Ye Feng's move, and the sword in the sword of the comatose body immediately had a sense, immediately flew out of his hand, and fell into Ye Feng's hand.

   with a sword in his hand, Ye Feng immediately turned to look at the false solitary solitary side, and his eyes were astonishing.

   And the false solitary side is now a face of coercion: "You...you can actually control the body of Nie Feng who is insane! How did you do it?"

  Walking at night with no hurry, he walked toward the introverted solitary solitary solitary lover, and said in his mouth: "It's just a little means of physical and mental transformation.

   "Unlike the lord of the city, you can steal the sky to change the day, fish eyes mixed beads!"

  To say nothing, the sword in Yefeng's sword is already pointed at the false solitary side: "I can see at a glance that you are not the solitary side!"

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