I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 885: True and narrow road meet (2 in 1)

I have to say that although Guo Jing has various problems, such as being pedantic, indifferent, excessively following the etiquette, it is easy to get angry.

But in front of big and bad, Guo Jing definitely deserves the word "Xia"!

The system's task prompt has appeared, which shows that Guo Jing's real idea is to let Ye Weiming and others give priority to the news that Temujin is preparing to invade the Central Plains. He has never considered letting Ye Weiming and others to take risks to rescue their mother and son. .

Because in their mother and child's cognition, the safety of the world's society is definitely more important than their mother and child's life.

After seeing this task reminder, Daomei did not make a choice in the first time, but sent a screenshot of the task directly on the team channel, and then asked: "What do you think of Guo Jing's choice?"

Back in the evening, "I admire, admire in my heart!"

Daomei asked again: "Do you feel very guilty about the gentleman's abdomen before you gave me a poisoned dagger to guard against Guo Jing in case of treason?"

The night is unknown and the second is returned: "No."

Ben also wanted to see Dao Mei, who was confessing at night, and when he saw this reply, he couldn't help but asked subconsciously: "Why, your words are obviously inconsistent."

Ye Weiming replied: "Actually, my opinion of Guo Jing is the same."

Daomei asked in a puzzled way: "Do you mean to say that you can make the same choice as you when you and Guo Jingyi moved around?"

Ye Weiming finally raised the objection this time: "There is no real place to go. If you say anything awesome, you will stand and speak without backache."

"I said that I had the same view as Guo Jing, because he thought that Jiangshan She Ji of the Central Plains was more important than their mother and son's lives. I also thought that the Central Plains' Jiang Shan was more important than their mother and son's lives."

Daomei's words despised: "What about the face!?" (︶^︶)=Convex

Following Daomei and Ye Weiming, they simply exchanged two sentences on this task. Only then did they finally choose whether to accept the position after the task, and lightly clicked “No”.

Guo Jing was in a hurry: "A knife girl, this matter is related to Jiangshan She Ji of the Central Plains, why do you..."

Daomei, as he was told by Ye Wuming, deservedly said: "Since you can spare your own life for the mountains of the Central Plains, the court will naturally not abandon or give up to your outstanding people."

"And our mission this time is not only to determine whether you will really pass through the enemy and sell the country, or to hand over the military treasure "Wu Mu's Legacy" to Yuanmeng, the more important task is, as long as you really think you are A people in the Central Plains, we will save your mother and son back to the Central Plains at all costs!"

Without waiting for Guo Jing to say anything, Daomei has said seriously: "We have already studied the route and method of escape, and we will study it next..."

Daomei's words were only half said, but suddenly a full voice came out of the door: "Dahan proclaimed the golden sword consort!"

Guo Jing heard the voice of General Chi Lao Wen and couldn't help but feel anxious in his heart, and then turned his attention to Daomei. Daomei had already promised to protect his mother and son's safety, and wanted to come to know the wisdom of the night. For this unexpected situation, there should be a way to deal with it.

But in fact, how can Daomei deal with it?

The performance of her former chest was successful because Ye Mingming had already designed the overall plan. However, Chi Lao Wen came too soon, and it was almost disrupting all their plans!

If she came according to her temper, she must have drawn a bleeding knife and worked with Guo Jing to kill a blood path. However, in that case, there is absolutely no guarantee that Aunt Guo will be safe and sound during the scuffle.

After all, Guo Jing is not Zhao Yun!

Seeing Guo Jing's eyes for help, Daomei had no choice but to learn from Guo Jing's voice and said: "Wait a minute, I'll come right away!"

After that, I immediately recounted the situation and the unknown night on the team channel, and then asked: "Now the enemy is waiting outside. You better get an idea quickly. What should I do now?"

"Don't worry." Ye Weiming was digging the soil while thinking about the news on the team channel.

Seeing this news, Ye Mingming could see the anxious appearance of the sword sister from the line between the words, so he did not answer the question and asked: "You have dealt with the **** road, the hungry ghost road and the beast road twice before, and you are sure to exclude them Didn’t anyone else see it?"

Daomei immediately replied: "Of course I am sure."

"So what else do you have to worry about?"

Ye Weiming said directly: "According to the game mechanism of "Chivalrous Eternity", once the player who has received the mission dies, it is regarded as a dead mouth in the eyes of npc. Any news related to it is not enough to win the trust from them. To people."

"So, Tiemuzhen called Guo Jing, maybe there are other things. You just have to tell Guo Jing to act carefully. The previous plan is still feasible and you don't need to make changes."

Seeing Ye Weiming's analysis, Daomei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then lowered her voice, conveying the meaning of Ye Weiming to Guo Jing's ear in a concise manner, and told him to be careful to deal with it, never Any horse feet are exposed.

After that, Guo Jing walked out of the big account and went to the gold account with Chi Laowen to see Tiemuzhen go.

Shortly after Guo Jing left, Daomei suddenly received the news, followed by a joy on her face, and immediately turned to the corner of the tent next to a wooden box used to hold clothes. She reached out and moved the wooden box away. Below, there is actually a big hole for one person to enter and exit.

Ye Mingming’s head was also drilled out of the burrow at this time, and said to Aunt Guo with a smile: "Hello Aunt Guo, I am Guo Jing’s friend Ye Weiming, and ordered the order of the Central Plains God arrester Huang Shouzun, Specially came to rescue you and Guo Jing back to the Central Plains."

Aunt Guo was very happy when she heard the news, but she frowned again: "But Jing'er has been summoned by Genghis Khan. I'm afraid he will come back later, or will the young hero come up and wait for a while?"

Ye Weiming immediately shook his head and said, "In fact, with Guo Jing's current martial arts, even if we don't respond, if he wants to kill a **** path, the problem should not be too big."

"But if he wants to break through with force, he must have a prerequisite, that is, he has no worries."

"So, please ask Mrs. Guo to leave this place of right and wrong from the secret road immediately with me.

Guo Jing’s mother is also a man with a clear sense of affairs. Ye Yeming has already spoken to this part. Why can’t you figure out the benefits?

So he nodded immediately and said, "Well, then trouble Ye Xiaoxia, I will leave with you."

"Not with us, but with me."

Corrected the awkwardness of Guo Auntie's use of words, Ye Weiming immediately turned to Daomei and said, "You become like Aunt Guo and stay and continue to wait for Guo Jing. The subsequent changes may occur. I have already worked with You have made it clear that everything will work as planned."

"Attention, the key point is that line. If you really need to use that line, you must grasp the tone and mood, not to miss the line."

"In addition, if there are other accidents that I didn't expect before, you can handle it yourself. Remember, everything is to ensure the safety of Guo Jing as the first priority. You can hang it once, but Guo Jing can never die!"

Hearing Ye Wuming's insatiable orders, Daomei waved her hands impatiently: "I know, long-winded!" During the conversation, her figure turned, and she became her appearance just like Aunt Guo, only The real-looking Aunt Guo had a ghost expression.

Ye Wuming didn't say much when she saw it, but even with Aunt Guo, she left from the secret tunnel that was just dug. The knife sister who became Guo Auntie was recklessly returning the big wooden box to its original position, and then poured herself a big bowl of Guo Jing's butter tea for herself. While tasting, she quietly waited for Guo Jing to return.

As a result, she drank two bites, but Daomei suddenly frowned, and then she saw that the curtain of the tent was lifted, and then several Yuanmeng soldiers broke in, and the leader who led was to bow to her. Yili, and then said: "Aunt Guo, take the opportunity to call Sihan, please come to me."


On the other side, Ye Mingming in the tunnel took Auntie Guo just past the tunnel, out of the vertical coverage of Tiemu Zhenying, and saw a white dove drilled out of the mud above his head and fell on him Above the shoulder.

[Unknown at night, I just investigated at high altitude and found the Yuanmeng cavalry with about a thousand people. Following the small forest where we hid before, I found a mound near the river bank and gathered there. I don’t know. You have to be careful about what your purpose is. 】——Yuyu

It turned out that, despite the fact that he did not receive instructions from the night, she was the rare flying unit among the players, but she took the initiative to detect the enemy.

After discovering that the enemy's search force had changed, he immediately thought that Ye Weiming and Daomei were trying to infiltrate Tiemuzhen to rescue people. After hesitating, he decided to send Ye Weiming a message to remind him.

Ye Wuming frowned slightly after seeing the news.

The situation he was most worried about was still there!

Sure enough, as long as there are players involved on the opposite side, the original simple task will become extremely complicated.

The location just mentioned by Naoju is the entrance to this secret road he dug!

Although, Ye Wuming has chosen a place that looks inconspicuous as much as possible when choosing the location of the tunnel entrance, and was very cautious when rushing past the grove, making sure that no one was found. The entrance to the road is still exposed.

This can only explain one problem.

Among the players of the Temujin camp, there are experts who are good at tracking like non-fish!

In fact, Chivalry Eternity is a martial arts online game that contains many elements. No skill of any kind can be unique.

It’s as if the Undead’s “Death Corpse” is magical enough, but Dao Mei’s “Suck the Star” can also have some similar effects. Although the limitation is much greater than the “Death Corpse”, but in With the "Star Absorption Method", the speed at which the girl practiced internal force was significantly faster than that of ordinary players.

Another example is the ghost character skill of Infinite Sword, "Infinite Walker", which can be called a bug, but how can there be no cosmetic surgery in the martial arts world?

Not to mention far, for example, Azhu's sister-in-law is this master...

By analogy, the non-fish "tracking of thousands of miles" may be unique, but the skills of the tracking class cannot be without a semicolon. For example, Ahuang, who is unknown at night, is one of them. Who then stipulates that other people cannot have similar abilities or come with pets?

It's really tiring to fight against people!

Thinking in this way, Ye Wuming suddenly heard footsteps coming right in front of the secret road, and the sound should be two people.

Still waiting for him to think carefully, a familiar figure has appeared in front of his eyes, and Ye Mingming recognized the identity of the person in the first place by the night pearl in his hand and the light of the torch in the other hand. !

Although judging from the sound of footsteps, two people should come across, but because this secret passage is too narrow, it can only accommodate one person walking upright, and two people will be very crowded in parallel, so the other person should hide behind him. Ye Ming also couldn't see whether the other party was human or Luo Tiandao.

When the two met at first glance, Shura Dao's face immediately showed a grim smile: "It really is you guy who is doing things, and it seems that you have brought Guo Jing's old lady out, but... they died here together today. Right!"

During the speech, he suddenly threw the torch in his hand to the ground, and then his fingers were dotted, like the polo flower blossoming, and the sharp fingers were radiating towards the opposite night.

The **** used by this Shura Dao is strong and overbearing, and it is fast and fierce.

It has to be said that within this extremely narrow space, the **** came out, which made people shining unavoidably, avoiding unavoidably, not to mention Guo Jing’s mother is now closely following the night, and the night is unknown. Dodge, and definitely not dare to easily make dodge moves.

Otherwise, the old lady's body and bones can't help the other person's "Doroye Finger" poking!

As the so-called narrow road meets the brave victory, almost at the same time as the opponent's shot, Ye Ming's left hand flicked violently, condensing his ten successful internal strength wall immediately condensing an internal strength wall in the space between the two.

It is the defensive move in "Dragon Eighteen Palms"-see the dragon in the field!

The original defense range of this trick is extremely wide~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, because the space inside the tunnel is narrow, it does not need such a large defense range at all, so the defense range is narrowed at night, so the internal strength is thickened. Three points to make it stronger.

The "Duo Luo Zhi Zhi" of Shura Dao points on the internal force wall, and makes a muffled sound, which makes the internal force wall shake more and more. Under the internal force turbulence, the soil above the dense road begins to fall, making this not very obvious. The sturdy tunnel has become shaky!

After a series of eighteen fingers, Ye Weiming's internal strength wall built with palm power was finally overwhelmed by the opponent's series of blows and completely collapsed into invisible.

Ye Yeming was already prepared for this mentality. He immediately used his right index finger to connect with each other and used the kung fu of "Yiyang Finger" to offset the opponent's subsequent three fingers.

Just when the opponent's breath was exhausted, and the back move was no longer sustainable, Ye Mingming's left hand was violently outstretched, and a white piece of chess had fallen into the opponent's eyebrows with a sudden thunder.


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