I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 888: Zhebei's bow, Tianjiao's arrow! (For [Huzhong Sun Moon]...



Although Ye Mingming also discovered that the opponent popped a **** in the first time, killing him on the spot. But it didn't stop the other person's cry before he died.

With the roar of a Mongolian cavalry, the other cavalry around them also immediately discovered the figure of the two men who were unknown at night, and they all called for some "that gurgling prosperity", "gurgling gurgling", "meaning 15" For those who did not understand the words at night, they came from all directions.

Aunt Guo was shocked when she saw it, and she said, “Ye Shao Xia, the enemy is powerful, and we have exposed the whereabouts again. You still don’t care about me, escape yourself.”

"How do you do that?"

Ye Weiming smiled confidently, and then said: "Auntie Guo can relax, everything is under control. This time, we will follow the method that Auntie Guo gave me before to get rid of these enemies."

Aunt Guo couldn't help but stunned and asked subconsciously, "What method did I teach you?"

"The position should be high, and the horizon should be wide." During the speech, Ye Mingming had embraced Aunt Guo's waist, followed the fierce display of "Ti Yunzong", and took her to the sky.

In the exclamation of Aunt Guo, the two had jumped more than ten feet.

Seeing that the scene below became instantly smaller, Aunt Guo was scared to close her eyes, and Ye Mingming was called at once, summoning A Hong and the flying chair at the same time, while controlling A Hong to grab the flying chair The handle on the top, and the left toe has a foot surface at the same time, using the method of "climbing the ladder", he jumped again and jumped directly onto the flying chair.

Supported Aunt Guo to sit on the lounge chair on the other side. Ye Ye didn't know that she was sitting on the left side. While controlling A Hong to continue to fly upward, he said, "As long as we fly high enough, even the bow and arrow of the Mongolian cavalry cannot threaten us."

During the speech, A Hong had taken the two to a height of 100 meters from the ground, which was far beyond the range of Yuanmeng Cavalry's bow and arrow.

At night, he was relieved, preparing to control A Hong in the air, and introducing all these Yuanmeng cavalry into the encircling circle he had set before, he suddenly felt an unexplained heart palpitation, as if it was something. Terrible things are staring at the general.

Quickly transported the internal force to the binocular, looking in the direction where this sense of crisis came, but saw it on the ground, there was a fast horse riding quickly facing them in the direction of where they were, on the horseback, one The big man in General Yuanmeng's costume has bent his bow and arrow and aimed at A Hong above the sky.

Looking intently towards the top of the other person's head, I really saw a terrible boss attribute data.


One of the five heroes of Yuanmeng, the best archer on the grassland, no one!

Level: 165


Before waiting for the night to carefully identify the specific values ​​of qi and blood and internal force, the arrow in the hand of the big man has already emerged from the string, turning into a terrifying golden streamer, shooting at Ahong at a speed beyond imagination.

In the face of archers of the Zhebei level, even if it is unknown at night, they will not dare to be negligent.

When a white **** that had already been caught was fired with it, it already used the ten-successful "Finger Sword"!

"Fingertip Excalibur" is now the most powerful killing trick that can be used except for the disintegration of the heavenly demon. This trick was used as soon as he shot it, so it is obvious that Ye Wuming has spent all his energy in facing the arrow that made him feel the extreme crisis.

With the power of his "Finger Finger Excalibur" today, even if he is as strong as Ouyang Feng, he dare not be indifferent when facing it.

However, it was such a powerful and powerful attack that when it touched the sharp arrow shot by Zhebe, it was like an ordinary bean, and it was easily crushed by the golden light transformed by the arrow.

The arrow that turned into golden light, continued to shoot toward A Hongji in the air without losing his cast!

how can that be! ?

Ye Ye, who had absolute confidence in the power of his "Fingerblade", was shocked by the terrible scene in front of him.

It is because the strength of Zhebei's arrow has completely exceeded his imagination.

Where is this like an attack that a 165-level boss can launch, I am afraid that even Ouyang Feng can't launch such a terrible attack?

I couldn’t think about it. I watched the golden light arrows and came close in the blink of an eye. Ye Weiming hurriedly waved it out again, but he used the technique of “seeing the dragon in the field” to shoot the arrow in the air. The direction base has a strong internal force.

Different from the past, the internal force wall built by Ye Ming this time did not resist the attack of the other party vertically, but formed a 45-degree angle between Ye Ming and the arrow, facing the nearly unstoppable arrow with the side Ya.


Unsurprisingly, Ye Wuming's sturdy internal strength wall was in front of the golden arrow, just like a thin film that broke in a single poke.

But fortunately, this arrow had already been partially offset by his "Finger Finger Excalibur", and later, after the influence of "See Dragon in the Field" with an angle, the direction of the attack finally occurred when it penetrated the hard wall. The deviation was almost shining through A Hong's head, and then went straight to the sky.

The gust of wind brought by the arrows only made A Hong's head dizzy for a while, and then shook a few times in the air before finally returning to stability.

What a great Zhebei, what a great **** arrow!

In other words, what kind of influence was this guy underwent?

Especially when the opponent just had an arrow, he was weakened twice by a big move on the way, but Yu Li still allowed it to continue to fly far away after passing by with Huang, until it was completely rubbed with the air. Under the self-destruction, there is no slightest effort to fall.

Then the question is coming.

If the arrows shot by Tetsube are not affected in the middle, how terrible will their range reach?

The unsettled Ye Mingming stopped immediately and controlled A Hong to continue to rise, but turned to fly towards the other side.

Facing Zhebei's bow and arrow, Ye Mingming felt useless even if he flew even higher. For other people's bows and arrows, a height of 100 meters is enough.

Rather than flying higher, it is better to change direction and move away from the opponent's bow and arrow range as soon as possible.

However, Ye Wuming had just controlled A Hong's turning direction, and Zhebei's second arrow had come out of the string.


Li Jian rubbed an extremely harsh sound in the air, which turned into a golden streamer again, and shot at A Hong's abdomen at a speed faster than expected.

However, Ye Weiming's two consecutive full-strength moves, which were released in a row, are still somewhat angry. Seeing that Zhebei's second arrow has been fired, how can there be any effort to resist?

However, the reason why the master is called a master is not just martial arts and strong attributes. You must also have the qualities of not being surprised, and be able to think of the best way to deal with a crisis when you are in a panic.

Seeing that Zhebei's second arrow had reached unstoppable and shot, the quality of the master unknown at night immediately played a role, and the light flashed in my mind, and I thought of a solution that is not a solution.

But when he saw him on the flying chair, he swung his right hand down sharply, and a white jade coffin had been summoned by him. Before he could fall in a free-falling attitude, his right foot had slammed on the sarcophagus, and the speed of its fall was accelerated in an instant, and he was directly hit by the second sword shot by Zhebei.


The golden light transformed by the arrow shot onto the hard white jade coffin, and a sharp sound suddenly sounded in the semi-suspended air, just like a thunder exploded above the flat ground, and then the sarcophagus and the arrow burst at the same time, becoming a sky. The rubble fell down, and the scattered stones also killed two unlucky Yuanmeng cavalry. I didn’t stay overnight, but I didn’t have the mood to pay attention to these.

Because the value of a white jade coffin is a full 800 gold, and the result is just a slight toss by him, so there is no more!

And more importantly, after sending two such horrible arrows, Zhebei refused to give up, while continuing to steer, continue to chase behind, and once again bowed. Arrows, the third arrow has already shot towards A Hong and shot.

Unknown at night, he could only throw a second white jade coffin, and then shattered by Zhebei's arrow again.

It was another 800 gold, so I was beaten.

Blood is dripping in the heart of Ye Ming!

However, Zhebei's bows and arrows are still non-stop, and he can only continue to throw coffins over and over again at night.

Eight hundred!

Eight hundred!

Eight hundred!


After blocking the sixth arrow of Zhebei, there is no more white jade coffin in the baggage unknown at night.

As for the lower quality wooden coffin?

The thing thought that the hardness was not enough, and even if it was thrown out, it would not be able to end up with the arrow shot by Zhebei. The most likely thing was that it was penetrated by one arrow, and it could not even cause any substantial sound to its speed and accurate head.

In desperation, Ye Mingming could only wave again with his big hand, summoning the only 8,000-gold (vip price) glazed coffin out of the bag, kicking the seventh sharp arrow shot at Zhebei.


The eight thousand gold thing just exploded...

Ye Mingming was in pain, but saw Zhebei shot the eighth arrow!

In the baggage that is unknown at the moment, there is no longer anything that can resist Zhebeli arrow.

But fortunately, the casket of 12,000 gold was thrown down, and finally he was given enough time to regain his breath. At this moment, his finger had once again caught a white pawn, facing the eighth shot by Zhebei. The arrow is another extremely powerful "Finger Sword".


This time the effect of the chess pieces is completely different from the previous one. After hitting the sharp arrow shot by Zhebei, a blasting sound resounding from the sky and earth exploded, and the arrow shot by Zhebei was exploded.

Special effect of black and white chess pieces "Five Qi Chao Yuan": When five black or white pieces are fired in succession to attack, the fifth one will hit the target and cause explosion damage (theoretical damage is increased by 50%!).

Ye Weiming had already used four white pieces in the previous battles, killing wolves and killing Yuanmeng cavalry. At this moment, he finally made the fifth white piece, which satisfied the activation of "Five Qi Chaoyuan" condition.

However, this is not over yet, but saw Zhebei after the eight arrows, and shot the ninth arrow again.

Seeing the golden streamer shot from the Zhebei bow and arrow again, Ye Mingming felt only helpless for a while.

This Nima, there is no end!

"Hoo!" In a scream that rang through the bottom, Zhebei's ninth arrow had been fired again, and at this moment the night was unclear. Except for "The Devil's Disintegration", there was no other way to resist Zhe. Another arrow.

However, "The Devil's Disintegration" is now absolutely unavailable.

Although after he cast "The Devil of Heaven", even if he fell from the air and fell to his death, he could be resurrected after four seconds through the characteristics of the "Shen Zhao Jing".

But once he died, A Hong and Fei Chair, who had been summoned by him before, would also disappear.

After four seconds, what will happen to Aunt Guo, who was originally at a height of 100 meters?

At the time of the embarrassment around Ye Ming, in the direction of his position, he suddenly saw a white shadow rushing towards him, and even before the golden light shot by Zhebei arrived, he was unbiasedly stopped at Ye Ming and Arrow between.

This white shadow is exactly the ridiculous ride of the white eagle!

"Poof!" Jinguang disappeared into Xiaobai's body, and then penetrated the delicate body of Weiju before disappearing together with the white light that he transformed into after death.


Seeing this scene, Ye Weiming only felt his anger was ignited to the extreme!

He glanced fiercely at Zhebei, who had stopped shooting, and then controlled A Hong to continue to fly away.

But at this time, Mu Huali, among the five heroes of Yuanmeng, had escorted Malay to Zhebei and frowned and asked, "The other party is obviously the end of a crossbow. How did you stop attacking?"

During the speech, Mu Huali looked towards Zhe Do. But at the moment Zhebe's face was a little ugly. He clasped the hands of Bao Bao, trembling uncontrollably, and said in his mouth: "Before departure, Khan gave me a total of 10 **** arrows infused with his own dragon spirit. , Let me use it against the enemy."

"However, it seems that this kind of thing with true dragon spirit is so easy to control?"

"The previous Nine Arrows ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has exhausted almost all of my strength. Even a short time of rest can only restore my ability to use ordinary arrows, at least within three days, Hugh wants to have the power to shoot this tenth arrow again!"

The night above the sky is unknown, and naturally the dialogue between Mu Huali and Zhebei cannot be heard.

He was full of hatred. After a large circle in the air, he had attracted all Yuanmeng cavalry in this area, and then he was facing the one they hid before, away from the second tier of Tiemuzhen camp. The grove flew past.

And there, it is the place where all the players who participated in the mission of "Saving the Soldier Guo Jing" gathered.

It is also a burial place that Ye Weiming carefully prepared for the thousand Yuan Mongolian cavalry and Yuanmeng Wujie!


ps: Thank you Shuyou [Huzhong Sun and Moon, in your sleeves. ] The two silver alliances to be rewarded!

In addition, the big man in the pot has posted a bounty-seeking post in the book review area. If you have any qualifications, you can recommend it.

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