I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 906: Pinnacle of mastery, dragon skill! (Add to [Huzhong Sun Moon]...

  Jianglong God Leg (Absolutely)

  The most powerful one of the three great masterpieces passed down from generation to generation in Wushuangcheng, the full set of leg techniques is divided into seven types, and the moves are superb.

   Grade: 10 (+4)


   Attack +600% (+400%), precision +600% (+400%), body method +600 (+400), reaction +600 (+400)

   Special effects: Dragon and Tiger, Dragon World.

Dragon Tiger Leap: Movement speed increased by 70% (the rate of increase depends on the level of "Dragon Leg"), and when attacking with the leg method, you can get an additional 70% increase in the strength attribute (the rate of increase depends on the level of "Long Dragon Leg") set).

   The world of dragons: The higher the merit value of the user, the stronger the power of the leg technique! The base attack power will get (user merit value ÷ 10) power bonus!


   After "Dragon Leg" was upgraded to full level, all attributes have been comprehensively improved, and it is completely worthy of the words "outstanding".

   Compared with the basic attributes that can be predicted, the special effects after the full level should be more powerful.

  Longxing the world, this is exactly the same name as the first special effect of "Dragons and Eighteen Palms", but the amplification effect of the two is one from chivalry value and one from merit.

   And in fact, Ye Mingming's merits at this moment are much worse than his chivalrous value, but it is definitely a number that cannot be underestimated. Although I can't see the specific values, it is not yet clear how Ye Ye feels, how can it look like seven or eight thousand.

   Put these seven or eight thousand merit values ​​into the calculation formula, which is the basic attribute damage of seven or eight hundred, which is equivalent to the power increase of an extra piece of treasure equipment out of thin air!

  In addition, the original special effect of "Dragon and Tiger Leap" has also increased the bonus of 70% of the physical strength on its original basis.

   In this way, the weakness that can't get the weapon increase of the leg method becomes an advantage.

  After all, according to the basic attributes unknown at night, a 70% increase in sacred power is equivalent to a basic attack power of nearly 7,000 points, which has exceeded the damage of an ordinary magic soldier!

It can even be said that the current "Dragon Dragon Leg" is not as comprehensive as the "Dragon Dragon Eighteen Palms" in terms of moves, but in the face of enemies that are not traitors, the damage has completely exceeded the "Dragon Dragon Eighteen" Palm!

  Does this mean that the arms can't be screwed on the thighs?

   Just when Ye Mingming appreciates the many changes after "Falling Dragon Legs" full level, he suddenly remembered the expected system prompt sound in his ear:

Ding! It is found that the attributes of the "Ancestral Dragon's Legs" and the "Ancestral Dragon's Eighteen Palms" you have are extremely matched, and they can be merged into one. Is there any fusion?


   Sure enough, after "Dragon Dragon Legs" and "Dragon Dragon Eighteen Palms" reach the full level, they can be merged with each other, thus becoming a super unique school that only takes up one skill bar.

   Although this matter is expected, but after hearing the system prompts, it is still exciting.

  Nothing to say, fusion!

Ding! The skill fusion is successful, please name the new skill.

   For the name after the fusion of the two martial arts, Ye Mingming had already thought about it already. After hearing the prompt of the system, enter it into it immediately — the Dragon Dragon Divine Skill!

Ding! It is detected that there is no skill with the same name in the current game, which meets the skill naming standard, and the new skill is successfully named!

  Dragon-dragon skill (exclusive)

   From the world to the fiercest martial arts of fists and feet, who came to the front with a dragon coming out?

  Body method +600 (+400), reaction +600 (+400)

  Special effects: Dragon World, Dragon Leap, Dawei Tianlong.

  The world of dragons: "Dragon descending skill" is a unique skill that only great heroes and heroes can master very well. The higher the chivalry value and merit of the user, the stronger the power of the palm and legs!

   basic attack power will get [(user chivalry value + user merit value) ÷ 10] power bonus!

Dragon Tiger Leap: Movement speed increased by 70% (the rate of increase depends on the level of "Dragon Leg"), and when attacking with the leg method, you can get an additional 70% increase in the strength attribute (the rate of increase depends on the level of "Long Dragon Leg") Fixed), when using the palm attack, you can get an additional 24% increase in the brawn attribute (the percentage of increase depends on the level of "Dragon Leg").

  Daiwei Tianlong: The more powerful the enemy is, the more powerful it is! (If the enemy's chivalry value is negative, the negative chivalry value will be converted into a basic attack power of 1:1 according to the ratio of 1:1)



In general, this dragon skill is the perfect combination of the advantages of the original "18 Dragon Palm" and "Jianglong God Legs", not just merging the two, saving a skill bar. .

After all, the two ways of gaining increase after the full level are different. At this moment, whether it is "Dragon Eighteen Palms" or "Dragon Dragon Legs" can enjoy the common increase in basic damage of the two, so that his palm And leg power, both have improved a lot!

   The power of the boxing and footwork, which is not yet known at night, has already exceeded the level-limiting "Sword of Heaven and Nine Swords", and it can be said that it has fully possessed the top power in the peerless.

   Going a step further, that is the existence of the level of miracle.

  I don't know this magic skill, is there any possibility to continue to upgrade?

  Night is unclear now, and I feel that I have no pressure on single 150-level BOSS. Even the 160-level BOSS can try a positive challenge.

   Hmm...except the monkeys in the green bamboo secret!

   smiled satisfactorily, and Ye Mingming turned his attention to the "Snake Turning Tan" just learned.

   glanced at the nearly 7 million points remaining on the body, nothing to say, upgrade, continuous upgrade!

Ding! Your advanced light skill "Snake and the Beaver" has been upgraded, and the current level is level 2 (+3)!

Ding! Your advanced light skills...

Ding! ...


  Unexpectedly at night, he directly raised the level of this body method to the 9th level, and its attributes have become...

   Snake Walker (Advanced)

   The exquisite body method recorded in the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", regardless of standing, lying down, rolling, lying on the side, can be flexible in any posture.

   Grade: 9 (+3)

   Proficiency: 0/20 million

  Body method +90 (+60), reaction +900 (+600)


   Literally, although the bonus of this body method to attributes is also very powerful, it is not too exaggerated. However, the really subtle changes in the body of "Snake and Beaver" are not explained by simple numerical values.

Quietly appreciate the many subtle changes after this body skill has been upgraded to level 9, Ye Weiming feels that even if he is now allowed to face the five masters like Ouyang Feng alone, he can spend a long time with the opponent. .

  In addition, the level of proficiency required for him to upgrade from level 9 to level 10 is as high as 20 million, which is already the demand for proficiency to reach the full level of ordinary out of school!

   From the point of view of the increase attribute in parentheses, even if this body method reaches level 10, its attribute bonus is not very exaggerated, but it can be said to be quite satisfactory.

  So does the 20 million proficiency requirement mean that after you upgrade this body method to full level, there is a huge surprise waiting for you?

  Looked forward to the special effect of "Snake Beaver Fan" after it was upgraded to full level for 5 seconds. Ye Mingming then withdrew his thoughts and set his eyes on his basic attributes.

  Unknown at night

   Grade: 77

   Qi and blood: 308980/308980

  Internal force: 165620/165620

   physique: 9462

  Strength: 9262

   body method: 11673

   Reaction: 13537

  Qualification: 478

  Perception: 483


   Well, it looks average.

The physical and physical strength has not yet reached the passing line of 10,000 points, but the two attributes of body and reaction, especially the reaction attribute, have been greatly improved after practicing "Snake and Turn", which has far exceeded 10,000. The passing point of the point.

   After balancing the advantages and disadvantages, Ye Mingming felt that his comprehensive attributes were only 130 levels of ordinary BOSS, and he was still far from being complacent.

   Acting in the future, you still need to be cautious and low-key!

   Seeing that his strength has been qualitatively improved than before he went to the prairie, Ye Weiming feels that he should find an enemy whose strength is quite enough to install a wave of force...... Hehe, is to verify his actual combat level.

   But the problem is that there are so few masters who have a holiday with themselves. Which lucky person should I look for?

  How to break the selection difficulties?

Shaking his head, Ye Mingming immediately jumped off the Jianyi stone bed, came to the desk and sat down, took out the four treasures of the study, and wrote on a white paper Xuan Ming's second old, Cheng Kun, Zhebei, Ada, Aer, A San and Qiu Qiancheng waited for a list of names, then closed their eyes, turned the paper a few times on the table, and then stretched out their right index finger for a mess.

   "Order soldiers and soldiers, ride horses to fight wars, who is ordered, who is who!"

After a shitless utterance, the unidentified finger suddenly stopped somewhere on the paper, opened his eyes, and couldn't help but murmured with a smile: "Hong Antong? But that's fine. I was delayed because I was not sure For a long time, it is also time to complete the last commission of the Xiaobao brothers, and by the way, return the'Leopard fetus Yijinwan' to the original owner."

   But if the opponent is Hong Antong, Ye Weiming feels that if he challenges himself, the win rate may not exceed 9.5 percent.

   In order to be safe, he decisively sent a copy of Flying Pigeon Biography to Daomei and Xiaoqiao.

   However, the response was...

   [No problem, on call! 】——Transparent flyover

[I said that the smelly catch is fast. Are you free to go to the Raiders now? Have you forgotten that we two have got more than half of the treasure map together before, saying that we will go to the special copy represented by the treasure map together? Something? 】——Slash and kill

   Faced with the indignant question of Daomei, Ye Weiming found that this matter seemed to him, probably, 80%... indeed forgot!

  Straight-talking is the martial arts of the night, so he replied outspokenly.

   [This matter is indeed true, if you are in a hurry, we will agree to go out tomorrow morning to pick the copy, and then go to Hong Antong. However, the other half of the copy of the map was obtained by me and Yuju together. If we challenged, we had to call her together. 】——Unknown at night

   For what he forgot about this copy, Ye Weiming neither admitted nor denied, but took it directly, which is not a lie.

   The unselfish and kind person has not collapsed.


Daomei replied to the message again, saying that she did not have any opinion on letting Liuju participate in the challenge together, but the faster the time, the better. After completing the task, her strength has also been greatly improved. Anxious to find an opponent to pretend to force.

   In this regard, Ye Weiming said that he needed to ask when Liuju had time.

  Followed by, Ye Weiming was flying pigeons, got the same answer as Xiaoqiao, and then let the other party directly come to the house to find themselves, as well as Daomei.

   On the side of Xiaoqiao, Ye Mingming responded to the message after consulting with the three girls. He will challenge Luding Gongfu tomorrow morning to get the final copy of "Shou and Tian Qi".

Soon, Daomei and Naoyu went to the bedroom of Ye Mingming, and Ye Weiming took out the two treasure maps that had been prepared before, and spliced ​​them on the desk. A system prompt immediately appeared in the ears of three people. Side sounded at the same time.

Ding! After the treasure map merger is completed, you can open the special copy "Fengyun Resurgence" at any time.

  Special reminder: This copy has a higher difficulty factor. Please make sure that the average level of the team members exceeds 70, and that you are ready to challenge after you are fully prepared.

   Because regardless of whether the challenge is successful, the treasure map will disappear after the player enters the copy.

   Please choose carefully!

  Will you enter the copy of "Fengyun Zaihui"?


This special copy of the map requires players to enter the average level of 70 or more, and each of the three unknown nights, the level is more than 75, of which the level is the most diligent knife girl, has reached 80. The height of horror is naturally full of confidence in challenging this copy in front of me.

With Ye Weiming choosing "Yes" and clicking OK, the figures of the three disappeared in Ye Mingming's bedroom at the same time, but they didn't appear directly in the copy as they expected. The situation of the Fengyun Secret Realm appears in a void, and in front of the three people, a beautiful picture emerges.

   This copy, there are still cutscenes!

As the sound of melodious music sounded, a smooth and white jade foot appeared in the picture, the heel was on the ground, and it was fluctuating up and down with the rhythm of the music, and the camera slowly moved upwards, before revealing an absolute appearance The beautiful woman in red is holding a pipa and singing.

   "The red dust is so ridiculous, the infatuation is the most boring, and everything is okay. This life is gone, but the heart is not disturbed, just want to exchange for half a lifetime..."

  Familiar melody, familiar voice, familiar posture, familiar appearance!

   The beauty in red in front of this cutscene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is Xue Qianxun that Ye Weiming and Daomei have seen before!

  Since it was a cutscene before opening as a copy, of course the scene cannot always be beautiful.

   followed, the screen changed, and it turned into a group of singers including Xue Qianxun surrounded by dozens of pirates who were armed with sharp blades. It seemed that they were in great trouble.

  However, Xue Qianxun faced the iron lock in front of him, but did not show any cowardice. Just calmed down and waved the handcuffs in front of him, making a crisp sound after the collision. At the same time, he said contemptuously: "The fog is hidden, you don’t think this is just an ordinary gamble. Your legs must be Someone will get it."

   The cutscenes are over, and the three unknown at night finally feel a down-to-earth feeling, but they have entered the copy map.

   in front of them is a camp that looks rather stern. Whether it is a flying flag or a decoration and layout style, there is a strong Dongying atmosphere in the camp.

  At the same time, a system prompt has sounded in the ears of three people at the same time:

Ding! Officially enter the special copy "Rise of the Storm", please break through the Wuyin Camp and rescue the trapped singer.

   Remarks: Wuyin Mengzang has extraordinary strength, please be careful!


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