The bone-split lizard bit Xu Lingjun's entire body in one bite, and then burst into a mournful wailing.

Blood streamed down his lips and teeth.

Two broken fangs splattered from the wide open mouth.

Xu Lingjun was a little stunned, but he didn't expect that his big teeth had actually collapsed.

But although the mind was dazed, the hands did not stop.

The fists kept going, and a flaming killing fist was slamming into the side of the bone-splitting lizard with all his strength.

Like a heavy hammer on the concrete slab.

In the piercing sound of the impact... the bone-split lizard whined, and its huge body was directly smashed to the ground, as if it had been slapped on the head by an excavator.

It instinctively wanted to spit out Xu Lingjun, but it flicked its mouth from side to side, but it couldn't get rid of him.

bit him.

It did break his skin, and then the two longest teeth were broken, but the remaining teeth were stuck in his muscles and could not be pulled out.

How thick is this skin?

For the first time, I encountered such a thick skin, I couldn't bite, I couldn't pull it out!

At this time, Xu Lingjun also reacted.

It doesn't hurt?

No, it hurts.

It hurts like getting a jab... It's like being poked by a dozen needles lined up in a row.

When he played Jiajia, he liked to give injections to others, but what he was most afraid of was actually being injected, not even monsters!


After a walk between life and death, Xu Lingjun's heart suddenly became fierce.

Pushing Wang Qingya away, the other hand firmly grabbed the upper jaw of the bone-splitting lizard.

The black fist energy condensed in the heart of the fist, and smashed into the forehead of the bone cracking lizard.


Bang! !

"Let me go!!!"

Seeing that the bone-splitting lizard was so fierce, it didn't let go after being punched a few times by himself.

Once eaten, it's over.

Life and death were only on the line, Xu Lingjun's eyes were red.

My mother didn't give birth to me to feed you.

I don't care that Yanshaquan will cause great harm to the body. Although Xu Lingjun didn't feel any damage while practicing the boxing before, he was afraid that there would be a dark injury, so he kept his strength.

But now he is about to be eaten by monsters.

Don't care anymore.

With all his strength, his fist energy almost roared and roared within his tendons, even if he had not gathered Qi, but the Qi Jin had already spread through the limbs and bones in the ninth stage.

But now, under the critical situation of Xu Lingjun's life and death, almost 300% of his potential has exploded.

Go all out.

Qi energy gathered like a vast ocean, and all of it was vented to the head and face of the bone cracking lizard along the fist energy.

The sound of the hammer bang bang bang can be heard incessantly.

The Bone Splitting Lizard was extremely tenacious, even though it roared in pain and struggled desperately, it always bit Xu Lingjun firmly.

One person and one beast fell into a stalemate.

Just in a stalemate.

Accompanied by a bang, the sound of bones breaking.

The outer long skeleton armor on the head of the bone split lizard has been directly smashed and cracked.

The bone split lizard struggled even more, and one person and one beast rolled on the ground.

Gradually... but Xu Lingjun gradually gained the upper hand!

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xu Lingjun only felt that his power was getting bigger and bigger, as if the potential hidden in the body was stimulated between life and death.

Qi Jin is also being vented with all his strength again and again, being continuously concentrated... continuously fused...

If it wasn't for the fact that he was about to be eaten by this monster, maybe he could still feel the change in himself, as if... there was a big breakthrough between life and death...

But right now, in order to prevent himself from being eaten.

He can only desperately smash the bone split lizard in front of him,

It was dizzy when it was smashed, and it cried out incessantly.

"Don't let go!!!"

With a roar, he raised the bone-splitting lizard's several-ton body high, like a weeping willow, and slammed down to the ground.

Everyone just felt the ground tremble!

Xu Lingjun had already twisted and rode on the neck of the bone-splitting lizard, and slammed it down with punch after punch.

The skull was smashed, the eyes were smashed, and the tendons were drooping outside, looking extremely miserable, and in the end, even the tongue was drooping outside and could not be retracted.

Even so, it was still breathing hard, shaking its head desperately, but didn't let go.


The last bit of strength was exhausted.

Its body fell weakly to the ground, unable to move anymore, only its unclosed eyes were left, telling the pain and torture it suffered before dying.

"Don't let go of death, there is a kind of..."

Xu Lingjun breathed a sigh of relief, panting violently in shock, and shouted, "Damn, I'm scared to death."


There was a crying voice, Wang Qingya couldn't care that the monster was still connected to Xu Lingjun, she flew over and hugged Xu Lingjun, crying loudly, and punched him hard while crying. , the crying nose burst into tears and cried, "Why don't you run away, why do you... What should I do if you die..."

Inexplicably, he took another bite on Xu Lingjun's shoulder, and then covered his mouth and cried even more sadly.

While crying, I slammed him hard, and changed hands for a while.

The deserted attitude that was deliberately disguised in the school before is completely broken now...

Watching Xu Lingjun protect her below, watching Xu Lingjun push her away.

She felt as if the sky was falling.

She came to him because she wanted to take care of him, accompany him, and not let him be alone.

She didn't want him to die to save her...

Dou Da's tears flowed down her cheeks. The originally charming beauty cried so ugly, her tears and snot became a ball, and she couldn't care about her manners any more.

"I'm fine, Sister Yaya, I'm fine."

Xu Lingjun actually wanted to cry. What about the two lives? It was the first time in his life that such a terrible thing had happened.

He was half eaten alive by a terrifying monster... The feeling of being swallowed into the beast's stomach at any time made him at a loss.

The first time, scared to death.

In other words, Wang Qingya cried so hard, otherwise, he might have been crying uncontrollably...

But even so, he was hugging Wang Qingya tightly at the moment, his face was snow-white with fright, and Wang Qingya could feel Xu Lingjun's trembling body even more.

No matter who, the first time to escape from life and death, the reaction will not be very good.

He was scared, and he pushed me away and faced this terrifying monster for me.

Wang Qingya's sense of fear eased a little, but she hugged Xu Lingjun even tighter.

He buried Xu Lingjun tightly in his arms, trying to use his chest to give him a sense of security, telling him that she was alive, he was alive, and they were all alive and well.

The siblings tried their best to use their bodies to comfort each other's sense of security.

Neither of them noticed that the playground at this time, and even the many elders and tomorrow's headmaster in the Sun and Moon Mingzong opposite the virtual reality conversion imaging device.

Everyone fell into a dead silence.

"Just... what happened?"

After a long time, Guo Zheng's confused voice sounded like he was waking up from a dream.

"No...don't know."

Guo Xu was also sluggish, staring blankly at the bone split lizard lying on the ground without the slightest sound.

All the students looked at Xu Lingjun, and then looked at the bone split lizard that fell to the ground without a sound.

There seemed to be tears dripping down the eye sockets that were smashed...

was beaten to death.

He seemed to be crying quite sadly before he died, as if a weak beast was raped to death by a single person. Although they knew that he died, but looking at the tragic state of his death, they really felt... This is very pitiful. .

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