I Can Go Beyond Space

Chapter 84 Won?

Chapter 84 Won?

At this time, Zhishi was still following Zhuang Hong expressionlessly. It seemed that after several failed attempts, he had no intention of catching up with Zhuang Hong, and just hung there.

Zhi Shidao: "I didn't expect you to see through the weakness of my body, but it doesn't matter, you can't escape."

Zhuang Hong glanced back, saw Zhishi's calm appearance, and thought: 'Could it be that he has something to rely on? '

He suddenly turned around and slashed out.

Tomoyo hastily raised his sword to block.


The two backed up at the same time.

Zhuang Hong turned and ran away again.

He secretly said in his heart: "His source power has indeed weakened a lot, so that his speed, strength and even his reaction have declined."

Zhuang Hong fought with Zhishi for a long time, and felt a sense of familiarity from him, as if he had encountered a similar opponent before.

But he couldn't remember what this sense of familiarity was all about.

However, it doesn't matter anymore, since Zhishi is already weak, then he will be completely eliminated next to avoid any accidents.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Hong started to run sullenly, and unknowingly, he took Zhishi around in a big circle and returned to the vicinity of the whirlpool.

Zhishi frowned: "Why are you running back?"

Zhuang Hongdao: "It suddenly occurred to me that you made that weird vortex and that group of disgusting space eaters. I plan to try to destroy them. If you care about that vortex, maybe you will reveal it out of anxiety. Flaws, let me find a chance to kill you."

He just told Tomoyo his plan without reservation.

Then he kept observing Tomoyo's expression, trying to see if he really cared about the vortex.

Tomoyo still had no expression on his face, but his feet unknowingly accelerated.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhuang Hong's mouth: "It seems that you care about that vortex, so I will not be polite."

After all, Zhuang Hong also speeded up and headed towards the vortex.

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, Zhishi said coldly: "Zhuang Hong, I advise you not to do this, otherwise you will regret it."

Zhuang Hong: "You are in a hurry! If I destroy the whirlpool, you will definitely lose your sense of proportion, let me find a chance."

Zhishi: "Zhuang Hong, you are now one of the people I hate the most."

Seeing that Zhuang Hong ignored him, he said again: "Don't run away, as long as you stop, I am willing to stand still and slash you."

Zhuang Hong: "You didn't believe what you said before, and you have no credibility with me, so I won't trust you anymore."

Zhishi's eyes darkened, and the purple source power in his body exploded violently again, causing waves of air to surge.

With a sudden kick, he accelerated towards Zhuang Hong.

Apparently intending to go all out.

This time, Zhuang Hong didn't back down, but used a solid armor to condense a thick round shield, then turned around and raised the shield to block with a knife.


Under Zhishi's berserk attack, Zhuang Hong's round shield shattered, and the armor of his long knife shattered, revealing the dragon tendon sword in his damaged eyes, and Zhuang Hong flew back like a cannonball, smashing hard on a stone wall.

After Zhishi's blow, his momentum dropped sharply, but he still rushed towards Zhuang Hong, trying to take advantage of the situation to kill Zhuang Hong.

However, when he took a few steps, it was as if he had hit a large elastic net, and his speed was getting slower and slower.


When Tomoyo hadn't fully recovered, he suddenly felt that his body was covered with dense filaments, and he couldn't move his hands, feet, body, and tail.

The color of these filaments is the same as the surrounding environment. I was in a hurry just now, so I didn't see it at all...


His pupils constricted sharply, and he agitated his source of strength, trying to break free.

However, Zhuang Hong had been waiting for this moment for a long time, how could he let him break free easily?

The moment Zhishi crashed into the invisible filament trap, a large number of 'spider web bombs' were sprayed out from his hand, turning into spider webs, covering Zhishi and restricting his movements.

Simultaneously, it shot up, rushed towards Zhishi, and arrived in front of Zhishi in a blink of an eye.

Raise the knife.



Zhishi pulled it down with all his strength, barely standing the knife in his hand in front of his body, blocking Zhuang Hong's knife, but his knife was also thrown out of his hand by Zhuang Hong's blow.

With the fragments of the armor flying, the dragon tendon sword was exposed again.


There was a crisp sound from Zhuang Hong's back waist, followed by more than a dozen white lights flashing out, piercing into Zhishi's body.

"Puff puff!"

In a blink of an eye, he was tied into a hedgehog, and Zhishi couldn't help but tremble.

Immediately afterwards, Zhishi saw the sword in Zhuang Hong's hand suddenly elongate, then quickly wrapped around its neck, and pulled hard.


A big dark red head flew up, and the astonished expression on Zhishi's face could be vaguely seen.


The head fell to the ground.

But Zhishi was not completely dead yet, the eyeballs on its head turned to look at Zhuang Hong, and it was still able to speak.

"I didn't expect you to have so many hole cards. I underestimated you, but..."

A smile suddenly appeared on his head, and he had nothing to say.

It's a pity that Zhuang Hong didn't want to hear it, and cut his head in half with one knife, and Zhishi's voice stopped abruptly.

To be on the safe side, he cut open Zhishi's head with a single knife, and then cut his body into several sections. After confirming that there was no movement, he breathed a sigh of relief.


Zhuang Hong's tense spirit relaxed, and the excitement during the battle gradually calmed down, and joy emerged instead.

It was also at this time that he felt the heart in his body beating crazily, making a thumping sound.

He couldn't help clenching his fists, and murmured: "It feels so good to have power..."

"Then, swallow this spirit-raising beast now, and then enter the cave to kill all the hollow worms, destroy the vortex, and see if we can stop the ashes from spreading!"

Zhuang Hong didn't think he was the savior, but seeing countless people struggling in pain and seeing such a human civilization being gradually eaten away by ashes, it must be a lie in his heart to say that he didn't feel uncomfortable.

After killing the hollow worms and the vortex of destruction, it would be great if the spread of ashes could be delayed and the world would have more time to breathe.

Zhuang Hong took two steps forward, and when he was about to lean over and swallow Zhishi, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look into the distance.

Three dark red figures emerged from the void and slowly walked towards Zhuang Hong.

Zhuang Hong's pupils shrank suddenly, and his muscles tensed.

"These three guys look exactly like Zhishi... No, it should be said that these three guys are all Zhishi, and these are his clones. What I killed just now is just a clone!"

"This is really a trough!"


When he saw the three tentacle monsters, Zhuang Hong remembered the familiarity he felt from Zhishi before.

Because Zhuang Hong also encountered a similar opponent more than half a year ago, that is Hei Jinhua who controlled a group of praying mantis monsters.

There's a hint of mantis monster about these tentacle monsters.

It's just that the strength gap between the two is too great, and Zhuang Hong didn't connect them. Now when he saw the three tentacled monsters, he realized it later.

"I don't know why Zhishi's stamina is so poor as a purple spirit ascending beast. It turns out that's the case! What I killed was only his clone!"

When Zhishi was fighting with Zhuang Hong before, Zhuang Hong was still curious about what Zhishi was waiting for, so he was waiting for other avatars.

Zhuang Hong: "It's hard for me to deal with one. Now I managed to kill one, and three came in one breath. The situation is not good..."

He stretched out his hand and stretched out a few filaments, quietly wrapped them around the corpse of the tentacle monster he had killed, then pulled it back and wrapped it around his back.

Those three 'Zhishi' didn't seem to be worried about Zhuang Hong's escape, they walked towards Zhuang Hong unhurriedly, expressionless.

Zhuang Hong also couldn't wish for it.

He spent a lot of fighting just now, and now he just took advantage of the three 'Zhishi' pretending to be vacant, and swallowed this tentacle monster to replenish some nutrients.

There may be an extremely difficult and dangerous battle ahead.

The more nutrition in the body, the more protection.

Zhuang Hong's hands behind his back quietly inserted into the tentacle monster's corpse, frantically absorbing the nutrients, and large streams of high-quality nutrients poured into his body, making his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

After Zhuang Hong absorbed it, he felt the surging power surge again, quickly replenishing the consumption of today's battle.

And the three Zhishi also surrounded Zhuang Hong in an arc.

Zhishi in the middle said: "Zhuang Hong, why didn't you let me finish my sentence just now? My head has already fallen off, why rush to kill me?"

Another person who knew the world said: "Sure enough, mayworms are so anxious, and they are always unwilling to listen to what others have to say. Even if they mutate into zergs, they can't change the characteristics of lower creatures."

The last Zhishi: "Zhuang Hong, after unremitting efforts, you finally killed me. Are you happy? Now, are you surprised? But I have already told you that you can't escape from me. "

Zhuang Hong: "..."

"You belong to the orc clan! These three avatars are all controlled by you, just use one avatar to talk to me, why bother to exchange three avatars for three sentences?"

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