I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 89 Defendant, tell me why you blew up the school

Boom boom——

Boom boom——

The entire teaching building could not accommodate the size of two king-level black bulls.

The moment they appeared, the entire teaching building collapsed, like an earthquake!

It seemed that they were too depressed after staying in the sack for a long time. When they came out, they went crazy and started to run wild.

Wang Wuchen reacted the fastest. At the moment when the whole building was about to collapse, he pulled Su Shu away from the spot and appeared above the school.

Looking at the two king-level black bulls running wild below, Wang Wuchen was shocked and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

What followed was heartache. This was his school!

"Damn it, how did you put two king beasts in this sack!"

Wang Wuchen couldn't help it and yelled at Su Shu, spitting saliva directly on Su Shu's face.

"Principal, I told you not to look! You insisted on looking!" Su Shu wiped the saliva from his face with an innocent look!

Wang Wuchen roared: "Who the hell knew that there would be two king-level beasts in your broken sack!!!"

"And why didn't you say it at the time? And why didn't you use your superpower to stop me? Your superpower is effective on me!!!"

Su Shu: "But I just wanted to say it, you interrupted me, and I don't dare to use my superpower on you now, I'm afraid you will ask someone to beat me up!"

Wang Wuchen felt bad after hearing this, because Su Shu was telling the truth, he did interrupt Su Shu, and he did ask someone to beat Su Shu up before.

Everything seemed to be reasonable, but Wang Wuchen always felt that Su Shu did it on purpose! And this feeling was very strong.


The destruction below was still continuing, and the whole school was about to become a ruin.

Wang Wuchen yelled directly: "Why are you still standing there? Put them back quickly!"

Su Shu was speechless: "But my sack is in your hand!"

Wang Wuchen's mouth twitched after hearing this, and he quickly handed the sack in his hand to Su Shu.

After Su Shu took it, he activated the power of weakness on one of them.

Instantly, the two felt a blackness in front of their eyes, and one of the king-level black bulls appeared in front of them, directly blocking their sight.

However, since both of them were in the air, Su Shu could not hold the king-level black bull.

So, the weak king-level black bull fell directly down and hit the canteen teaching building that was originally intact.


The entire canteen teaching building turned into ruins!

Wang Wuchen's heart was bleeding when he saw it! Now he had reason to suspect that Su Shu did it on purpose!

Su Shu didn't care about Wang Wuchen's murderous eyes, and directly broke free from the other's hand, and then fell directly on the king-level black bull below, and then opened the sack and put the other in.

At this time, the black bull over there suddenly jumped up, with a pair of front hooves raised high.

Wang Wuchen's eyes were about to burst when he saw this, and he yelled: "Su bastard, use your superpowers quickly!!!!"

The king-level black bull was obviously going to use heavy stomping.

If the other party released this king-level heavy stomping, not to mention Luo An's superpower, all the buildings within a kilometer would be reduced to ruins.

This is not a joke, the horror of the beast, the damage caused is unimaginable!

Just like Su Shu used the king-level gravity before, and instantly killed 100,000 people, the power can be imagined.

Seeing this, Su Shu hurriedly used weakness.

At the moment when the king-level black bull's front hoof was about to step down, it suddenly disappeared from the spot, and was then put in by Su Shu.

Su Shu breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ruins. Fortunately, the black bull only had a group attack superpower, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Wang Wuchen also flew down and stood next to Su Shu, looking at the ruins of the whole school, his heart was bleeding.

"Defendant, what should we do?" Finally, Wang Wuchen couldn't help but ask.

Su Shu looked up in surprise: "What do you mean by accused? Principal, I told you not to open it, but you insisted on opening it. What does this have to do with me?"

Wang Wuchen glared: "You have the obligation to remind me!"

Su Shu: "I wanted to remind you! Did you give me a chance? You just interrupted me! Or really hit me!"

Remembering that he had punched Su Shu before, Wang Wuchen's facial expression suddenly became a little uncomfortable, but he still said stubbornly:

"Putting aside the facts, are you not wrong?"

Su Shu was speechless. Where had he heard this before?

But now was not the time to recall the past. Su Shu stood up directly: "It's none of my business anyway."

Wang Wuchen's eyes turned: "How about I build a big statue for you in the new school?"

Su Shu paused directly. This, this, hit his heart directly!

"How much does it cost to build a new school?" Su Shu finally asked helplessly.

Wang Wuchen raised his hand and pointed a finger: "One hundred million will be enough!"

"What?" Su Shu opened his mouth wide: "Why don't you go and rob?"

Wang Wuchen was about to explain, but Su Shu suddenly said: "I'll give two hundred million, but I have a request!"

Wang Wuchen: "Speak!"

Su Shu: "First, the statue must be built first!"

"Second, all the excavator projects in the school are contracted to my dad!"

"Third, there can be no tables and benches in the classroom, all of them must be installed on beds, I want all students to lie down and attend class comfortably!"

"Fourth, the school loudspeakers in the future must always play the words 'Su Shu is so handsome, he will always be a great man in the school'!"

"Fifth, 90% of all the school's income belongs to me, but I don't care!"


"Stop, stop, stop!" Wang Wuchen couldn't hear anymore and quickly stopped him.

"Forget it if you don't agree!" Su Shu turned around and walked out.

Wang Wuchen quickly flew down and grabbed Su Shu: "Don't worry! We can talk, we can talk!"

The two talked for a full two hours and finally decided that Su Shu would invest 200 million.

From now on, Su Shu holds 48% of Luo An Yigao's shares. He doesn't have to take care of anything, he just needs to sit back and get money.

The reason why Su Shu agreed was because Wang Wuchen said that if you take too many shares, you can't do nothing.

At the same time, Wang Wuchen also agreed to the condition of building the statue first, and also contracted all the excavator work for this project to Su Shu's father.

Wang Wuchen was deeply afraid that Su Shu would regret it, so he directly forced Su Shu to sign the contract.

After getting the contract and confirming that it was correct, Wang Wuchen stood up directly: "Su Shu, you did it on purpose, right?"

Su Shu was dumbfounded: "Principal, you can't say this nonsense! You know the process well! It's all your doing!"

Wang Wuchen held up the contract: "Since you didn't mean it, why did you pay to rebuild the school?"

Su Shu was dumbfounded and suddenly shot up from behind to grab the contract.

As a result, Wang Wuchen disappeared directly on the spot, and Wang Wuchen's voice came from the air: "Su Shu, no, defendant, just wait for the court summons!"

Su Shu spread his hands speechlessly: "But I haven't paid yet. If you go and sue, the compensation will be 100 million at most, but I will give you 200 million!"

Wang Wuchen was stunned after hearing this, and appeared in front of Su Shu again, with a frustrated look on his face! That's an overwhelming feeling of frustration!

Su Shu was too lazy to pay attention to him and stood up directly: "I'm going back first. When I get back, I will directly transfer the military merit to you, and you will be responsible for the rest!"

Seeing that Wang Wuchen still didn't speak, Su Shu left directly, muttering to himself as he walked: "It has been rumored that the new school will be built for more than two years, almost three years. It is about to graduate, and there is no sign of construction yet!"

"That's good. I'll pay for the construction myself, so I can finally go to a new school!"

Hearing this, Wang Wuchen suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Shu's back. He began to suspect that Su Shu did it on purpose again!

Because this kid will always do some earth-shattering and outrageous things for some particularly outrageous purposes!

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