I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1003: 2 conversations

The true spirit fairy religion.

   The main gate is located in an underground palace.

   Compared with the magnificent palaces in the Zongshan Gate, this place is relatively simple.

   But the space here is huge. There are countless white candles on the floor of the temple. Under the faint fire light, even if it is underground, the temple is still bright and bright.

   At this moment, on a huge altar in the middle of the hall, a figure is sitting here.

   This is an old man with an immortal spirit, wearing a black and white robe, closing his eyes and making a masterpiece.

   Suddenly, a flame flickered among the candles in the hall.

   The strange thing is that this is a closed underground space, and it shouldn’t be windy.

   Then, the old man seemed to feel something and looked at the candlestick.

   "It's strange, who is this breath, why haven't you felt it before?"

   The old man murmured, but his eyes never looked away.

   Then, his heart moved, two divine lights shot out from his eyes.

   In front of him, a void halo suddenly appeared, opening to both sides.

   A picture appeared from the opened aperture. It was a mountain villa with beautiful mountains and clear waters, but in the next picture, it was covered by endless death, and then the picture stopped.

   "Manipulate the dead spirit, the peak intensity of the heaven and the human state, who is this?" The old man looked at the end of the screen, with some doubts in his eyes.

   But soon, his complexion returned to normal, and he slowly stood up.

   He stared into the void and whispered: "Counting the time, it should be close to the day when I start preaching."

   His eyes seemed to penetrate the void and see everything.

"But this matter, I still have to send someone to investigate..." The old man counted one or two fingers, and said to his side: "You Ying has not returned after going out, so let Zhuzhao you go. Go to Cimu Mountain and investigate. How was the Qin family destroyed?"

   "Follow the orders of the master!" A strange wave of fluctuations spread out from the space beside him, but it quickly disappeared.

After    gave the order, the old man did not speak any more, but stood in the hall with his hands on his back, waiting.

  Because he knew that with the strength of his subordinates, even if it was necessary to investigate, it would only take more than ten breaths of effort each time.

   At this point, he can still afford to wait.

   As expected, after more than ten breaths, the void on his side once again conveyed a wave of fluctuations.

   "Enlightened to teach, the entire mountain villa was corroded by lifelessness, leaving no traces or clues, the breath of the person who shot was wiped out by extremely sophisticated means, and the subordinates were unable to distinguish their identity."

   "Is that really the case?" The old man murmured, but he already knew this was the result in his heart.

   "But..." But at this moment, amidst the fluctuations, there was a voice again.

   "Oh, but what?"

   "However, within the villa, his subordinates found another aura, another cultivator of the Celestial Realm. He should be the target of the shooter!"

"who is it?"

   "This person should be Jin Changtian, the master of Dongzhou Golden Sword Gate, and the clan asks the blood relative of Dao Bang disciple Jin Wuliang!"

   "Jin Changtian..." The old man murmured again, and then there were countless scenes in his eyes.

"Oh, it turned out to be this person, the great-grandson of Jin Wanyao, who was famous in Dongzhou back then. But who did he offend, let a Celestial Realm pinnacle take action and wipe it out so thoroughly, even I can't see the clue. …"

The person next to him seemed to have been thinking for a long time before faintly said: "Teacher, this person must know your abilities well, even if such a big movement is made, the traces must be completely wiped out, which is obviously to prevent When you snooped the breath, the subordinate guessed that he was..."

   "I understand..." The old man nodded, as if he knew what the other party was going to say in advance.

   His gaze looked at the void again, and he whispered: "It seems that it was the hands of people around you...'

   "But who is this person?"


   more than ten days later.

   True Spirit Immortal Sect, Ask Sin Peak.

   In the main hall, Lei Yi and Zhuo Fangyan met again.

   "Peak Master, I have defeated Jin Wuliang, now I can challenge Gu Tianfei!"

   came to the main hall again, Lei Yi was already a little impatient.

   Looking at Lei Yi who was eager to try, Zhuo Fang shook his head with eyes.

   "What is your urgency, do you know Gu Tianfei's strength? If you challenge him like this, you will lose out in all likelihood!"

   "Isn't it, Peak Master, you don't like me so much?" Lei Yi spread his hands and said that he is also very strong, otherwise how to defeat Jin Wuliang.

   "I know what you want to say. Defeating a Jin Wuliang will make you proud. Gu Tianfei and him are of another level. Don't be rash, you kid, otherwise you won't be able to eat."

   As he said, Zhuo Fang shook his head with eyes and solemnly said: "What do you think is the most important thing that needs a **** to fight against Jinwuliang?"

   Although I don’t know why Zhuo Fangyan asked such a question, Lei Yi seriously replied after thinking about it: "King Wuliang? Of course his Jinfeng sword aura is extremely sharp and his power is almost unstoppable!"

   "Yes, Jin Wuliang has the Jinfeng sword body, which is a special spirit body that allows him to release the Jinfeng sword energy with almost the first penetration force of the same rank. Generally, the same rank faces this trick, and only waits to die."

   Zhuo Fangyan said, and glanced at Lei Yi: "I know that your kid is quite capable. You can even block Jinfeng's sword aura, but you can't be proud of it because Gu Tianfei also has a special body."

   "Special body?"

   "Yes, Gu Tianfei's special body is not a secret among the elders, but it is impossible for the elders to challenge Gu Tianfei, so there are not many disciples who know this information."

   Zhuo Fangyan did not go on, but changed the topic: "Lei Yi, do you know the most essential difference between "Thirty-six Ways of Tiangang" and "Seventy-two Magical Techniques of Earth God"?"

"How did you mention this, Peak Master?" Lei Yi looked surprised, but after seeing the solemn expression of Zhuo Fang's eyes, he could only reply: "The former is only qualified to learn from the elders of the Celestial and Human Realm, while the latter is a general method. All disciples in the realm can study."

   Zhuo Fang nodded, "Yes, you're right, but did you know that there is an alternative in the clan. With the cultivation of Dharma phase realm, he has realized some of the magical powers of "Tiangang Thirty-Six Paths"."

"Impossible, the "Thirty-six Dao Laws of Tiangang" can only be practiced by the elders of the Celestial and Human Realm. One is that these Dao laws are so powerful that it is impossible to master them, and the other is that some Dao laws require the power of laws to be used. , Fa Xiangjing disciples don’t have that foundation, right?"

   "What you are talking about is just a general situation, but there are no surprises in the vast world. Some special spirits are naturally unique!"

   As he said, Zhuo Fang glanced at Lei Yi with profound eyes. He was obviously impressed by Lei Yi's body of the power of the law of time.

  Don't talk about others, your kid hides deep enough!

   Lei Yi scratched his head, and guessed: "So, could it be that Gu Tianfei's body can make him comprehend "Thirty-Six Ways of Tiangang" in advance..."

"Yes!" Zhuo Fang nodded his head and admitted: "Gu Tianfei's body is called [Heaven and Human Body]. As the name suggests, when his body is in the Dharma realm, it can be comparable to the Heaven and Human Realm monk's body, and he is unique in this way. The advantage of "Tiangang Thirty-Six Paths" allows him to cultivate some of the magical powers of "Tiangang Thirty-Six Paths" without comprehending the laws."

"And since he was on the questioning list, he has cultivated more profound Taoism. Now I don't know how many methods he has mastered. Even I don't know. So if you kid rashly challenge you, you will definitely suffer a big loss. …Huh?! What are you kid doing, do you count the wrenches?"

   Just as Zhuo Fang's eyes were speaking, he saw Lei Yi clutching his fingers and counting on the spot. He looked wrong, and then he became speechless.

   Your kid, be more serious, don’t you see that I’m cooking a small stove for you?

   "Raising clouds and driving fog, moving mountains and overwhelming seas, submerging in the abyss and shrinking the ground, swimming in the heavens, flying sand and walking rocks, nail-headed seven arrows..."

   But when he got closer to listen, he found that what Lei Yi was talking about was actually the divine channel method recorded in the "Thirty-six Ways of Tiangang".

   Of course, if the clouds ride in the fog, it is a high-level monk city.

   However, the Tengyun Driving Mist mentioned here is not the Tengyun Driving Mist in "Thirty-Six Ways of Tiangang", but an improved version that can be mastered by the disciples after being modified by the True Spirit Immortal Cult cultivator.

   The real technique of flying through the clouds and driving the fog, one somersault can jump over a hundred thousand leaps to the nine heavens, not the basic technique of flying.

   Similarly, the vertical golden light that Lei Yi repaired is also a later improved version.

   And Gu Tianfei, UU reading www.uukanshu.com understands the unimproved version.

   "Nailhead Seven Arrows, how did your kid know this?" Zhuo Fang heard Lei Yi's muttering eyes, but suddenly let out a startled voice.

   "I just know, Peak Master, Gu Tianfei should have mastered the Taoism I said!" Lei Yi explained very naturally.

   As for why he knew, it was naturally because the two had "fighted".

   Zhuo Fang's eyes were slightly narrowed when he heard the words, and then stretched out, "So you guys have prepared so much homework, it seems I want to go wrong!"

   In his opinion, Lei Yi must have learned about Gu Tianfei's Dao Fa through other channels. He thought Lei Yi would not do this.

"Well, it's fine, since you know everything, then I don’t have much to say. But you have to know that among these methods, the most difficult thing is the seven arrows with nails. Once Gu Tianfei collects blood, you The kid will be dead soon!"

  Lei Yi said that he still vividly remembered the scene when he played against each other in the Bailundian.

   The seven nail-headed arrows are indeed tricky. The key is that the curse and the means of killing people in the air are hard to prevent.

   "Peak Master, you called me over, could it be..."

   But soon, Lei Yi looked at Zhuo Fang's eyes, and the other party couldn't call himself over for no reason.

   "Yes, as you think, I called you over today to teach you a way to restrain Gu Tianfei's nail-headed seven arrows." Zhuo Fang nodded lightly, but then his expression became solemn.

   "But this method consumes a lot of you, so you may need to move back some time when you challenge Gu Tianfei!"

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