I Can Pause Time

Chapter 1072: The death of Zhuo Fangyan?

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In the field.

Cecil looked at Lei Yi, who was full of warfare all over his body, with a little surprise.

"Boy, haven't you given up yet?"

"If I'm afraid, wouldn't I be ashamed of the sufferings I have suffered along the way!"

Lei Yi wiped his nose, clenched his fists, and his fighting spirit soared.

"Your performance surprised me. As expected, you are someone who can escape from my hands. Unfortunately, after today, there will be no chance again!"

After Cecil said, with a big wave of his hand, countless resentful spirits floated on the deserted ground.

He looked at these resentful spirits and said loudly: "This is my domain, the dead world of the underworld is the world of the dead, and you living people will all become the dead souls of this place!"

"Now, with my strength, I call the dead to fight for me!"

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding barren ground, the soil cracked, countless rotten arms stretched out.

A group of human figures emerged from the soil, killing Lei Yi and others.

In the sky, countless resentful spirits drifted away, turning into a terrifying dark storm, and then attacked Lei Yi's trio.

Under these attacks, Lei Yi's mind trembled, and his consciousness seemed to have been corroded by a certain force, which gradually caused severe pain.

"What kind of ability is this?" Next to him, Xuan Meng had already covered his head, showing pain on his face.

The same is true for Lei Yi, but in a better state than Xuan Meng.

Just when the wraith and the dead were killing Lei Yi, two talismans shot out from behind.

One of them turned into a barrier and blocked in front of Lei Yi, while the other turned into a white glow, slaying in front of the attacking undead.

With a bang, a scorching light lit up, spreading around.

This gleam of light is particularly dazzling in the dark realm.

The wraiths and the dead, shrouded in light, all uttered harsh screams, as if they were suffering tremendously.

The light swept across, and their bodies all disappeared, leaving only a little smoke filling the place.

Because the enemy disappeared, Ray's susceptibility to pressure was greatly reduced, and his mobility was restored again.

"Brother, your spell is very powerful!" He looked at Zhuo Fang's eyes to the side, feeling that he could do it again.

"No matter how powerful the spell is, there will be limits after all!" But Zhuo Fang's expression was not pretty.

Because just after the spell lost its power, countless ghosts were once again killed in all directions.

"Unexpectedly, we actually have to contend with the realm of transformation, we seem to be hanging!"

Zhuo Fang's eyes can naturally see that these wraiths and dead are not ordinary enemies, but products of the realm of transformation.

He was able to kill a batch of them, but in the realm of Transforming Soul, these things were constantly flowing.

They will eventually be consumed here, this is the horror of the realm of transformation.

"Junior Brother, are you still capable of moving?" Zhuo Fangyan asked quickly.

"Of course, I can still fight!" Lei Yi recovered from the pain just now, and he was still able to act with his mind at the moment.

"Okay, then, next, I am responsible for looking for opportunities for you. Can you get close to that guy? Only by defeating him can the domain be cracked!" Zhuo Fang pointed at Cecil, and the meaning was already obvious.

"I'll do my best!" Lei Yi couldn't guarantee that he could only say so.

"That's all right, let's do it!" Zhuo Fang shouted loudly, and there were a few more charms in his hand.

The next moment, the spell was cast out, turned into a glowing light, and flew into the wraith spirit.


In a series of explosions, white light emerged, killing the groups of wraith spirits cleanly.

Seeing this, Lei Yi also knew that the opportunity had come, and he burst out with a loud shout.

In the palm of his right hand, the dark thunder and lightning condensed, turned into a spear phantom, and appeared in front of him.

Facing Cecil, he knew that he had to do a one-shot kill, even if he couldn't kill the opponent, he would have to inflict severe damage so that he could not maintain the domain.

Therefore, he displayed the most familiar and most powerful trick, the profound meaning under the blessing of the dark thunder.

"Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist Profound Righteousness, Killing God Magic Spear!"

The shadows of the dark thunder and lightning condensed in one point, and Lei Yi sprinted forward with thunderous speed.

When approaching Cecil, golden runes appeared on the surface of Lei Yi's body, and a layer of enchantment enveloped the opponent.

"Domain?" Seeing this, Cecil was a little surprised, but quickly rejected it: "Master Infinite Emperor said that in my field, the weak cannot use the field at the same time. You are not a field!"

But Lei Yi couldn't manage so much anymore. He made a single move, and the dark spear stabbed at the opponent.

"Stupid!" Cecil sneered again, the gray runes on his body lit up, and his body shook, directly shattering the golden enchantment.

After that, he raised his hand and grabbed it, and countless gray runes in the void condensed in his hand, and the darkness of death around him turned into a whirlpool and poured into his palm.

A gray and black shield took shape, just before Lei Yi's attack was reached.


The dark gun shadow collided with the shield, and a huge wave of air broke out again.

During the attack, Lei Yi felt an insurmountable barrier, standing in front of him.

His attack could not penetrate the opponent.

The profound meaning of Heaven Dou Fierce King Fist is his most trusted fighting technique.

But with the gradual increase of the enemy's ranks, Fierce King Fist finally lost its former sharpness and became difficult to deal with powerful enemies.

Enemies at this stage are able to use the power and domain of the law, and the Fierce King Fist, as a means of fighting, can no longer keep up with the current fighting intensity.

In the violent explosion, a huge force burst out.

Under this force, Lei Yi's figure was blown back by a blow, and finally turned into an arc and fell to Zhuo Fang's feet.

"Ahem, brother, made you laugh!" Lei Yi struggled to get up, with a helpless expression on his face.

After all, he was ashamed, and his skills were not as good as others.

Ahead, Cecil's figure stepped back slightly, but then he shook his body and stood still again.

The blow just now didn't even leave a scratch on its armor.

"Is it only to this extent? It seems that your growth is not enough to threaten me!" Cecil touched his chest armor, and then said coldly.

Although the other party's words sounded a bit hurtful, this is true.

"Brother, you can use whatever means you have, otherwise we are afraid it will be difficult for us to be good today!" Lei Yi could only look at Zhuo Fang's eyes when he heard the words.

But the latter, his face at the moment was a little helpless and complicated.

"Junior Brother, this time, I don't think we have a chance to retreat!"

As he spoke, he took out a silver talisman.

"I will sacrifice this talisman later, you run back with the Xuanzhen Chuan, don't stop, understand?"

"Brother, you..."

Lei Yi looked at Zhuo Fang's eyes, his expression was stunned, and his heart was a little strange.

"This field is not something we can break at this stage, but my talisman is the strength of the late Heaven and Human Realm, enough to help you fight for a while, after you go out, meet the two outside, it should be considered safe!"

"Brother, you wouldn't be thinking..." Lei Yi opened his mouth, a little speechless.

"Brother, brother, I have lived to this day, but you have seen what my position in the clan is. Rather than go back and continue to swallow, it is better to do something vigorous. You are still young, and there are many secrets in this world. You need you. To explore, it would be a shame to die here!"

"After you go out, you ask Yin Podi for me, what is this person's identity!" Zhuo Fang said with eyes and pointed to Cecil.

"Brother, what does this mean?"

"Because, this guy in front of him is coming from the direction of the Wuxin Shenzong. He comes from the Wuxin Shenzong. Even if he has nothing to do with Wuxin Shenzong, but such a powerful generation is rampant in the Western Regions, if the Wuxin Shenzong knows nothing, then It's impossible!"

"Now, you go!"

After speaking, Zhuo Fang's eyes screamed, and all his body's vitality was injected into the talisman in his hand.

A dazzling light lit up, and even Cecil could only cover his visor to block his vision.

Zhuo Fang's eyes raised Fulu towards the rear, and then burst into a shout, rushing towards Cecil.

"Junior Brother, there are still many secrets in this world. You must personally witness and unearth them. You also have secrets in your body. When you no longer need to hide these secrets, you will be truly powerful!"

Finally, Zhuo Fangyan's words came from the front.

Lei Yi resisted the urge to go back in his heart, grabbed the nearby Xuan Meng, and then rushed to the back with Fu Lu.


Fulu burst, a strong anger spread, and the realm turbulent.

At the place where Fulu exploded, cracks spread, which was a precursor to the fragmentation of the realm.

"Impossible!" Cecil exclaimed, his domain was hit hard by a talisman.

Then, he saw Lei Yi's figure speeding up and rushing to the broken position of the domain.

"Your Excellency is powerful, but Zhuo is not a vegetarian. Let me learn your magical powers!"

Just when Cecil wanted to act, Zhuo Fang screamed and rushed towards him.

"Go away, my goal is not you!" Cecil roared, about to open Zhuo Fang's eyes.

But the latter suddenly burst out of two forces, and then merged with each other to form a huge energy field.

"You are crazy, the two forces are forcibly merged. If there is a slight instability, you will..."

"Yes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com. This is my purpose. Once the two forces become unstable, they will explode, and my purpose is to explode!"


Cecil couldn't believe that the person in front of him was here to die!

But the next moment, those two forces were forcibly merged.

The power was finally out of balance, and the collapsed energy reached a critical point, and finally exploded!

A blazing glow of black and white suddenly exploded, enveloping Cecil.

At the center of the explosion, it was Zhuo Fang's eye.

The intense light drowned it instantly, and the entire field was turbulent along with it.


Under this explosion, the earth really broke and the earth was shaking.

Not to mention the domain, the void is about to collapse.

And at the edge of the field.

Lei Yi felt the power of the huge explosion behind him, and a sorrow flashed in his heart.

He raised his speed to the limit, rushing to the boundary of the broken field with all his strength.

"We must catch up!" He roared wildly in his heart, but he thought of Zhuo Fangyan in his mind.

This brother, although he has not known him for a long time, the other party really helped him a lot.

But now, the other party is no longer alive.

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